FRIDAY. MARCH 11, lUg. BUGS & HUMBUGS Bureau of Health Education? N. C. State Board Of I Health LAGRIPPE From everywhere just now people* are talking much of colds and "grip." There is no way of knowing now what serious complications may develop. neither is there any way off knowing just how prevalent the condition may be. It is sufficient, however. to know that "grip" is causing tremendous disturbance in school, in business and in the home. There is a group of bacteria which infest the upper respiratory tract and produce a group if diseases of which colds, gripp.e influenza and pneumonia are the most common. There is a close-jelationship between the symptoms called by these various names, as there is a close relationship betwen the diferent special forms of bacteria which make up the group. La grippe is the Frenchword and refers to an infection in the respiratory tract. The bacillus is found in the nasal and bronchial secretions. Any physical conditon which lowers the bodily resistance or decreases the protective function of the mucous membranes predisposes to grippe It may be fatigue, or chilling of some part of the body or under nourish-./ ?? tVint Hpnrivcc tho miifniis mom. brane of the nose and throat of its normal blood supply and permits these perms which at this season are very prevalent to pain a foothold anil become implanted in the system. Immediately they pet implanted they begin multiplying and eliminating into the system a toxin which produces the symptoms. Grippe is very easily transmitted from one person to another by means of oughing and sneezing or from bar Uing handkerchiefs or linen soiled by he sick person. The price of frc. ' >m from grippe is eternal vigilenct in avoiding contact with persons wh> have it and in 1 cing especially car? ;1 to avoid ususual debilitating fat; r chillinp of the body as ** v I we: ft et or inadequate clothing. A hough prippe is very common and tost persons quickly get well itot'on is quite treacherous and lead? to serious complications. Immediately p "p to bed i? the best treatment for the patient ami this also prot cts oth. from the infection. r? I HAYESVILLE H.. y. sville, Mar. 2 We reg-e: to uy we have had several deaths in ojcommunity recently Little Mnrcnrett Hog-id. the seven year old laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hogsed, of Shi inp Creek, died February 27th after a short illness. Interment was Bade at Bethel chu:ch, Rev. Ch?>. S. Kjler. ifficiating. An .'her one of Clay County's prom : t citizens has taken his finiil lea . Mr. W. B. Martin, better known "Uncle Sam." died of paralysis, V. ill 1st. He was a good and loyal citizen, and will be greatly miss ed. 1 Vermont was made at H..\v>Tille. :h< R. v. H. II. Hyde officiating. Tit l our community are slow .i surely, improving. Mr. Craw: d has had a severe case of Ujrri.i] ut i> about to ge t out again. Mr. ; : Standridge is right sick th ;h pneumonia, but we think ne has "turned" for better We hoj i- h will continue to improve. The . vi?ited Mr. and Mrs ~u tnan:. . and thcv now have a : I tew boy. born March 1st. I Hastlags'SeeiJs I f? jl ^^5 7. i c Flower Seeds far "You 8 You r. g t 5 packets of seeds ol 9 different and very beautiful flower Hastings* 1926 Seed Catatot Wis rou a*! about It. 9 Seeds are "The Standard 9 '^e " They give the best re9 *Ust8 iu " ' S.-uthern gardens and or m JJT farm- Hastings* new 1926 Cata-| 9 ?