Friday November C. 1325 r [THE FEAT FELIX FEATHER^ VACATION A shallow iah HAS MEN /*^\ A HECTIC Of BETWEEN '2T -' * HEATED AHGUM; WTTH AT M<KE V~~ *?] ? NEAR DUEL \ y. < with another Gi \/fi AND w his bank-roll f nicked tor J BT ANOTHEI telix has Deo to RETURN home fOR A i [? frr-M-X-XX-^X-J-H-X-X-X^ Coca/ anc) Telep'ic Konita Theatre. Murphy. i, v. ? "?? wuvu.uuj, .nicrnoon id night. sovem'oer 20th and 21st,' The Phan? m of the Opera". I am ie first man in the south to run !>' ' miss . 0. BATES, Manager. An incing that until! i V . J nest t the curb instead of the pta street is being posted This is being done in nr-j pr to let traffic pack the new par* f in thi nter of the street. The wr is 1 by H. I >. Smith as en-l . : " ' r \V.I Fain. IIICHESTERS PIUS flAMOND BRAND ^ i Usxes i r *r?ir for CRTCTIR?UTKR S A | liSO :D HKAND nits 1 :i Rl D ? . !/A iu> or ' lie t *?. stale J with Blur<*>> bxa Tin no ornci. noj?(;?pV/ ?n l rak for <111-CJ11 S.T f K 4 V USO> :? I'll IMl Pll IS, I r t 'r soTR- - B BMt.Safest, Always Reliable. OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS E& EVERYWHERE THROU We Have Just Rei Shirts, and Hosiery. V Read this Over. Ccme Lasi Long at these Pric Men rnion.Suits, each 0Sr Soys' Union Suits, each 4Sc Boy>' <\ Union Suits, 69c Men's A11-Wool Hose, per p::ir Men's Socks, per pair Ladie.-' Hose, per pair Mer' Heavy Wool Mixed Socks, p Ladies' Heavy Winter Hose, per [ Ladies' Silk Hose, per pair i- Children's Hose, siz 5 to 9 ** 1 30e Ginghams, per yard I 20c Ginghams, per yard *1-00 Flannel, per yard We Have Hundre On this Sheet. Coi CHRISTC 1 DRY < ymiLlllulKi:cil)i11v HERHEADS 1 'EAOS YES 50C=Tf ' T &>N6 ft- c \ HA* x ;E 40ME l&DAY J LEAVE l MC.FEAftt . ^; / ^ fevia, : * i i ^ iooo ||ra|jafi& DED REST. ' HCTgLJ fe^zr~^ ' Personal \ no 20 ? ^M-'Xx-JwX-x-r-w-^-x-w Mr. Bunnell H. Stone, of Blairsvil'.c member of the Georpna State Boarc of ?? ~ iMi j ?..u representative of I'nion County in the Georgia Legisla ture; and Mr. B. M. Lufhurrow. ol Atlanta. State Forester for Georgia! weie visitors to Murphy last Friday Mr. Lufburrow was formerly super visor of the Alabama National Fore.-t, and is a native Ge> span. He ha: charge of three military reserves al:o. Bcnning. Jackson, and McClel 'and. He received his apnintment a? Georgia State Forester on Octobei loth last. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Colvard, ol JioboinsviMc. spent last week-end with Mrs. A. G. Deweesc and family. Miss Lynn Albright was called to her home in Wnyncsville Inst Friday on account of the death of her little nicoe. She returned Sunday. WAXTKD -Good icliable man as salesman and collect ?r. Must have r.r or ter.m. Appiv -1. W. Brannon Manager. Sing Sewing Machine r*o.. Andrews, N. C. (1211t-jwb> Mr. M. <\ Stiles, of I.etitia, was a buaine.-s visit-r ho e Monday. Contii GH NOV : i ? D:... cl: ' ucivca c uiiipnicm or Ve Are Putting the Good and Get Ycur Part. Th es! Ladies' Union Suits, each Q3f Misses' Union Suits, each 48c , Ladies' Sweaters, each 9Hc 39,. Cotton Plaid, Hci Men's Work Shoe: - 9c Ladies' Shoes, siz ? >mir 22C mir 22 c =1 Men's $2.50 Flanr 22c I Men's $3.00 Flanr. 