IFRIPAY. JANUARY 29, 1926 I MARBLE I^Q.; u-rrocn lust week M-. Olc-| Hall?our depot agent. attempetL. swing onto Mr. Dockery's run-1 fc car. He caught to the door, Lh flew open and threw Mr. h under the car, the wheel pas.v [ ,>ver his leg and rolling hi in nn.d some. He is nutch bruised up i . > Rood luck would have it. not bred. We are getting too car yL with cni's. i Lots of people ili-hly try to swing onto a moving i ISut it is b?-tter to pet left than [vet hurt?maybe killed. It U a I for tbe Moloiist to dodge pi'ill n- on the road. IVoj le afoot | n? t Ret out <-f the way?somci Some folks seem to wi' fully L-. their own persons in peril by i ^aiding all road rules, and by b?ogaiding the approching car. Mr. dohn Adams, a young ma.i nn Whitter, is acting depot agent [1 operator at Marble n\v, pe df M*. Oleson Hall's c<?r,valescence mi his auto accident of a few days n. M'\ Hall is sti:l on crutches, t n<?t much otherwise injured we Mi-. Wikle from Swain County \vas liting his daughters, Mr-. Hurley fllan and Mrs. Edward-, a iVw \ last and this week. Mr. an<l Mrs. N. W. Ahernnthv int Satuulay night through Sun> with Mr. 1>. S. Pnrtu on Vcnam< Creek. Mr-. Alex Jones returned the 22n?l Din vi.-itiaj? her sister. Mrs. Ha jva1. Havesville, who was l?urio . 21st. Mrs. Duvall died witr leuinonia Her baby ?and infavt ed after Mrs. Jones rami' hoin.-. Ki v. A. B. Smith was called last ;hichesters pills DIAMOND BRAND c? \ ^ i.adifs. t ^?? r .h T?ur I'ruRctat for Cni-CHHS TF.B ; A IIAMO' D liKANI) PILLS in fc > r> > :v\ /j\ . tto me. .Itic boxev ticnlcO with I (O ? y ' a T.tti so nnici n*r -f j-u-\~/ rir?IU ?n<I nit fi>r ? ni-i llk'S. I * It * lltUUMi >UUM> rit.l.ii, (nr l?< nt?-6vt: p;*? rpcar<tp-l a? IW . bafetA ??o k'.i.-Me. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS -i-L* EVERYWHERE r\ A* t > I i^yt" 7~h*r South'?prow>* ri ty 1^- ^ A^xrf #175.000.000 1 '*Cr nctr taboo I bm ihiui4~ Sa. < * tian i^moi to fft? I * ?<otl? aorrod i>7 f/m I Soutboro Railway I 5)?<i)io. S oj I Chief Inspector Sot Purifying Nation1 ! ! -,:* ./? .v ":! . At 1 liO 14'li jir.m.al ? n?\<n'.io?t r' J flic Interna: Ion. ! ." - ? ::" ; ? .' v.-: j l>niry :*r??l Mills Inr.;n- ->.i ,1 m Indianapolis, n-erntly. 1 . 2< A - < thoritii K ? f 1'..* I'r.i" J St - - and 1 CanaOa sultinltifi' intere-.t.inj; and informative pap'rs :< i -: I- i fc-at ion of ti:c i * mil'.; m.i-;,1;-. !ln the cU'- 'r??r v :--n ' t ?o : irs /' ( F inettir. - i . r. I ?. iplcfij, Meat iiii'l ' I <i ? ! v.-land, l o n'. iph.? -j v '* |n Importance ??f rn-n.-. r. t i' ? measures la* the p: 'j'.cr in the production ol rliii 11 milk. "With co-oprr.flnrt on tho pr?rt of i?; tho milk produtcrt." 