H n;i'VY JANUARY 22. IJ JO Ip- 1 THE FEA1 9 CAM tOU "TtLL Ml ?! riooo >e SENfi K ^MtMAfeta 5 OMCI iTl2r_ ij / ~5 /~?Q7/ L.occ// and v f. lelrplio "t-:--.-:-:-:-:----:-:-:? I Tonight: Jack l'emn in Rustlers*'. Saturday, 11.._v: ri "Pi . P: rcdevil". i P . I-:. E. Smith :m?i Mr. A. !: w it h Mr. .: r.< 1 Mrs. \\ eidi i \\ ri: - <:iy. 1:.- " casion I'l l, jr M\ m ? birthday. A few games : cc;1 .1 - and : iensant social ing . r v-h: !i refreshments wore a M.'i.yi M ('. M. Butt and litt!c daugh : lue R dsc gut sts of Mr. Mts. .1. 11. Phaup. Mr f. \Y. Davidson li ft Mon lay i . Fla. where li<- has busi !!? will be gone al". : ? tiths. ? Mi I .11 Meroney ?.f Ashevdle wa .1 >!-;: r /.<re this week. SOI rHERN family of four wants \\ woman to do general house nd i-< with them, pay a moderate saalry. Chance foi some on< ; good hme. Address C, P. Whidden, penlnaulan Station. Daytone. BV-r^h, Fla. t il ?-"?t -pd ' Mes-rs. -1. R. Storey, Fret! .M<mo. I and J. A. Riehardson went to Charlotte last Friday to attend the initiating class of the fihiine Meeting. ' . S. S. Christopher returned iv from Baltimore and New York Wh? re he had been to purchase spr - "iR i.ir * nnwupr.ir s I M y goods tvi dr. Will Young- of (instoniu sjTl-nt - "r;l days hpve this week with relatives. ? Mr. and Mrs. Sheiidnn Dickey an-' Iiunce the birth ??f a daughter ??ii anuary 12th who has boon given ie name of Annie Jean. Mr. A. M. McAffee ?>f Blairsville as a Murphy visitor this week. Mary King, the little daughter >!'} Ir. and Mrs. ,]. l>. Mallonee is ill x 'ith pneumonia. Jack, the little son of .Mr. and Mrs. John McGuiro is ill with diphtheria. Mrs. J. H. Dehart is visiting her mother in Franklin this week. BRASSTOW A ! See -Zip Johnson ns Bernice I'avne ' J. I>. Clayton as Socartes Fizzle. 1 Scroprprs as Jumbo JumT the patri< other local characters that pro. Don't Forget the Tim And Place i M. E. Church Btasstown, Saturus | Eveninpr, January 23, 8 o'clock. 1 Admission: Adults, 20c; Child on F , Come one Come A ^heads' i VHAT JUST A MNUTE - CAN ?Al XS I'LL 61VC X>J TICOR E rs OH: ; MAT- TO . . OF*K ?> TALK TO J- - v 4 ? H ST I p ' WOCMATrOH * atruM Jtrr ST^CE ^ Person ft/ | -!C 20 v C">w>X"X"X->>X-X'?X->AAAA.V. - - !' .Mis- i oueine Wi lls, v. ho is attend ' in i";i!'.vht ? Norm::I S*N. ;mu e last week-end at home. ; f the Andrews visitors here this we. v<-ro i?. II. Tillitt. IV S. Kt.-eil, W '1 II. ! and. a :d Mr. Mashbtmi. The Method!-i Mis-iosrtry Snriety 1 met in its lejrular month!;, social '11 mei tilijt Tuesday arte- tnn.ii with M. It. t'. .Muttox at her home in lh-t' town. \ nii-sionaiy e.?nt- -i v.. ri joyed after wiiieh refreshment < ?isistimr of : salad course. \v;i sei vwl. About twenty members were pre u en I. Mr. Hal ve Kikins left Wednesd; y ' morning; for Atlanta to take .. th;er. day eouise in electrical reiYiyer iti.?n at The Scrvel Corporation. The ?*-ir- 1 olina-Tenressee I'ower ' nii|>..n> w. \ ^ have The Serve! eleetri.-1 jefriye-a tors for sale and a e -endim. M !.!- 1 kin- to this -ehool in order that he " may he prepared to render service and repair any inaehi* i s.?b| by |hi< eoinpanv. '' i' Kit It ItKNT I:t?'iv farm near ^ Cullowhee School. Sto.e btlildhnr v six livirjr rooms tip stairs. Pouble lot I' f.ii *ale very reasonable. Six room h mi e and " lots for sale verv t-l.oan. * All in ( What have y?u?,jj in the way uf faun an! mount ain , * land jT sal**'.' Address Kr?x No. -'U;n (' illi'ivhoi'. .V C. i i'2-'il-ovr) 1* ,<? Mr ri'-yj farrinjier of K- !i ' Tonn spent .