U- IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT ITS BECAUSE WE DID!> KNOW IT The Official Organ VOLUME XXXVII. No. 23. CIVIL TERM OF SUPERIOR COURT BEGINS MONDAY Many Cum on Docket But Likely Not AH Will Be THed Judge J. M. Ogleeby to Preside The regular January term of Superior Court for Cherokee Coun-j ty will hold forth here for two j weeks, beginning Monday, January 18th, according to announcement by court officials last week, and E. E. Davis, clerk states that everything; is in resdiness for the session. The ourt will try only civil cases, the calendar of which follows below: MONDAY, JANUARY 18 182 Anderson-Varnell Co. vs. Pal-i tner. 156 Turner vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. 41 Elizabeth White vs. Highway Commission. 73 Anderson vs. Walker. TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 104 American Wholesale Co. vs. Clark. 112 Gentry vs. Gentry. 119 Heaton et al vs. Calhoun fleaton et al. vs. Calhoun. 121 Bank vs. Barnes et nls. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 20 128 Freeman vs. Freeman. 130 Evans vs. Construction Co. 137 Rose vs. Burger. 142 Davis vs. Moore. 143 Cox Hat Co. vs. Heaton et al. 144 Metropolitan Discount Co. vs. Burger. 145 Fink vs. Ludlow Engineers. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21 | 146 McGee vs. Railroad. 147 Mason vs. Andrews. 148 Price vs. Highway Commission. 152 rarter vs. Hall. 153 Hoyle vs. L. & N. Railroad Co. FRIDAY. JANUARY 22 156 Auten vs. Wikle. 157 James Rose vs. Asheville Times. 158 Edwards vs. Andrews Mfg. Co. 160 In Re Hamby Will. 161 John T. Leonard & Sons vs. U. S. Fidelity Co. SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 77 Shelton vs. Shelton. 117 Waldroup vs. Waldroup. 133 Dalton vs. Dalton. 174 Thomas vs. Thomas. SUMMONS McClurc vs. McClure. MONDAY, JANUARY 25 116 Heaton vs. Coal & Iron Co. 102 Abernathy vs. McClure. 163 Abernathy vs. McClure. 167 Davis vs. Wright. 108 Thomas vs. L. & N. Railroad. TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 169 Pagett vs. Construction Co. 173 Holofield vs. Mills. 178 Murphy Hospital vs. Kitchen Lumber Co. 179 Wright vs. Marble Co 180 Donaldson vs. Donaldson. MOTIONS 30 Bryaon vs. Brysnn. 34 Payne vs. Brannon. 56 ) 57 ) Gartrell Oases. 58 ) 59 ) 74 Hunt vs. Hampton. 100 Mullins vs. L. & N. Railroad, j 105 Stalcup vs. Mills. 114 Long vs. Long. 118 Rich vs. Manfacturing Co. 122 Cover vs. Road Commission. { 131 Burger vs. Johnson et als. j 138 Rogers & Clayton vs. Rogers, j 141 Davidson vs. Bryson. Following is a list of the Jurors j drawn for this term of court: First week. J. W. Donaldson, Jas. W. Roberst, John H. Hall, J. L. Ar-. rowood, H. A. Hughes, W. C. Donald.' W. J. Rose. P. M. IjVown. J. C. Crow. , R. M. Stiles, J. C. Haney. P. C. I Williamson. S. J. Odell. J. H. Mill-1 saps, Sidney Queen, J. M. Doekery. J. F. Wilson, J. A. Hampton. Jr., F. E. Fry. Sam Best. I. P. Hawkins. W. S. Green, A. R. Stalcup, and , J. A. Bristol. O? J 1- - HamfX! \v n Dickey, J. T. Kephart. K. A. Parker.. Eli Ahernathy, TV. C. Garrett. | Z. Price. J. T. Davis. J. A. Martin, J. R. Ray, W. L. Kintf, J. E. Kephart, B. F. Farmer, O. C. Payne, L. D. Axley. W. B. Sneed, C. W. Dockerv, and Lawson f.unsford. i There will he regular church ser-; vices at the Baptist Church Sunday, j January 17th. Sunday School at i 0:45 A. M., Junior and Senior B.Y.P. j U. at 6 P. M.. preaching services at 111 A. M. and 7 P. M. Rev. and Mrs. I to return Friday. or Muipli> and Chero w I "i ji L W. N. V ? MRS. BARNETT DIED AT HOME ! EARLY MONDAY | Funeral Services Held Tuesday and Interment Was In Sunset Cemetery Mr<. J. M. Barrett, 67 years old, I beloved Muruhv woman- and nrnmi. nent in the civic and religous life of the town and county. died nt her home in East Murphy Monday mom-', ing about 6 o'clock, after an illness of only two days. For several year? Mrs. Harnett had been in failing health, and Saturday about noon was taken seriously ill, and everything, that loving hands could was done, but her condition rapidly grew worse, the end coming quietly Monday morn-J ing. Mrs. Bnrnctt was a native of this county, and a daughter of the late Thomas and Matilda McGuire, of. Peachtree. She was a member of the Baptist Church for nearly half( a century, during which time she took a leading part in its functions. She had lived in Murphy for the past -17 years, just a few miles from the place of her birth. Funeral services were conducted from the home Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock by Rev. A. B. Smith, of Marble, assisted by Revs. E. G. Clary of the Presbyterian Church, and l>. H. Rhinehait of the Methodist Church. Interment was in Sunset cemetery. The large number of sor-, rowing friends and the beautiful floral offerings attested to the love and esteem in which she was held by the community. The pall bearers were Noah Covin, good, (!. H. Cope, R. F. Williamson. | I. K. Axlev. T. W gxlcy and Noil, Davidson. C. B. Hill, local funeral director, was in charge. Mrs. Burnett is survived by her husband and four children: One laughter, Mrs. B. P. Grant, of An-; drews; three sons, Virgil. Ed, and R...nuo \i,o;_-_ tcrs, Mrs Lee Kimscv. of Hiawnssec, Cia.: Mrs. \V, J. Puott. Shamtock. Texas; Mrs. Klma Watts, Knjylewood, Tcnn.; Miss Ollie McGuirc, Chattannojra, Tenn; fou _ brothers, Michael. Willicm and Joe MeGnire, of Andrews: and Thomas McGuirc, <*f Watts. Oklahoma; and a number of grandchildren. THIRD SET OF TWINS FOR MR. , AND MRS. ARP Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Arp, of Hothouse, announce the birth of girl' twins on January <?th. Mother and; children doing fine. This is. the third set of twins that j have come to Mr. and Mrs. Arp with-j in the past five years. All of the j other twins are living. except one. j They are all robust and healthy. Mr.! and Mrs. Arp have been married 12 j years, and Mrs. Arp is ahont 28 yearsl old. i - - . Cfjcti kee County, and the L MURPHY, NORTH CARO hoa, There! Jar wll.Hj] W' " ~ v r* ?? Bryson Assured Of Knoxviile Highwaj ? Last Monday the county court o Blount County, Tenn., voted tin money to build a road to Deal's Gaji connecting there with our road fron Bryson City to the Clap. The news was received here Mon day night in a telegram from Sail Everett, of Maryvtlle, to W. C. Men denhall. The next step will be for our stnt highway commissioners to take ove our road to Deal's Gap as an inter state project and make it a stat highway.?Bryson City Times. COUNTY COURT IN SESSION HERE FOR THREE DAY< Many Cuei Disposed of-?T wo Ar Bound Over To Superior Court The regular monthly term of th Cherokee County General Court, witl Judge W. M. Axley presiding, am Solicitor 1*. O. Christopher appear ing for the State, held a three da; res-don here. January 4th, 5th am Oth. The docket was eonsiderahl, heavy and the court made a rapii disposal of most of them, more thai twenty five cases being disposed ol ar.d conviccions secured in twenty one. Two eases, that of Ray Millsaj-s chaige with murder, and Genre: Bryant, clmreed with robbery* wer hound over to the superior couit. The cases disposed of ar.d Mrrinj fines and sentences, according t court records, are as followsC. C. Cole vs. H. C, le. W. I! Robinson, M. H. Zeiglor and R. A Dewar, default of note in the arnoun of $1000.00, the Court ordered col lected from W. II. Robinson th amount of the no*e with interes from March, 1021. Lon Pace, charged with violatioi of the school law, entered a plea o guilty, and judgment was susnendei upon payment of costs. Joe Burnett, charged with vi< la tion of the school law. entered plea of guilty, and was given costs. Sam R. Amnions, charged witl carrying concealed weapon, cnterei a plea of guilty and was fined $50.0 and costs, and the weapon was eonfi> cated anil the couit ordered it dw troyed by the Sheriff. On anothc count of public drunkeness. Amnion entered a plea of gruolly. and \v:?s fin ed $25 and costs. W. T. Hatmakcr. charged wit transact!n>r business under an assum ed name, was fourd guilty and fen tcnced to six months on the Bun combe County roads. Prayer fo judgment was continued upon pay ment of costs, the defendant agree ing to leave the state for a period o ten years. A capias issued to tak Continued ? r*> ? 6) 3 V . okeeis ?*d Leg Newspaper in thi IJNA FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, l?2i> X " iuary L ? II 1 sot I fe--' I ^ * 3*1 ll> DR^ WELLS AND r MRS. HERNDON WED WEDNESDAY f e A pleasant surprise to their many > iriendi was the wedding uf Dr. H.! * N. Veils of Murphy and Mis. V. L. U I < i n?u-jun, oi riariweu. ua., at the t -j Regal Hotel Thursday at 12:45. Rev. s i J D. H. Rhinehart performed the cere- ^ -,mor f in the hotel parlors, only a N few close friends being preseat. Cj They left on the one o'clock train!] * j for Blue Ridge, enroutc to St. Peters J ] - ,6urtr and other Florida points on ' | elan extended honeymoon. |l Dr. Wells is a retired physician. J | but still prominently active in the po-i < i litical and civic activities of the town;, 'and section. Mrs. Wells was a teacher in the i ? : ' 5 I primary department of the Clyde!] ! school for the past three years, dur- ? e ing which time she made many friends j | j in Murphy. She was teacher in the | (primary deporftmenl of the* Clyde < j schools this year. e h DR. AND MRS WELLS INJURED !