PACE TWO Cl)c CDtrotee &cout The Official Organ of Murphy and Cherokee, North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W. BAILEY Editor-Manager j C w- BAILEY, Associate Ed B W. SIPE Associate Ed iTvTTT: tS, po?toftk< at Msrpliy, North Caa, a- - 1! matter under a.t <A Mar. Subscription Rates One Year Sl.50 Eijjfet x :Y ... : Six Mr Payable Strirtly I- Advance BLAIRSYILLE NEWS Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Wellborn of Y??ur.t' H . . a feu days xvit" friend? unci relatives h^re M?? . Waldo H".n?T. < 1. jde -i \.-vT. - busint> ' \' 4. ' .-1: nd The Him > : pupil- pr* cnttd thci ' . > ' ::r hty n.v Ar?|U:: jmsfortur ? . i '* r _ hi- ar.ti a t;.-p. - -, -. urdn\ i *. Mr>. T. !.. . from I'.al l< . v' F" M . B. I*. f " I : ! ? hi>n>? 1 ! -h- * *. - *: Mi-." . : ! ; .small mi irF-er ; - h i nittht < Ms- 1 : K- : 1 the f'??iio\vinc .-t < ;r?J Saturil.. * : V -i . Hni';?l-?'? . in WV Blltt, l.? III i: W . Str??u:| r.tul Fi'- y 1 v 1 r th?- ,;?>n ; <*ir - , was .. mnitic Tri jnivt'r-f wns int- - .'1 i: f'ivo in iiiir*/ -tars n ?v,? ! ?f praise. A l"t? :t ' i???l m:.r . rention to ?l'*? i| ?? the :/: | ?oi ? *-:: - '? I I ! . ; i.. :r , wei'p n<? i- .-J;* t- ... ?n th?- ni.. tt-rpiece < f ..tinr-! .. W. i .iv;. : , hut wonil-r ?ut|> n.]\ . ? he provided a plan - i . i T. : 1 his person. . fi'. c.jrin 1 CUttcrs. vv::t. I.. ' .i !h{ 1- nS. 1 handke iii? - and ? \a]k-rat:r<c . halm that i-. . ..inter. .unh\ . . venue officii.- i. wn : r* -i nasi ; as five 1 " .. . i >i:\ ' - : ill. le- I fo?idgn " the i t l. Adam and Kve . the ' raiment, fit. . intm-ine ' the voile\ > :' i -:;v ' i- l?^ Mhen \?i: en V ? k r ' :< . ? i , by mistake picked some | ivy 1 j leaves f< ? m v .-re-ti thinking ti:at he had found < f late.-t .,.? ! fashienahit- ft_ ait-. In II i \tei.-jve !'( <( ivh it is fount! t at j?. :>< "> i:.r ? at k * he * nie t fit ' ?> n:e ? n , t'llcius. Tills lilei* k\\ !!V. : - 1 fid the I t-.-t 1 < : t?- = tsticki r- ' things i:I - * ?. % . ' -erm-thi: . u: ! . ' ' ' . . mitiiaeeji! i ?*n t: f roamed tin- ti'.-h the *? ;iii-< r :"? ?? f , Rritain it v.-,, f. n,-i rr.-afe , i carry things -irM ;iw! '.-i a hag ove: j t the shoulder ".! h.? le.jven that the | way -\v?.re i.iiMf _ ? sleM.-nJy occaii"'i samnamhi.: "i - r? I; the oaken . ( cudgel, w "v i-up??n the \v? , have \an:.-! ! i-? v.: I.. s . I ;i;.- pi i<.?K. tiifte the < . ') ! v.< i. i i modilixcil ntful i?mr?-h. Th'pr sewed ' '<*? rp? . the inside r.f lh? r ' ?- ' > :!.? ir mundn: <' ? mneratii-r.s. Thu* pocket-- wi i : i? :ii. in a mi!i. ."*tar.? i::' -'..r , ' ,y . .lir AtV'l'i S: \un wce?ti,r>. Tj.r i vi.i !.?-* de i\ from the S . n rd \vbi< h iiidi<*n1i' r. Sinful ? : -aturc man ha* ? . i?y v iriiv." pistol.-', kii;-. <i*t" ii' dimennlonsl Ma- l;it . k^ n ?!:? ? . ?hi-kpv. plov( ~ : r.| ntb*-r iii *. ;;nmen-1 tinnnble. Should women vfnr prtiket^? Washington Irving living the first historian of all time to rhorniclc the women wr.- associated with pocket-. however, the story of the SUM and Prim** of Good Fellows i.* true. For with the dawning of the twentieth cur fury the minds f the fair se\' pose-ss<". )< ?!? to dominate In the political affairs of the nation or rather dabble to use localism. The ladie: sow wish to join the military forces?... iation. c&raliy when they should l?c at home taking pare of the infantry. I Lore for D< By Albert Pay WHY YOUR DOG DOE : . jj ' V I< . c. - *>v, rv ^ vgg ' HI The Dcj Tjrred Carefully A-cu O'- V\N VIMI HY had br. I - ?<ri(l*Tr\ ? ? !!:; :i?