-eveial days lure thi> '' wci-lv visiting relatives. WANTKD .Middle aired man. Htb- ll tier ran make ?. >(.? to $ 100 ??r mo <? ' weekly in t'hemkee t'oiinty selling,1' whitiner's guaranteed line of home j ^ necensilie?- toilet articles. ana spices, etc.. to his neighbors. T-ii'ii!1' or car needed hat ir onds are furrish oil on credit, t'herry of Alabama;1' made $122.50 in five days. He ha?!?1' tin experience when starting. We " teach you salesmanship KKKR.." White us for full particulars to-do y. j The II. . Whitmer Comuany jr I?ept. 21. t'ohuuhiis. Indiana , <24-:tt-pdA " W'ANTKh Man with car -el; com plcte line quality Auto Tires and; Tubes. KxclUatvc Territory. Kx ' s' perience not necessary. Salary j" $:?no.00 per month. j Milestone Rubber Company j^ (lt-pd> Mast Liverpool. Ohio ,,v ,|l N SOCIAL MINSTREL SHOW ;J: cal Talent Throughout E. Church, Brasstown turday evening, Janu- . ary 23rd, 8 o'clock it lackfnce comedy consisting of 11 jrs, readings, jokes, Short tches, Choruses, etc. ' EVERYONE 1 jh, Don't Come , s , theDarktown Chicken Dentist: the*'Worr Wah" Veteran; Lucilo ' ?tic Darktown lassie; and many i kVoke side-splitting laughter. '-&$P | _ the cherokee scw *u tell me what <?.f ki$t a i the gtnfcal m*n6feis) ill gi\f ^K ^' ? ~ il ro the Democratic Voters of the ICth Congressional District: l !'? ii-ix. r s!:! _ ? tnvh L.tni Hi:-: i ... 11'10. lojal friend; i. i.oat tfcw ds-trkt haw ? hough ' ? tiI t-nt? th< r. .- ? i .. .s - or ( onjrress. In has always been iw T? spiration to rep.esent my pe. :' iat ofliee. but iti cadi ins::. >.* . eferied my w:.!;e to the hoi f some otht: i.; r.o I h;;v?. ! :? .r.d myself v.ith -.orhir.L. f >r era! > party's sice-*. < ? the ixlh day ? f \v .! iy aitUm-ity. :hc \Vay:if>vi-.!.- .\I?*ur.niliier 1 mounted that I \v. mid :t hi- time he a candidate. , ieallv ail ?>t ' ' > : i . t' o i.-isici very l:n:d'y upealed 1 tic . ""tino ne-nt anil jrnve it pn>mini : -e. Within the la-t few days the !flit ha* l ee: repeatedly \r.. t- . c hat M.mnr is uoir.j; tile round-. to lii * ffect th.at I may n?'t reaudn it! t a< c. T'nis tumor, like the o-.?, - i lark Twain's death, has i en sii.rhtty < \a^_e::.teil," j.n.I is I rust, to 'he honest nusipn.. het:i" its nutb'ii I ar.i \viitin.- this ler-r. t'-.i < o declare. oin?- for ail that I i.v. eon a candidate sinec the anti Oil*. W WJide, ami will c?> iinuc t ie a eandiilaie. 7rr i"r.it imt'l tlv la.-' ote has been counted in the ? udnjr riniavy. And in this connection I wi?li t<> orieot another impies*ion which ikowiso Utte 1\ without fotllldatio!). hortly after the announcement was uule that I wetild be a i .n tidal . a re* rep-rt came viit from \V: shi* p*i>n. which was published ill some i f ur iupcrs, sutfBestine- in - ce iiat the content between Mr. \W;r e? ml me would probably r? >u!t itterno.-s and would tend to <!-s?tip? te PemiK ratic jaity in 15> i ii'.-;:ict. o my own personal knowledge th. t?rt*x;oinjr suppi.- tion has In , n ivrate,! in at least iwo eountles in this isi.i i.-t i y men wn? ;'i?- i-Mjitt-t.! ,ii iy noi.i nation. I lonidctl that a contest like tin* i aid hi- waged on a > laro so ! \. a? ;.! ?' hit" lite re -.It piedielod, I < man who really knows Mr. Weave ml nil* will ? moment e tin a : !ijr}S"-"ti'tr. so ridaulmis ;.m! :.l urd. frindship o?' i any > :; * *.? I v-i t,. i h. t Mr. VYiv, ml j !?