AC T TWO NOTICE OF ELECTION NORTH CAROLINA?Cay County. Office Board County March 1st, 1926. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of Chapter 136. Article IT. Section 234 et -< ... and under and by virtue of a resolution of this Board duly adopted ? n this date, an election l.- hereby called to be held at the Upper Tusquittee School House, in Turquit:<e T</wnsnip. Clay County, on the 27t"n day of April, 1926. to ascertain the wif the peoi !e in a certain Di?' -let in - . i Township bounded a? follows: BEGINNING at tr.e :r. :tr. f Shearer -Mat! ck Creek: thence up raid Creek to the Gold mine - iuv to the top of the Tusquittee Baldthence from, the said Bald : the Macon t ur.fy line: thence with Macon County line t .:.e ni. .: Buck Creek: th.nce ... tr- Rlnz.i >ap!ingr R.dge \ etwt?r. Tusquittr ar i N.,ntah.?la: then-, with the divi etween to the Six ing Creek b'a. i; t with iivide r etw ":. - ? re. k am; Tu . quittee t :h. - , . Plney M- untain: thence d n > .; d.vide between . Lickl sr. Sa: ' and C Branch * th -.inning. know , Upper Tusquitte* P:?tr: Said Eiectic n - in. -d :* r :?. ru - , pose of a see ... :ng whether tr.e re , shall be levied in -..:d Idstrict a >po ial s annual tax of twenty-:i\e 1 cent9 * on the one hundred l;.r- valv;;t\ of real and per- -:.a f : erty. to supplement the Pu; S.r. Fur.,! I which may v aj. ned to sa. . District and -;?.< T wnship t v the County Board ...? } ? .-y County. ; Notice i- hereby fur: <r g *n : W. H. Sti'.weh. r.;-.- been app.-irted Registrar. and T. i . an i R< rer M ?te r, J .nice, * said election that a r.e.v rat; n ai ed f r said elet: i >n *. ;:t tr Ition hook? shal pe- n the -9th day f March 1920, and -hail close : the 17th day " April 1926. Registrar r. B< will he' open rath Saturday .ari i: said period at the >.' . h"U.-e in -aid di?trict. JOHN B. WHITE. Chai man. Board County Commissi' ners. CLOVER P. LEDFoRD. Clerk to Board of < unty Commissioners. > <31-3t-sbe) c ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE State of North Carolina, Cherokee County. y Having qualified as administratrix ^ Wm. M. N- -vnia: . a - ea-ed, lat? f ^ Cherokee < inty. North Car-dina j, this to give notice t?> all person* n having claims against the estate >.f r the said deceased to present them to n the undersigned <>n before the ith | ( a-- ./ >i . is;i. or itii- notice L will be pleaded in bar of their re- t covery. All person? indebted to said j estate will please make immediate j settlement. This 4th day of March 1920. MRS. Ki.DIE NEWMAN. Administratrix. ? (30-4t-R> I NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County?Superior Court. R. L. Harris and others, vs. Regs \ Blue Marble Company. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the Regal Blue Marble Company are hereby notified that the undersigned receivers will ait at the office of Dillard and Hill in Murphy, N. C.. on M inlay. April 12th, 1926 at 9 o'clock a. m., and u? long as may be nc?'<?-s?ry for the purpo-e of ascertaining who are the true creditors of the above named Regal Blue Marble Company ana what, if any, are the priorities union? them. All credit -rs of Reg;ri Bin? Marble Company are herebv notified to appear at the said rime ar.d place and file verified statements of their claims i against raid Regal Bine Marble C< m pany in the way and manner provided by law and they arc furthe*- noti-' fied that there is the right in each ! and every creditor to cutest the validity and priority of every other creditor. If priority he claimed by any | creditor, he shall also set up and make i necessary proof of such claim and j lb priority and said creditors are fur-! J. ther notified that if they fail to appear and make proof of their