*I little 1?< ;tun riP?rli?*r d? ? iih?ii4 k- \ Ktre*'l 11.;i? !.:>. for in Ilia lin-Mitm' round / ol<l man parked his - a tree in rl??* Vree- . h:n K yard ":,l , - ~ ~o sample the ?imietif> ! n' I !' ? lw?en left to tfrou i. . i rl nf t11 ? i:r.'Ht.?l- A i . :i-r : ? to ? ;t t or htt>. | T i* tvavv :>11?1 starred i , Vrw nd tiojri and a school i fr . 1 r-i red pe-' toward : 'i? -t< . ;? ! to >u> hello ' " t i1 : .li I' . 1 s> . ' -t?-r ? X; ; e : : ' *. . t. n.?\l : f *U :??? ? .? : r.?a .. i.? . trd t''. - <\ H \ ., -V. , i * -? ? i. .. | .i.e..:" v.; . . ; . i ... . : .. . < , ' t- .1 :< p?i ; j. b?*ck or : ? .<; t j [l - >: t u f!? v . r? :r i - * i !*:.*? - : .< *: *-P I.kt 1! : * us* . :? s ?. , ii. :!1 ?r!. >. . i.: Li ?- y: > t . >l f; r l ... .. . t : t i. r lsy : r.?i it.*- . - :Jx *' : ? .:.? * # . . - . r? ; ; " . ; t k * :-r t! ? ' r!- :i : ; . ?>? . * ' . grct !? :: V: froM I t-'.' ;.T * *.'. S . . . ' !: t ! . r. ?r*-\s.?! . r> ;.T ma i"?v ?. ' > !?*hit;.rug they're v< ? :c ili ?n ;ii?. **ItV - ti.? H -V:.. ,- ? ;;!! f> r !t IS.;.; IK- - :? ,.yi < * e w;:? a .;?? v:.v? ' "There ; .ot * : : -r ioj;s i Je 14-.: : }.- i.T ?->:? !> f,.?; those i ;s ;t.r > <. .?t v. For in t::> ? : \v; f. ihjjs i;D(! The'r wv'.f brothers ,yo.-? i! e t ai.iumis T!.:.t ever , t in I ..cfcs, T'ay w onlil } pull i!f*? is * t < " s Vv !?:; < or some er j-rey. ar.d then tie \>h-e |>H<k n ' ; it ui;<I ^ :.l It. They >v? : . ! : L* Mftrvwl. i . 1? ?i e v. i>: t ? ?. v'ti to fto < ?' la.nty table BiS;rner? ?. : : live long ?:: iirf* to ; i:> ?: : :Ti?ilant?. I !* died of} punier. *TI? strongest ?lo>; was the il?jr that otild ti.'.i I !- ! .?! fastest urn! in that iviiy ;t i tin- share it. Il?**?. !!.? iI??K thai !eft his trails to Ills ir>. i ?.?!: ; :- his traits ..f gulping 1 h-wn liis fi?Xi In big mouthful* -?Ilh >n: i i >t I f chewing It. among other ih:r.g*. "'i tint's why lii'jrs today bolt their faster and with less chewing than , my other animal does. A eat eats i:.ii.ti..v. A ting jrohides. That Is why U Is twice as e:?sy ti- poison n don a* j It is to poison a eat. The eat ex- ; indues ttrst. The d<'g inherit* the t.ahil of holt inn his dinner w ithout Itopl- iie f<; figure out what Is in It. "Nature hj.s heiped nut this trail! of his by jri\ ais^r him gastric jnleea that hes'-lve JiJiros? anything, except poultry bones, that gels into his s'omaeh. [f yon or T alt; old er.i the tbJnjr* a I Jog cuts, ar.d eat them as fast and . trfthoul ehew'ng, we'd he den<?. "Another thing about the old-time j THE CHEROKEE SCO C" >g-Owners -*cni Terbuse li :S STRANGE THINGS vwymif r j; vVA\ r i ^ Wm r.d Twice Before t.y:"3 Down ' liutit!ns pinks ' H ?% :;-. U'l i' . ?!<>- starts t.: . tr :: a* vnu'vc imticrsl i" !??.- ii.i n nlhtT, f?r i!,. i : ' ? :ili?1 |- vi. , ? |t jv,, ,.ktl'iit nit It t iT *. sliilMi'. il ? : ' ::M ! r .>< . hi imv* don't j'.n lc Hi" "III till* "'! . .? - I!:? :?ln the p:n k \\i - ' ; : i i. :.. a!' ' ? l*S? ??f t1 - , n n .| t? _. I f?.r :h?? I.iit t. " %t? ami wii-s villi p.. . ? \r u M ?1?v i! ' !:?*art| i' . v .. .M ?!<*>> ; . i.i :n ! <1?? ti:-i " ' . |. " fall !? any ? ?!.* n * hi IhmvH ' ill;; (i < !. : i!f t. .? -l i. yM pa-* II . n !i: * . v; , x l?*v ? : v.. . ntory >* Mi* < I v o-ir i-wit , ; ' ' - ..I --lit W I.I'M :*'. J : - i VMil n lira .!> I - ' " V?*ll "!s* - a unit in.- f *i l'|p?i'!irr y *i. M- I'lnsiher 1m?l I : i. fn |rn:i.v'i?ir ail iiT? n,.5, r : ei'lted. It?- I ivi' led to *V?- ! !;? -n the >uft ? :?rr' . : ?