PAGE SIX ' ^ NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND k Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deec if trust, executed by A. C. Green# and wife. Kdnn Greene, to the under Mjtned. Trustee. conveying the land; described in said detd of trust foi the purpose of securing the indebted ness therein mentioned, which sai? deed of trust is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Cheroke* County in Book No. 80, page 175. ant default having been in made in th? i*ayn'ent of said indebtedness an< the-1 power of sale having beconu operative, the undersigned. Trustee for the purpose of satisfying said in debtedness, interest and cost of sale will on Feb. 15th. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse loor in Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, expose said itlmi.s for sale to the highest bidder for cash, said lands being more particularly described a^ follows: Two certain tracts of land in Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Notla Township, on the waters of Beech Creek, one tract being known as the land W. A. Greene bought from the Dehart Heirs, and also known as the George Hogsed farm, and being j-he tract of land conveyed to W. A. Greene by deed of -J. D. Commissioner, dated ^ t \t... v mi" ..~?i ... corded in the office of the Rigicter of Deeds of Cherokee County, in Book No. 69 of Deeds, at Page 1. The ther tracf. of lard being known the land \V. A. Greene purchased from 6. W. Stile-; also known a? apart of the Oi l Jesses Wright harm -aid two tracts of land being bounded and described as follow-: Beginning on a 'arge -pnnish oak near the Sandy Gap. ar.d runs a south direction wl*h A. M. Baker'" iine to a bl&i-k Jack near a road or. t< p of a ridge; thence a south direction with the line of Robert Stile* to a -panish Oak, of G. W. Stiles; thence a south east direction with said road and line of G. W. Stiles to a reck corner of G. W. Stiles; thence an east direction with the line of Pub . Brockmar to a Sourwood near the :ond; thence a aorth cast direction with the lir.e of Polcy Brockman to a black cak on top of the ridge; thence about north to a rock corner of fasper Voyle? and P< 1 r tn thence a north eas>t d - .>n v -no line of Jasper Voj to a blac'. MTt rf;*_ " inc of :ihi .Mr per Voy'es to a large poplar on Pine trcnfe a north direction With the iir.e of Jumper Voyels to a ?mall post oak, corner of Jaspei Voyles, J. J. Calloway and J. W. Greene the roe a west direction witt. the line of J. .!. Colin way to a Srr.u 11 oak; thence a west direction with the J. J. Calloway tract to a rock on top of a ridge t.~ the becinncontaining 160 ac-es, more or This the 14th day of January 1 F. O. CHR1ST0PHF.P. j <23-4t-foc) Trustee. j I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICF F Qualified as admii.itstator fyoi the estate of P. E. Nelson, late iof Cherokee County, this is to notify 4a)1 persons having Cairns attain at |*aid estate to exhibit them to the ^ BUndersipntd on or before the first r "day of January, 1927. or this notice : will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted t>? said estate will please make immediate settlement. This January 1, 1926. W. B. NELSON. Administrator jji of the estate of P. F. Nelson, *. Deceased. 121 -6t-pd > fe. | APPLICATIO?: FOP. PARDONof WILLARD RARNETT Application will be made to the /Commissioner of Pardons and the Governor of the State of North Carolina for the pardon and parole of Willard Burnett, who was conevicted at the August Term 1923 ol f , " I How Doctors Treat I Colds and the Flu m To break up a cold overnight ox W to cut short an attack of grippe. in floenza, sort* throat or tonsillitis, physicians and druggists are now recomSt mending Calotub.