PACE SIX - " ?"??( f LEGAL NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY In the Superior Court. Nettie Dickey G. A. Dozier PUBLICATION Let the defendant, G. A. Dozier. take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced against him by Nettie Dickey for the recovery of $500 due as unpaid rents on the Dickey Hotel in Murphy, as set out in her complaint on file in the Clerk's office, and that an alias summons has issued in this action, returnable before the Clerk of t' e Superior Court of Cherokee County, at his office in the Courthouse on the 1st day of December 1925, when and v r.ere said defendant is hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint. or the relief prayed by plaintiff will be granted; Said defendant is further notified that a warrant of attachment has issued in said action and has been duly levied on a debt due by E. E. Smith and another due by Hattie Axley, and also on a quantity < f household furniture and supplies and bedding left in the Dickey Hotel, as shown by the return of the sheriff to said warrant of attachment, which will he sold in due course of law. and that said warrant of attachment has been returned after service thereof. This Nov. 2, 1925. E. E. DAVIS uth join in I its own needs? 5 being invested in ies along the lines of ay System. in in production and mth in the next ten essed in the last ten ? >and no faster than ? >ring fuel and raw r the finished prodthe country. Money railroads as well as is to be efficiently , f lew railroad capital e South itself seems he growing investSouth. I " J - Vy ^ S Y S 1 | THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. > MENTIS mule, cattle, sheep, hogs r any other stock of any kind to run a lar>>e in the above mentioned territory from and after the 1st day of January. 1926. T. W. AXLEY Chairman Board of County C m missi oners. A. M. SIMO.VDS Ex-Offico Clerk to Board of Com missioners. Bo It Unanimously Ordained by the Board of Commiiiionert of the Town of Murphy: Sec. 1. That it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm o: corporation, to dig any hole or make any excavation in any of the public streets of the Town of Murphy for the purpose of connecting with any of the sewerage or water mains of the town except under the fo!5 lowing rules and regulations, towifcj ?ucn person snail make application in writing to the Board of ComI missioners of the Town of Murphy ' netting forth in his application the ! name of the street where the con! nection is desired to be made, the ; place on said street where the connection with the sewerage or water mains is sought to be made, the size of the pipe proposed to be laid and other details thereof, and whe.i the i said connection is desired. The j Board of Commi.-sioners shall thereupon cause an estimate of the cost of making such connection to be prepared by some competent engineer. ; and shall notify the person desiring to make such connection of the contemplated or estimated cost thereof, and such person shall deposit such sum with the Treasurer of the Town of Murphy. The Board of Commissioners shall then cause sai 1 connection to be made in a workmanlike manner and in such manner as to | leave the studs of the Town in as j near as possible the condition before said connection was made, and the 1 entire cost of making such connection shall be paid from the sum deposited for said purpose, as aforesaid, and any excess shall be return' ed to the person desiring to make | the said connection with the sewerage or water mains. ] 2. It shall be unlawful for ar.y j person, firm or corporation to dig j or make any excavations in the streets of the town, for any purpose, j except as herein prov.ded for sewerage and water connections, and in ! less permission to do so has theretoj fore been granted by the Board of | Commissioners of the Town of Murphy under such reasonable rules and regulations as the said Board may prescribe. 3. That this ordinance shall go into efect immediately after its publication in one issue of the Cherokee Scout, a weekly newspaper published at Murphy, N. C. 4. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall pay a fine of Fifty Dollars. NOTICE The Board of County Coipmissioners of Cherokee County, N. C. will until one O'clock P. M. on the 8th day of December 1925 at their Office in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C. receive sealed Bids for Cherokee County's Interest in the Fair Grounds, buildings and fixtures in Murphy, Cherokee County reserving the right to reject any and all bids. This Nov. 9th 1925. T. W AXLEY Chairman of the Board County (2t-co.) Commissioners. MARBLE Mrs. Ruby (nee Lovingood) Arrowood has returned from the hosrU.I A.k.oilU ?otl nt annonHo. dtis. Miss Inex Johnson?Andrews hifrfischool pnpfl from Marble, is sick aith mumps; while her sister, Miss Willie, is unable to attend school on account of an afrj?ravated attack or rheumatism. A number of Marble and vaeini ty folks attended Murphy court. Miss Bessie Barton is home irom her school. Prof. W. K. Johnson visited MurIphy and Peachtree last Saturday. "The rain, it raineth on both the just and unjust fellows; but mostly on the just, fon the unjust hath taken the just's umbrellas.** .-.oil, . at Marble re irardleas; but a number of pur welt are dry just the same. ^ 1URPHY, N. C. ^ - FOLK SCHOOL LOCATED IN BRASS TOWN SECTION OF THE COUNTY (Conlinurd from pace 1) the Brasstown Community are donating about seventy five acres of land, a quantity of lainber^tone, logs, wood, labor and tear"*. Work will begin on the first building as soon as plans can be drawn. Oudside support will te received from the Home Mission of the Northern Presbyterian, the Congregational and the Episcopal Churches with the other churcb boards lending their moral suppoit. The school is for mature people between the ages of eighteen and thirty. It will seek to develop a community consciousness and awaken and enliven the people and out of it is hoped that better social and economic conditions will grow. A demoni stration farm will be conducted along I with the school, which will be in charge of a Danish farmer. The county agents of Cherokee and Clay Counties and the citizens of Murphy and Ilayesville arc cooperating in the establishment of the school, j Mrs. Campbell and Miss Butler will take up their residence on the site *.'1 lll?T 51. IIVUI JU51 Oil BUllll BB O VV 11 * porary house can be put in order. Application for a charter for the school will be made right away ar.d deeds for the property will be drawn. As sooa as these preliminary steps have been taken work will be begun on the first of a group of a half dozen or more buildings, all of which however, will r.ot be built right away. The buildings will include a classroom building, dormitories for men and one for women, a museum, dairy barn, poultry houses, etc. Dairying, poultry raising, and fruit growing will be begun on the demonstration farm early in the spring. The cultivation of crops found to do best in the section will also be carried on the farm. The school is named for the late John C. Campbell who loved, worked with and so well understood the mountain people as shown in his book "The Southern Highlander in His Homeland. Mr. Campbell had in mind such a school but the war prevented his studying in Denmark. , Upon his death a few years ago Mrs. | Campbell assumed his work and this school is a culmination of an investigation extending over several years by Mrs. Campbell and Miss Butler. The work of the school will be watched by educators all over the country. Mrs. Mary Bennett and children of Proctor, is visiting her father, Mr. Hall. Mr. Bennett came later. Mr. Dick Wilson was hurriedly 1 called last week to his son's, Harrison Wilson, Graham County, on account of an attack of diphtherai in Harri son's family and the death of one child. Young Mr. Baylss Dockery, now of Winston-Saiem, is visiting fatheri and mother for two weeks. Bayles; . name was origonally Baylus, afte Dr. Cade a former Murphy pastor I but he changed his name to Bayless and says that he'd rather be banker | than preacher. Bayless is a fint young fellow, and we rejoice tha' J he, too, is making good. The Commissioners have discon tinued the cour.ty agent, or