14c I 2QC ! Ladies* Aprons, 16c Reduction on al Indies' Hats rend 79r 1 Overcoat" rcudcec ds of Bargains at this Salt ne At Once and Get You IPHER'S 1 300DS MURPHY, N. C. . V THE CHEROKEE SCOUT Er ro ^ ^ itATj-aJEjAD's^ So r ue?o- go?*. ? 1 , ARE IE?IING OWE WE MCPE ARC j-5 S ' Tooa-i _ -s *?rrs ">jhing Ti '.RHEAD \ f?KEO*"> > HER ~-r*"^: jr 4T h:?he ,-1 , S ! i\-Ki A "ST AND : I > v us vice i *- * feJ li J CAJV^;>?' '__9 5l ' !? '5 ; I j v', k ? oU?? \ - I jj Mrs. -lorn C. Campbell, of Xan-. I . * Mass., r resident of the South-; Y01 ' ct. As- >ciat on 1 Mountain Schi 'Mopi :iv the Russell Sage Fundati n: ar.d Margaret Butler, of Cincir.-j r.ati, Ohio, are expected to return to 2 Ml? r hy the latter : art of the week grj. : in the interest of the estath-dimert ?. of a school in this section. ! Cta I have ! oaten "the Hunch! in Grand Island. Xeb. "The l a ton L ? of the Opera." I am the big no se j ? adenlhia. ' " Pa., "The Phantom of the Opera." : ' . ~a.r Amrtg those hero i'r m A <! - . ' thi week were D. S. Rus-el. D. H. F'b 7s! W. .1. Holland. M =. -I h > Se -i coir*, and Rev. and J!:?. L. I*. Smith. I , * cvs J. C. Sales of Mar 'e v.: s a Mur- ; a phy visitor Mar lav. i'n Tfci ' Mr. .1. \V. Goodman, district demoni stration Agent f t Western North; Carolina with headquarters at Ashe-' i ville, was hero several days this week, i S?v I Mr. Allen I.ovingo< d has accept'-1 a position with Wo f ford-Terrell Co. the , LOST?One quart size Pyrin - Fire "" Pxtenpuisher between garage an \ l; ? i T. 1-e Chastain's o:? Blairsville highj way. Finder plea.-e return to J. W. *'n McMillan's Garage and receive r! ward. ?It-^ 1 ' > frci ' r I I am cleaning up in Los Angele:. 1 "The Phantom of the Opera." rev; * i f jFO' j eacl tiues ?! r EMBER p V I I : r i Sweaters, Underwear. * s Out at Real Bargains. $ i lis Merchandise Won't A ,".j' % A :riP X Mr. Hen's Sweaters, each 93r Boys' Sweaters, each 48c ' * -u m Boys' Sweaters, each 98c ''' Children's Sweaters, each 48c ivy Grade, per yard 46c X > ? j Tov Faracord Sole, pair $2.98 ' ,OC5 _ . _ j thoi e '! and 3'->, per pair 98c ^cr J6.00 Qx i i pair $3 98 X j "^1() ' I'xc tel Shirts, each . SI.79 v f! 11 el Shirts, each $21.29 ? u ^ 22c I P II Ladies' Coats ami Dresses. All Y ced. Men's and Boys' Suits and i | j that We Are Not List- | tw Part nf frVi#? Snvinors! V M Ing lim .EADING 1 oui rGRE I dto Lli x. *?T Y ha ? m s-fr-r-x^x-X' mc . MURPHY. N C. L. F. Van 7c .m UE ' 3. M^kEOWN, \ l' ;0* -OTEi BUSS IS CUU - ]( B :'O _D V0U N"ISO / \ Gl : -*? TAr*N6 M?? FEATHER- \ \ 7 MEAD To 7wE DEtoT J , ?St 70US CAR ?/ 5 f Swallow *[ j lake hotel j am -*;:ndin^ '.hem up in Xeu:, c;?v uTii,t ni .c .t /i - ---J.. * iiaiuuui ui :ne "" sra. n a Hr>. Nettie Dickey has a? her ?sts this week her daughter. M p ythe Clarke, and Mrs. Hu-h c ii kt. ox Asheville. q if R SALE?I am offering my farmj n Lit'ie Brasstown. Have good! 0 li e. farm contains 3GG acrts' 1 he divided two tracts. Term?: o i he arranged for part if desired. I ply to Mrs. Linda Tweed Clayton, hardt. S. C. <S-T. d) The D nrd ci f ?untv Commission-1 r of Ch