PAGE TWO &l)e ClK" r.iC SS The Official Organ o! MurpK \<* Cherokee County North C*? PUBLISHED K V T V C. W. BAILF.Y r.dilor i.eMRS. C. W. BAILEY, Associate EJ B. W. SIPE . . Associate K.i Entered in the postoffii < at Murphy. North Carolina, as second ela.-s mail matter under act of Mar. 1 Subscription Katra One Year *1' Eipht Months . . l.uO Six Months Payable Strict'v In AdvaProhihition is in its i fancy. Tret it why people still want their - ttb Columbus discove ed Ameiiea. the real estate !>??? ?ters have ele-.: it. You < m't ha litre a leopard's - nor. M-eniintrly. the i <untry"s *v spots. When man says "I'll th n!. over," he .:e:;<-r.rly rn in> he w 11 pro home nr.d ask his wife. It's an i'i uind. ? '. : if t" ere ha ' not been any \\ , War we void 't have any Air. i-tiv Day j .trades. One of the diffr lit thinp i'i 1-fe Is for an undo* taker to keep f m emuing v.i.n ruei- ^ <m. The Prc-ider.t tecoiv-v.enis 1-' herence to the World C or?. ''re definition of adh.n-cnce i- han-'ing on by air with no permanent contact. An : t: ; -a". ;"f i? : '.-roup of fir pie in whvh the enmitteo l .11 the r1"?; :r the reta'-y :tll 1:: tsalary. What j < glory 7 In peace we haw the to - and he sued: in war. ;l kill and he killed. Some t' u- iiav" seen much of cither. ItLAIHSVIi.l.K Mr. H. R. Kite who has he.n spending few day- with homefolks has returned to hi- position in Parlor, S. C. , The High S lo.ol students here carried their play over t.. ? ermont last Saturday night. Dr. K. (\ Wellborn of Younfr Harris is here this week doing Dental work. Prof H. I., h'utt spent the weekend at home. Col ('. S. Reid of Gainesville. Ga. has lately i uichased a front lot in our town, consisting of an acre of ground for which he paid, 1500 dollars. Thi: goes to show that people ore learning the value thei. property the*e days. Mr. Rnrv-y Souther :?n?l faivily who have been tesiding in the donatory here for the past two year-, moved last Monday to the reside, ce in East Blairsville owned by Mr. IV. Akin*. Mr. Ciautus Berry of Young Harris has been a visitor in our town for the past few days. Mr. Hen tie.v and family, have lately moved to Blairsville fro: Young Harris, Ga. Col. P. II. Haral.-on returned Sun day from a few days stay in Atlant. Ga. Col. W. K. Candler and M *. Dicl: Law made a business trip to Mneon the first of the week. Antioch Church end School hu:Hing was destroyed by fire a few d.y ago, which we can 'd by an old oof catching from parks whe the . hool was in sess:on. The building an old landmark. Its loss has br v.r h* sorrow to a great number th * ; re now stoopped and gray, who ov-n romping children and in yo-'t'-: Ti mischief played around the hall-wed spot. They v.-'>o in youth drank here so s-.imptious'v f'-c.m it- an; of knowledge u: . ii with an e ert-ctic footstei crossed its threshold responding \vh?* 1 the busy world called them to take up their life'c pursuits. A walking came is now he. ing fashioned from the charred remains and will he presented to Prof. Luther Mauney, principal of the high school taught there near forty yea** ago. This in memory of all who "loved the nails in the ceiling, the latch on the door and every crack in the old schoo!hou?e floor". JOHN WHrrra <%?!?** v LOUISVILLZ. KT. tutiw s to .Jf-i' .--yv Raw Furs<S>^ <t Lore fosr H? By Albert Pay? "PROVE TO YOUR DOG YC "* ' -?'' ""V ?3; i ' r'?:. ...-. v, ")i ' v-vA i ' . bi' : l"?" ' / ,< ^ ' . ? !* t * f > ? - vs.-!1': ' > /t . / . /' .' V?.i?r VI /!! '// / r. >' * ^ -.V- V: . ' ?** "The Poor Dogs S< TP 1roT v, .