| i j IN JUMP FROM BURNING -] HOTEL AT BLUE RIDGE. GA (,*. The Blue Ridge Hotel, at which l)r. ] d and Mrs. Wels were stopping at Blue. y Ridge, Ga., while enroute to Florida i t on their honeymoon, was destroyed j rijhv fire about midnight Wednesday, is \; Dr. and Mrs. Wells were painfully in-' i - jurcd when they, with others. jumpe<l j ( j from the second story in making their, i.'escape from the burning building. j' '* The five is said to have originated 1 e 1 in the basement where the furnace isi1 | located. It was discovered about 1 or midnight by guests who bad not re-. 0 tired, but had gained such headway : j as to cut off nil chance of escape by j1 i.'way of the stairs, and all guests who ' J were up stairs had to jump from the t1 windows to safety. It is understood j( I-1 that the building and all furnishings j 1 e were a total loss, which is estimated ' t at something like $50,(100. Whether this amount was covered bv insurance : n could not he definitely learned. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Wells were forced to (I abandon their honeymoon on account | of injuries sustained while jumping - to safety. They were given medical a attention ami were brought to Mur-H phy Thursday afternoon in serious h t condition. At the time of suing to rl press the exact extent of their injur I) ios could not he learned. MEDICAL SOCIETY r HELD MEETING ON 28TH DECEMBER The Cherokee County Medical So- (1 n' ciety held a business meeting in this 1 - city on December 28th. the follow -jing members being present; Drs. -J Webb and Morrow of Andrews. l>rj? rjdeighway, Ilill, Adams and Adams - of Murphy. The following officers were re- ; f elected: I)r Webb. President: Dr.! e Edw. E. Adams, Vice President; Dr.: .nlinus-d cn pare "* tout is Seciion of Wt 2,000 BAPTISTS CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDINC Two thousand people Sunday unitid in a colorful celebration of the jolden wedding of Dr. and Mrs. F. 3. McConr.ell at the Druid Hills Bapist church. Not only was this the >ceasion of the fiftieth anniversary >f the marriage of Dr. and Mrs. VfcConnell, but it also was the eleven th anniversary of his iwcinnin his rapidely growing church in the [)ruid Hills section of Atlanta. Beginning at 9:30 o'clock with the Sunday school and continuing through he regular 11 o'clock service, the nembers of the church, together with nany friends, paid tributes of affec ion to the minister and his wife. The rhurch was beautifully decorated !*alms and roses formed the chief loral decoration. A large handminted poster in white and gold arried the story of the fifty golden rears of the marriage. Coins in Golden Bowl Every department of the Sunday ichool, beginning with the little tots >f the cradle roll, made offerings n gold to Dr. and Mrs. McConnell. These were placed in a golden bowl vhich. when filled with the gold coins, can given to Mrs. McConnell. Many otters of personal affection also vero presented the pastor and his rife. - ' ' 9'Dr. McConnell has enjoyed a disinguished career as a minister. Born n Clay county. North Carolina, he ame with his parents to Hiawassee Georgia, when an infant and grew nto manhood in the mountains of lorth Georgia. He was a merchant or a few years, but finally answered he call of the ministry. He has served leading churches in Georgia /itginia, Missouri and Texas. He vas for several years secretary of the tome mission board of the Southern baptist convention.* He. founded the Hiawassee Baptist Junior colleee and UBS been ? * ' , ... mc uu.ira m ;r us tees for many years, lie is a mem>er of the executive committee of the [icorjria l?apti>t convention and i.rhairman of the board of director? >f The Christian Index. He contributes regularly to a number of religious journals. He goes every mutator with Dr. George \V. Truett Tor extended preaching tours in the mountains of Georgia and North Carolina. CAMPAIGN FOR FUNDS PUSHED WITH VIGOR With a half a million dollars ubscribed to date, the campaign in North Carolina and Tennessee for funds for the purchase of lands in the Great Smoky Mountains to be turned over to the federal government for a national paik is being -enewed in the counties of Eastern Tennessee and Western North Carolina. In Asheville and BHineontbc County a great total of $202.50t lias been contributed; a total o! ?220.000 has been subscribed in h< city of Knoxville; mote than $65,000 has been donated in the counties >f Western North Carolina outcidt i.f Bun>-nmlm Count" cities and towns of Eastern Tenn essee pi ogress is being reportei from every quarter. 