r- kee County were in rocr monthly -rs-ion here this week, the transaction of county hu-inc e hoard is composed of T. W. Ax- r , chairman; \V. T. Holland and * J. Mat tin. 0 s Mr. J. V. Carrir.ger has recently v en up the keeping of the county V . and Sheriff B. P. Morrow lvs' u en charge. Mr. Carringev hr.d ( * reputation of being ore ?.f the, t t jail keepers in N< vth Carolina, v Cherokee County iail heading the' ^ of the State inspector at a re- j i' t inspection. i h f. !.>. I *. G: - c -..a ivi:ed w ti the h ?,n'tnl Tuesday afternoon n owing her recovery from n re- w t operation. She spending a v days with her mother in Fast -phy. v; tl I SALE?One pair black mare s( i!c\ ecming three years old. 10 o! (1 - M h, weighing about 1,000 lb c< l. wt-ii matched; will sell them e< th the money on twelve month's ei with go!)d note.?F. I.ati- " o, Telijeo P'ains, Tenn. -Ot-pd) h: mat;. Agent W. R. Anderson, of Si esville was a visitor hete .hi? T k. :u !c hove broken records in San \\ nci-vo, Cal. "The I' of Ai Opera." r*i S !r. A. C. Richmond, president of !1 Oak lame Knitting Mills, return- .<< Tuesday nicrht from an extended ci to e -tein v ints. While away. Richmond ieorganir.ed hi : selling nci :ceuring not only eastern ^ I western, hut South American 1, resentatives. Sample goods are ' in the course of preparation and "J hopes to begin the operation of mill at an early date. Irs. Cook, mother of Mrs. E. L. '1 irnson. was operated on at the F ! hospital Tuesday morning. Al- di ugh she stood the operation well, condition is regardc I as grave. ' ! 01 MET TO LOAX?$25,000.00 to j j0 an on Murphy real estate. See j ju Slecumb, City. (ltts) j p; : to iv. W. A. Evans of Ranger was ti< asiness visitor here Monday. ,|c j H< enetrates Through ? ?!,? a;? ri . " UIC JIU11 V/ICfll i \vc to the Bone Lr ! Liniment Called Mexican ustang has Strange Power \ I ante back, a attained muscle or ach- I : Joints will atop paining and become ! ba? iber and natural if you will app^r a I l . lc of that old-fashioned liniment known I Mexican Mustang. Druggists and j not ict authorities agree that Its great [ ^ .1 irer to relieve pain Is due to its magiral i 1 ict rating action?it goes through the J ing re- layers of the skin wivhont burning J s i-nce of blister. r??-ht tot h" sore spo?. I < it. ' ? not like ?h> -mnrtli.g. siroi.^. .| j rniiis mlsn:..? usual, y Ki;or.r. as Haluus. No matter If ail other outside I an? plieations hfo filled, you will not be . pro appointed "h 2 * .r I limeut?it iiL?o Luut ?uU>, .. ? at.u ? and so makes a valuable remedy to ?jt re in the heme at all times. AH drug- . ts and wholesaler* sell Mustang Llnl- bar nt or can get it for you. dre Good F ? \ ' 11^. ,1 Friends of Mr. Walter Mauney. L rugglst of Parker Drue Company, ill be glad to learn that he is fn> d ecovering from his recent .3 0 a' F t the local hospital. p 'OR SALE?One lot 50x12 no.-ir enter i f town, in go<,d location. ! " r uick sale, see me at once. \V. P leal. (13-4*-w.p.b.? ' 'I-:- Gertrude Crittenden, f Kn ille. Tern., a :eiristered nurse, n special duty with Mrs. Cool; at ti e aeal hos: ital. I h?vc pact d them in. n V\: ?M . !