1 r*ut mm r""** NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, executed by A. C. Greene and wife. Edna Greene, to the under* signed, Tiustee. conveying the lands described in raid deed of trust for the purpose of securing the indebtedness therein mentioned, which said deed of truat is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Cherokee County in Rook No. SO, page 175. and default having been in made in the payment of said indebtedness, and the power of sale having become operative, the undersigned. Trustee, for the purpose of satisfying said in. debtedr.ess. inter*-t and cost "t sale, will on Feb. 15th. at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at the courthouse door in Murphy. Cherokee County. North Carolina, exp< so said alnds for sale to the highest bidder for cash, said lands being more particularly described as follows: Two certain f-ract? of land in Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Notla Tow; ship. on the waters of Beech < reek, one tract being known as the land V.. A. Greene hianrht from the Lk'i .-i t Heirs, and also known as the fleorgc Hojjsed farm, and being fd.e :of land conveyed to W. A. Greene by deed of .1. D. M < "mmisdoner. dated 29th day March. 1917, and recorded in the office of the Register of fteeds of her?kee County, in Book No. 69 < f Peed--, at Pajje 1. The other tracf- land being known a* the land W. A Greene purchased from G. V. St!!.-.; also known as par A f The Oil .leases Wright Farm said two facts r.f land being bounded and described as follows; Beginning on a large Spanish oak near the Sandy Gap. nd runs t south direction with A. M. Raker's line to a black Jack near a road on tup of a ridge; thence a south direction with the line of I; rt Sti! - to .. spani-h Oak. < mer G. W. Stiles; thence a south east dtirction with said road and i: of G. W. Stiles to a ?ck corner of G. \Y. Stiles; thence an east direction with the Une of 1'. l??y Brock man to a Sourweod near the wad; thenee a north east direction ?rs> with the line of Foley Brockman t ? a black oak on top ?-f the ridge; thence about north to a rock corner of .Jasper Vovles and I'oey Brockman thence a north east direction with th? line of .Jasper Voyle- to a hi: -i. oak on ton of a ridge; the re a n^rth east direction with the line of :-i Jasper Yoylcs to a large i i n ^ the branch; thence a ?.rth Jim-.m; ..j with the line of Ja-pei t. .? small post oak, corner of .1:. ; i Voyles. J. .1. Calloway ..nd \\ Greene thenee ? ilir... . . the line of .1. .1. Coll<a\ay to a Small oak; thence < west d:i< with the -1. .1. Callo : act t?? a rock on top of a ridge > the i>-- Mning, containing 160 ii. ic-, moiv or less. This the I-1th day ? :' J.tnuaiy 1026. F. O. CllltlSTorilKK t21-4t-foc) Ti.vuA DMINISTKATORS NtiTK 1. Having Qualified a ahuiinitstator of the estate of I*. K. Nelson, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the first day of January. li'i'T. this not - e will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. All person-.- indebted t-> said estate will pb > ai.e . Ill -diate settlement. This January 1. 11'A?',. \V. 15. NRI.SOX. .Admi:; traiov of the estate of I'. N.-IDeceased. ?_'l '-t-pd? APPLICATION FOR I'.Mt'1 WII.I.Mtl' HAKXKTT Application wiil he node *. Commissioner f i'ard.. and the C.ovornor of the >t:.. V...iP Carolina for tK pardon ami parole of DVillaul Hain v.' onHow Dcrtors Tieat Colds aad the Fiu To break up "id .v-rv'^kL oi to cut sh ! : n att k of . t . o, influenza, sort thr : . t--- il.i . physician^ an.: dn". . . i . mimending * pur.