FACE FPU* SUIT ITEMS Mr. C. S. Burger of Culberson vis-: rited his brother. M. M. Burger Sunday night. Mr. J. A. Ghorley of Gastcnia is visiting fjiends here. Mr. Clyde McXabb and wife of ^ Copperhiu have been visiting the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McXabb. Mrs. W. C. Pope and children visitJ I I / I MONDAY Nov. 9th, 7 " I i ?OCS! ?0 R RINANCf TOWN COUNCIL ? h jo'^Y^r KM LOFtE i t We Have it ent , about dogs, by the writer, it doi going to greater Mr. Terhune kn the readers of tl editions. Peopl more of prize cc about it and wh E And don't get t I nondescrip "hou I ably interesting I These articles b< A Whether you ha' you are not aires I She rparJinor nuK paper published ' / v J ' ??? ed their sister and aunt, Mrs. Letb; Wood, Saturday night ard Sundas Rev. . b\ Cor ley of Union Co. Ga visited Mr. W. C. Ensley last Satur Jay. Miss Cora McXabb is visiting he ?ister, Mrs. W. R. Stiles, in Akron Ohio. Quite a few people here enjoye< Mr. Gray's moving picture show las Wednesday night. IE STERS" TETE uditorium EVENING :30 o'clock i l^i FOR DO V Subject Whi< itled, "Lore for Dog Ov the writer who knows tl es but weak justice to th length than would be pi ows dogs because he lo' tie Saturday Evening Pc fe from all over the coui illies. It is unusual to b< 10 has already so enthus he idea that these artich n' dawg," the common story it is! _ _ :gin soon in The Scout 1 ve a dog or not the stork idy a subscriber this is ai lie, but news of your c outside ot your county. 50 PE }J V . ? - - - -- THE CHEROKEE 5 a| Prof. Dow Evans is spending this , week at home, near HayesviEe. while his daughter is visiting from Colorado Mrs. H. N. Taylor a much loved and respected Tady oi this community passed from this world to her Heavenly reward at 10:10 o'clock A. M. r Sunday Nov. 1st. * Mr. Luther McXabb and family visited the former's paren's. Mr. and i Mrs. W. L. McNabb Sunday. t Dr. H. C. Taylor of Char! tte is visiting here through the sickness and death of his mother, Mr-. H. X j Tayior. Rev. J. P. Decker has been on the sick list for a few days. | Mr. Wayne I.edford. -raveling j salesman, visited hi? aunt, Mrs. W. G. Ensley, recently. ? Mr. Buster Mason is c >r.templating moving to Docktown right soon. j Mr. W. H. Stik-s of Akron. Ohio visited hi? father- in-law. Mr. W. L. McXabb recently. Mi?? Pearl McXabb spent the weekend with home folks returning to Copperhill Sunday. Mr. Ralph Keenum spent the weekend with home folks but has ro| turned to Pucktown where he is in J school this year. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ? Signature c( SI Much has oven s more will be suit - "Old Man Neglev neighbois came t ? . "Xejr'ey! We'er j ** - _ He has rabies! h > ~~ * She sent for the )' you do it for us' ^ wife crying over "old Man Xc*lel " "There"?hut we merits of the cas Vfevtjg in these columns G-OWNEF :h Strikes Close raers, but how shall we ( lem best; but, while that i e. remarkable qualities of ermissible. We can touch /es them, and he writes al ?st. Good Housekeeping a itry have made pilgrimage : able to offer articles on i iastc a circle of admirers a ;s are all about pedigreed "y.aller dog," the wild dog :o run weekly for a perioc ;s have a heart-interest apf l invitation to become on* ommunity, your neighbors JL &JA i ^ i COUT. MURPHY. N. C. BLAIKSY1LI E NEWS Hoot Harkins uras snake hit recently by a copperhead. Mr. Harkirs Js still living, but the snake is dead. ? 1 "Lookinc back over three score and i ten years of life." relates Mr. Roy , Ozmer. "I have not seen any of the old fashioned red flannel 'heavies* in thirty years. Some raav survive t1 in the lumber camps of the frontier. I , where hardier men need &V. the armn' that they can pet in their warfare I with rature. Everybody wore them'. once?even distractingly beautiful t virls with soulful eyes. They puts) them on when the first frost touched the pumpkin? and they were not"! taken off? not permanently? that j i.