* bas ' l>ages In all. full of pic- j I fr'** 'r0m Photographs, handsome y*7" 11 color*. truthful, accurate I 9 f^JCt 1 valuable culture di 9 *ri^\*aC? yr'? to have this catalog !r I Sm !? 101,8 ahout Hastln* * 9 tn!tk : il x"7 an<l f,e,d seeds, riant- ' M rihu!u Write for It today. A po-tI fcall rtq,3<sl hrinrs It to you by return j H G. HASTINGS CO.. 6EEDSMEN. 9 ATLANTA, GA. We think the farmers around here were about to think the groundhog was off his job, as they were getting out their plows and making gardens and preparing for the crops. Put the ground-hog was not as far off his job as some thought, for the dawn Saturday morning revealed to us the ground covered with a balnket of snow. However, we overheard a farmer yesterday inquiring about a tractor, and gangplows?there is still hope. Mrs. Lee Penland, of the Oak Forest community, entertained the senior chapter of the Epworth League at her home a few nights ago. Tom Tarheel says he is getting ready to cash in on the shortage of horses and mules by trying to raise a few colts. Ihe BULL'S FYF "Editor and QcneralMannqer WILL qocsRS * fl AoctHcr Durham ndvcr- ?| | !v..nMi''ov\ViII|:.o-u-./::...!J 3 ? K>Uic?--?uJ *rrciH ?c?-. nJi-M.*- ^ jl Anx-ricar- 1-umer: ; I cosiii,'. 'if.'.- : ??======? NewsTaketi from ! the L/r.l y Papers A hcadlinc ii ? In I their v a: v' n't ' 'it c#n rainy ti.its." , ' : ; y ' tinj shot, : - tr. I:rsr?_::-. I Start t n tor China: . NO WAR TODAY. ; - ! - ? . in una wuui . . uu pTC\ m rll war> h. ;:r tl: t the fighting r... i Portland, Orej Another ., - 1 Whe*" a F". ri i .! : -s th m.u\; v ?" lie ; C !"forr'a > > his all-' j-yc. r-round I.UIIIC. A n, .v-"7 ; : - ' v dor- .1 Prcv U-rr - t at the V. v. ; an v ' ? sa>. "ir" :.!! !v !< : 1 t:.;:y be Pn y ... Atv ' r ?r >i . . ' The ehtv.jv -.v to is to h nl watched. V\dvj t?. j watc !iin J An ar;-.:. = > a iJ . * - ?Jm's i magazine . - "\'\ u..r b-rdn - ' in t:. > country h the tvirnovcr ?" C 1 - ;. ->* 1 tlie ! :r?*c *r t irn . *' . t do.-c ? The ConnfCSM* !' : ' :in-j a: tu:- " " . I ham .< th? : e-t T : c entered these Stalely H. I.: tfjA, ^ j P.S. There wi!i be ... - pirn- ' this paper . a Watih vE \ \ ~ \ * ct .1 V-~i ".As"". V?" ' ' \? ,A . ** \ Ozr* * v \--'?^ <4<p> ks h 8 KC *?-? hj-w Durham Guaranteed tLMa*U rg li.CC* RATI6 1 111 Fii?U A\v:iuc, ^ - ?? CHEROKEE SCOU ; I, I Lore ?or Dc By Albert Pay A TRICK WORTH i 1 ft . j'Lg- <; &? //' miFJ h /$ ^ ,?fi With One Hand He Pulled Open a Corn* a Trifle Higher ? THERE wns a scene of conflict | 1 in the yard behind Judge Gray's j ' rambling big bungalow. The 1 Judge was elderly. Rut he s pain- 1 fully new. In his role - f dog owner. 1 Less than n month earlier he had ' bought !i;s first dog?u dashingly * handsome you ml' niredule. ' ??d Man Negley v . ? trimming the bungalow's from edge 'a h?*n the sounds h Of strife from the back ji --i drew hlin ' thither, lie f n?l the I dgo try lug to hold t i stalwart adrednle 1-y one hand while with th?* ' -r ! ? at- v templ'd t??p ' .-? ' istor oil down the ?! tl * ? " Naturally, the aired was not I t v " V-" s. " 1!; his h o!i ir r-'.-r to f. rep n ?pen the I.; - - wriggle I free and l ad he cornered. 1 At -t t? put ' ' rastor oil r had ' > ti : v ..