-.. I and refined on. l tcbht. that gives you ti eifeci ; of > and salts combin.oi. without tfc unpleasant effeit; "f either One or I wo Calolabs at bed-time with a . wallow of water,?that"* all No salts, no r.a?:*ca r r the slightest interference with your eating, worl or pleasure. Next, rnorning your cold has vanished, your system ir. thoroughly purified and you are feeling fire with a bc?rty ar petite for breakfast. Eat what you please,?no danger. Get a family package, containing fnll directions, only 35 cents. At any drug store. (adv) tht tHtKUKtfc 5CU the Superior Court of Cherokee County N. C. for abandonment of his wife and children and sentenced at the November Term 192?> of the: Superior Court of Cherokee County j N. C. by the presiding Superior Court dudjre to serve u term of two years on the Public roads of Buncombe County N. C. A1I persons, who oppose the grant-j inir of <aid pardon or parole are itivited to forward their protest to the Commissioner of pardons without <1* lay. This the 7?b day of Tanuary I92t?. (22-4t-pd) I. R. HARNETT Father of Willard Rarnett ' STATE OF NORTH CAKOI.1NA. I Cherokee County. In the Superior Court * Averv < 'ounty Bank, v, t anuria an: Georgia Railway ? ??m! panyXOTICE OK EXECUTION SAI.IB> virtue of an execution direct-' ed to the undersigned from the t jS.;perior Court of Cherokee County 1 in the entitled action. I will on the '1st day of Feb. 192i>: it being the .First M-nday in February I92u at ' 10 o'clock A M. at the Court M Tt .... . f ...I rv...f i-u. .... Ikec, N. O. sell to the hitrhest 1?ici'.l<*r or cash to satisfy said execution a 'I ot' the rijrht title and Interest of : which the defendant* Carolina. ' C?eori*ja Railway Company has in ,: the line "f rail Road cross tics. 1 -?<. or irop ruls and the Crus* ticin? ludinjr road hed and rijrht away l'r on the Town of Andrew- >11 the i \y ?if Cherokee. N. C. t" the Clay County Line of an approximate j distance ?-f I" or 12 miles: This the 2 day of January li>2'L IL P. MORROW. Sheriff. | <2 ! 'M.-bhno Cherokee County. \~ C. NORTH CAROLINA. C1IKROKKK col'NT Y. In The Superior Court R. II. Hyatt. It \nnie Hyatt. NOTICK Tla- -lefeiuiant named will tahtf notice that an a-'ion entitled ...\. !ia.- be--n eommancod in tin- Supsrior < ourt. <>t' Cherokee t'ounry. Noith ? ; Molina. for the pu 1 .. .. . ' ohtaininjr divorce absolute upon the irround of separation as provided by Statute; a id the defendant i!l r'mtlier lui.e notice that she is required to appear before the Clerk . f the Superio? Corut. N<>rth Carolina, at hi- office in Murphy, N". (on or before the 1st day of I-'..I.. ?'? ?,: .,...1 .... .. .. 1 imir t>> the Complaint of the plaintiff' filed in the above action or the plain titf will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This the 2nd day of January. 1 :'2<? K. K. 1>A\TS. C lerk Superior Couit Cherokee Co. I 22- It-II ?. NORTH CAROLINA. CHKROKKK CCH'NTV In Superior t'ourt t;. \V Hull \ s. H.urve W 11? . and Wife Rachel I.e-'b Pavis. IJuf'i.-e Baker and W ife l.c-iu- 1 ? .. . Unfits ]):' : ??! Wife Nancy Itaker. Men vie Pavis and wife, l.illic Pavis, Jim .Mashtc.irn .