-. I l.avo heart! tin- ?him :L$] anced hy some of my friends that nu c M-". Wearer has ' -. en running f . :.gi i'?i I have | re haps made ?o?e speeches in h:> heha'.f and in chaff c.f the Democratic party than e has made. Let that he as it may, ! now it can he said with truth that have mndc more Democrat it sv.-echs in this district than any other livig man in it. and no man will undcr?k?i to say that 1 have ever frittered i my loyally to Mr. Weaver and the leniocratic party. And I am unwilling admit that 1 ni estopped from aspiring to this o mi nation because parchanec it may iLD MR. CARTER HELPED BY SIMPLE MIXTURE "Alter t:\kimr A ilerika I foe'. l>< t:r than for years. At my age (60) i* ideal?so different from other lerlicincs." (signed) W. VV". farter. tdlerika i^ a simple inixiun* of buch'u rn 'nark, "lyi-** ine, etc., which einoves GAS in ten minuter and ften brings Mirprising relief t?? the tomaeh. Stops that full* bloated eciing. Bring* out old waste-matf?r you neve, thought was in your ystem. Excellent for chronic contipation. R. S. PARKER. Druggist. CASTORIA For Infants and Childien In Use For Over 30Yesrs Uwayr bears _ - r. : irtiY, n. c Bjt LF. V.n 7.1m - CAN Nou T?tL ^ x 777 TPU 7M? ??ur *N ^ n 11^ ' S ^KjO ^ . V* _. ; c (lie - : a fcv- n;v;, ..Th;. ' ' n "f . t'.o li--.it, f the v?a'C. intj test may in arc fee : v 11 Ktratfc :> u*ty. And has fa : ' himself with the i.i to: y of : cc ;:i: :y ami the p< liticsd questions f *h . ami \vV. . in?s?!"< 'ivati n - and eh." a. the itj! and U'jrnl riirht ' s lo p. c f fI e witf-.'n t - : , t .* e; :::: ' r.o mail cat: >r. nd-tV.*. il l title ' nr. > .. . I.i . th< in jrlf?-. i maintain that in sochi**..* a demofisti v ' ir.a*:: n. well ; in the * ; ffajr* of (iovtr mci. r. d tsnel .f the tiers, cia' faith "?<?Jal rights to nil ' -.:! .*yi!csxv. to none" !? ?"i. : ' . : Ul_l * . p 1 \\ II .nr. in this di tri t. kr.?\yi:..j '. T for a moment that 1 i hi : v.a..:id do ' > say anything t ir. ir.iury -.he Dc: ratio party? ; ! aofc ' ...y h.e ha i ee i :.v i* a"-. in- democratic cause. I : hme i was venty (:.e \ .. ?: I.;' re. in ?-veiy political ban!. . .V. has ndi v.uRt-1 in this - v.- be *n found in the i * i.At no time ?1 n 1. _ i .< t quarter v." a eedtury h; t I ever irned n ear t ..ny apj?... -ty he t .1 me v.l.'-m.-. v v.. . r- . \\ thought th; * 1 : its In each > ". a* my ..*v:: < ? ..r.d 1.1 ;lu >.v riii f my . vi . .... and busine.-s ! > tht uttert?v>t humble pewtr 1 have held ah * demfecfatlg a rer; tri n ionte<t is <Atr > t.:ns out ; the wi-h f iht ; i ; * hat I <i . 1 tinue to seivt ? a r; iv.-.te in and try life an-i . h sha '1 iVr twenty . r - ' :v_. :. : t iauc with : b..: t !.*s ? !' the ! v vr. !. j>. rt . rauM ! I eli< ? hat the in titu: of tiv-i cotir.trj ?an ' ? . I< t< nl; y th? . . - ' ( olis and u?-.n ? in? ] - .? ?; \ fiiment. !*ut 1 a*l; no i .n \v..mn-i . distn t to >uv: - " .au- ; party >ervio'. ;'' i - v. . : he l>en.?ieratic party i have ser\el . I conceive : e voj-.. >? ye. It i* not a quc$ti n of hatdi v out t ? a descrvin.- ?rat the h*?r and salary that . ;h *.h.? sion.lI office. If i'v- were tr.:<- ;uli ? un y in the :?-1 could . x s ? of 10:1a!:\ -e "- i -y n. 