fACE FOUR tCbe CbeTobrt S>cout ! Th? Official Or|M of Murphy and C)t?rok?? County, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W. BAILEY . . . Editor-Macacer MRS. C. W. BAILEY. Associate Ed. B. W. SIPE Associate Ed Subscription Rates Ore Year $1.50 Eight Months 1 00 Six Months 75o Payable Strictly In Advance Legal acvert.?t*reats. want ad? reao.ng - : .tutries. arcs f thanks, tt-. ro i:r.e r??,h insertion, payable - advance. I'> play tr. i contract ratts :'-r- i.-hed r. request. ALccr-mur.: r.s r.j;t e s.cr. d by the u: : r. - * *:.?\ r.ct' be accepted ft r ; . r.. Name cf the ? ter vi.'.l r shed nr.-! less so specified, : _ ae u-t "rave the name f :h- ...tt . c.derct of good faith. Entered ir. the postoffice Morpby, North Car -a. a- -* t i class trail matter under a.- of Ma- 3. 1ST?. Fcrei#?-. Ac*tr!.?;i if 1 THE ^tL- ^ v -krSO S ' OWL CREEK ?r.r. j. r.. : .. .Mr. rsre Lovinsr< i. ;.'d t'-er rart:<- returned fr< n a "r..;nt - R ' reek Sat arcs v. Th* y r? p 'mvir.c^ killed tv. u.. : r u>. re cub Kar. twc rac and tr.tr pane an are we'.] ;>..-ed " = .th tr.eir ru-t. Mr. W A. He- 'tt'.e .'auphter have -t turned fr r. a x Rave-?frrd. Quite a r-rr.*-r ? f the people from th ? p.ace arte-. :ed the Fa r at Murphy la?t week. Mr. Paul - :*-*fcee and mother have returned f: - Andrew- where they have been \ r frienc- and relative?. Mr. W F.. I'uv - ar.<i family rr. rtered t C?rar.:tw Sunday. Mr. John I -intr -o was the eucst cf Mr. C. Ha<? Sunday. Mr. V:r.<?r.t Mar . ar.d Mr*. Richard Ha?s were visit r- : Ebtrreezer Surcay. Leisure wit] ON THE ELI Some Believe Also That Ele Shift Cultural Centers to Rural Withfn the last two years a conviction has found expression among a few public men. such as Senator Arthur Capper, that the farm-electrical agitation is about to brine about an astonishing economic revolution. The octal inf.uence of electrical methods on American farms in general will produce a new era of American national culture if these expectations are realized. Speaking recently to a gathering of mid-western farmers. David Samoff. A united farm family on an elt vice president and general manager of the Radio Corporation of America, aaid that radio's greatest contribution to American civilization will be its effect upon tli" farmer. On more than 300.000 farms radio has already less ened isolation, increased knowledge and spread information and enter- ' tainment. As fast as electric l!rVs and eit?rtrie power are established upon thefarm with the max imam of b^ne.-it to the farmer just so fast will* leisure > time on the farm increase and over- , worked farm famlh s will become a thing of the past. Then the radio s- t will be turned to pv^n more eagerly. ' Its possibilities for taking to the farmer culture, rpllji tn, edurn'Jon and r.ll tjti* er things fhat'cirsipo*.* a groat civ iization will r?e mnltiph d. It is the belief of many that th* new influences will re: alt In clos . knit farm families In ti e future, y t a J new kind of farm folk, who wl!! pm. ; lice cooperation (or 'he good of ull. ' ? - ? Mr. Lark in Aepfcar: and Mr. F Se>-ye Y. _rg enjoyed a n:ce fox, r._.'t .* - ia-t week. r B- ice Spring?. what's' I wrong? Y s r -- have out y ur 1< rrukv > n WOLF CREEK a! Severn! f .u: people planned on p attend ng the Fair at Murphy. "ast e: week but - a* < ur.t of the r--n and | P muddy c r<-it:.?n t the roads did not \ go. ' ti Every b- ; w? attended thee: Pa-er.t Teacher? A>> ciation meeting ik Saturday *..eht. *he Rural school-c - . : : that t was an hour well si spent. ti h; P.