1 1 ' 'sin. v "mtirh can l?e done a Ion;; this llnthat would otherwise lie iuipos-dble-" | He then told 01 how* the public tr.is si l.c-pt inform'd or ms ken to eon- : b trol 111 milk : ?M w i:ii a vi,;w t-afegun: ding th In ??f till who 1 use milk 1 nd ?i:?ir;* t'jodui t;'. ' "1 , "In ?"l'v. l nl," - il !?r T.esije j ^ "more tl- n ?? 01" milk i:* sold |' s.t one in* en :! :* ? f a system jt chain !i"ti ? \. 1 - 4 customer 1 pivi n an aHowam o of " 01 nts on the ' ! purch. e of t :u U i|U. t of milk." ^ 1 The L' f r-nts allow 1 <nvis the cost I of dc-livi t v rn the home and repi -- 'cents a saving of about 12' to the consumer. vice of Mr. l>. ' . Durpt-i V child, at Peachtree Chut 'n. Mv. Smith" V grandson, Powell Smith, accompany cti hint. He says in- sure *?i?I need n Powell on that Muddy Pear -'tee j, ' A large cttitvd at the burial *! If ! Church was half full of < hildi j 'I b? < 1 aivi le Marble iiu.nty has e heeti shut down itu before ? n t mas. Some of their- men h-t'r * Tuesday for (last utia: 11. irv ' ter an a mi .lined b\ his . i -.: 1 > t Miss Pert ha; and -I i: ?r Craig. ..ud t w ? 1 daughter.-. There people are got-.- ' 1 ^ < ' 4 it ?'KE3Sll -- :" : t is good cit to be prosj THE South has just compl year. Many Southern ent tributed to and shared in th* t Prosperity is a give and take prosperous industry that give; products; that gives regular pays good wages; that distr dividends which add to the f |JL of the consuming public; tl * >> share of the cost of carrying our local, state and national | Prosperous industry, prospero prosperous railroads make foi Southern Railway System h pleted a successful year both it and in earnings. The public press and elsewhere, on this rt a unanimous judgment that interest of the South that the perity continue. Only a prosperous railroad car portation service needed by prosperous country. UTMJ ? Southern i THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Ml inds Keynote to 's Milk Supply " / / '-.if. |:MS; in ?'!r\?lan<! rota .ir-. ? < / on ' I.? ague, ! -t ' < -l x. v h ? * - tci : ? | Jle j 11- rro! :. . t ?-i ; till- -- V. I. n t - : . ; !? rv rcT?il:?:ion- !t (' - ? ft.'- : . . Iit??v.d ,.f .? ; 1*"- > tr< an-1 1 :? ; ; f : i : .? : mill:j . i' .< f r bacteria, ?;; ? - in the 1* .-R'H- J :'s 1.) :v ; ItJf.ro p-r of in'.: : i ' rvctl by tlios.; who ?t!??t members of the Kan,;.is ity ri.nsunu i s' League. Throughout the *eric? of mo-Muss, r. - X'..;-? l.ii I upon the vapid r'ii.1 i ii": marie t?- a tlioriui-'t an t ; I ! !"? !tt it: i - > infJM i?lt n:t;| of ' milk vtiprriy of ? itiea thr . I ! y.i'i'S ; x'r. It is . , :i t:. : of t il k in c i t !'? ? : J a. j . .. v . i I the Ini'l t i ? :? f ti X* tll?* |?v?il ' - I' . . St..: utl t'.ri . i" . ! . n : i ! pT. "T i itro '?i I-.- n. .1 in *. ;i ..nta ; for 1 . ' i> r :..i I le ?;.Kt?U.-ncr. l iuk .4 : !i- x i'l |r,M t.lili: con: :.pli? 