< ' ilf empty, a Cut n drop ? ' -V. vol low fluid til l trlrkUn! x: ' < aired ale's pink ! j throat. I: !. r ti e oil adorned I - w : s ??the$ and the do:f* head t ' rrotindln* crass. ! "Hold on. thcM ) IuIImI Kcf> ley. "You're wastlne n |nf of j?on 1 slapstick ' oniedv wi on there's no camera here to - n y-.'j And you're wasting eas* r - I. t-<?. At this e rate the hurtle v. . .. empty hef-re you can get any of it dow : I.Ike me ? ? heip >ou"" "I'd like y. ?i t?? a'.oat th:* 1 . oil the ! . r fumed tt r, > .v-.. r- ' ne the old nuiti. "The brut* . - I feed ?< : .> I rem* : bored ' t ; r< said nbout plvlnp m t b!e.s: . 'u! . ustor oil t.> nr-. doe that n't Just \ ? !!. So I f . 1 < take rf'f eontrt I r- d< tler.ts tl ? ! : ' ! " n er?- tr>I* . n e-'o-i and ..?> ! n.? luaf'T 1 1 It t: - '' t 8U*t - wl.V , . I jo .'re t-- -o f 1 : II*|U.?U t! ! > e ! - So trios to - I ' :?!?": . * i- ..: v you said something a out a S. . v! . V, -.1 ;? - ! ' ' ' I ' '' : saM ? d Mail V- - . the spoon V !11. the "Jtlst ?' o'i* tMs a s . . . , sa j, Ho hold foe :r : . :nt . -or. h'.s kno-s the a 5 .-'s r. " tr. : > 1.1 a ki - of -T : _ '< ; <. " *r l.f ?l ' - :. ! -?l T i t'r r ? 1a < Wl-ro 11 *' I'll cl t. hr .. utieiupT to oj*t th? .T _ ? Cray v.\ . th^> , : tli?- iij? cor?: <.. J a s: ' ! ?. . . ?o. ' ' di<l H"f ?; . * ' c. 'io *!??r !* was _ . , to |M.?ir fell ?* "rl.out f ' st?!. 1. ? J M a "> -y ro '} ?; - \ thr - ; *1o * - 'n t) The liirt- i;. : . . * N. f. -1\V# ; or-i-n i.N II*' Sniill'-'V..! cauf-- he 1 . <1 to swallow t. . T. MURPHY. N. C. ig-Owners ' son Terhune ', ?Jr. REMEMBERING Vi?| |j |'k i if h- Mii ! sr of the Dog's Lips, Tilting the Head is He Did So. >rutal and It didn't hurt him; and It's ill down. Not a drop Is spilled. Keneniber to do as I did next time you iave to give medicine to a dog. No ise In yanking his jaws apart or havng a squabble with him. It is easy to rive medicine to any doc If you'll do t as I Just did. "I?y the way. castor oil can nfcver lariu your dog. even If you give him s ittle more than n tablespoonful. An verdose Isn't poisonous. And you i ?*re wise to Rive It to hlrn when he rjis off his feed. "Put don't he in a hurry to give anv ther kind of medicine, besides cas or oil to a uog just because he !?>. -a't rare to eat all Ills dinner one a There is an even rbanee that . Ing at all Is the matter with him don't nnan If he mopes and his up ? r % falls off for soiue time, but if n? . f is? s to clean up ids dinner plate on "A dog has lots mure nse that way fian we humans h;r e. If l?e feels on' f sorts or if Ills last meal lias dls ^reed with hlra, i.e will have the rains to let his sfotnach tr^t good ami I'ty bet'? re he force- any more worl. n it. '"More peof !? nr-1 more nnintals <r eil by overe . ; M ; r 'Ing A dog -v. by last in<t f tally, when lie ' . r ? f ! . '.then more food wit! . witl . i S" lie I- ves "t n! i:nl? > a? tun nr.# coui . .. s lil.ii .:-zo ear r- < ?' TV He - - r. ' !. ' it IS r-ady fu handle another meal. "We I.1 inns L-. : i" -ti- ri. What In*'.re! "f starving our : v.? are w.-i| nm.'n we try ppeti g 1 It t *t ; agree with its. We don't give > . n rest r r.d a chatu'e t" r well. We rile i: -re arts on It. . v . : e-r Why we .'. li't :.-' t ' ,.i t-U ui- ... - er. "A I.'-' : t- r t?'li 'a- that R ; i-ur ii--t an.I I. day in bed I '.! gene.-;:!!;.- stave .-st any I atriM .; Illness and "-.ill l race up1 " h- ' system. A .i"i; Is wise enough to know that a d- . :'< fee to frl It Mr ~t I h- h *' '? i. J he - n.e. . - u'm> - : ? : ? to giv.