- ::M L:h1. Into piare ahove It " IIIWH "i 1 thro ! ;! k." < t'i i. < : tin old man. mali! i ^ t?e V . ? ,>j I'iilf!!!1. 'When : ! w il<l . . down prey t *ii? l J? r litem l a!' at on?"e. w t!? * ne\l dog ??r pnek of j:* ' . t happened t i-.-t the ent \vo..'d t tiMt i lit- I'ltrt'itss. *>m * dog listt had fi: <I enough | :? v i. ::11 ht?r\ i! .* rest of the H?- itituc Intel; later to t Up :itti| eni the:u. .'.lei. lie . - gry again. Tlmt wjv " sense; and I don't ?!<It sim-: him f11> .i fnitiine. When ;; "M.-tv, he'll : ,! nfitru to . *1 e I v?here he'd hurled his :.?? ! he'd ?.;.t it "To t!'i' day iln'.i do the ^tttiie thing. That I iiiheriiintiii of mine knows he isn't HUel\ to Iiitlie here ap: in I! kiows he's never in his 1;:. let ;-?? hungry. But l?y oldti:. , mslinet he's burying llsttl li .iir Beejti *-e a trillion of his tim e-tor* did it: and they niittle il h port ?f hi* ; Dal .re Jo httrv hones lie ean't eat. "Votir ilsid was asking me how to vjoji his ...lie from running <011 after Titai's another throwbyek. \Vi!tl i'iij.-* lay In the hushes or long gra^s lh-er or sheep or rnhhlfs would setirry t past. If lite dog wanted a dinner, he had to s'.ve lite first itisinnt he saw the dash of anything rushing |ui?t . Li.11. It was Ids nature to rive any tiling Hiat ran l?v. That's how e kept alive. It was his sport and j ..4- ..4.,. a II ?0! in I be ::li lll<lillrt. "Ill I'm- l-rains of modern 'logs fespe i :ji?!y Ici^' liHlriMi dogs, they ' t?re nearest to the wolf and the wild ! dog) that ifistin<t Is slill doing httsi I ness. And a pesky nuTsniu-e it is "A ?*nr goes wliirzinjr post. and In 1 tit I net makes 11?#? .g < |ih*p it. Some j time* I woiulpr what they think they'd i do with the car if they .-aught It. " Ythere's n reason for everything lour dog dues. Kv??n if thnt ren son Is xotnetin:?-s h million years olil" j ""'I . : - . i Carlsbad Still Popular I'.efote the Wor'd war. ''jirisi.j.i1, wne probably the most fan or.r - f F'u rope. and TO.ikmi \isitors a year jo;?r neved there. After the *.v?r fi rivbat'. became Knrlohv V'ury of Cip-hpylnvakta. Nearly f<0,fk*? visitors stayed there last var, iih h was i mre Mint, twice as rai.ny as the year bef.-rv: hve as many Americans as y. yjtsh were tliere. a number elfflit tithes lnrger than the rumber of I reach . M iwunderstood She?We women art always irjJec.u , dors! end. He?Well, no woman ever trten u j inkke herself pitta, doet the? r. MURPHY. N. C. for Economical 1 ; ... : , I WW A Low Priced ' \. A type of pertormani proached in any low smoothness of operati ? new swiftness of ; beauty?new comfort added to its already w t and economy to ma Chevrolet a revelati ' > transportation. Just take one ride in i ?and you will he ai qualities heretofore tl of owning costlier ca able in a car of very I TJ. The introduction of t > rolet marks an outsta in the automobile inc t * pfr* Touring - . '510 Roadster ? 510 Coupe ? 645 i - \ ? Coach 645 r AU fricm DICKEY M( Sales and MURPH\ QUALITY AT mil' Vi JANUARY ,45, nsngn transportation , O relation in . rsransssortation :e never before appriced car?a new on?new flexibility icceleration ? new ?these have been 'orld-fcunous power ke the Improved ] on in low-priced ,1 this remarkable car mazed to find that le chief advantages i rs are now obtain- I t ow price. he Improved Chevinding achievement lustry. f Prices/ Sedan . . '735 " 1 Landau 765 i Vi Ton Truck 395 1 Ton Truck s;i%n F/lnl, Mkhigan "" .; / *- - i 3TOR CO. Service N. C. LOW COST

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