-.ml wift Iflrdis Mashhurn and Arval Baker and wife Hattic Baker. NoTlCK til SIMMONS FOR RKMKF The defendants above named will take notice thai :.n action entitled ( u- above has rneen commenced \ the! supeiior court Cherokee County the object and purpose ..f -aid action l>ein.ir to have the advoe claimof the defendants ?? a certain tract < ?" land, to-wir. a tract of la d houirV.t by plaintiff fsom William N. Gentry and wife, determined and canceled as a cloud upon the title of tin- pi; in tiff, and that the defendant** be declared have no interest r estate din said tract of land, said tract f J land boinj: Tnllj dsserfx "! in a deed. from the said \\ iliiam N". Gentry and wife to plaintiff G. W. Hall of record \ ill t! fi? e ..f the R. !.-*. ? . pi eds t o the u vint;. of C};.-iok?" :ind also r.iil\ des-uil.cd iri the m'-> fid: vi: the : !: i -tiff now on file ( : the re 'he Clerk of the Su;-j ' i rior ? ::" I' ; said County ??f Chcrokcc. And the take i.that -louded appear before the Clerk of S . j-ri.-r j Court at hi- office in the ?o.rt ho?:-? I in Murphy on the 2 oh ,J:.\ fYh-, i runty, IP2?*>. ,M)<i ansvt-r or ?' i- - v t<the complaint us said action ? the plaintiff will apply to the court for the lelb.-f ttnntScd in ii<t ?.-?nplaint. Thi- Uth day of -Ian., Ti)2<?. K. K. DAVIS. Clerk Superior c,-.a r, Chetoke* County.' North Carolina. ?:?3-4t-pd) t U?, MDKi'HT, Ft. C7 NORTH CAROL! X A Cherokee County, I.n the Superior Court I<ia May Patterson. vs. Kdd Patterson. NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION The defendant Fdd Patterson, will take notice that an action en-' titled as above ha> been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee, County. N. c. against him for an absolute divorce on statutory grounds and the aid defendant will further, take notice, that he i- requited to np- ( pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chemkee County. N. ('. in the ' :tt House in Murphy. N. c. on the iav of Feh. and answer or demur to the com-j plaint hi -aid actiin or she plaintiff, will apply to the Court for re'ief j demanded, in the complint. This X day of January {-' ".It-pill K. K. I>\VIS. Clvrk of the Superior Court, Cherokee' County. X. C. NORTH CAROLINA. CI.AY COUNTY In the Superio- Court. He fore the Clerk .Mrs, Maims l>. Barker and husband, J. t^- Barker, w rear! Herbert and husband. K. Herbert. Iva Sanderson, George Sanderson. Beatrice Sanderson. Brookie I'earl Sanderson, Hnttie Sanderson, Alleta May Sandetson. Wilma Sanderson. t)l. SandcrM*' . Frank Sanderson and 1*. C. Coleman. 1. H. Coleman. Abbie Alexander. W. M. Deal. J. A. Heal. C. C. Deal. Ida Biadshaw. Laura Green. Alb-n peal, G. C. I>ento?. Nannie R";"- son. 11. A. Denton. Fate Bible. Jet'f Bible. Sue Bennett. Ilersehel Bible. Isabel Coiner. T. G. Phillips. T. 2 Pains ? Very Severe f "I suffered from woman!* Bt % troubles which grew worse ? Sand worse as the months Ml j went by." Mrs L. I! ? Gantrell. of H. V. D. i>, Gaines gv vllle, Georgia. J' ^2 "I frequently had ver* ^ BB severe pains. These were so BB ^9 bad That I was forced to go * 4B to bed and stay there. It 1 eeemed to me my bark would f 4B > onie In two. P| CARDUI1 m For Female Troubles "I taught srhool for a f white, hut my health *?i to ft JB had 1 would U\t to ptr.* out ^ m cornetluiep l'h!s \*?