PACE s:x ' Trlrpfc COMING?to Theatre Monday, Feb. 8th. two days oniy, "Charlie's Aunt,", Coming to Theatre Feb. loth, two days only, a Frank Lloyd production, with Milton Sills, from Rafael Sabatina's love story of a great pirate chieftan. Judge Walter D. Siler is the distinguished guest ef the Dickey Hotel. Mr. E. J. Darnell a prorr.-nert Realtor of Marietta, was the gue?t last w *-k trf Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wofford. Mr. T. S. Evans and M?\ Rolert Lance motored to Gainesville. Ga. Friday. Pniden Davidson is ill at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Davidson. Dr. and Mrs. E. E. Adams wer? fct home to a Number of their friends Thursday evening at the Terrace apartments. Mrs. R. H. Hyatt was in Andrews last week, the guest of her daughter. Mrs. C. A- Brovm. ? . ?. ^ . .. i v.oi. i/on witnerspoon was in tvnoxvllle Inst week on business. Mr. E. E. Davis ha? purchased the palatial home of Mr. C. M. Wofford on Peachtree StTeet. | Miss Rub ye McCombs entertained an informal dancing party Saturday evening at the home of her parents. i Mr. C. M. B*uti, of Blue Ridge, spent Sunday here with his farily. Mr. Raymond Harris has as hi* guest at the Hotel Regs! his father, Mr. C. M. Harris, of Atlanta. Messers Henry Hyatt, I.awry Hill and Bryan Martin were supper guest? of Mr. Jake Palmer Sunday evening. Mrs. Edwin Faust is ill at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrt J. O. M Curdy. After teaching a successful term 4% the (Jrape Creek school. Miss Elizabeth Gentry is at home. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Manse have taken rooms with Mrs. Manse's sister. Mrs. Brodicc Dockery. Mrs. L. P. Kinsey's Sunday school class will meet with her Saturday afternoon in the parlors of the Hotel Regal. ? Mrs. B. Y Dixon left Saturday for a visit with relatives in South Georgia. On her return Mrs. Dixon Trill accoropained by her mother, KMrs. Elizabeth Mayfield. MOTHER? ntkiti'i Cactoi Cootor oi, Paroforic, Tutkin| inqtml to Nlint Infants is i Coaatipatien Diarrhea Aids in the ass mutation of Food, p Natural Sleep with) Ts swM fcdtotiow. itmrs look for tb l*?r*v jjeaigi -J. *-izh v**y. i -X. b... X j ) 5Personal | >r? 20 ^ and Mrs. J. M. Vajj?h> and Mis& Anne Car..:!er motored to Andrew? -unday. Mr. Hubert Butt and Mr. Claud Pless of Blairsviiie were Murphy caller? Sunday. Mr. John V. Brittain wa? called to Black Mountain Sunday by the C ritical illness of hi? mother Mr-. Addie Brittain. i | Henri? Barnett was awaded the contract to raze the ruins of the o!d' court house. I -? 1 Miss Helen hreas is the irues* of her mother. Mrs. F?ther Freas, at ' the Beal Home. Mis? Frcas will take her departure the last of the week for Berea. Ky^ where she will enter Berea Coileffe mis. f.. Davidson is con va taxing ^ "in r'-1 recent illness. r Mr*. C. K. Hoover entertained with a bridge party Saturday evening at the home of Miss Kartliryn Thompson. Her guests were: Misses Annie Wilson Karthryn Thompson. Messers J. N\ Ferguson Jr.. W. E. Studstill and Mr. and Mi-*. S. S. s Christopher. Elaborate refreshments consisting * >f Sandwiches. Salad, cake and coffee ~crc served. "SC A R AMOUC HE"? Ask the next person you see. Mr. Laurence Benis of Cormoma. Tex. and Mr. Elmer Fredrick, [ "onsulting Engineer, of Robhinsville. are at the Dickey Hotel. Mr. Benis inspecting the whiting Lumber Company's interests with a view of x buying. It is hoped the deal will be * made as the operation of this plant will afford employment to numbers >f men now idle. v Mr. Raldwyn. the architect who ^ submitted plans for the new court 8 house. Accompanied by Mr. Harry a McBrayer of Anderson, S. C. were' in town last week. IJ After finishing a successful term * at. the Walker School at Kinsey ' Pi of. I.. K. Mauney is at home. The ' Walker school was indeed fortunate J ^ In securing the service of Prof jv Mauny. The writer will remember 1' nis zeal and autitude in such work. ' t A number of the Young Harris!