't ; a i 1: j nsumption ? :' ?? \..:l kt cp . '. :! - : ; I : ' . r:. it) t ton Mill-. iauri IV.rh Jib.. Mr W B. Mii!'-:?y i t .- week j iiovirtr up front MaltLy iMvir.j i.- new house ii. Kast .Xi.: ble. HOW'S THIS? TIAT.T.'S CATARRH M i:l -tvSIl lo what x\?- I'laim li?r ii rid >-iu: f 1 atarrh or IVafmrs tu?r t.y "atarrh. , llAkl.'S OATARRH MKl>i<'INB coasts of n:t ii.TiJount xx Ii v??a th< tnflar ;.ti. : . ami ? Intern. : M- : .t;e. a T ? ?vhi: ts tit roue it i!j' nioml ??n t . Mucous kir-fa tfiuft a-r > .ny i- i. nor: al ? mlitlons S'-td t y lr.zp.-.-i-t: f -r v? r < ? V- i ?. F. J. Clu-ney ?v.. TiO? do. O. X \ i 3lAsx izenship serous eted a prosperous erprises have conp p? y j : proposition. It is .consumersbetter employment and butes earnings in mrchasing power tat pays a large j on the business of {overnments. us agriculture and good citizenship. Iso has just roms service rendered comment, in the ;cord has sounded .. . . . t it is to the best > Southern's pros- ' t render the transthe people of q iKN SYSTEM |i he South, 4 URPHY. N. C. Lore for D By Albert Pi THE TR ( tm W (t!fi U { \i t .t I Thought Vcu Wre Se r""|Ph it.; V ??f . \ : ? > " H - n u?-r?- t;ti. < ' "y ?>? it -i* r a. . Mr Si- : ti.i- : flic t.i 's <1:,;- ? -ri. Tho* v r?* (INciiscinc :? wf-uili-rfu' "nrvi . . .1 t" ' ? > v. . I : J v: t|f". ' . . -,v to ? i v I #-rr? ??-n : ? . *n Ml; A.' ? l! T ;.r.. w' W'AH ii fi rill 1' Hi! tV.P of \ ' r - Tli*- It.:- > . : r . ill; rn in. i: i' > } ; :c' T I*' : .IP I r nT! t:? * >. * . .-r:* -1 * ! ? II,' It .: . . . .. ' : |w. \ \n"..?v "WV ) : ! loii i : it * r . I 'a . !% In.-', : ?! ?? n ti <K\: , !i m..- li.r f;:; r >' \i I" it ? :t I I! :.? ?- i > ? : tli: ;; 'I . r?^l " " !t .. ; - ; I \ ' * "' ' l.T I rO'l. r. t -i. r. :? . r f . 1?.,. .1 ' : r ' - V \ V , < vi'i! ' '!: - * t It Were in*- lit,- ?i?. ? A tm : :. \ ,* n .< *5; y*?i r: : * f * l'i 1 11 ' ' ' ; : : :. ' tlf ? t it.sio. *low !y. "! '*! > .. ' ! >:i? v. 'r';i n-o of mj n 'r. 'w r - It I * :t% n* M in*1 At "! I ? . Mif.nir W!l> 61, V W ll?- , . M? r i>. *'V* JIM J lli'fU ?!-* T'm K ??l II I * -i I"'1 : 'o' rut! i'r ?r,:r , . . ? ' < ti i ?%rn w iHs.r:i:l .a |;t n . r t k ;<?i >f >1 C" "n ?;:?? -ii .i"!' ! it i. ?. iff ? '.-i-il ot .1*. - ' - ! . - '! * "} : jti." ' I v; I. ! - I ni l ?'? I VI n-R?n t :.t ! .if pliow.' "I - t*.- I'fi-;.ti-i' > "i'r*- ?n\ :?nm!" *T vfi . r.!:';. !{..' ?- "Y.'il re *-j \ in:? ' l'.t v. or. X'.ii h . i? r 'i iir. ir .-illy l?n?.ert.:-.; r. !' It-- : r that xofl ?! ?: > :r ' f??r uk son im? Tie oh: t> .it: : trod I' 4- -le.-k Mn-'k .to. : . t . do;' ?l ;.l si?*Mi rh - * 1.. I.Is side. "Mi: \ ! ? so." he In no of f. - t "! .re hoi* mil 1:5: j. ?\or ;i sV- l \ ri'.ip ihrxUCll >. arms. and sa v Ids |.r: . ?rs : r. dead and r?