> C. "TI.v I'ha::: m of >pc a." Mrs. C. K. Hoover and Mi-.- K . yn Thompson enterta nod with lohcwc'en party at Beeckwo d C i m Satu:day nigh: of last week. Th [Uests were received by two e'l -? vho escorted them through tl ' rounds which were rendcre<l ? :host!v hy the dim lights of the oldime Jack-o'-lanterns. The g e t hen entered the building where tin ere received by Mrs. Ho >ve and liss Thompson, the hitter presentthem with Appropriate vaps am' ats. The guests then gathered in ermallv around a hie or.on fi;v - . tl r ere : host tales were told, cnes:uts roasted a .b old fashioned ere rung. Son* of the guests vied a ith each other in eating a- P *nded fren* strings from the raft.r- e, nile others vl yed bridge H ' :e ante-room Refreshments were rved late in the evening consisting (j f a salad oour-c, with cakes aril hot ^ ?ffee. Afterwards favors were pa > I around which wore designed osne- fj ally for noiac-mnkirg. The free: ?1 jt wted shortly ! To e twelve, a? j, unanimously that ? ?r "d time v,*aul by ail. Those invited were, j,' ! ses Elizabeth Smith, Ma mith, Mary Alice Smith I.c eon riplctt, Annie Wilson, Anna II v 'd, Eva Nell Mauney, Nan Di>: e ' ^ arcio Ferguson. 1 yn.i Albright. ,'inifred Montony, Mrs. Thompson, p ir. and Mis J. W. David-on, I>r. and t| i?v. Etiwri ii V. Adams Mr. and. ?dvs ? purge Chr -topi c . Me-.-' I :i owc-ll. R. L. Han-is, Jame.s For >n, R. W. Sine. C. K. Hoover. R h- ^ rt Brc.wn and Chip A.-....a.i Mrs. L. I., ileaton and ch.ildre unday for Lemon City. Flu., t?? jt -> tr. ileaton, who v.vnt .. * fo. Mr., Cnllii- Hall am] Mr. H. \V. S iere among those who accompanied t, ie family 1 h >dy of Mrs. .John K v ain to Villa Rica, Ga., last Satur- i., ay" i ( Tec Home Economics Department h T the Hayesville High School is retiring over the winning .of first preir. A im on their exhibit at the State b air held at Raleigh October 13th d ' 17th. Those girls, who had ar- S des in the exhibit were Xorine An- n .rcn F ? ?ssie West, Hazel Cherry and Myrt ?' roggs. This department was only tablished last year in the Hayes-j ? le High School, and the school is "|T be commended for the excellent * rk being done. ?R SA1.K TWO GEORGIA FARMS! BARGAINS to ? ? 100 to ">00 acres, two story house. ! 1111 n, orchard, 18 acres ltne river p; torn. On public road 55 miles sa th of Atlanta. Frespects for an h gold n?ine. Ideal for stock rais-! . j wi or general farming. 535 acres 25 miles west of Atlanta I >n1 hotisc barn, creek, branches I?* I springs. Well suited to truck j wing or dairying for At!, eta city! fir \j ' - i Xdi Iter or both of these places at1 frc| gain price and easy terms. Ad- fu) ss J. J. Seay, Tate. Ga. (12-2t-pd) dn :* \nz r vs liddance to Bad?Etc, gee. i 1kxide^ S >-"> I just -ww^r *?kcohm ) v ? . 1 meant p ^ i IT?