*' .ociety set met informally last rnon- day evening at the home of Miss ' I.eila Posey. That favoratc diver- 1 eating candy-?held sway until a late j hour. .. , Mes-'.s G. li. HoUitcell, Jr. BVistol a ion of sweet sixteen?making and \ Andrews attended superior court c Robert Porter and N. P. Tatham of s Monday 3 I b U I hamlcM Snlwtihrtc for Drops sad SooOiiaf Syrup*, uh ui Childraa all apt* ti WM Colic Xo SwMtCR Stcamck Regulate Boweb romoting ChearfjilocM, Real, tafl aut Opiates - _ Phy^ciau crcrywhweWcomiDenJ it J THE CHEROKEE SCO". T. Tfc. Jn. ?v.. Mi? ry j v.icvy : v Mcthoti^ Ch?r?. will! io;ti a : - - - on the afterr a %-fl . - at t??e social f the riror. :>! .T. !I. i hiUips of Andrew? tome I - attending court here th: veek. FOR SALE? 640 acres of Tiber' land 10 miles from Murphv I vr 'uuher particulars ?ee John h iio ZUy. ilt-pd) iliase? DeLa Meroney, El. .ibeth ord. Eniogene Axiey, Maurire Fain ind Juanita Evans motored to! Jlairsvillc last Friday evening for a ix o'clock dinner. You haven't forgotten i" iirth of a Nation' You'll neve: ferret t AKAMOUCHE". Mio- fl?~ M.. _ II ..II 1 t I. Irews. wu a recent visiter of her mr.t. Mis. J. C. I'almer. Mi?r. Hattie Palmer, the efficient tenograj ner of Moody & Moodv. ias recently been appointed a notary tubhc. Mrs. W. A. E'ryaon is visitii:^ n<-: ister, Mrs. L. K. Goodman. in H.. nan, Tenn. New Shipment of Spring and luxnmer . dresee*. in all the new. hades; also new hats just arrived, .'an make up any color of costume. >rtrsses at bargain prices. Sec th?-m His. Callio Hall, City f the Cherokee National Faint Loan H asocial ion. Mr. L. E. Mnjnev ;? trcnident. Mr. Fox suteeeds Mr. .1. P. Hayes, of Tomotla. Attorney Tom Rawlins, of Ashe- I ille, is attending court here thi< s reels* | a mi j Mr. Loo Crowe, of t-na^n was nought to the local hospita- last ^ reek with acute septicaemia or ^ loud poisoning, the result of an ' n axe wound in the foot, lit is 1 lowly recovering. ? Mi's Bessie Wilson, da; ifhter of I dark Wilsons of Malt by, was rou/jhl to the Murphy Hospital londay night from Andrews by Dr.! lerberi. She was suffering with luod poisoning of some two or three ruoL-. ^ ralinn In?. J I eg were gangrenous, necessitating! he amputation of the leg above the! ;nce. Miss Wilson's condition is onsidered very grave indeed. The Andrews Welfare Board was initrumental in sending hei to the lospital. * Mrs. Z. Y. Brown was hostess to a ewing party Wednesday afternoon it the home of her mother, Mrs. R. J. Wells. Refreshments consisting if sandwiches and coffee were erved. The guests included ifesdamcs E. C. Mallonee, H. G. 21kins, R. N. Harin, Tom patton ienry Axley, C. W. Bailey and Miss osephine Heighway. Mr. Floyd Carringer, of Kn^pville 'enn., is spending several days this reek with relatives and friende in this ection. Mr. R.N. Tiger, of the Hayesville Hercantile Co., was a vi.-itor here his week. BoOd Up Your Health With DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL I DISCOVERY Aeoid COUGHS, J Jt I colds, k GRIPPE. X^t - ? A Taaac vfckh IV. PhmymciM ?Ui m active practk* N jwt if*. /< UQ<*U* Tmbtmts. mt ymmw OmIM. featd 10c. f Or. TVrcc'a Urattda' HotrL Mhlo, 1L Y.. far Uiai pk?. Tatolrta. OLK SCHOOL AT BKASSTOWN GETS U^pKRWAY (ContiaacA from par* 1) rrices toward the start of this work 0 North Carolina. Among those who 1 are boon giving worV at Hie school ire, Mr. J. 0. Pealaad, Mr. F. 0. Mt'RPHV N C J ja 13 ' !4 'A [< " [jjp \ i '-L it to 1 '** ?23 MT"~ - <25^ 5?} jo4 n53 .! W *T 3T ,38 k: : ^40 43 (44 - m li ilT f~ 48 4 d?fUr? void ^ 19?A f((?tlbU tt?Part r,f 'to bt" fl?'To Oavour if?pmr >ih la ?.*n??r IS?Aulit?4 tt?Horn l? Kllthro utenalla II - P.hjroera II?Father 14?To flelah 15?Kind of tree fpl > II -Flay on worlr 17?Commercial anr.amncament U reriainfng to a certain EnslUfc royal family and ?ta daacandanta ???T ? ?