* l nvt-r in.: ' . --r t * and find Tt::* 1 hide, am! do h or two other "*??*- -fonts Uk* ?> iit fllll ihttl's H'.ntU nil I ! i-m ?1? . lie " "!' ! ' ' snorted IMIlx. "That's no'li In;-" "II ? >{ ' .it night . nn!'l fl rul. a hd,!er :nd ?'||mh ilnvn It?on tfront ! vs with their hind l^i'n 'li- itl: Urn.j. through elrcies of flu- ?nd walk on their liintl legs xx it?, muskets on their shoulder* ami Iwm look somersaults anil " My Sqllirp oan't tlt? thn-o tMnji?." sn'd -r ' pertlng flu* wi-e ?it tie head. "Nor anything lil t ) t. )i;:f nil the few simple h^1 has I turned with 1. rt : red or s:h: ... S'.v ! - anything like that. He's leaned : 1 ?? ?s hs I Iihvo tatl.'ht !- ?.? t" i-.lii.; and he's enjoyed learn i-;r then: ;i 5r?t mure than !*> eaioyetl t :.ItitjiT tin in fo hiin. It ha. heeii u*r:ir.! fur Squire. Not u W?w n?r a UirU ft:.is he I'dllHl while he whs le:-rnip^ then.. either. lienem'Iy I don't j<re for trh-k .-r for teaching d'-t;- to do funny tduiifv But when ii dog enlovs 1 ?s inijt it ;;s N ;-;!re does. I let film learn some. It's h grand game. to him S.. [ tem li ldm. A DoberiiiJinn Is ft le*e: dog." "But not n?'nr as elever hs any of those dops his; night." ol Jwied Billy. 'Maybe tiot," agreed Old Mar, Neg ley "But lie's n whole lot happier By the why. last night when one of hose trick dogs happened to Ins or '?eg!n to p<> sjow or drop down from ids hlndlegs when he was tired- did roll hH|i]'Ml ?o notice how. All of : raririen, he'd five a lltrle flln.-hlng luivp and maybe a yelp, and then p.. M with Ids work fas;^r than ever?" ?g-Owners ijwn TcrbuiM ICK. DOG j ; i SOT i ~ "" " ' r Pc^d of Dogs." Ev-'a!ir;o j "Win, ; r . !. . " t| ?. * - -1. ; ^ i?;:C V ? . .11 v. <> a il . ukptli- j, . 1 - k : - ? : _ , . ! fiaw f: , t*f t: i n I { ] ?... ! . ' r... ' ' - ' - I" \ ??<* ?!??* ? : b? ? ; ! iisn'- r..- .. ,.s . i j.- n ? ! v an si. Ill :s?, ;tl r%? s.. ,l w< liili*: ?.' ?? tr. ' !.?r m. u ^ ; ; ] . t.- : '?> ! i i " I 1*11 ^ 'it I1 - i.:i ..r:,'; f??" ?? ?: " ifn nt v v :: I V:v ; . n.r t ; ' in ?? \ . tfiJit. ;.ir??s i v ..'i ! _' >.r??: I t> 1 .n<l , if h. I..- . -I ' * Til. JIM . ? ' ' ! ' i. n* :;t ' '..it j w . j?' i.v *' , - < *! ear tit:.* I j .t-i -! ! I?. t. ' > , w ' .1 11 ? !? i ? : 1 : l fir f -? *li'?? \ , l.ivi- iin<! . .mltte** I i sin'l j.r .. ' h: isn't inn*. ! ?!? kii a ;i --t ?' . tri.:; ; * . t' i-ir -tunt* , tin ; 11 r:;r.. 4li.,. .* n: J' . I ?' i *.? tfl-t. : ' "^?ij sj.\ l.'ti- w. v it . n tin* t |*ltty. Without siskins ! : y?tt t. she htttl y * ?.u ; j.s.rt r |?la\ y:.<\ j * ' j v r- t?i .In, I \ : '..' ??*% ., wltf ,h? I.? A ..I. ...ntir.-: ln*?? 'I-, nj: r. ?. A cat .all 'I ' v. sli r bunt . t. at. : sh? l ' I !. 