PACE FOUR " C!)c CUeroftee ?>rout TK? Official Organ of Murpby and Cherokee County, North Carolina "PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W. BAILEY . . Editor-Manager MRS. C. W BAILEY. Associate" Ed. B W. S1PE .... Associate Cd. Subscription Rates One Year 11.50 Eight Months 1.00 Six Months 75c Payable Strictly In Advance Legal advertisements, want ads. reac:ng notices, obituaries, cards tf thank*, etc. " r.r.- each insertion. payable in advance. Display nndlcortract rate? furnished on reqnt - t. All c!' r.? must be signed by the writer, otherwise the-* tvill notf be accepted for pcblicat. n. Xamej of the writer wall r : V> pu- !:<h i un- j ]e<s so specified, but we must havei the name of th author as evidence I of gocd faith. Entered in the jvstoffice at Murphy. North Carolina, as second class mail matter under act of Mar. 3. 1S70. Why r.r.t tax coal strike?? Even cer.tipeds are selling by the side foot in Florida. The hea lies? horseman had noth irg on the brainless motorist Education is the lifelong pursuit of finding out how little we know. Betting on y ur life is driving without your foot el< >e to the brake. Arfcovich and Ma ): -v;. h are Russian twins. It s hard to tell vich ivich. We may not have much liberty left, but we still have the statute on it and the statue of it. Another thing we need is something to s. ften the heart as well as the beard without rubbing it in. The tacks to remove are the kind that let the air out. The *a\ to remove is the kind that let? the heir out. Come on. have a good time, hut remember this: you always have to get repaired before you can blow up after a blow out. "Signals help. When the driver c in front holds out his hard, you k ow e he is going to do one ? f three things." Youngstown Vindicator. And if it's a woman you can set your sweet < brakes that she will do all three of ; them. v "News item says that in Georgia $ and Vermont the law entitles a man j to his wife's earnings. What have Florida and California to offer thr.t j will offset this?"?Arkansas Gazette. | l Well, for one thing, the p ivilege of | ; drawing on a man's wife's farmer] ? hatbands' earnings Old Mother .vhnc ;vn* her name j, who, back in th?? 1. !? oi what' ? have you, century, predicted tK-U ihnj,world would come to an end in ended her poem r?v Trior to rhyme', "come" with "eigi ty-cr.'. ' Hie or-' : ror of her predict*, r. ) all p'ain now.] > If any poet ev<- doe? ' :?k his. L rhyming 10^ per cent the world may! come to an end sho' nuf. j ( COMMUNITY SPIRIT There is such a thing as Community 1 Spirit. It is both an intangible el- J ement and a cashable quanitity. In-.! tangible, because it can not be 1 measured, bartered and sold in com-, mercial reckoning, but flows in never! ending stream until its source it stifl- . ed and destroyed; cashable, because of the results shown in bringing ahout the fulfillment of the community's ambitions to advance and prosper. Mix a little co-operation with un- j selfishness, sweeten it with civic pride, throw in a dash of common sense, stir it with leaderhsip. roll it in flavor it with optimism, bake it with enthusiasm, and the result is community Spirit. I The city of New Albany. I-diana. ( had a suburban section erroneously j dubbed "Nigger Hill." From a | natural standpoint it was a beautiful spot, for it overlooked the river | and was high ground. One day the I cf y^A.! b nr.v get together. ! They went up to "Nigger Hill," clean- s ed it of rubbish and tin cans, grubbed * oat thv weeds and underbrush, levell- ' ed its paths, built e park and play- 1 ground, and put up a sign in bold 8 caption, "This is Locust Grove." It was a magic transformation!, The Weakling I?** Th* ttdernourisaed child la tne ?<>*; important problem pressing lor solution in our state today. Uadtr-I nourishment causes rachitis (rickets), beri beri. pellagra, conjunctivitis, pre v?nts procreation when extreme re I penters In school, truancy, delinquency, cr.rae. insanity, coma and death. It causes disease of the body structures.?bone, teeth, shin, hair, nails, mucous membranes of the alt-1 racntary tract, conjunctiva, sex oreans. brain and nervous system and perhaps other structures of the body that we have not found out about at this time; for example: Wo know that an under-j nourished person take? tuberculosis and other diseases more easily at. 1 more quickly than the well nourished. Thro are 300.000 undernourished children In the schools of our state.? th-: percentage running from ten to fifty. It has been thought by some tbst ?.demourishtr.pnt is caused by disease physical defects: for evaaioie: rla. diseased tonsils On the hand, t "**ne think that th? underwent is the cause of mauy ds- j Partly pschologieal. but particularly o-operntive. What happened? Real state values went up in the vicinity, rhe "best families" now wanted to mild their homes and live in "Locust jrove,"?the spot they formerly had hunnod as "undesirable!" \\ dnl all this"' Community vithin the realn of Commu.