- str\u?> were held at New a: Ur - - ?: the night last >1 week. U Sal r.: R *M *. gan and Bob He:. n> mule n. -'-r-e'i trading a few days ago. Mr. John Bryant end family of Lynch, Ky.. arrived here Sunday and v.::: >pend few days with relatives. I M - Ruth K. Atwell, of Kn-; \ Ue, Se reta J of the Educational ; Department < the Culberiand Con-! r-renct Seventh Day Adventist?. arrived here Friday and was the Guest f Prof, and Mrs. \V. H. J H. - t ur.til M nday, when -he lef* | r Elli.t.y. Ga. and her point?it'-. -re retu:ning heme. Mr?. Martha C. G!as- wfc ha-- been . -.t;r.L' -e: r.tc ther here f r the past wt-k, plan? on returning to her home in <"'a!*ra. A a. S me time during this week. Our farmer? have <mmente-'. !winc vrajr and aie finishing cutting their hay. Y u can make money with corn if y- u market it n the hoof"?G??v. A. W. McLean in State Fair address. iu the cost of produttion.' " ney can ? made with cotton and when it is produced cheaper j :an the - ther fellow can do it."? Gov. A. \V. McLean in State Fair! Address. T< m Tarheel says he ?? writing to State College this week for a list of | bulletins that he wants to read thi* winter. HCULTURE iCTRIC FARM , ctric Power *nd Radio May ' of Future From Urban District*. who win be informed, discerning, * ! thoughtful and well developed mentalI ly and spiritually?as well as content- s : ed with their blue-sky environment t ' to such a degree *bat few will leave _ I the farm for the crty. j That. It Is predicted, will mean that * the future cultural stability of the na 'ion will very likely draw much more ' from the farm and less from the city. , If this occurs It will he due principal- ly to electricity?and Its off-shoct, r 1 radio, coupled with the freedom from j |i W& /*y\ sctrified farm in the northwest. I urbnn distractions found in rural dis: tricts. Owen D. Yon k ot the General | Elefric Compan \ raised as a farm boy. now ? high oflicia! of an electrt* 1 eal manufacturing con.--a and | therefore familiar .with both ibjects ?has declared that >11 the day- his youth "the attraction .1 ? upution out-of-doors, with Rood : ! a-.d comfortable livine. was Dot en >fh tc offset the cuitural . rt-isc- if the g city, its lectures. m-j.u- a:.d im m -Hate Access to the r. ;ws f the world. "Sow all this has chaa : Good roads have made the farmn^accessible. Th?- mail tarrier hri s the r. < > Th" w -rH ' > : -t -vC-; w i''*V Th-*: ? ^aad the! m<<' r tar hrtv?- ecla-.'d Mm re>h fi'?r. d Rad i has bro-jjrht iBstrcc dos, entmtainnent and coltvnt ad ' v. nt;.;e?. not from o&o city o^'y, jjt froui ai-cy." THE CHEROKEE SCO I'T. AJIM ENGINEERING WORK _ TO BE CONTINUED ii Raleigh. N. C.?Aid to farmers in e uiiding better barrs. t-_ putting in b cal water supplies ?>r in planning u ev* farm homes and outbuildings s4 be continued by the Agricu'* :r- T I Extension Service thu ugh the env ;i i">ment cf H. H. Gordon as farm f. ng.rueting specialist to succeed FT. c Raney who recently res:gned. Mr. Rani v tendered his resigrr.< " effective Oct* ber 15 t? become G ssociate professor of agricuitur ' ' ngir.eering at the Texas State < !- o g?. He has been agricultural . r- a ireer for the extension div?