-t, the purified and i refined calomel compound tnbkt that gi^es you the effects of calomel and aalta combined, without the unpleasant effect* of cither. One or two Calotabs at bed-time ' a -with a swallow of water.?that's all I Ne salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with your eating, worli m or pleasure. Next morning your cold fhaa Tanishec - - ^ - '* oughly purif fhMtrithib. fnat Eat whu; you please,?no da.tfrer. Get a family package, containing full directions, only 35 cents. At an$ drug store. (adv) * THE CHEROKEE SCO J the Superior Court ?f Cherokee I County X. C. for abandonment of hi? '! wife ar.d children and sentenced at I the November Term 1925 of the ' Superior Court of Cheikee County ' N. C. by the presiding Superior Court Judge to serve a term of two years on the Public road? of Ituueombe County N. C. ' All persons, who oppose tbe pranting of said pardon or parole are inI vited to forward tftelr protest to the Commissioner of pardons without J This the 7th day of January 1926. <22-4t-pd) J. R. BARXETT Father of Willard Bamett STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' Cherokee County. In the Superior Court I.'* \ e i \ ? limy i *?iii K , VS. Carolina and Georgia Railway < ?.mj pany. ' NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE l?y virtue of an execution directed to the undersiirncd from the Superior Court of Cherokee County in the entitled action. I will on the 1st day of Feb. 11'2'i: It being the Fir-t .Monday in February 1920 at 10 o'clock A. M. at the Court, Houes door of s?id County of Chero-' kee. N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution ail of the right title and Interest of which the defendant' Carolina. Georgia Railway Company has in the line of rail Road cross ties, steed or iron rails and the Cross tieincluding road bed and right away from the Town of Andrews in the County of Cherokee, N. C. to the ' lay County Line of an approximate distance of 10 or 12 miles This the 2 day of January ti?2ti. I*. B. MORROW. Sheriff. 22-et-bl.ntl Cherokee County. N. J NORTH CAROLINA. CHKKOKKK COUNTY In The Superior Court : II. Hyatt. Jr. Vs. Annie Hyatt. NOTICE The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled ovo has been comma need in . upsrior Court of ?'horrr County, . u.oiinaf for the pur-. Quinine ? divorce absolute the ground of separation as : provided by Statute; and the defenjdant will futther take notice that, j she is required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Corut. North Carolina, at his office in Murphy. N. C. on or before the 1st day of (February, 1926, and answer or de1 mur to the Complaint of the plaintiff filed in the above action or the plain tiff will apply to the Court for the , relief demanded in the Complaint. This the 2nd day of January. 1926 F.. K. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Couit Cherokee Co. (22-41-H). NORTH t AROI.INA. CHKROKKK COUNTY. In Superior Court G. \Y. Hall Vs. Ilarvt Worley and Wife Rachel Lestie Davis, Ruiase Baker and Wife Lestie Davis, Rufus Baker of Wife Nancy Baker. Men vie Davis and wife Lillie Davis, Jim Mashbum and wife Cordis Mashburn and Arval Baker and wife Hat tie Baker. NOTION OF SUMMONS FOR RELIKF The defendant? above named will , take notice that on action entitled as above has meon commenced in the ' supetior court of Cherokee County i the object and purpose of said action being to have the adverse claim of the defendants to a certain tract of land, to-wit, a tract of lard bought | by plaintiff from William N. Gentry j and wife, determined and canceled , as a cloud upon the title i?f the plaintiff, and that the defendants be declarer! to hav? nn 1 "> '"in said tract of land, said tract of j land Wine: fully described in ;? deed from the said William N. Gentry and wife to plaintiff G. W. Hall of ro.