'i' injr every pua"'! ation a ?l i i. n- while tin-re is i at one i * u? filled. The question of | .:vamoimt im; tanee to the voter is the selection m that man who 1 . best serve the iat crest of the splendid people 01" thirirreat district, and the object to l?e - ought by tne eamnuate is me oppor. tunity for service which a seat in Con' press affords. On my part there shall he no bitteinr.ese, or presonalitics. or critcisnt or acrimony between Mr. Weaver ami ' me. Nor can there !>? any diffee eo between us in referer.ee*te the (|Uoi lions involved. We are both in fax or of ail the uood things possible for this {Treat 'district. We are in complete a-cord upon the political if-sue of the day. We are both in favor of democratic . policies and democratic pri .ciples of co vi rnmcnt. ; He is seeking his term in jt'onv tsv- tot.nl of twelve years. I F. I'. HAWKINS, of Murphy. X will pay $15.00 per cord for Potrwood delivered to mill at Mur. phy. cut to the following specifica tions: All wood must he full 4 inches in diameter at small end . must he white and sound. Lnrgoi wood, which n ay be hollow or red hearted, must ha\-c 2 inches of white r.und wood around said hollow oi defective heart. Lengths front 1> to 96 inches. Positively cannot list wood under 4 inches in diameter un hark. Grapevine or wood tht | has been injured by bird pocks not 4 wanted. F'. P. Hawkias. Murphy |N. C. (2??t-pd) A MINUTE - r?^ECTE S ? TOU E " r TEU0* IN Tfcll : ef*.?:E-jli ?r ^ ^ - MEB6E ME CAN -c IEcL KJj >r :?I1 I could t. i i'Tr. - f -r whicr been - 1. v hile 1 um, for -* limo. r *.':r honor, T ?i<J * ' n-l < i T . :* lO *.:> people- -TV - . eat . t. 1 knew . mjs tain e-.etion. I a:.1. . ith auty and 1.. prandi . '.now '..v-thine cf its marvc - . in! o'lni&lde wt 1 . it.; I fvtuic v h.: !: i row ... - ? ' an:? opportunity and * ... I w..? orn cf the -> ! ! was nurt :! . #! : their ;: .: i i-a.. ! Jived my li.Y within t I and when ray ar> r 1 l?ccn fir ic.'. i pray : ; may p.*.:. fjv.ed ! , I fror : i ! ':! iofly lie:. - thr ' ureal htyv:*c. And I 1 -netV:-*y < ?" the ne? of ih~- yn.at ?IYtr. '. A: .1 by t.'.ti | Is-; .t f -*-s hir e the niiy t? th? t in the jrreat of whjcl 1 , 1 i he i . in thai . n* i: ?i ' -y i i !< !_ ! v,y ' h'.i ; diticai nu< - 1 wi! j talents an:1, n - as - - . rr to adv: th . ;UJ?" \ r.. faith. ' . <?-. i vet j -v..- . -c any i": as : > tha . . the t nv ... .?.si ? i.. . > lr; the- rod"'a! < \- rii?v.?- t. .. <? impair ti- \*rei?nn " .Tos i:. their i hi t ? M-yu atI theis own i m.. -. Ar. i >; "ij ?|iu ; political chanu U r. ' i-M' I" ? rt-tii* th? > v ' If. ar.d I a .. -; " . uytions - . nur * i . Ci?-*l v.V.. ? . M nw ' trl'l "> the other hand. 15i?- p . *. !" tht'ir \ertiict ir: . *i . ' . ' r: if they shall deci-m iha cnitlied to \vv:\r upon hi ; wreath; if it i- Mum .* . ..i he shall again eavrv tin i. li.tv.ttor; then it is Maty ?!* ??? . pledge that even : . . i unfurls- "> -ilken fold- : . ij,< <.-t I will st -.lid hy iti- side am ..Ve In loyally the olive hratteh ice m :m ranks ?.f the Deiuoernti party. ".vt there he i inharmoniour . i -mot-rat > hotis-kd-l. A 1 ?? ? . .. .? attempts to engei r M ; '-.V.e; ucss in a contest botwe.r I'emov-rats is an enemy of the Dim. in- party. J-jiVoritiMii and i ' iitr. j i a ? entretuhed in our < iiad !. -1 I'lV.ileco sii- elillir -..e in ; Nation s capital. Graft and Greet heal high Carnival in the high \ !. of oar Government, The hcnei'i iarie .of class legislation loll and in luxurious splendor in pala( whose fluted columns point to t -kits; while Hunger and Want shivet i and suffer in the humble homos of !:? poor, who neither seek nor enjoy sue ; cial privileges from the govemiu-lit t< ! aid them in their battle for broad The Money Changers are pcllntii:-, 1 the Temple of our Libei ties. am | whether Mr. Weaver or I shall l?c ill District, it is vitally c.