claims and any priorities claimed hy them at said time and place they may be excluded by the court from participation of the assets of the Regal Blue Marble Company, except for good cause shown. This March 9th. 1926. F. S. HILL. E. A. DAVIDSON. Receiver* (31-- H & D) ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE State or North Sarolina. Cherokee County. ^ Having qualified a* administratrix Tohn W. Newman, deceased, late of Cher.kco County. North Carolina, this is to jrive notice to all persons having claims against the estate of the said d- eased to present them to the undersigned on or before the 4th d-?:- March 1927. or this notice will pleaded .r. bar of their re ?overy. All persons indebted to said estate wil ple.i^e make immediate settlement. Th:> 4th day of March 1926. DAISY NEWMAN. i-v"'-4t-RM Administratrix \OR !i ' \ROLINA, ?- '-;ee County. T A. M. Simonds. Et try taker for Cherokee County: The :--gr.t. . Wrr. P. Payne Ch? ? .mty. N th Ca. .iina enter? :? ! lays laims to th?- followr; descd piece or par-eel of land .n yiv. hy T wr.^hip, Che-roke County. St..*- N* rt . :na the same -:nr . nt : unapprop?iated . an 1 ' t to entry, vir I'" . . on a --take in the linr or v? i runs North 8^-degrees and ' <-- W . st 1154 feet to a stake Then.. S. .th '-degrees and IT minxes We- 4 11 to a stake in the i" yl- : ' :.f : Then South ^l-deere--n ; 4 5 ic. - . Er.-t. With the L -yits 're 11*4 feet to a stake - We?=t co er of No. 9. rhen v rth 1- f.-rec-s IT minute* East with n- N - 4-1 feet to the her.t'. * . : t ; e-timation wenty acre-. 1 Signed > W'rr. P. PAYNE r.: * 1 tr. - day r f March 1926. '? rth C;.r< iina. her kff ( amy. N .. ? is h' reby given that a waruT. \*\ will be 5 -ued to the aid Wn Pay re n or after the i T" h : > f Ap: il 1 i?2?; f th'-re i? i > A ; t : - .ffice bef< ? aid c..te f th? above describe' ands.^M This the ITth<i;-.\ < f Match. 1926 A. M. SIMONDS. Entry t:?k?r for Cherokee County . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS FOR BIDS JORTH ' \ROLIN'A. 'HEROKKE ror.NTV. Bids v ill be received by T. W. Ax?y. ( hai man County Board of Com-j - : ner- of Cherokee County. Murhy. North Carolina, until Thursday. Lpril l"?th. 1926 at 12 o'clock noon r the erection --f a court hou-e r the said county, to he two stories n height, to contain offices for all lecesnry county official-*. cou t oom, etc. To be built of htick, narble, stone, hollow tile, the floors , eilinf .mil roo?f oti< t<? Kr ,?f j einforced concrete, dome and Ian- I 'in to be of steel construction, building will be heated from the irei-ent jail building by low preasurc team heat. The construction of said luilding is to begin within thirty days il'te- awarding the contract and to ... inmnl. tii.; K,- tl... .....Kor Id IH-'C Payments for work ami material o Ke made from time to time on stimates furbished from the conractor and approved hy the archiect, averaging Sn per cent of the work done and material on the j crowd. Balance of 15 per cent to >e paid when the buliding is fully omnlete and accepted by the archied and Board of County Commislioners. Knch bidder to deposit with his 1 >id a certified check for *1,000.00 payable to T. W. Axley. Chairman, >f County Commissioner s or his j successors, as a guarantee that he will enter into a contract with the County upon the term c?f his bid within ten days after the acceptance f his bid and give a bond in some unity company for faithful performance of his contract, bond to be n the sum of the full amount of the contract price and that upon his fail jre to enter such a contract and give pond said check is to be retained by rherokee County as liquidated damages. Plans and specifications may l>e procured by contractors wishing to t>id on the same on deposit of $25.00 with the Chairman of County Board of Commissioners or with the architect. Jas. J. Baldwin. 