-.ity pospirit is the answer. Community Spirit can make anything happen ihility. It is its own force. Once! ,*ou get a fellow boosting once get I him inoculatci with community Spirit - And you have transf< rmed i passive or potential liability into in asset. Every normal man loves lis homo. Every patriotic citizen >ught to love his community or get >at of it. It is what he and his ellow townsmen form as a com?osite entity in terma of love and ervice to the community in which ihey live, that we cail community Spirit. Friends of Mrs. Harry Hastings of Sylva will be pleased to learn of ler improved condition. Mr. A. J. Williamson of Persimnon Creek, returned Thursday from Shelby, Cleveland County, where he ;ad been for the past two weeks voting his daughter. Mrs. W. A. Green WATER SPORTS SAFER FOR RED CROSS WORK Expert Life-Savers and Many Thousand Swimmers Reduce Annual Water Toll. Water sports In the United States lave never been so safe as they are :oday, a surrey of the work done by L.ife-Saving experts of the American tied Cross In the past year indicates Thousands of adnlts and young people were taught to swim proficiently >y these experts during this period "a addition. men. 4,197 women, ind 13,024 Juniors successfully passed lie rigid tests of the Life Saving Serrlee of the Red Cross. The total thur rained during the year?22.892?4s >,041 more than last year's results The total membership of the Life Savug Corps of the Red Cross on June ? THE CHEROKEE SCO IT Of Toipp^w facta. (or example: Adenoid*. by?e*truphied tonsil*. etc. Arty war. ail IL# disease and defects in an c;der nourished child s:ir;ld he cami red a complete examinee or. be mvlo by a physician in ord.r to find ?he?a all Then * tb the Nutr.tlcn Cma-la. featured and promulpai'd by the National and North Carolina Vaberculooij Associations by means of money ?ierired from the sale o* Tuberculosis Christ mas Seals, the remainder of the job ' .t> made easier. It uhonld be pat over j easily by the departments of cdncs ..J k?.llV Ik. T., -mmr Associations, ihe Women's Clnbs tnd ( Seal Sale agencies cooperating. It interested, write Miss Theresa . DansdiU. State Director of Heaitb Education. North Carolina Tuberculosis Association. Southern Pines, North Carolina. If our country is ever destroyed. It will not be from enemies from j out but from the constantly 4ncreas I ing procreation of the unfit and from j the improper nourishment ot our | children. 10 was 72.S10 persons. Meeting the demand for qualified | Instructors and councillors In these camps, are the college men and women of the country, many devoting whole , or part of their annual vacation perl- ! ods to this Held. Meeting the need ! of standardized Instruction In Life- ' Saving. First-Aid, and kindred subjects. the American Red Cross conducted nine First-Aid and Life-Saving Camp Institutes this year with a total attendance of more than 600. in Maine. Massachusetts. New York. North Carolina. Indiana. Wisconsin. Oregon, and ; California Representatives of Red j Cross Chapters, summer camps, life 1 guards at municipal pools and beach ! es. directors of physical, education In j schools, and others of this calibre : made up the student body. A number of city or regional Insti tut ions were conducted also during j the winter at indoor pools to develop I local experts The aquatic school con- j ducted by the New York Chapter was : especially successful. It Is stated. In- | <p!red by this system, many camps, j pools, bathing beaches, etc.. have j adopted in whole or in part, the Red I Cross Life Saving and water-safety ! program In the New- England states i alone, more than ISO camps employ councillors trained In these methods. A partial survey Indicates more than SO cities using the Red Cross senior test as a minimum requirement for their municipal life guards Educational institutions have turned to It with enthusiasm. This widespread instruction bo sides creating unprecedented numbers of expert lire-savers, is developing a rast body of Americans who are at home In the water All contributes to safety the year-round, for swim ? .^vU6Hiscu ?"'-J?ar snu.1 today, record.* show The danger fro water accident* la ever-present howerer where proper safeguards "are not taken and to broaden thin valuable Red Cros<* Service It one of the reaaonn why In creased membership In the Red Cross Is urged The Annual Roll Call, dur Ing which the opportunity to assist all Red Cross work in many lines of endeavor Is extended.