-nt < :. till g 1 got so t ltd 1 didn't kn>iw |e ^5 what to do. K" "One day I read about the ^ merits of Cardul. and a* I ^ 5 had some friend* who had t M been helped hy it. I Thought P ^ I would try it I heg:;: to Rtt get better after I had Uken || half a bottle. I derided to k-ep Ifr JB ou and give It i. thorough Rh trial and I did I tool, in ? mm all about 12 hotMea and now |a i ^ I am perfectly well. 1 du F | not puffer any pair, and ran do all my housework." J At All Druggists* L ' bwiw TUDOR S F.O.B.B RMruiNm: - >260 T Coupe . - >20 F t?r? in hAt. ru>>? *cJ ?u-icr itiii *. ... h. iaNHHi W; ' ffl , 10 HI" 2.? ZI ^ JlH ffP Ppi ESffQ IflliB" 111 IfezJi A >il ? ? Hcnzontsl 1? of * iJC> 4? li.tet r? | f? rcua A'K. P To fre e from ?V ? . f I. m :i- b'th1f>|-!k1 |lO*> I "4 II* if *! em J? ? Wat. ' rlblu'B iP To : r v ; I'i.* I t! e JO?A l**f of ? I- . * T: 74 B? ' .?* I i ; I n *?:? rf> e'*?e '*? t-T > 2" S'i If -ii 27- I ... , . -ii f'cll it n .i I ' ?trn::i l>l .? * . ! t II."' * I B.em ?( 11use I' h . up pu\ Hut . m S * I n ' p f- Kr? 'i t 'UH(.' * ?: rathei 43 I' d | ?' ? r 1 O 'r? 44 K f ' e? 41- 1 .. t 47?OT??! ft o t U f I ? n ??tll I Answer To Last Week's Cross-Word Puzzle DES'I SNHIOWE'S' EBONIo upi rEMU ewbast a r t'ebi n P A ljHt am'e'sBod d SR A PJjjR E O|SE,E R 9M A N yJ9S UN D A Y 3 p r'tb|s;? i n p cot e D|c a r Plfl e r'oslee e|eur| e rnia a r'onws'a d - Harr i v esbwe eja p eme'e r_i e||n o e ntAIR ?rT *:Rti 1 Phillip*. H. K. It. Phillip*. IV ! I?M. . Jf.M,. Hii>)e. Colon, n CiliU. I'nki ??\vn hrir* of Nam y Column. M. r MrCoy. .!. It. Witt. W. I. Witt. It. W. Witt. M. T. St, wart, S A LV.lvv,,.. I!..,,.. nv.. .. . nil ?? m, * iiMiown Heir# ?.f Mary Witt, deceased, Sao Imiiicv. Sutti/.a Hunt. \\. H Han.- ck. S. Lemmer, James Hancock, and All Unknown Heirs' of H arrison Hancock, deceased. John Hancock. Fate llamlcock. Maw Johnson, lames Hancock, dr.. Reed Hancock, Ctissie Hancock and all Unknown H? irs o!" William Hancock, deceased. Mi. and Frank Ori\ Chas. Hancock. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Padirett . (I all I'/.known heirs of Richard lli.m---.-k. 1? c-ased, Alice Heckner. Mildrei! MrMnhnn. Luther !':?\ I. Unkn '\vn 1!?-i - of 1-ahel Davis, de<M*d, and all Unknown Heirs at law Seats I E D A N i:ed F iO " rCr??iC order Solun '?{"?() | t l^ramwoMe ^ i IB Ear 22 23 I II3* 33 & - ~yH~r : 42 l,(l,|j,42 SS: I'uic a ) Vertical 1 ? Pre J c-f . .en : r.,i. rh?. I ?K:thI 4 t-ieth ! . 4 tn.rrlti?e | i?1!:. onch ? ?Al.?r<<i fere# r??r- to h> |'ii. !) =:?. , t?Vr* [ ? i nl? . It?To curt 1 :r That man t IS ? ,* . tri: e 14 svif It - \s ih>p ri^f ; j- \. ; ?t?? !.?d f r'?*r -i i # ?<:??. trtl : i. 1 ..Ml ?1?|Vt?U I 41 * 1?:<T # r-__H t rt . f t-'.t t? rr :< i J* Kowli ? | ? ? r t SO?A havi *' ? X <11 T?. < ? : .. k *K :.r? .. f a rn< ? ioir?# M Ivr li ? ? tlti.a :: ur 4(' N"i*f 41?At. ' * 4T V .. t ?r 1 r?.i- r? r?c? ^ f M. W. Hancock, deceased. NOTl' H OK SCMMOXPS The ?J-'v : dar.ts ;.l-ove named will take < . .. Siocial p ooeed-' i . ir < : .:< .! a : ' vt- Ma* heon com- I niciiccd in t*. Suj < <<?r Court of of Clay County for the purpose of f.irtithTi ; -ale certain real ? -T t ' I ..lr tv. North * aro lina.full;. : - d ed in the petition in this i . . and ciny :? pait of the h< : < fann !' the late M. \V. j IIan.->. >a which petitioners and j defendants ?'? tenants in eomm n;J and the said !eferdant> will further 1 take not! i.'