1 *.??:> v. > i h m: llOM r,. <; . ? *, ... . (.!? *1 lii.Vl- : ? . <! tJ :t> ! ! *.v '.ill tells tii.:M > ! * . h?t'. . *.? : . :ws 1 I>t:.c :* ' ! rlfk nJ att r "i: m:i ! .1 I iloti'l :l vouH: f??r tI e t i . : . r*r I..-: '' rijrl.t ; though !i v :i'?! ..n what u.-.- ' s;ii?1 to he -I ??ist ' - a l-.su 1 s kn?'W it bus h:t|-?|iov-'l .unu\ a T1 t "Your *s?*jc !? ?*? 'i*. - m;kr . fi.r \ou. if !?* .usht 1 !i t.. !'.?!.! w k> . So . |??hrtt in. iii. \?*r that! ??t A .u.Mi^ii 1 * T^isfll- ijllr of I'!:. u 1t> IVtnst s'jiyr t oti inv s: That and !? * ?uk^ !l ? ? ?!* '? una-: ! T hi:;. :t lot of t."S wliotl <?f tJifin may *!! the before tlioy lif-i-tui..- stars "Sfii.f till! :ii:. . Mil* are -n..l t?? t?' humane. 1 MM r j ; they w ]! Hut v\ !l. I >t. . ... 01 oil I hose ]> fhr.r :i re:; I * > vxat.'luu.* . - lna> he. "V??. thanks I truest I*f! kon (> MlftliiV ** )11irs t:'' .-li I i? *!" >* stead They Hivii"! v v wonder:'.i! tricks. maybe !' ! ? ce >1 I! -11. he* li >" ' I w . f " Not hf j "? " -"n- ;f ! , Caution "? A> r - w , -V.. li i :s M i ! !. ?' i I ?jeu ' ? ?;.. ! r.?i i w< | - ; ( '1 ?r:if ' '* ' i*vi*i. :i. . ub-ked and more - " niiij: oath I" ? ;< eorrup lion ? i*i?- ol?1 ro: which In its time was considered a ranker swear I I ?oni than "(mxI ?.i n It.'' ' "I?euce - yes e\en "deuce"?Is a }t word that our be?' people should not employ. f -r It comes directly te us from the I.etln word "dens"?a fod? ' a rot so sma? ks considerably ef lrre^ errnir. j PAGE THREE NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby civen that. d? u> :< fact that Superior Court \\?!i ?? i -cssion the fir.-t two week* ' I'htuaiy. and on :?? of the :o nvenience occa l- i.c i by the bum* \K <?f the court rouse, iii- February s>jot .f the County C. art "ontinmed to the first Monday in k. All defendants and witne are notified to appear the foil day in March. F. O. CHRJSTOPHKR. S. licit..r Gen- ?! County t'. rr LIME IN CLAY COUNTY y R. Anderson, County Agent Tr report on some . the ; ?i: titrations ni Clav o- f\ ta.-.t i 9 ?TS * , :ive teen carried ! jo ; ? .? .vo years. There had In cn u! n* me Used f- i i<-vit at e j : -;'.?re the r icr- hid been t:o ;mii. u'I-im- around tr. : - ,c used I s i.-i It th: . S ten than two yea: . lioneen cijrht carloads of this - v i- d me used and a a..av.urnt 3im?? used. The 0 Were ?V, !i11.t? lio _ icnst-at'-.r'.s -.anted in the* r- ! #24, with var < ' m >u1i ..t LllV.: . Tl: earlier the dl'lli"!: rati---. started tl < better SSU*!: . : - t'ii- ua .1 ?i 1 y season t ifgy;; as - -'!" 1 it 11 V :.tc?" delie ; * . (h an .raye it inn-ad 1 -!?>: 1 0 b'l. JM-r U- ?. i!!. W'h the lin o v.i- ] u: e-.rh it far Bet*.e: *1; I.: .. Ii! -?-n:-.- . USC - it doubled In* radm t n-n. It is a he?t--r vh< .1 V a ! lhe ivi: a. lon-trafoi. The fir t year Mr. Ed .M< . Hi: i ?i n yield 11 J- i.u* te e-.vlo Ml i;. 