-. r. > nve January It* IS* nrd during that V me has by;lt up such a demand * r si is services that it has taken muY a distance to help handle the work. >r Ir. Raney has always made pra t:c- Is ' demonstrati ns; he has designed .? any plans and has supplied coun'- '} The 3ULLS EYE S /tnW rtiionoMaB WILL ROGERS m I mroi r-v \\ ill Hogcr*. ZiccMd Fol? I I lie* and Krwn Mar. and IraJioi I The Wise Guy ';;. and The Clown :? A constant reader of rr.y "RuH" Durham Ads writes in and vay<; j-.: 'It there was another smoking T - p5 acco the equal of ''Bull*' Dur- j.--: a lot of us would curt von j > :. natter how much it cost. Bur a'as ; ?h here is no equal at any price as we fi lave all found out at \arious tim? <. . sh *> we must hasten to turn the p.; s rt tnd groan, whenever we encourter j10 he CLOWN Ads of Will Ropers, j " vho is trvinp to discredit the \v. rh ' >? the WORLD'S FAVORITK lOBACCO." See that Bird wrote this whole \d for me himsri:. He knocked v. hut he boosted * Bu!:" Durham, rfe fell right into r.iy hands. I:> o; !y w the wisdom of .;ur smart peorls hat us CLOU v ,<1 l ev.' .re Mowed to ride in Limousines. 'I : *4T"he Lord protects, the t< h," so, I arr. r;e?ti:n;r right .is wing. So thar.k Mr. Smart Vlan, write us ;her Ad. It will >n!y v??u two centiA*\ ? [ here will be another r ,e J two weeks from now. Look. ; \ A^aoC'issrA JBuLf Cuirar.ttcc by T&s jiy*4srUM*>- ul'fiiccir^. mCO??ORAT|D 111 Fifth Avenue, New York City MURPHY. N. C. ess hundreds of blue prine to tarheel Armors sinne help ?n their huild-i ig cperatier.s. As a result if his j ffcrts there are hundreds f new' art", homes, p- ultrv houses, water rork> and other engineering ccttructi-T.? < n N rth Car *.:r.a farms, j he State has made progress alone' his line and the service rendered to aimers ha- been recognized hs re; f the best maintained in the South-; :r States. Mr. Raney is succeeded 1 y H. H.. i":don. who graduate: . State' 'oflege with the degree f Backed r f Science in 1919. For :ive yeais. fter graduation. Mr. (I r " had . harped of a large livestock form :n ireinia. During 1924. he wa* as istan: t > Mr. Rarev in fie?d work i nd during *he pa-t year ha? been i far: ? o-cimerine work with a i.-pe o- i.tr, ; I ?on ern. During j !. * t.v> time, he has wtuned cn.sewith Mr. Rancy ar.d i- fuiiv ac-j | red to farmers. Mr. Gordon will | ive r-ssr.ciated with him in the enr.vtrirjr service. H. T. Holman wh< :!i sive his time :< teracing. urn- j ace ar i land clearing problems. J r. Gordon will handle the farm; ;:I iinjr. watei works, and home nverience problems. HUNTERS. SAVE THE WOODS . With the autumn hunting season ttine under way ir. the Northeast id in the > uth. the Forest Service. nitc<j State4 Department of Agricuiro. issues an appeal to all spoitsen *' r-uard against forest fir* 0:<i:raril\ -ay forestry officials, a eat num. hot ?-f devastating f -i?> t ;es arc caused each fall by hunters. iH*?e onlv ?!>troy vulUabb. tr.her hut also tii? better forms of :n;e a"ini:t'.s. and thereby defeat e plan- ; the hun'ers themselves. Those who? duty it i4 t?1 guar i f r* lards from fire usually arehen-ive - th? rail hunting sea-.n. 0:1: bittc-i experience these nan i\e learned th;.* hunters aie fre;entlv arele-s with matches, smckg tobacco, and camp fires. A gieat an\ sportsmen's association# have r years taker, measures to pi event is carelessness by th-ir members, ther clubs and organizations arc il .wing suit. In fact, the time is rapidly ap aching wr.cn hunters everywhere ill seek the woods with full knowdge of forest file ccnditions. and lese hunters will be of invaluable si-tance in protecting the eountry".rest? rather than being the agercies iroughout which so many fire.