FRIDAY FEBRUARY 2?. 1?*?. 1 THE FEATH ?J SC OOP Vtt'S ac rj | South Jomocqct* > . ? -1 ^REH-T^TOUy---_ L IU ? Prosperous Dairy Y Shown RTRACE jiCEKLYTREND OF 92 SCORTfc/T ny frr.'MiJ ...7 ... IP?R POIJffDl**ww irL.|.^Tw; n*. ;^A/W y>u L3 THE llft!5 butter murket reveals* u pr dustry. according to the year-end am Mitt te of Animal Economics. Although clr.r- months of the past year seems t<> h period In the year previous. It was Isrj Oian in the corresponding period of 192 wen1 the largest on record at this seas whole they were about 8 per cent les*j t Prices averaged higher than in 192 92 *<* creuniery butter on the New Yoi 15 cents a pound compared with 48 CCS prices wore received in October fend Nov* 5? and 51.5 cents, respectively. Egg Eaters Increase [! Prices Hig* ? W'CEOr WtlKLT Tit CWO OF CCG RCCEI PT? FSSR JAW !FIB)MAR1APPj HAY jjUMi JW PtR OOI. 60< ^-1 ? S0? / :' Y A^CEIPTS ? PSFtc 35? jl 30 ? yS/ \ 2S< t> Ei.UJ prices duritig the pset year wert 1920. according to the annual revle Lwrcwe Institute of Aoitna* Economic*, difference in tlifeMotal production this | blgiier prices diAng 1P2Ti Indicate larger Cow Uses Four Stoi to Digc A M. the four stomachs of the dairy o ** produce the moat milk year after of Animal Economics. The flrst stomac ?nd the second as a separator roc wrlnfer to squsess out water from tl dltlon, ready for tlie fourth stomach. wh? How the four stomachs, hacked by toed and pure, fresh water, can So made to the official cow-testing association r highest record grade cow. In one year tl lighter there passed 6.803 pounds of i of dried beet pulp, 2,133 pounds of mis J?"* rttofe. which were turned inte 21.681 W.ono quart bottles! In othsr words. 1 2 fcadle to her quartette of stomachs, lo the bucket. ERHEADS HN6 ' C MO. 1 CAN'r ' ME*AORNIN e?J LEAVE Mr \MOQf ^BUSMESS^ ? ear i by Butter Prices TEWPRICES AMOatCElPTS S 1 __ pj| tsofloa i \ L_ jt| MMOO !, -jmm- ;! -55550, i *r fWTTTVTl Q* TOO.OOQ osperous condition in the dairy In J droitural review of the Larrnwe In I butter production during the first ve lugged behind the corresponding iter during the lavt quarter of 1925 I. Beginning with October, receipts on of the year. Tor :!.j year a? ? han In 1P24. 4. The average wholesale pr'^e or rk market In 1020 wua approximately ts (h? year previous. Highest 1025 utbcr when weekly averares reach** in 1925 lest in Five Years kHO PRICES AT HEW YORK] ?JC -i 1 -t I ? reWHAWlu L, AUG SEP| OCT_[NOj^DEC /\ 700.000 \f\ loaooo I 3RCES \ 500000 I -J-]s , / 300000 w J/ i0M0? ] _10MOO_ . 000 f JW^OWT UIIIUTt or UWUL w" ^ higher tliHii I hey ha>e been sln.?- * w of I lie egg market made ?? the * While there hns been very little i ;?ast year as compared to 1;*V4. the { consumer demand. ^ i < machs ?t Its Daily Food 1 : fc/ WIIWWI wtTrtUTf O0 AMMM. >COMC>MKX >w must work as a unit if she Is t<> year, statas the Larrowe Institute h serves as a storehouse for bulky m. while the third stomach acts as lie food, leaving It In a mealy conre real digestion begins, a plentiful supply of well-balanced to pay big profits. Is well Illustrated ecord of Sadie, the world's second trough the stomachs of this plehetar. t prepared dairy ration. 777 pound* :ed clover hay and 5,182 pounds of > pounds of milk?enough to fill arer for every pound of grain entrusted they repaid with three pounds of THE CHEROKEE. SCOUT r If so ions, A a i Vo' MNG I \ BUDDT J I VEREH'T ^ ^ Tg**m ^ ^ I CULBERSON' Miss Arabel Ccarley, of Murphy, vas the guest of Miss Lclia Mason Saturday. Mrs. W. C. Mason made a busites tri pto Copperhill this week. Dr. N. B. Adams, of Murphy, was railed to the bedside of Silas Go- j forth, whose condition was serious,' >ut is better at this writing. Mr. L. E. York has returned home ifter an extended visit to WinstonSalem and other No th Carolina joints. Mr. L. M. Shields made a businesstrip to Etowah last week. Mr. A. K. Dickey, of Murphy, was n town a few days ago buying mules for the Southern markets. Mr. T. J. Shearer spent last week it his old home at Shoal Creek. Miss Leila Mason has returned lomc after a visit to her sister in, Earner, Tenn. Mrs. Letha Anderson, who has jecn on the sick list, is better at this vriting. Mr. and Mrs. Malbert Kilpatrick, >f Ranger, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. 