-ord Iin the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Cherokee and also fully described in the afI fidavii of the plaintiff now on file in i the Office of the Clerk of the Sup! erior Court for said County of Cbero' ( kee. ' j And the defendants will furihei I | take notice that they are required to I appear before the Clerk of Superior Court at his office in U. cou: in Murphy on th< 20. , ' T?V; ruary, and answer or demur tc the complaint in said action or the ^ plaintiff will apply to the cou-t for ' K % I This 1 Ith day of Jan.. 1026. E. R. DAVIS. Clerk r Superior Court, ChercVee Couvty North C.:roMr.i, ti-wi-Dd) \JT. MURPHY. N. C. jNORTH CAROUNX ; Cherokee Countv. ILn the Superior Court fila .May Patterson, vs. I F.dd Patterson, NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUM*] MOXS RY PUBLICATION The defendant Kdd Patterson. ' will take notice that an action en i titled as above has been commenced J in the Superior Court of Cherokee.) ; County. N. C. against him f??r an ah- j soiuie uivorce t?n statutory Rioann' and the said defendant will further i take notice, that he is re^ured to ap-1 ; pear at the office of the Clerk th?Superior Court of Cherokee County. C. in the Court House in Murphy, N. C. on the 9 day of Feb. 192?? and answer or demur to the con plaint in -aid actiin or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for relief! demanded, in the complint. This S day of January I92*?. (il-lt-H) K. K. DAVIS. Clerk I of the Superior Court, Cherokee I "County, N. C. Frequent \ Bilious Attacks "I Buffered with severe bill- Qjj) 2 oui attacks that came un two i 2 or three tltnos oarh month," ?^ :P says Mr. J. P. XotIbs, of : fB I-a* ranreburg. Ky. "I would IP . P0 gat nauseated. I would have IP pB dlEztoess and conlda't work j 2 I would toko pills until I ww m wuraout with them. 1 dfdo't ' aoeui to get rellaf ^ ^P "A neighbor told rot of "P BLACK DRAU6HT 2 U?M MrifciM g Pg and I began Its uao. I aavar B have found an touch relief t at It gave naa I would not B 14 PP be without It for anything It ( Mm aeeued oleanre tnr whole kl *2 ?>?tem Mild made mo 1t*l like ^ MP new I would take ? few PP A doe^e get lid or 'he bile end ^ j ^5 have uiv uaual <-l?i*r head. 9l PI feel full of pep. and could do |P 1 JB twice til# woth " |B 2 Blllo'ia ,??? < ha ?*?..;'?*? . ? ' ? have tnhen fbefl- SB ; ford s Black Diaugbt to ward T : V off sarh ait?eka and the good V j |p reaiilia tber have reported P| ! should mducc you to try It. ^ All ?m#Alata' X ' I; Mi. ? ommodori' Davis. Whitier, j visited his brother. Tyre day la^t j week utid found him out with dog ' ' and pun. JI 7 " i1 .Mr. R. (. Coffey. Asheville. spent!, a day or so in Marble last week j looking: after his properly. Hub is j genial fellow. Mr. Vinson Hall, wife imdbaby, j Bryson City, spent ilie week end with; hi- father. Mr. I. B. llall. Mrs. Idly Smith and children spent: the week-end visiting it! her father's ' Mr. Mulkey, M air by. Our snow and ice was followed by ;a copious rain: si ill. some of our-. I wells are dry. In a former communication your correspondent wrote, "She s*lk- -yfflme i of them foi the price of a^" J > Your typo made hint say ' House," which seems to have ilately offend ' ed Mr. Crisp, Marble's town marshal.: We do not know why? If our esteemed marchal has yellow dogs. eur ! dogs, or fine dog.- Tfti nale wo d?