>;i;J or had stmek Vino 1 * B"~3 str-' I. AI?? in one way or :in , ** other Ion weather ha ! Struck ; r lii'?st of the j?: : prro?l " O a nod ??is : thai exclusive >?r?of of the Strive ( suburb I 1 < >hl Man Ncglov's regular job trlnu iir.u' It s -1 ^ lawn- : : and t? ".it; flower borders u s Inter- j more and u ??* ?? by calls for \- ' 1 I or! . ire on handling s.edi canine ' prnVMri "1 it i ho n lawn dO' and a dootor a* the same time." lit? f'?'n ' plained it last, M?T Joel Is;- 1 take: lift n S'Ji I !... Mi.vr of the obi | man's time one day ,n describing the warm weather's eh 'ct on the emit of I 1 Ids PflrktT spaniel. "Itesides. might> j ' few of lite dogs on Tine street or unj where else really net d a <1 tctor. They | ' : : o hlng tlint*s harder to Und ' They need common-sense treatment. J ! Sii; use you foil s whose do:: j have ' 1 things the matter with them meet on that hit* por. lt ? f the Vcliors. at say ' 1 about eight o'clock this evening; an : let me come up nnd answer .11 y ! 1 questions In a lump? It'll save time." ; ' Accordingly. when the old man climbed the Vol r veranda s?>ts ' ' ' night ho found no fewer than twelve dog owners awaiting bin !*ati.-nt!v ' ho listened t. their long-1 in. : I stories full of j\ petitions con ni:m the welfare or ill-fare of their <! -s j Tln-n he sp< "Jirs Paid.' he began. "I notice [ von're wearing thin muslin dress. ' ! I.ast winter yon were ;; Idg fur coat, it's the same prim !pie with put* c? lie dog. Me can't put his fur coat In ' storage the way you do. ?o he pit it. 1 j In hum-ties, on your rags and carpets | and hull floors. And ho rubs str:.\ : hairs off it onto the furniture and onto ' | folks' clothe?. i mm s me only way he ran get rbl of It. Nature makes lilm stood his uir'er coat in summer, Just the ivay s-lu* makes y??u shed your mink coat | when tl.?Mii> s ret warm. ( Mr !1 he'll have started a brand f new beautiful winter coat. Till then. you've got to he patient. It's no fun | to have to pick up hunches of fur off | the rues. Hut it would he a lot les? fun for h'm to have to tote all that ' dead linlr In summer. ] "Mr. Jnnsen, wasn't It yon who sal ' | ; you're worried by the way your litt'e | Ifox terrier pants so hard all day In summer? "I notice you're mopping your fore j head pretty steadily this hot evening. I You're perspiring all over. Well, a j doc can't perspire anywhere except 1 through his ton sue. When he pants j he Is perspiring Tlint's hfs only way ! of perspiring. "When n dog has been taking exorcise In hot weather he persjdres. Just ' as you do. He docs It by panting. When the day la hot enough he pants, whether he's been exercising or not So do you. "That's one of the crudest things i about a tight mnzzle. It keeps the I dog's mouth so close shut that he can't j perspire That's torture to him and : a danger !< his health. If you've got . to muzzle a dog. get some kind of I muzzle that will keep him from biting. of course, hut that will let him pant i and that will let liim lap water, too. "Speaking of lapping water, the unj kindest thing you can do to any dog is j to keep him where he can't get a ; drink of cool wntw on* tin... i.? i ; tn winter or summer, bat ten times n> 1 roach In summer. "A dog's mouth Isn't shaped like n horse's or a cow's. He can't sock ;rrent draughts of water Into It to lost him half u day. He con only lap up ; about a teaspoonful at a time .So he J must drink often. "Sirs. Fletcher, you were asking how i to keep your Pefce from ^ettlnc any more fits: like the one I brought him out of. That wasn't no ?rd nary fit. i th< klrd n vet. has to lie culled In for I i To* took the p??"r little cuss out In : tli* hurrilns hot sun and Mm i walk for three tin middle of the da * "Lf " r he i? Via . THE CHEROKEE 5COU* - ? **g=i] g-OwtteTS I cts TccfiS'ne IB >U HAVE GOOD SENSE" ifi r^rr ' '' $ i ; :M^j ; K ? ? Hi ? - * i ; j ikr''* i, * - ^1 k * '.