1. Shearer Sunday. C. S. Burger and family left last veek for Ramhurst, Ga., where he ras bought a farm and intends to nake it their home. MARBLE One of Marble's interprising nerchants, Ren Mints, has tenanted he new addition to bis dwelling: house vith his father and mother, Mr. and drs. Jim Mintz, whom he lately noved over from Hangiogdog. It s fine of Ben to make his aped >arents comfortable in his own home, dost children nowadays too easily orget their parents?"they are old. hildish. troubelsome", so the "grown jp children" go off into the world 'or themselves, and let Dad and Mam ough it out the best they can. Mr. N. W. Abemathy built a ozy, comfortable, home for his father and mother some years ago, ind moved them in. Fat Noah looks personally after his parents also. Mr. and Mrs. I.inford Abemathy ire the parents of Mrs Jim Mints :oo. By the way, Marhle?and rear Marble?is largely settled with Hangingdog people; and they are ?ood folks, too. Mr. Bob Porter, Andrews, was j jown in Marble last 17th, looking | lfter real estate, we surmise. 1 Miss Vester West, who was lately | tuccesofully operated for appendicii*> j :ame home from the hospital last | veek, well. j rive Gals. Paint Free A lanre paint concern, in furtherance of an advertising and introductory campaign now in progress, offers to give, free of charge, five fallons of its best house paint, any color, to one property owner at each post office or on each rural route in this county. This concern wants its paint on a house in ? each locality this season wh:ch ( is the purpose of this remark- i able offer. It alto wants a i local salesman in each county. Persons interested are requested to write the Central Oil Co.. Dept. No. 755 Louisville, Ky. , MURPHY, N. C. r Y6u I WASN'T , RUT I WAD Tc So^G Two Railpoad Tickets ir> X TO GET MY with A ? ?^jCOHPAPr ME N ^ Mr. W. H. (Henry) Raxtcr has re turned from Gastonia Mills. Mrs. Tinie \Jake) palmer has re nted out her Owl Creek home, and is making her homo with relatives and friends at the near Marble. Mrs. Blanche Barnett, accompanied by Virgil and the two little girls, visited her parents last Sunday after noon. Mr. James M. Bamett, Murphy visited his neice. Mrs. Gus Parker, last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Parke" is desperately sick. Mr. Woodard, Needmore, filled his semi-monthly appointment, preaching Saturday?Sunday to- not large congregations. Some people?especially children, have the bad habit of leaving church after Sunday School. By all means remain for the sermon. "The preaching of the gospel is the i power of God to save the world.* We wonder why Marble people ate so slack to attend church now? Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Russell, of Andrews, visited Dr. and Mrs. Smith last Sunday afternoon; and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson were callers cn Mr. and Mrs. Mulkey. Oh its just fine to drive over our concrete roads on balmy afternoons. Prof, and Mrs. James Lovingood took dinner with Prof, and Mrs. W. K. Johnson last Sunday. Lots of people have colds. Some of the school children have?or have had mumps. Preacher Smith was confined to hi? house much of last week? and this week also?with cold. "Sound goes around the world, is announced, in the fraction of a second, but the record still is held by scandal,,?Detroit News. Better look out when you speak scandal. "Woe unto you," ye liquor venders and bibers when you speak falsely of prohibition. "Most people do their thinking as partisans," and, as partisans?not Imi HUE We Disconti and Annoui Effective Febn Freight, War Added for Ha Remember th the 1 The Price All Car* At Bumper Front ai j- View Mirror . . . > Moto-A Huds cc Br Se Essex Convenient a E. P. H Hudson is World's Largi r ? ! 7T ITOK) . 1 : V.16 I A ~~ A ! m > A|g| n 1 Tclaters nor thinkers, they so ofte speak of others. We are indeed glad to report tha ! Melvin Barnes is sufficiently we'! t .return to the mill, and that M s : Barnes is better. | Mts. Gus Parker is resting thi i morning-?Tuesday. 