> not i know of it. Your correspondent did not nee the Christmas fight 31 r. Crisp disputes] our statement about, mid which so an.! gered him. The report was given us by a Justice of the Peace who [ said he saw the fight, blood and All. j And that he saw the aggressor get < in bis car and ?i?:vo off- fothvw-1 t ing the fight, right before the mar-! . shal, who made no effort to arrest . i him. Sam Jones said, "The hit dog j | yelps." Hcwevr, both men iat?rj submitted before the magistrate, and were fired the cost. I 7 j Sunday morning?it raining and mudcy. a youth who looked a* though he might be some fifteen HOW'S THIS? HAIAi'? CATARRH MEL'-ICINB wHl ! ?ic what we claim lor it?r?d jour system : of Catarrh or Dmfntts caused uy itrl. v*s *r.. Ia;r;i*l .?i?an.- .. ?.se Tntcm.l iVjediriae. a Tone, which I set5 through the T*< i d on the Muoeua ! EiTrfacee. tbj? 'o restore ror- 1 nutl conditions. T' li hy 'or r> i | v' 1. Chen?? Co.', T??". .io. ?'\ 1 ^ ? ? I"] p 13 \l |5 H iwrrmbi? J ^liH Vr "flip mnrsi?8r Diss-" Imp? I H 5T 32 Si jjjjji SF~ 59 |JJJ|4C i )??? %* ?< < Htriu r.ial 1? to y HmhI I I 11 Ari|?r ?2 -rrlniini 14?l'hi'?ntc;?n 41 )*? I Prrpi iili n 17 -i >rr.pii ?j ! m IP I'cirtrCcftir* 20 <4>j rrr j_T?. imv ?"i"l 2 :*ri?li? j. 4 IT* |>h?( " . L II - Quit* k few . , 7??Tiiir* h d?*y * . * I ??'* *' , y - i r ? hffNrt ** Z Kl\?l ft. 4 ?;? ! i f ir.v# * r?-h ' E?? ?? ! htlr.) ? H?? 'i| i* J < Pil u ? ' olidkrlft n > 4lV..|?X & 4 Hn?i ii4T kOrrrfc# tw it Com** iK T Tmi *(4 I ** a - T'> ir.lm'.c * Wntil t All <r.ri?r.I I?Tht?I1PI? f*.|?rU* will m Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle bb/.n 8' e J B USwFiiEjN/Sji iA^T: BpE L P^jpTjE|EjS| ^.EMSrE T^LiE?*H[R h?lfi?iRl' ;E i2?F;Y4E B R a|TTBA^E|^UMF I'Pit; > "la. ohIIi'iI ?n \<>ur cones, sondent, delivering .? \*?!l Hard luck appeal: Hirv-alf. "Charl ^ ^N?f 0/ our oa>t \ shipped tki .mru ciau ] thty mi rra-i\*d ? " ) j^ouiwsekwcei I mid practically idt of\ Itki valance on the \ XtbUczctna Jay? J j 24-HOUR-SEKVICEI ? Mail Bthe Coupon TODAY THE CHARLES WILLIAM Please send mc FREE a coj KamC Address S^E9BI^3EEEL ==i??= I JljJTga i; BlUld ^ *" P1T nn m m i < ?V l> > Vertical Havinr <*???? I ? Thr? I?<;ir. ? r.iir.f ? The n.nSr. i I'uli'.U- i ffirrr w?ii ttUrli dt?di *?N*;:\r n.etal 1 Orrui.kl prelum ?it At t? tiki l? n I t? liDp?rfvniil |i?n< ua ll 'J v ?ie (?i? * It?Cvi?inur.)iU ! i It?I*eif?ct I* If- A mm i ire i j Ji Son ? f lalur ?r,t J< rK?le ii Pie. ?e If ft To eMv?.t> S? A'verYhii l.uiror'.it C J !Tv.ied fttfciee of Air.erioo iftbtr.) 1! Ttefttetful ' I1 ? Stktt?r?d . t tl?< ' ft K Ind of ?>*? [ ji Jll?? ?.? ?-f ??-.? |r??t i*k*a If?('crocked r ?? - ??.rl ?.f in he" ?l Heinan ei.peioe 111 o o .? rum diet 4B- T.lke?% |T <f To o.-. urr ?> cl?il? I 'r " .deli.i.e .. *! j H-?Kkt-h i i. .... i..? ; * l ? . fntht-i. mother, uncle, grown brother. 1 'aur.t, lift!* >>^tcr?. *t?\, r.'r.o | ? r sons and five horses and one wagon.' j i.U penryles*. out of food, out of ( h??rse feed, were journeying to Knoxi Mile hunting work. They had been " i burned out in Birminrfia;rr n*.Vr~^*c I they . ame. The boy was begging ? i something to eat, ar.d horse feed. I" ' He eagerly? thankfully?took the paper bag of cold bread and meat J Madam gavi him. Regaining thejl road, he was joined by a girl about' his size, whom he had pointed out! as aunt, and they two bo<>an eat-J int the lurch r.: though they were! hungry. H? had said they had noth-I fng that day. One afraid to turn a 1: peopU away: it may be thatj ' hi- story is v ue. i>: ht . . rhand(! n? may U- feeding .. fako. But it j j Is bettej tn be imposed on than to ( : turn hungry a way r.?