- him . - : > : . time. Tt] bo a wiser *'re<*tU'j . . . - a"-.' we're out o: sorts. 1' :: t' r./s . -a It : it; and most of - ' n't the j ok t" take It of our ow?. . >1 are -.aire f> ..t V..IV. i.n.i we are."' fl - - lac.) VaaId S"crr. That Fcte Appoints Time to Die >' ' v .. iarerievil : :ror- :m. . rge t ' f.!?Lt hr!sa>l?, l?u '< >* I* V \ i\\rr?-s ? " .'.n ! h !? of open rr"-!nd he <1 : "ie head of h'> onvalryV II n i ntones and sharp: rfcjzo.l pais in the ilv r. ' h rk with ills surYlv.r* tl - : Morons > : ^ tire n? f i; >-- - ..orfts-i ?h? vMe nod ' trr I R( . . ; . - f,.-v jr..- . r; -U or - . - - * i PI erven r.j - her hat IV- h ?lr,!n r-v the He ? unhurt. !t\ ! y. a fe-v yoj -? <?nr"-.- he - .1 ? he ' - -if-v * a r " : -?! !Te r-s 1 N. coii'i , - -?n ?<' ' .* -v;?; i T"' . V- 1; - ra! CVuouo BOILING SPRINGS Monday March 8, W26.?Most of: he folk's of this section are planting heir gardens. Mr. Jack Davis, Jr., shot a large! | lawk one day last week measuring; four feet from tip to tip of its' rings. _ i Most all of the folks around this 'canyon" have an attack of the flu. ! Mr. Howard O'dell of this place las gone to Florida. Mr. Jack Davis visited It. L. Aber. lathy Sunday. M Fred Dockery made a business rip to Murphy Saturday. Mr. Pearlie White and Mr. Jack 3avis Jr., made a business trip to \ndrews last week. Mrs. S. L. Ahernathy is improving ve are glad to say. Mr. .Tin and family visited tfAyftyt, 'njR Bfc*yy MM n / X9Ej\ JsP "MOTTTF.R? F'etcher's Castor (. astor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in : Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, pi Xatttral Sleep withe To avoid;hvays look for the 1>to- en th'r- : : ? h Mrkr.i'e. F MURPHY r ASHE\"ILLE Instruction i Type'.v;-i'.ing% a essentials of a I; I AL Instruction in Academy Subjc The difference be . failure is the little til and the little money i George A Presi m~ I""-" - - PACE THREE his parents Mr. and Mra. W. L. Mundy Saturday. A group of farmers in Vance County have ordered about 5,000 bahv chirks tn fatten fn** Krnilora Penetrates Through ' the Skin Clear to the Bone Liniment Called Mexican Mustang has Strange Power A lame tack, a ttnlned mu- ele or aching joints w.Ll stop paining r.ud become limber and natural if you will apply a little of that old-fashioned liniment known & > Mexican Mustau<r. Druggist* and other authorities agree that Its great power to relieve pain is due to its magical penetrating action?It goes through the outer layer* of the skin without burning or a ' race of tlhter. right to t he sore spot. It U not like* trie smarting, strong, burning mixtures usually known as liniments. No inat'.r if nil ovier outside applications have failed, you will not be disappointed with Mexican Mustang Liniment?it al a heals cut*, burns and sores and so ma"-: a valuable remedy to have in th- !. at : :i liir,- All druggists and 'i Liniment or can net it : ?r you. Ivm lL<K$lVl I NET li CWMflj ia is a harmless Substituc for Drops and Soothing Syrups, irms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten StomnC.i Regulate Bowel? ronioung Cheerfulness Rest, 2-' i mt Opiates _ . > signature of tl .vAi . hyiicians everywhere recommend it COLLEGE UNIVERSITY ii Shorthand, nd th genera! business Course SO College and >cts tv.-evn succes. and tie, the little effort, t takes to get ready. .. Hubbell * I ir .tr.*

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