205 Taylor bldg.. Asheville. N. C., as a guarantee that he will submit a bid on the date given and return the plans and specifications with his hid Plans and specifications will also be on file in the office of the Register Builder's Exchange of Charlotte North Carolina. Atlanta. Ga.. and the office of the Architect. The Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. < Signed) A. W. AXLEY. Chairman County Board Commissioners, Murphy, North Carolina JAS. J. BALDWIN. Architect. f32-4-co) J THE CHEROKEE 3< ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Havintr qualified as administratrix of the estate of L- W. Brittain late of Cherokee County. thi>? is to notify all persons ha\ir*r claims again-;. said estate to exhibit then: to the undersigned on or ccfore the i\th day of March. 1027. or this nowiil be placed in bar of their rt. y- A!*. persons indebted to -v. I estate will please make immediate settlement. This March 1. 1926. Mary G. Brittair. Admin!-. vatrix ? f the estate : I- W. Brittain Deceased. ?.Tl-6t-B.?1 NORTH CAROLINA. Cherokee County. To A. M. Simonds,> Taker fori Che:okee County: The undersigned M. T. Stiles of Cherokee County. North Carolina, enter nr..! jays claim to the Cdlm-vi-:described piece or parcel of in Shoal Creek Township. Cherokee County. State of N :h Carolina the same b- insr vacant and wiappron-iated. land and subject :<? entry, viz: Beginning on a i'-.r wood on the North - r-f a bran h runs West .1. \V. Stile- land, then South with the A. I.. I.'.udernilk line to a po>t ; oak. then East to K. C. Rich tract No.1 back t.? the 1> vv. <> \ on N th 1 side of branch, containing: by estimation one acre. < SIGNED) M. T. STYEKS. Entered this 20th cay : Ma . 1026. North Carolina. Cherokee t"nunty. Notice is heteby given that a w.rrant of survey will be isMi-.d to the said M. T. Style? on or after the 20th 1 day <.f April lt'26, if the-- i< no pro- : test filed in. this office before said date, for the above described lands. A. V. S1MOXDS Entry taker for Cherokee County. $600,000 MARK PASSED IN SMOKY PARK CAMPAIGN Ami unt R<iifid in Wenern North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee N< rlh Carolina and Tennessee iti their efort to raise a minimum of one million dollars f??r the purchase of the Great Smokey Mountains Nat:onal Park lands have passed the $600.000 r: ;.rk. With North Carolina re portin tra total of 340,000 in pledges, and v th Tennessee's contributions totalli g $263,213, the grand total to datt of the two states* efforts is i :t. Virtually every dolnlr 'jf this totn has he ?n pledged by the people of Knsterti Tennessee and Western North arol na. Of the North Carolina total all but approximately $14.000 hi * come from the park proponent of the western counties. Asheville and Buncombe County have made largest total, having pledg-j ed a proximately $207,000. The ; other Western North Carolina Counties a d their reported pledged follows: Swain. $31,000; Haywood. $30,000; Rutherford, $5,000; Yancy. $2,895; clay. $1,001; Mitchefl; $1,000; Henderson, $0,000; Madison. $2.00 ?; Transylvania, $8,000; Jackson, $13,635; Cherokee. $12,000Caldwell. $1,000; Macon. $8,100: Alexander. $100. The towns and cities of the piedmont section have raised approximately $14,000 ot date. The total for the towns and cities j of Eastern Tennessee are reported as folows: Knoxville. $220,000 ;Marv; ville, $0,000; Groeneville, $2.8000| Joncsboro. $7,000; Sevierville, $1,6000; Rogersville. $2,000; Cleveland. ! 