demon strator. Whether this is wise or otherwise, this deponent sayeth r.ot i-'):t few people know that we have had an Agent. Whether his fault 01 ours, we know not, but we think thathe people generally regard hi? position a fat job at the people'; cost and of no benifit to the people Mr. Odell Hall, depot agent at Topton, another of Mr. John Hall' ehildren. scent tht week-end with father at the Marble home. Notwithstanding we have so much rain?it raining hard Wednesday night and all day Thursday (12) Saturday afternoon and Saturday night (14th) a woods fire raged or. the Welsh Creek mountains. How Doctors Treat Colds and the F' To Weak up a cold overnight to cut short an attack of grippe, u floenxa, sore throat or tonsillitis, ph. sicians and druggets are now recon mending Calotaos, the purified az refined calomel compound tablet th* gives you the effects of calomel ai salts combined, without the on plea ant effects of either. One or two Calotahs at bed-tin with n swallow of water,?that's aNo salts, no nausea nor the slight? interference with youreeting. wo: has vanished, your systsia is tho: oughly purified and you are feeHn fine with a hearty appetite for brad fast. Set what you please,?no dan I* es, we have law a plenty against burning the woods; but like the law against dynamiting the river for 1 i fish?and The Board of Health dog t i laws?nobody pays any attention ] | to it. But the Lord is better to us 2 than we to ourselves: He sent i rain Sunday morning and put-out the i j fire. < Mrs. Maggie Palmer wa? suecessj fully operated upon Saturday* for I bladder trouble; and is reported to be 1 doing well at the Bryson City hospital 1 | Mrs. Willard Lovingood was also . i I uDerated for aDnendicitis. She is M tnid to be suffering with fever of a 1 serious kind, and is not reported to < be doing at-all well. 1 1 We were sorry to hear that disorderly boys broke up the Maltby meeting. Parents are now reaping the < fruits of abandoning the use of the I withe. i The County Board of health have < enacted another "Confine dog law." < j To pass these laws and not enforce 1 j them causes the folks to lose re- < | spect for the Board of health?that i I is, if they had any respect left after ? : the ludicrus failure to even attempt 1 , to enforce the former such law. No- 1 j body paid any attention to that order; nobody will pay any attention to : this ?is this scribe's opinion. J ' Mrs. John F. Palmer was taken to 5 the hospital last Saturday; after a * I rotracted suffering of six or eight weeks. Mrs. Willard Lovingood also. Both patients going to a Bryson City hospital. Later. Mrs. Palmer is expected home from the hospital today?the 17th. Mrs. Lovingood is doing well, also. Wanted SPLIT HICKORY IN WAGON I DELIVERED AT SAWED HICKORY In carload lots delivere and L. & N For Further Infor JOHN ODELL c Murphy yLLA^SHBI Chevrx y Long 1 A/?mi ^HjH9||H^H Dry D HK|Bh|UH| actio ^Q -Stoorii v< ?itfc Rtmy ana Valvepowi Bv /I Ou an Somi-I T~*m *525 one.] inii 525 Stawa Cm 675 tank ^** " .* Fa/tor !>"* 425 ntodtL tSSTc^SSO Fimhmr Com fat nd Uc ? bow fne and one half miles above Mar>le (called Coalville), has lay*d >ff half of their men. This is hard ndeed on the men, who have work?d there all spring and summer and lave no other expectations for a ivelihood. Farmers of Montgomery bought 15,000 pounds of vetch seed roopera ;ively and sold 52 head of demon* itration-fed hogs in September, statea bounty Agent A. R. Morrow. $ LOUtSVUJLS, KY. fcUhbiW* la IBT To Buy SPOKE BILLETS .OAD LOTS MURPHY, N. C. SPOKE BILLETS d Station on Southern [. Railroad. mation Apply to nr J. J. KEARNS N. C. uality| xtures I at make Chevrolet the B oetA finest low priced car K9 >let offers you these Uj ' features found on M uch higher in price? Mj Semi-elliptic Spring* H fe Lubrication isc Clutch, smooth I V Gear, ssnu'-nwr. R starting, Lighting Ignition in-head Motor, erful, frrvnomtrsl '-inch Brahee d Water Pump* looting Roar Axle, piece housing rt Vacuamfeed. Bedim on closed V-VWbnkkiMon si models s 3-Speed TYmne- , ion mm Radiator with M non-rusting shell Jl OTOR CO. Service Y, N. C. LOW C O I* i