1:1 twenty t'oar. ?! ?tx1.1. i.:- .:* ;?! that year, :.n i h i- r ' - c! :tii- . * ;? vor la.-t Us-:.h to iel? l''wn t a- been he has ivado fin* :rn. On i.i!. : Mi Hob An-i? i1.!:': fa: !.?s w here he iiad n : Ai.i b!?- t !?? ?<]ti- ? (urn. l > tain if!.), h. an ! lime atnl - ' t a air iTn| . 1'iftet i! 1 , 1 t .u re. 'lover ha- been trrown in the hhu-fc oitoni.- after lin.e ha- 'ma n i'!i-?f. t the mi" time rcfu-es { . ' W :herv lime in 1 jnppii I'e nnal mention ot" ... the enien-t \ a1 ions this year* Mi 1 0. bnith of bowman's < K*ek. aaplied nth burnt and 1.1 lime, both irodnr-.nl rxeeih nt re.-.,!;.-, in that e was able 1 fir d a e !' ius. \ >-f \\ wli-'ic hereto fore be had I. able to prod , e rulH. Ti lu'Xjircted happened in ibis en-> . the io.ni-1 lime yave a- yn.?j ie-'.?il?i:e fi'st year as burnt lin.v. I.t?on rl Smith a Tusquittee, e:< lied a It demonstration in this mannce. e ai-i-li-nl lime at the rut.. > !.- acr e *1akiilu "t'l' his km.I. U U.-:! r-i! linn- in*, with the iis; f < ' 1 i Avill!. men*lo.i ' two ? ?]' :,I hil! I < r.t i !' !:m a;ni tin other in the > ?!? ; latnl. Wt-i k :.;4 .tell Separate, In the in.id land the , nne<i woiyhil "j-"' ii ? ?? the i-i.iip.ifl it \vi*;L-h<il T' _ lbs, A flu- I; \\; > taken an-1 ho lanl jiimhj.-. ! '2". 1!unl'mud -! I ho 1 '.l;;- <hl?\Vl-i! 'Mat the a I.m I od \. 1 kvs. ) i \' on- v.-hi'i- :? ki kwul |-v> iluo' : "> ; aoi'o over ??" ? cent t^ain 1 In i!i'!*.ir- ami t on'-, . 2*2 l?u. ir.erva - e at -1. . .' i ii. or >! "!.hit jhm aero in* a-n?i ,lv I t -V . j" lit. ? w?>u)?] have > t sl i.'Mi. hi- !an?3 ann-i v -.2 t 1 "? years ami a j?; ..fit 17.00 in i :: i?. Mi . Hoi \niloi -cn lime I aboO i'i ? - in the i?ri : I '.?21 In : il ire soweil ii t > ryo. II a : i.i11 ho hail oi.l\ ln'i i: able l - ' bu. per acre, ih;:- summer tkinto lam! j?m?c1uoo i 2-~? lm. por ao . . Ii. outlay ! ?r limine* was; >*7">i'*. i !i ami ai?t-:i .>7"i.ii0 lor hatil : ! i ??iv Ai lit"; ; ? his I arm. ??f s'laO.f'O ho im lv:im in 'iilm tii.n on ten . a- 2t< h". pi- *200 hit. " 1 or hu. is tprioo at trashinff' r over i 2 years am! *K?P.<'0 lotil. A WOMAN'S ADVICE! Columbia. S C.? "1 suffer H vith feminine weakness which dt\<doped after nio'hcrjimPl hood, i gut ?o could not !rcp er JB rot at night. Very thin ard ? ' I scarcely get around. ) I had a tcrrihle *rnS2v time with my back*. Av i t ; ? ln-tl so. a n-1 hearing pain? in rry W * i d e. But nr. Pierce'". F a v o rite '?< ription relieved me of my ailment md hui't me tip in I wait h and ?:rcnfit! : r.y r.e-vCs v. ore -* :wcr an.i i - .-hi leei . I gained sis Wright and felt fine. . ;* Pre-t notion* t- the ver. best ncda'u.t .. wt:k w tn;:i< can :. kc. '? dr. \\ lb. . - '/ Park St. Ml V.der- jx iieuid.

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