.at they are required] to appear before the undersigned j '"leik >t the Su rior Court of Clay i County, North Carolina, at his of-' ' ii e in tin* Courthouse in Hayesvil! , N ? . oil the 1 -t day of Ma-eh. 1020. and answer - r demur to the petition in >a:d Special Proecodinjr or the petitioner- will apply to the ' Hurt for the re id' demanded in tin* petition. Thi> the &lrd day of January 1 \V. I.. MATHKSOX. ' Jerk S'.ijietior t ouit <1: v County, N. ' cj:<-4t-.\&t;? SOME PACTS ABOUT THE GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK Size At least 150,000 acres of mountain land and foot-hills. Location?Approximately half In Western North Carolina and halt in Eastern Tennessee, lying within the counties of Swain, Haywood and Graham in North Carolina, an-l Sevi Ford Tudor Sedan, with ral family tar. Anyone can live passengers in comfort. Th ord Dealer will gladly explain i this good-looking Sedan mi 'Xjcm/u ^ Detroit. Mich. fkioay. ir, Blount and Cock* ind including the range of the Er!ZH >mokie> fioni the Pifreon River he onrtheast to the Little Tenn*^H liver on the southwest. H Pi incipal Characteristic ? Hi^ I a nee of mountains. 40 .? <, u" >nilt.H uhich are IS peak* more tni,H ;.(I0U feet above sea-level. . B vhich inany of the prineipai reducing rivers of Tenia ... aljB j ST.?rth Carolina have their v ariety of trees, flowers and shrub* I aid by botanists to be unexampled B t ywhere on earth. Greatest fl .{ deciduous trees in Eastern I \ nierica. one-quarter of the park area I uijr covered with virein : vest*. H any of whose trees are m?.r< than a I housand years old. Acquisition?To be purchased fmn I iT-mt owners by funds the :'ir<l fl nillion of which are to be mhscriK-1 ii by the people of North < aroiba I ind Tennessee, and the remainder hr V he people of the nation at large, i Maintenance?Once the ;-..rki.-B rented by Act of Congress. fJn,j, I f?r the improvement of the park. I .uilding of roads. rest-cam:? *nj\ fl >ther convenience* for the visitor? I ciII be made available by f'oner??*. I The park, when open to the public. I vill be administered by the National I hark Service of the Depaitment of fl he Interior, which directs the ..thet I lit national parks of the country. I the entire cost of maintcnarc? fl vill be borne by the federal r-- I Went. Accessibility Both in North < aro- I ina s.nd Tennessee seve-al *U?te fl ighways. already open to traffic i>r H n course of construction, lead inu> H he proposed confines of the park. B fhese *tate toads will be h: ..< ?! up B vith other highways within the : ark. fl vhich will be built and maint in?d B >y the federal government. thus mat- B ng the park easily accessible. L EiW iMil Quick Way to End Dangerous Cough Why let a dangerous cough harp ? n when you can, through a simple merit, got speedy relief and often br? ?k it up completely in 24 hours? This treatment is ba od on the ' nanus Dr. King's New Discovery i t Coughs. You take just one tea?prcn? ful and hold it in your throat for 1"?r ?0s*\ mds before swallowing it. It a double anion. It not only *nr-?h?? nd heals irritation, but aN rew? ?s the phlegm and congestion whi h i re the rrjl crnte of the coin li.rg. So tl r worst cough quickly disappears. Di. King's New Discovery i* f r coughs, chest colds, bronchi ti raoiiic crouo, etc. Fine for children, loo r.o harmful drugs. Very cc*or- v ical, as the d..^e is only one tea-r fuL At all good druggists. Ask f rasaim Ir^ MCrriyppy*^ all-steel body, is learn to drive it. e nearest Authotthc easy terms on " ly be purchased.

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