< until the pussy willows began to j j bud. . Now is the demand for something shorter, thinner 3rd prettier, j Yet I cheerfully observe," adds Mr. Ozmer, "the girls look better and ,1 more robust than ever. The cheeks are red even though their flannels are not." Dr. and Mrs. L. G. Neal of Cleve- j j land w-arc the guests of Mrs. C. J. ! We!loom Wednesday of last week. ??Ir. Claude Pie-- spent last week- | end with home folks at Cornelia. I Mr. B. B. Fite and children spent a few day? last week in Cleveland. ' at the Hume t her sister Mrs. I.. G. Neal. State School Supervisor .1. O. Mar- j tin and asst. Miss Lurline Park? have been in Blairsville all the week, looking over the school here, also all the country schoools of the county. < 'When a F< AFr aid and done in Cherokee County rece 1 and done before it becomes history. is the man who tells the tale. Suppo vnll > linnintr K?1 rnhnoHn/l in * iust hack from the shore, ten minutes le developed it three days aRo, one even vet. He said it's a true case of dumb * I haven't the heart to. I'll pay you him. ?he thinks the world of that poo laid down his clippeis, and followed t can't tell it all,?What would you do? e and said he was "mad". Did he re; soon. >? by alberi to the Heart of describe it. We can say t] s a fair characterization in the stories. Neither can v only a few points. . sout them in a" way that he nd other magazines. His 1 s to his home at Pompton 1 so widely popular a sub jet mong the men, women an dogs or fashionable bree< , and the dogs of every nat 1 of twenty-four weeks, ea seal and you will not want i. Not only will you get th _ l ^ r : i. m s anu your rrienas.?lxews y? SUB Mr. B. B. Fite of Charleston. S. C. i spent the week-end with home folks. Mr. Tom McComb? of Aturpny. wss a visitor in our town Sunday. Mr. John McClure and family who ' have resided here for the past few months, moved to Atlanta last Saturday. , ~ ?1 Prof H. L. Butt of Younjr Harris i College spent the week-end at home. | j Mrs. A1 wayne Butt is spending ] \jy Westin Stampe a guara M A 7T iTm^L Stampec a guara: ; WF. ! Westinghouse CAROLINA-TENNES jllow Need iend" ntly regarding the "mnd dog scare", se your name was "Xegley", and one distress, and exclaimed: ago. We left our dog with the maid, v ing just after she had fed him. It car rabies; and the only thing to do is t< well. The poor fellow :s in awful ; r dog. Hurry, won't you?" he excited man across the street to a Would you kill the dog? The "vet" ally kill him? Watch for the complet r PAYSON TEI Every Reader hat it is a series of heart-in brief and the exact truth ye do justice to those qual: is given delight to many t aook, "Lad; a Dog," went Lakes, N. J., where he ha :t by an author who kno rl rkil^ron ? w.u> - * wii *tiiv; nave icat is. Far from it! The n ion each has its story; an tch story complete wi to miss a single one of ie best leries of dog stories which cannot be secured i 1 / \ SCRIBE N Frid?r N??^?biai utu liurnur- ,ne load of explosives containing 3QjB pounds and later he delivered ljfl pounds of crimson clover seed fl planting this fall. ? vo Things I :o Remember ghouse d on any lamp is ntee of quality. )A 1 on any'lamp is otee of service. SELL Mazda Lamps SEE POWER GO. m s ami perhaps much of your friends or hile we were gone, ne on. all at once. > shoot him. Will agony. 1 left my % shaded back yard. had passed on the j e story to appear tHUNE ' 1 terest stories in regard to flA- .4- ! ll?ts WIU1UUI housands of through 27 s a score or ws so much I his stories, mongrel, the d a remarkthin itself, them. If ever offered in any ^ther OW! ^s? '