1 $1,125; Report. $4,688; Morristown. $1,500 Sweetwater, $2,300; Athens.! $2,000; Johnson City. $13,500; CopIpcihill $500, and Huntsville. $500. ! j The campaign is to close on April | 1. If at that time the million dolI lars is not pledged, it is unlikely I that the matter will he taken up at 1 this session of Congress, and possi| bly the park may be lost to the peo- i i pie of the two states entirely. i =TI Build Up Tour Health With DR. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY If You gteatt) M wouu Avoid XwJtjJY COUGHS(, colds. L /m\y-' h grippe. p 1 A Twit which IV. Piwct ptwaM wbtu m adm pradk* M juri i{^ /? Liquid mr TmUmta, mi yotrr DxaUrt. Send 10c. to Dr. Ptrirr'e InviHd*' !7ol*l. BuflaJo, N. Y.. foe trial ;kr. Tablet*. :OUT. MUKPHT. If. C. Efficiency experts are opposing revision of the calendar into 13 periods on accounting .if the 1? 5? of time in .oarir.j off the extra month. Here's political ec?>rcmy. Nowj that the "i.ttle fellow" has bec-n rel e \ e?i of about ?.>.70 income tax tOj the (ic-vemznent he will spend S?.">70; more and get a higher priced car. for 1 y M Your first drive in the Ii a revelation! Improved and responsive?Chcvrc tion of power and effort! new in the low price fie But even more remark improvements cost you ?because the prices havt Take a ride in the Impr stratum will delight voi New L< Touring - *510 Coach Roadster - 510 Sedan Coupe - ? 64? LaaJ; t. ?>. b. F i DICKEY M Sales and MURPH' QUALITY AT r See ti Line Metal C Revol Natioi We el Traffic laws: rales of conduc" in motor transportation prescribed for the other 'fellow. The way for a bad to pet elected public office is to pet worse and then po in as a reformer. The Threatened expulsion of American citizens from Mexico, if carried out. cupht really be considered a favor rather than insult. Economical Transportation mooih. iwertui reproved Chevrolet will be , made amazinjjlv smooth )Iet offers todav a combina!ess performance absolutely Id! able is the fact that these not more, but actuallv less r been substantially reduced. oved Chevrolet. A demon>w Prices . . *645 'i Ton Truck *395 .jr (CHciiu Onl?) . - /o7> --n m ? I Ton Truck 5^0 U - - /6."' (Ckami Om)) !?r.:. Muhifdn OTOR CO. I Service V, N. C. LOW COST v^t,y^. E g \V FvTVi ie New Con of Low P ibinet Frig utionary\ ia1 npmnnc i Begins 1 ilina-T enne wer Compj I FRIDAY. MARCH 2?. i?2S. HAYES VHXE^l Unyeaville, March 22 -i,\j ^ "Flj" ? ???"* m the hahlit o( , Id-time circuitrider r ,P ^ house to house. Ba*Ve i.op^ ^ ^ gives out, and has .10 p:a. . u j h is head. We are sorry to note that Pr^ Baxter C. Jones, principal f ^ Hayesville High School, is to his room on account of ii'nes- *yh> - e that he will soon he our ajjaht. T e p> pie who attend, , teri> conference of the Methodist ? Mvres Ch?pel Church Sat irday and Sunday. ex:r< ^d th?- . ^ effect that iit wa, a jrreat success The Rev. Rhineart. from 1!-.rphy. held the "conference in the & ence of the Rresfdr.ff' elder. ME STATE Lilt Your Property For Sale Witl. W .A. BRYSON How Doctors 'i eat Coias ai-d ' Flo T - Vrcak up n c . 1 < rht tr to cot short an a t.. -i . . j> f aenza, soro '.':rerit cr tr.". .<. phy. a ad : uyar : ? > racn Calct:.'-:. tr. . 1 acd r*. fired can-in'i o-r;!.-:-.; '.tit p:vo3 you :: . cii . atl salts cvnitincd. v uncut ..-plesi* ant effects . " citVr. Or.e cr 1" o i tr v-s a* : i-tiw with a r"Taller.- ? r van r '5 a!L N'o salts, no r-.r t' ii?r. e? :r.ter:tT n~e '"" >* \ T :< cr pleasure. \ . v.v.-r/. . -tr cold (ha.? vanirh-1. -- ry?1 :s f-.*oupkly purified ar 1 ym: ; f fine with a i.enrty ap ? ; - ^reik* fa?t. Eat whr.i you 3" n v.?. - ra> per. ' Oct a family r?tc. -t-jf full directions. only <*? * *? \t suf i drug store. w ipiete riced ralues. tration bday. :ssee iny

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