- -will be held from Armistice Day-to Thanksgiving, November 11-2C. Large Volunteer Work of Red Croea Volunteers under the Red Ctoss all over the United States are doing constantly for others, among their products being more than 90 per cent of the Braille reading matter for the blind, and a vast production of clothing and surgical dressings. IUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT fl.BO * ? r. MURPHY, N. C. VESTS NEWS f Mr. J. H. Holbrooks is moving his family to Docktawn where he has v ecured a position ss carpenter forenan. Mrs. J. L. Berronjr and family 1 ind Mr. Juilus Reid visited Mr. and e Mrs. Harve Berrong Saturday. Mtssers Dolph and Alonzo Harris *ere here last week buying corn. The Misses Belle Reid. Hattie * Mashburn, and millie Johnson have returned to Gastonia. Your correspondent spent the 1 Tight with the oldest man in cur .immunity. His exact age is unknown some stating his age one Hundred years- We know it to he between 1*4 and 100 years. He <tiil chops wood, and does other rhores around the house the distance of nine miles was walked by him this summer by the aid of two walking canes. He is Mr. J. M. Brendle father of W. M. Brendle, who is seventy eight and still works. Mr. G. F. Hembree a-.d family are moving to Marble. ! The Whooping cough epidemic is dying out. Mr. H. M. Berrcng is making proportions to move to Chattanooga, Tenn. j Our school is progressing nicely under the manageir.e.-.t of V. V. Jchnson and Mis. Sallie Hedrick. LETITIA The people r.f this section are almost done gathering corn and they find they have the best crop they have harvested in years. Mrs. H. B. Clonts ar.d children left Hall's Catarrh Medicine j Those who are in a "run down" condition will notice that Catarrh bothers them much more than when they are in good health. This fact proves that while Catarrh is a local disease, it is greatly influenced by . onstiiuttonal conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con r.ists ot an Ointment which Quickly Relieve* by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonlr. which assists in Improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over ?o Years. F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Ar Fcmmo*.*,,! TrsmfSTisilUm N ing ? Touring . *525 the \ Ro?d?M - 525 opee Coup' ' 675 in p, Condi . 695 Sedan 775 Qua gsrr1. 425 ily f. SET^T* 550 thou 1 aa- lattii QUALIT1 ?IUJI > FRIDAY DECEMBER ?. 19Ij , Mr. and MraT Lc T.yloTo, ; Turtletown. Tenn. vuit*J re,.t- ' ^ here last Sunday. Our Sunday school is still progressis* nicely despite the bad ?e,ther .Mr. Isaac Taylor made a busintk trip to Murphy Saturday. or Gastonia a few days ago. The roads jn this section are in cry bad condition owing to the freuent rains. Mr. L. P. Payne is on the sic!; ist now and is urabic to attend hurch and Sunday school The farmers of this section are un* nimously in favor of discontinuing he office of the farm demo-straton gent. They think of the money paid o this office was used in placing ;ood farm papers in the hands of he farmers mere good would be done han has been dor.e by the agent. J / 'MjM L Tireig to Speed One of the cardina. reasons American Railroads since I cent, is their increased ope C onstant striving on the facilitate the transportation xnense saving ot time, as well Originally. American Ra frcieit cars to leave theino eary sluggish and expensive was later changed in certair the body of the freight enr < runninrr cenr. of tS*? meairli process. T'-vda*. the sjo*niMif of frelgh cars is 6peedeJ by the transfer 01 interchange from one trunk line t< Another, without disturbing thi contents of the car. During the 3cat year, the L & N 0^ O MANUFACTURER of gi has ever approached Chevr< aver a half million cars in or vorld's largest builder of cars d transmissions because Chcs roviding quality at low cost, lity appearance?quality con satures of die finest cars! T1 Id come in and see a Che lg satisfaction at the lowest ] CEY MOTOR Sales and Service MURPHY, N. C. IT AT LOI Rev. Coaly is expected to Ml his regular appointment at Oak Grove church the first Sunday. 0 ar(J hear him. All who attended the Thankseftring entertainment at the Colli? school scon ed to enjoy the exercises i tig Jit (jars 'Deliveries for the splendid record made by 1 their return to private manage- I rutins efficiency. 5 part of railroad managements to cf freight, has resulted in an im, as money, to American shiopers. * ilroads would not permit their wn lines of track, making neces- j transfers of freight. This custom 1 sections of the country, so that was transferred to the trucks, or ng road-?still a costly and slow t receive.) over 1.500,000 care from > r conne-ting lines, end delivered > 1.5UWO0 to other roade. Thee* fig3 ure* evidence .1 close co-operation \ on tho part of the carriers in their l efforts to servo the public. ipl jjJl?og jar-shift automobiles slot's record of buildle year. Chevrolet is with modern threeTolet leads the world su uction?die quallatfs the reason you vrolet if you want possible price. V COST

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