-sential thai tlu 1 ?einooacy shall present a u:r! . front. FELIX E. M.I.KV. {Ad\ o tismeiit NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Xotiee i" hereby given that. due t? I the fact that Superior Court will in session the first two weeks, oi Kclnuaiy. and on account of the in convenience occasioned by the burn imr of the courthouse, the Fehmav session of the General Count} t'ottr b continued to the first Mot day i1 March. All defendants and witne>r es are notified to appear the fivs Monday in March. F. O. FHEISTOPItFR. r Solicitor General County Court jWNWFrrr%~? -m*. tWoM ?ur UW?t otrrimmS atttf run VMtx Raw FarstfiP^ PAGE FIVE Service j p?? ^ , i i^^ONT KNOW !^ | suvi SLOOK HERE! If you want . firm town pro ? rrlv ... I"--.- -f: ? - I f, WE HAVE THEM W. A. BRYSON I.. np ar<- h:r in- 1.11?J weather this i ..r; nf ilie ?'i?n; ty. Kt .. Ih si. Hamilton liten with ?' ' week's. < " ?* tevival be< ii a frn-at -< ? *.>. there veo cijrht ; iil. I . |. :. i il Sunday 17 th. Mr. A. I. M-itonald and fan-.:"', have > >\cd from Aihi..;a Lark their u heme -tend. .Mi . J? hn IE..--. -i: l "It*. B. Has* VletA M '"lay !; . : injr i t AU'*?: . Serxwere Son :.y In .i i'.!-t??i !< Xi.crew-. !? 1 . j Mi Millnid O.leU had the fmtutie ? ii' uj- badly I. ? { last week. Mr-. S. K. Ahernatliy .* yt :?? _ r. ??rvu . vi.'-; H I Tin .tve :?!*. tlree nn e week's 1' the v I. I. l.e; .iiui tlie ti Vacation. OWNING A I ORD By Mae Ahcvnuth} The advantage i?? evening u ?rd i - i 1. : , . -1 ..... ... ...... IH'-'I .1 S|?TU omelet* ! ? know how fast you are running. When the iar hits fifio.cn mles an hour, it^ lamp's rattle; who: it v? t> to '20. it> fender..* r.ittV: and when it tret* up to the Drivr'* Hones rattle. So Whats the use'.' Unable to do Housework! Gastoj.":!. X. C.? "Alter inntherbv.it mv strength was so slow in c< ruing ^ hack that 1 conk] rot get around t>> <* /X&ia&ftyJK do my housework ^SU ior three months. (Of? - ' was not only f(' "^Jr weak but I also had \ " ' P my hack united ail \ -~-?J t b c time. Dr. Pierce's Golden j Medical Disrovery 1 / was recommended ~'?f to mi as a tonic un! builder and L "id\ bad t?- take one U-ttlc <-i this tr.r.H , ... i * m icric vni ;? ip'oti ne.-i;n I I gained in weight ti?r?t niy frnr.tls scarcely knew inc."? Mrs. Ella llavnes, H?t> S l.iix rty St. All druggists. Tnbj lft > .-r lie ill id. , Write Dr. Pierce's InvaEds H? tc^ 1 ifTal- . N. V., f'-r free advice. . a ?? Strange Power of Mexican Mustang Liniment Penetrate* 1 hrou&h the Skin to the Bone Drives Out Kheumatic Aches. Meal* Cuts, Bruises and Sores n } rs r);t t>iiialk urliW nod I - HiKt th'jw vLt, an- troubled rUh i -on* nm-vli s. v ; f:ITenod can got t -AOiHlcrful r.r.'l n tb tt re-Iicf through the - ?><" i vr?;?:.-at! n Vn?mr> n* Mc-in i Muiiani! I 'nin.? ji* It seeing to r<- *??- * "::o j?o a'rt'i ; nr' rVi ttsr< j.kb the i iirfdrotifthe <;;:r. !irr? tr.thfTWi '^ne iifit i's acVhv httaji* !> tXiatr :tr 1 qiiHUtn: . - ni a ew.i?? <ml ;o p;? . K ?' sale! OH Vi'f : t for It* "d T . .| ;*? !id 'u' T . i.\ . e . >1 <lu . I... ? : . ,'M. IfS.'-iv - i-?il j ". , i\.cnt . It f.?- ytrts

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