*alra 10?To he aaatad 41 ?Competitor 11-Carofc llv-Tn I'on/otnt ?T^Ore?lf lettar 41?E!rotrlfta?i part Id# to?Trie* II? Prapaeltlaa 14? Aj*I4 H?Tc- furra 17?Makaa a klad of lm?a M?Inert (are?>ua elamant fcxnd la tiie atmoaphera M?Prlatlna raeaaurea ^ croggs, Mr. Cliff Wuldroup, Mr. M. L Hampton, Mr. C. N. Adams, Mr. . R. Teems, Mr. Ed Waldroup, Mr. t. Sparks, Mr. J. C. Zimmerman, Mr. 'arl Zimmerman, Mr. John Logan, Jr. Tryus Logan, Mr. William Clayon, Mr. J. W. Clayton, Mr. F. A.| 'layton Mr. Henry Carringer, Mr. J. \ Sales, Mr. John Deal. Mr. T. B. I Ffthi STARTS FE1 50 B^^t^ul New S: Silk and Wool Dre I $10 and $12 Valv $5.98 Men's Overalls, Heav; size, extra special 1 5c Men's and Wome Hose, blacks and tan Package of 50 Safety ed sizes, package TWs U 0?1 Candler's v FR "7?J |8 | ? Strlr**4 !r,strum*tt J ???to OBBerie fT 13 ?Oombit between two 16?Intimidate* 18?Circuit of a race couroo % IS?I.uker*irm 24? Broni# 25?End of the arm M?To Uintah 17?Oh* who ffWea 89?To need 88?Top of a mountain ? J 82?Weird g? ] 83?Plays on words 25?Rotten 86?t.tmpar.lon C II?To bind , 19?Color ?ea8j taateleaa IlquK 40?To begin 48?-Wooitr tub 43?Grecian portion 4 < " 44? Midday ' 4|?Hequesta if?A o.wt 4^-Born * . iT?To observe 18?Number ander twtlen II?Thus leistiM wtu ?rm? ! 99?l t?mm Hampton, Mr. B. N. Hogan, Mr Waldo Scruggs, Mr. H. T. Green, Mr Roy Anderson, Mr. Coy Anderson Mr. Joe Hughes. The edvice ant help of Colonel J. H. Dillard ?! Murphy, local member of the Boar< ! of Directors of the School, has beei invaluable. CANDLER'S "uary 3. 4th and Last t Our Buyers I I New York and w f I and complete tin I Dresses, Coats < I Dress-Goods in ? XV I anj -III, 1 vim uiiuci n '* You are invite TT?\\ ary Sale and ins - f'/w 1 5c Ginghams, i mW only 10 yards t 1 5c brown sheet grade, only 10 tomer, yard ... ' 60c 9-4 Peppere yard F>nng - Met, 50 Women's an( ies ers, worth up tc Armour's Pork Full weight, can V grade, full Large 5 ft fiOr i ^igHUlUU! n e Sox and Powder8 ' pr ** Choice of Pins, assort- drtn's Fa 10? 1 for y a Few Of Our Many C#ME HERE FIRST ; Departm MURPHY, N. C. - [DAY FEBRUARY J, |?* _ LOOK HEREl^B ?1 f you want a farm, to?i Jjt^m erty, or Building WEHAVETHfJj Coll on or write M W. A. BRYSON^fc Real EiUtt Bnp For Lame BackS^ Aching JointsiB Stilus* M exican Mustang Lini^^H, Brings Quickest ' Sufferers from such rcMitlsmag^^K mentioned above can srt voekai^^Hi ! thiu they have dreamed ?u ! No mat tor how severe 'he pain 1) I get rid or the agon) - bout without taking powerful drugs *> stem' TKp|t In those sections of the covatryd^^V" Mexican Mustang l.inimrct Is kaeg^^H^ has been used fcr years?In but " families have used it for mors years and always ha\- it ready fors^^H gency uses. It U just as ?uctwrtl^^HsC healing cut*, bruises and t he irartT^BT wonderful healing pursers. All and wholesalers sell Mustang UatnnXjhSl Bo aura to seo Rex lngraa'^^F Product row of Sabatir.i'$ K^V torkal aoval fgnjf' Scaramouch? 1 the Bonita Theatre, FrU^B February 12th, afternooa | This is a historical drama, hi^H on tho French Rrvolutioa 1789, one of tho most colwi^Hl periods in nil history. Hfc More then 11,000 people tai^^T pert in the production of di^B' picture. Be aure and see it i^B j Feb. 12th at 9E ,r Bonita TheatfB ft ill illyiss 25 cents Sale! I :s to MAR. 1st! iave just returned froml e have on display a large fl ic of Ladies New Spring B ind Hats. New Spring B nlk and cottons, Hosiery ear Valentines, d to come to our Februpect our new goods. 17 in., extra good grade, o a customer, yd. 5c ing, 36 in., very beat LL yards to a cus lie 11 Sheeting, unbleached, 49c d Boys" all wool Sweat? $4.50, special.... $1.49 and Beans, large cans, I0e ? package of Armour s Be Washing 19c All Women's and Chilli and Winter Hats February Bargains r ent -Store I i