-Mi' < ' % y > .tuBAti '""'jo j;? 'FZ<:v f i.-. i yv-? ' 5 >'*' ty. < i' -# .; | . ' . * , 'A v .V i P-< ^-iK ' >' ii C * * L f > 1 ? 'I'.-."-' I ratch Fury." K tic" nt ji tlnu- wJi.'R 1 !:. ; M tr- bi? gs t! Voti'll J ' -I ?=' <*?! I x;. '! !! rtr ?' ' { 4 ?T?I ? H ?T Ml !?} i:M !!: ?? ! ' i t -i: ' ' 9 t ;it |. n ! : ;. -u t?? 1 Iniriti" Jjj il m??rir-i:; ; ,? H CIMl |??; l' <iin ! ?: ' :i? . i in c'n- .:?? I >r ' ' r . 'A .?? t *'.* ! 'i ! .' ?- it ' !> . i Hi. "'I : ' > f- ! /' ' I t !,i - '' I . I. - t.i> oulU-. li:i?V : ! V "Yn':r ?' ? :.r.M\vs . !i fc kpO|? Wt ?f - ! if I tc in !i rJf li I ; I < - I : ! hi s li'\ li ??? i'mu. II- >niV?r in i risk for 'T S. -,\ ' -|i ! jn fnr.M " Ii ' -st.ii !h "! 1- a } ! If J on lot lV'.i't lot lih.i 1 ti'V llt tf ? ! ..-i -.f your? r?.t t :: c i my v.,-,. r" - :> 1 lutU'. Nolllior Mrs. ? i*# caHit* E Tllov 11: v .* i!?- ^ TI- 1- ? n. : ? |i;i! Iii- i! ir t-.itJ of R ti? >< *'i:: 11 :i!?y \ *! -cclally g iv? r hips 'T! j.i- r dogs -h !".?* fury * I'l-ov si-r. 1- a pi:-. raw The tile* ! She lout -,e! .illo it. 'Hint's not nnuw. l- il It'll tret nimv serious if you lcjcct i?. Here's a simple a:i-i sur?? a :y to cure it : "I'.uv <. >!.?> li-fjor cresnlls You an u* t it cheap at any drug store. I'm ilirn- t>: iit*= of it In n barrel. nlons .vitli 1?? gallons of water |m!n water is best); an.I dip yimr dog !n the arrol. him In it for :th??ot two minute* ail '.lit Ids eyes at.-l tnwe ris?-n take him out and nib some rrood o:i|? 5ht?? his coat; and then tarn the '1 liose on 1dm and wash liitn thoroughly with clean water. "It will kill (he fleas and make hl.n : beautifully clean. He'll smell a tittle !t of carbolic achl for .1 few days, but , not muclt. It's a cienn smell. 1 "Do this every ten days in summer J mil yon'II keep 1dm in great condition especially his skin. "If ever he scratches any spot rnw pour a handful of the mixture from p the barrel over the sore place. Nine I tines out of ten It w ill cure the spot ^ :it once y "That's n boon to all dogs, especially long-haired dogs. In sar. :ner. It , ~ isn't a patent medicine, either, and ... it's harmless. I "I've got to flnlsh whitewashing my hencoop tonight. Maybe the rest of / you will drop around here tomorrow I'vening? I'll answer the rest of your ? questions then." i i" (CopyrlsUI by (he McNausht Syndtcats. loe.? i , Married at a Distance Possibly the most unconventional j C and peculiar marriage ceremony on ^ record was that performed years jtg( r hv n consular nwni ?? ?.. b bridegroom was a weil ltHlo resident i ?f that town, unrl the bride lived >n p Italy. When the wedding was per- | formed the contracting parties were :. thousands of mile" apart. |l The consul Idled in a Monk certlfl- ; cate, which v.a> forwarded !?> him ?.! ? the authorities In Italy, who. in the \ presence of the parish priest, exhibit- j ^ ed It iiefore the bride. w!io in turn of- I 1 fixed her signatnre, accepting it ns her action. The tnnrrlnge became per- T fectly binding, of course, the ncwlymarrled couple could r.-?t posibiy live . together for quite a little time owing v to the distance they were npntL L Predicts Use for SmoAe Fine dust from chimneys vc?