1 During the month of January thi campaign will he waged r 'Tress h ly throughout ail We^u. :\ 1' . Carolina and Eastern Tennessee i? m effort to raise the $50,000 thai i- being sought in these sections, outside of the cities of Asheville \nd Knoxville. At the same time utho work in the down-state cities and towns of North Carolina ha? begun. headquarters foi the Southerr Piedmont section have been openet this week at Charlotte. Plans art being formulated for the initiatiot r?f active campaigns in Nash villi .nd Chattanooga, where it is expect ed headquarters will he establishei before the end of the present montl Every effort is being made, thi campaign headquarters has' an nounced. to complete the two states quotas before March 1st in ordc that the offer of the park land may be subniited to Congress at th present so ' i KTISE IN I SCOUT , i III MAKE l' RICH'' o Carolina > COPY?$1.50 PER YEAR Tpowelson gift to local library announced (Following is a list of the books riven the Murphy Library as a Christ* nas present hv Mr w v v r* ? ?.. ... .-i. rowelson, of New York. The bioks were placed in the shelves last week and are now ready for the public. The books were selected by popular vote recently, at the request of Mr. Powelson. I Mr. Powelson's letter, together wth the list, follows: New York. December 16. 1925. Library Trustees, Carnegie Library of Murphy. Murphy, N. C. Ladies ar.d Gentlemen: I have assembled through Charles Scribner & Sons, 597 Fifth Avenue. New York City, the following 100 books, selected from the lists you sent to me on November 25th and December 7th; and have given instructions that these books be packed and shipped, without delay, to the Carnegie Library of Murphy, Murphy. N. C. Boy Scouts in the Canal Zone. Six Star Ranger, Eleanor H. Porter. i The Short Stop. Zane Gray, j Tom Swift in the Land of Wonders. | Victor Appleton | Saddle Boys in the Grand Canyon, jCauson. Saddle boys on the Mexican Trail, : Causon. Each and A11, Jane Andrews. ; Stories of Great Americans for i Little Americans, Eggleston. Wee Ann, Phillips. The Wonderful Adventures of Neils ; Lagerlof. Big People and Little People of 1 Other lands. Show. Dutch Twins, Perkins. Bible Stories to R?*?d Olcott. \ Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1 Carroll. Unrle Remus, His Sonera and Sayings Heidj, Spyri. Animal Book for Children, Burgess. How the World is Clothed, Carpenter. Kathleen in Ireland, Mac Donald. Good Stories for Great Holidays. Olcott. The Blue Bird for Children Maeterlinch. ! American Book of Golden Deeds. | Baldwin. ' Careers of Danger and Daring, i Moffett. Industries of Today, T,ane. ! Squirrels and Other Fur Bearers. ; Burroughs. ! Historic Boys, Books. ! Corneila, Perkins. With the Indians in the Rockies. Schultz. Boy's Book of the Indian Warriors Sadin. Book of Bravery 1st series, Lanier. Book or Bravery 2nd series - Lan ier. j. Book of Bravery 3rd series, . | Lanier. * Merry Adventures of Robin Hood, )' Plyc. r 1 Uncle Sam's Secrets, Austin. f Doctor Do Little's Zoo, Lofting. The Dream-Maker Man, Fanny Lea i Pollyanna, Porter. Road to UndoMfnnJiB" i>.. Oh Money! Money!, Porter. Her First Visit to the City, 1 j Thomdyke. Her First Visit to the Seashore, a Thomdyke. The Ten Commandments, Thorn* ly'.n. The Keener of the Bees, Gi*'e St rat on P->rto . 41 , i The Pitcher. Zane n ".v. The Sheriff's Son. \V. M. Raine. Webster; Man, Peter Br j | Kyne. InnocenV Abroad, Twain. '"-E? i j Red Rock, Thomas X. Page. ^ i, David Copper field. Dickens. ' *"* Ren Hur, Wallace, i Strawberry Acres, Grace S. Rich5 \ mond. On Christmas Day in the Morn*i; ing, Grace S. Richmond. C On Christmas Day in the Evening, p Grace S. Richmond. -j The Alaskan, Curwood. '' North of Thirty-Six, Emersorf r i Hough. s | The Prince and The Pauper, Twain e> The Virginian. * (Continued on page 6 ^ j

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