- ' | SHAWM! j ^."t r i~<t ! " SJlzzd h0Ttl ' jOST?Rlnofc sW? <- ??.. - - --?. Thursday morning, between Arrows, N. C., and Blairsville, Ga. inder return to Luther F.lli.. Murhy, X. C., and pet reward. (Di-'Jt) H1AWASSEE Thi> section is having plenty of air. at.present. but most of tn armers have patheied their corn. Mr. Fred Whitncr and daughter, festie, of Lonp Ridge. spent the wee' nd with Mr. Jim Danner. Mrs. Cr.elsie Mar.ey selling > his week and is leavir.p for Nov.Jersey to i-.'r. her husband who i position there. Mr. **. Ai. Hamby. Jr. mcved list peek to the Lcste. Danner place from ( opperhill. Mi. and Mrs. Otis Adan~.> nre the iroud parents of a fine boy vi;o was jorn a few days apo. Mr. Toir. Tuylor a <1 Mrs. Amv ?mith were married last Sunday. Mr. K. \Y. Shearer has been doinp onie nice cone.ete work at the cemcery. A musical was piven at the honrc >f K. \V. Shearer Hallowe'en niph! ind everybody had a jolly time. Miss Ethel Taylor of New Proslect is visiting he? aunt. Mrs. Ada Uirpess ti.i- week. Mr. Arthur Adams has eono to lushnell, to take up work for he winter. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. I.edford visited heir daughtei, Orah Reid, Sunday fternoon. Miss Cora Danner visited her si: tr Mat tie Whitner last week. MARBLE Miss Oscie Smith left Marriie Sunny for Siler City to take up her hool work there. County Surveyor, \V. Adams, I-: - ' - "i.-in.u ma wfirK around here and ft Sunday bound for Coppe'hill, > sec his sirk mother. Mr. Garland Posey was n: Marie's streets last week. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus I lass and tree children of Owl Creek, were isitors of Mr. Dockery and Mr. laltnn last week. Mr. J. I.. Robinson resigned his osition vv'.ih Mr. X. W. Abernathy 4e last of the month, and has gone u A Car . *.? accept a position in ! Tog St.... . We -Hall mis* in. - 11-.:'. a the --lore and in sttn " ' and church is losing f onv dor:. IVM' : relumed f- m Tclh'etr ... e1; r I re: As that the fitst \ ; .c lea squirrels and wo boomers. Miss Willie and Myrtle Johnson pent b?t weekend on Peach tree atendir.g church and visiting friends^ .Mr. Oscar Adams, hoisting engirer at the Marble Quarry, left his . .rl; last Saturday noon to visit his re,' mother v.Iio is ill at Copperhill. Mrs. Dick Wilson went to Graham "ount; Inst week on a visit t old omo folks' and friends. Mrs. Ruby Arrowood was taken to isheville on the noon train Saturday y her husband, her father. Prof, antes Lovingood, and Dr. Tidwell. he was operated upon Saturday ight for appendicitis. The case ems to have been urgent. A teleram received Monday afternoon lid she was doing nicely. r low Doctors Treat Colds aad the Flu To break up a cold crernh-ht or cut. sheet an attack c?" inlicnza, sore threat or tonsillitis; phyiiu..., uiiu &>v now Vn:oinerding Calotabs. the purl etc' and fined calomel compound tablet chat ves you the effects of calomel and Its combined, without the unplcast effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bed-timeth a swallow of viator.?that's aii. > salts, no nor sea ncr the so: shiest tcrferenCe with your oitinr:, work pleasure. ZCcxt morning your cold f- vanished, ynur system ;?c thorghly purified and you are f;-c'in?T e w;;1? r >?- -t.v appetlto i'." 1 tifc. . 4. c. , . iict a f ir.v y mcic-.f;". co-re nine? 1 directions, only 3d cents. At jinv ~Z c*ore.

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