* ?. near future, find commer the Industries either 86 fillc fertilizer, or other prodac base for some building mat work now is being done method.'* of catching the II w hi'-' ,1> ?p the chimney \ \ <; t'brUt T. MURPHY. N. C. Tl i I hp & SITU i AT J. W. E j "The Home Of Good C | | Continued to ;?al jj 11 < .: j iviorr . g J>p. ciall 75, i.-r:Lcr. g fi BROOMb FOR | I) 4 Cn acroitr.; f . a y rrqur?l? we a;e putting broom* cn sale -fia'n. The >;rst 50 ?j adults who enter our store Friday, Jan. 15t!?, 1 R at 9 A. M., will he Riven a coupon which ^ F will entitle thrm to buy one of theses 75a jj u Brooms for a penny jj jj With Pu. chase cf or Mors I KVUL 5 I SALE TO BE | | CONTINUED ? 3 On acco jt,: f ' e many re s's from ou . jj S cottom; e." 'he t ? 115 \ - ity that 3 | have be 1 u: able to .- ! b" on accsrnt of s t! i* h.t i toad conditio s. ve e going o ? esrtiwe our vh until Sat rday i' ipht January 23. AT. '.a!c rice- * ill ? e - s duiir.e the former advertisements. a ? "aC""* ~r g WE APOLOGIZE a I or not being al>!e to serve you better on 5 the first days of this sale. We prepared as 3 weil as we knew how hut response was u ?vcrwhe'ming. We tried to '.ive every P customer real service. It we failed in any * instance, is was not from lack of i cline!>J lion or tffort. ? jj iaaBsraroaHa;s3=K?3xar7 EnsaB^?Z2? r:c rcr :$!&&? >. \im 1 1 \J 1 70 T1 IE TAX PAYERS OF CHE1 The Taxes for 1925 are long hi money, and 1 am compelled to i here will be cost added, as provide 1 will be at the following pla< impose of collecting your 1925 tax t all rural districts for the purpos emember the place and date and l fOPTON?D. B. Wright's store ANDREWS ?Lee Watkin's Store vlARBLE Trull & Mintz's Store aRANDVlEW?Lovingood & Son >U1T?M. M. Burger's Store iA TRICK- Mart Raper's Store lElD'S CHAPEL VOTING PRE( lOT HOUSE T. T. JOHNSON'S -ULtJtiKSVJN?W. A. Nichols' Stc VALKER SCHOOL HOUSE? JPPER BEAVERDAM, J.T.Dock JNAKA?G. F. Rose's Store ?)NG RIDGE?Voting, precinct SHERIFF AND 1 \V. JANUARY 15. 1926 oil aaie DAVIDSON'S 1 othing ' Murphy, N. C. I :urday Jan 23 P?M. 1 1 , wcaaa.. *i l: 4 Saturday Morning Special I | jjS I [SUGAR "ST* 10c| I M J We have been requested 'o put tumr on -iU cfl bffl In a ;ai n so here goes. '1 he first 50 adults who Q { D . tci oi.r store Saturday, January 16th, H 9 I at C A.M., will be given a toupon which will fl M E entitle them to pur-, hate n 9 I ?-i POUNDS OF PURE GRAN- f\ 8 $1 I | QULAl ED CANE SUGAR FOR i Jc y 2 | I h Pr coiFe cf $1 or Mcra | .. jj \'PS. APPRECIATE jj 1 i ' '!! ! rcma;'!.al lv demonstration of (rubl'c 8 D jj .fideircc in lj ntd our merchandise. W? | u V ' -nre u that during this sole a d after | tjo j ii :j a thin? of t'tc past, v/e shall endeavor I gfl ^ U to rrevc worthy cf the trust reposed in us. t 9 | | 8 | , , . mn y:; - ^ UUJ?T | H 1 | V-rT THANK YOU -4 ^ For the patience and good nature you dis- B H r played and trust you got values t! at amply ? U {i rev.r.rd you for any inconvenience you may S B (* ? have experienced during this great f??e. JR a H "The Greatest Of Our Career". H SB rir ei L IWILrfJ RCKFE COUNTY: past clue and the State and County needs settle, at my regret. After February 15, -d in the I 925 Machinery Act. :es at the dates mentioned below for the es, this being the third and LAST round ie of collecting the 1925 tax, so please Tieet rne promptly and settle: January, 21, 1926 " 22 '' ~ 23 " s Store " 28 ' 29 " I before noon] 30 :iNCT [afternoon] " 30 " j Store February 1, 1926 Z. - ---- ery Store[*??~] " 4 " " 5 " 10 " IORROW TAX COLLECTOR

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