1 "This great lesson is still bindinj i We owe our government obedient and respect. Our want of respc< for the government is a growing cvj The way the prohibition law is floutc is a menance to the future. Wheth? we like a law or not, it is our dut; to obey it as long as it is the law. Those who do not obey the law are i anarchy to the law; to the stale an nation. "Drink has increased under prohib tion" (?) The Bureau of Cens* (Government) shows that drunkei ness decreased 55.3 peis -nt from 191 to 1923. How can one who regard his word say that drinking has ir creased? The death rate?despil poisoned liquor?his greatly decrea ed since prohibition, so the statists show. Before prohibition the! | were 275 drink cures running i | full capacity; now there are only 2' iand some of the 27 are nurd j alcoholic cores. The same goverr ment statistics show a trcmendoi ! crime decrease since prohibition; n< withstanding the liquor people ' charge to the contrary. | How Doctors Treat Colds and the Fli To break up a cold overnight o to cut short r. : ntta< k of grippe, :r I fluenza, sore throat or tonsillitis, phy sicians and druggist-i ar?* now recom i mending Calotabi,, the purified am refined calomel compound tablet tha Kives you the effects of calomel an salts combined, without the unpleas ant effects of either. One or two Calotabs at bed-tim ; with a swallow of water,?that's ail | No salts, no nausea ncr the slightes J interference with your eating, worl or pleasure. Next morning your cob has vanished, your system is thor oughly purified and you are fcelinj ffne with a hearty appetite for break fast. Eat what you please,?no dan re r. Got a family package, contnininj full directions, only 35 cents. At an; drug store. (adv portant Price Polic: ISON-E! inue F. O. B. F ii a ^ ice "at-i ournary 15, These Cars Will Be Tax and Equipment. No ndling. There Will Be Not ese are NOT F. O. B. Fa DELIVERED Prices at Your ! You Pay to E e Complete with the Followi nd Rear . . . Electric Windshiel Transmission Lock (Built In) . . ifeter .. . Combination Stop and son Supc IACH mm* $| ougham - - 1 dan - - - - X Six Coac nd Easy Purchase Tsrjns For 7 1AWKINS, est Bailderof "Sixes"and Thin PAGE FIVE A Sense of Economy ? -I- LIKE ) g. I jIPmiiiiiii FOREST SERVICE PRO rfcclb GAME AND FISH ON CHEROKEE NATIONAL FOREST 11 (Continued from page 1) i ________________ of Fisheries. Not less than three hundred thousand bass, twenty millI ion shad and nuit i ? ??iiw?ko. IS I . * "* wi J various other species should be ! distributed ft om the Edenton Btaj tion this year. J People in the Istate who- would ,t : like to have fish for their pondst j lakes or streams should send in their ^ applications in due time. State application blanks will be furnished . upon application by the fisheries Commission Office, Morehead City, n N. C., or by either of the Hatchery j Superintendents, and Federal application blanks may be had by writing the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Washington, D. C. Write for ^ blanks at once. Applications on file 0j that could not be filled last year ls t will receive attention first, this sea" j son, and such as be cannot filled this year will be filed for first attention .e i ^ : next season. c Back Lame and Achy? ?! 7 The Advice of Thi? Nearby Resident y Should Help You to Get Well I i< Do you suffer nagging headache? >t Feel dizzy, nervous and depressed? 's Are the kidney secretions irregular; breaking your rest? | l.ikely kidneys give warning. You ; have a bachache; rheumatic twinges. You feel weak, tired, all worn out. ^ Heed the warning. Don't delay! Use Doan's Pills?a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Thousands recommend DoanV. Here's an example: ^ H. G. Rogers, brakeman. Railroad i St., Brevard, N. C., says: "My back t i ached and when I bent over I could ^ hardly straighten. I had headaches and dizzy spells when black specks e ! appeared before my eyes. I was lame U | mornings and my kidneys didn't act * as they should. Hearing of Doan'y j Pills, I got a supply and used them. - I soon felt like myself." * j 60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn " Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.?Adv. ) | SUBSCRIBE NOW! V for 5SEX actory Prices Doer" Prices Priced to Include Charge Will Be hing Else to Pay. ctory Prices, but DOOR Irive Away ng Equipment: d Cleaner . . . Rear . . Radiator Shutters T*;i I ir-Six 370 630 825 :h $920 hots Who Desire I , Dealer I Largest BailJer of Motor Cars 3 * * * *3