- deserving ! - poor person. I; ss William ps H The Watc ^o? Catefi THRIFT means buying wist It means buying merchandi at a price that saves you mor lasting satisfaction is such tra this new catalog offers you m You and y our family can be well d styles with Fifth Avenue's stamp c your borne beautiful inside with carpets, curtains and draperies, an paint and roofing Y'ou can equi modern improvement; your works U.n?K err??t, ? 1 ...... ?wsi yuu needy your ft' with every tort of accessory. All these and many other things catalog and all at a saving in monr Satisfaction is guaranteed when WilliamStores. If the things you buy we will return your money and tram Ask our customers?there are nu Clip and mail the coupon bdo you at once FREE and postpaid. \\ STORES, Inc., 952 Store* Building, New ^ -y ot your new catalog for Spring and Summer 2J225JE25S39B2 KRIPAY JANUARY tj, j.j;s H Don't Neglect I That Stubborn 1 Hacking Cough j It is not only dangerous but entirely I unnecessary to let a persistent. ha*k- JL inp cough rob you of sleep and strength 9 For through a very simple treatm-nt " 9 you can get almost instant relief, and 9 very often break the most stubborn 9' cough completely in 24 hours. This treatment is ba9edontkefamou? p prescription known as Dr. King's New 9 Discovery for Coughs. You simp]y t ake I one teaspoonful at bed-time and hold ? : it in your throat for 15 or 20 seconds lb before swallowing it. The prescrip- E, tjon has a double action. It net rr? soothes and heals soreness and irnta- 'g tion. but it quickly removes the phlegm ? and congestion which are the r*ai must of night coughing. So the cough: rg v quickly ceases and you sleep right through undisturbed. ^ Dr. King's New Discovery is for coughs,chest colds.sore throat, hoar -tne&s, bronchitis, spasmodic croup, etc. ' Fine for children as well as groun ups ? no harmful drugs. Economical, j too, as the dose is only one teaspo r. ful. At all good druggists. Ask for Ti e little girl of Mr. Oliver Styles. Ilaltby, caught afite before an open ire-place a few da\s ago. and was evercly burned, losing her hair and Ireff, 11*. r condition is critical. Pastor Woodard, of Xeedntorc, iled his Marble pulpit Saturday and Sunday morning, but was entirely aintd out Sunday night. A youny ady?member of his Church resented him with a nice bucket < f oney Saturday. !!?' was indeed glad o get the honey: because its aweetj ou know. It is too bad about our noble ourthouse burning. Our peoplt rem to be appalled by fear of taxes c rebuild. Because, the people any. re are already taxed to death, luito recentty. a good man of tinounty sold out his property and rone to another state, he says no .( count of high taxes in Cherokee. tut wo to leatr We f th?; damages to the courthouse, and .hether or not the records suffered CHICHESTERS PILLS DIAMOND "AN0 LAPIF^I r 6A y*?- for Cm-CUUS-TSK X A xas:o"b ltKAXD PILLS la R*a n4//\ Octn taf.ilHe ?>- *? . aealed with BluW 0> Ribboa Toe ko cmt. lu mt jnr \/ ?rw?'vt i>4_uk far CIIXUE-TU V n i ? u o > ? nuinn pi li ?. lor irJfJ iii Brft.Rafiit, Always Rrlii'vlf. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE JKi" Stores Inc. New York. City Srift ihword ill Buyers ily the things you need, ise of dependable quality iey. There is a feeling of nsactiuns. Buying from any such opportunities. tressed in clothe* of the latest >f approval. You can make really good furniture, rugs, id outside with dependable Syour kitchen with every op or garage can be fitted Jtomobile can be equipped you can buy from this new ryou buy from The Charles fail to pi ease you in every w ay iportation charge* both ways- i my in your community. is w and a catalog will be s*nc 'rite TODAY. fork City 1 -rf- . r nHmnar:

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