- are arted. The Federal Government employs ? rangers, guards and lookouts t< otect the National K? rest*. Most :?tes likewise have list wardens and infers with police powers. Hunterlould take warnit.g an i be thrst to protect the woods. They lould erase from the records an> ference to forest fire- traceahh > hunters. The demand for For stripped all previous Motor car buyers \vh fort are finding the i exactly suited to the See this good looki Authorized Ford De its many new featui this improved car is ? in price. Runabout - *260 I udor bedan - 580 Closed cars in color. Demou open cars. / .11 pr FORD MOTOR COMPA2 r THr ^ \ BLAIRSYILLE SOCIAL | Mr. Harry Fit* ir.t tored to Atlanta Saturday night. no obi Misses B<and Rubv Oo"k. also Phi'.ip Merck, motored to And: ewj Sundav after roon. da Et The ha?:: ;:irg at Arquaqu.ih Creek wa- attended bv a large crowd. Thirteen were baptized. \V. Mi.Eva Neii Mauney spent Sunday aftc-rn r. in Biairsvile. aecorapan v her r . tfer and "i?ter. who Te aere the guest" ?>f Col. W. F C-i > Mr dlers. Mr. Hubert Butt f Young Harr: " l ege spent the week-end with !?t: home folks. da l>.. f c?,, -.i visiting: his parent? Sunday. : a: THE SOUTHERN SEE Southern ] Developmei The Southern Railway D was established to promo the South by assisting in new industries ? the dei era] resources? and tb< Agriculture. j Cooperating with all associ als engaged in broadcasting ing the resources of this 1 the Southern Railway D< ; particularly offers its assis1 Manufacmrers looking for a of supplies of raw materials, hydro-electric power, with a: ! and favorable labor ccnditioi Home-seeAers desiring to 1 are mild ar.d summer heat i the community environment Farmers seeking a farm or crate-priced lards, fertile soil,< kets and good railway service Illustrated publications an the Southern Railway Dev the resources and opportt are sent free of charge upc to Development Ser\'ice, System, Washington, D, m 1 SOUTHERN RAIL b= 5^ d cars has already out? ; records. o seek beauty and commproved Touring Car ir desire. ng car at the nearest aler's. As you inspect res, bear in mind that ivailable at no increase / Coupe - - $520 \ Fordor Sedan- 8GO V intable'rims and starter extra on V ices f. o. b. Detroit. \ *Y, DETROIT, MICHIGAN ^ rm Friday, October 23, 1925. FACTO RYTOWX Mr. and Mrs. Forest Teague anur.ce the birth oi a son on Qcter ll'tn. Mrs. J. K. Howell is visiting her upbter, Mrs. John Zimmerman in wab. Tenn. this week. Mrs. R. S. Hawkins of CopperhilJ visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , K. Vandiver for several day*. Mi?>- Alberta Warren of Isabella nn. i? the guest of he' ?:?;ter, ?s. Bill Gilbert this week. M| ard Mr*. Arthur King ar.tf :!e son. James. returned ^atur* y to ;h?ir home in Hazel wood after ltinp Mr?. Knight's parents for tfcf >: week. VES THE SOUTH Railway it Service evelcprr.ent Service te the prosperity of ?the attraction of velopment of mirr ? improvement of atiCrs and mdividu; :r.formatJon regard* and cf opportunity, everopment Service tance to: site close to soorees c r r. \ er.ient to coal of nple railway facilities m; ocate where Printers moderate, and wbera ts attractive; orchard where modeasily accessible mar* contribute to prcrfits. d special reports of elopment Service on mittes of the South n request addressed Southern Railway . C. y WAY SYSTEM 11 I * ^ ' .> Touring $290 F. O. B. Detroit ) v'5 { ?

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