The Cherokee Scout Ito Official Otfaa of Murphy mrnd r\m. rih I County. North Carolina *r3USHED EVERY FRIDAY W. BAILEY Editor-Maoafer CRS C. w BAILEY. Associate Ed ?. W. SIPE AtKciaU Ed ?xxtered in the postoff'ce at Murphy. north Care'ina. as second class nail catter under act of Mar. 3. 1ST?. Subscription Rates i>ne Year . . $1.30 Right Months 1.00 tix Months 75c Payable Strictly In Adrance Legal advertisement, want ads. reading rdices, obituaries, cards cf thanks, etc. 5c line each insertion, payable in advance. Display and co~tract rates furnished en request. All ccmnvir. at ions jru?t be signed Pby the wr : - therwise they w '! not be aecer* d f r publicati n. N'ar.c cf tie writer v ! not be published unless ? : but we rnus* have the name of th author as evidence THE STRAW BALLOT Tl.e - guest - f Mr J. T. Mockery. pu-iished f-se .-rlutrns ! ; >: week. - t .- t t aw a". - for selecting the r u*c : T **-e which the .::at* take t-r and maintain as a ram tr.e -tate terr. cf ichway-. h ., ? * . ?. . *LC"1* ^uri* 1 ... tc. tv ... ... a L. t4 a.'viever a! "arjex-e^ ; a ' : Ktc leave the que?:; n up t . p yv-i -r vote ir. a legal:y c ib-i . .betr.g re:-.'iy the or ly r . f decision by th- people. This c ur.ter suppc-t: n -.c~ - to have pore Mr. D :< ry r; :;r since it has been * ir.ted rhthe issue c . 1 i be vote : up r. ? -l isarv in J r.-. without ar.v ?-r.\ <. -t to the c d r legally f r a', tinThat " v-r - id ' i f :: te!y decided settled ard ffered sanction piver. - with ur doubt the keyn re : in?- r. iew? c >the editor. This w: 11 pive r-yrrtunity for county r ad authority- ar.d enthusiasts : divert - : rite roads of the < unty. as-ure a continuance of r ad wcrk. and have a tendency to -tiarpthen and expedite the road r . :nu -pram of the county. Another interesting plase : the matter is :ne unanimous conclusion 01 all that as b np as the r.-ute t Tenne-jsee i- undecided, "hanp ng-fire," so to speak, r .ad work in Che-< kee will remain at a standstill. O-e tfcnp is certain, sentment in favor of a ] :>u! r vote upon the matter is growing. Ar.d since opposition has deve oped to a straw ballot. The Scout suggests that discussion of the matter be continued so that ieaders might become better acquainted with the wishes : the people in the matter. Resolutions of Re-pect L. W. Brittain, a loyal citizen, for year? a member of the Murphy Me-thodist Episcopal Church, South, a member of the Board of Stewards, died at his home in East Murphy on Monday March, 1, li)26. Brother BViitain leaves, to m*?urn his departure from this world, a wife, two sons, three daughters, and a host of friends. In recognition of the foregoing facts we. a committee of the Quarterly Conference of the Murphy Methodist Episcopal Church. South, do hereby submit the following resolutions: First, That we bow in humble submission to Him that tloexh all things well. Second. That we mourn the loss of one of our oldest members of The Board of Stewards. Third. That we extend our deepest sympathy to his bereaved family. Fourth, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the North Carolina Christian Advocate for publication that a copy be sent to the Cherokee Scout, that a copy be spread on the minutes of the Quarterly Conference and a copy be sent to the family of the deceased. iSigned? P. C. HYATT. K. V. WEAVER. GHICHESTERS PILLS ^ mm t ?r A* rw Bi'fhl for CH1-CHS9-Tn 8 A bzamo::d brand hus in r*d ?ud/a flstp metallic bom. Maied with ??(0) iftbot. Till jro otto. Bay mt jmw BnaM m4 Mk <W anxiu-Ttsi V 9XASOBB IliRD riLlI, for lwrut?-??? fdh Tesirdfil u Brit.Safest. Alwiyi Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS t^SS, EVERYWHERE J5R Electric Refrigerators I Change Method of Food Preservation1 A new line of metal cabinets for j s refrigeration. which s being j Nationally demonstrated by a leading; _anuf.utu--er ths week, shows what j great changes are taking place in 1 ... * keeping the household f food supply. It has always been a problem with usewives?the keeping of perishis frm spoiling. Many a man an rf woman have memories of ar. old . prir.g house with its pool of cold water, where or ks of m:lk. butter : var :> le> we e placed to - w up the st ;'.:r g pro. vss. Coo ing was inefficient as it was r. other __ methods, where f i was suspended .n buckets in the well or carried down .to the cool cellar, and the labor -d extra step- that went with all these methods added considerably to .e daily t?. .1 f the housewife. The development and the improve- i er.t t: - :. t i v x in which foods are cc- led by ce. has come al-.-r.g step y ittp through many years. The it- vl. patent the electric refrigera. r is the* latest step r. the field oi refrigeration : r the h usehold food' --ippiyv and it c as near to being an .deal refrigeration system a~ Electric refrigerator? are designed to operate automatically?they in the food compartments, a con.nuous, crisp, dry cold, varying very -tie in temperature nr.d a'.way? suf ciently lew to keep food from spoil.g. and they freeze their own ice -. ?s. desserts and the .ike. Sometimes the refrigeration mehar.isrr. is installed in the owner's! vn ice box. Until recently, the com-i ete electric refrigeration mechanism. was usually installed in wood -u .:.v* -. t now the new metal emmet refrigerat-r^?white, trim -::r.c and sanitary, with the ex-, ten r gleaming with the regualr auto, mobile body finish. It .- : ir.ted cut, that the type of metal cabinet construction employed .- no.? ttseif readily to quantity p.o-i duct. n. consequently it"? low price. Ir.t rior? are nil white enameled steel r white -ea nil ess porcelain enameled steel. The advantages of electric refrigeration are readily apparent to anyone wh<? invest gates them, and one : result this Natonal Demonstration Week will probably be a greatly in-i [electric refrigeration, and a consideration : its advantages, by many ' a housewife in this city and elsej where.?Adv. PEG O" MY HEART POSTPONED A WEEK The popular comedy, "Pep o* My Heart," which was to have been give!'. !on Friday night, March 26, has been postponed one week on account of the withdrawal of or.e or two memj hers of the cast on the 25th. The cast of characters has now been reorganized and the comedy will be presented Friday night. April 2nd The proceds will be for the benefit of 1 the school. ADDITIONAL LOCALS LOST?One schaffer pen point for fountain pen. Finder piease return to Griffiths Store. Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Hancy and children and Mrs. L. T. Stiles and child- i ren from Etowah. Tenn. motored out j to their mother Mrs. J. A. Rogers in the country near Kim- ey Sunday. The management o4 the Scoutwould appreciate it if the readers would return copies of the issues of February 5th and 19th, and March 5th. We are out of these copies and would like to have seveial for our files. If you have an issue of the above and are through with it, this courtesy would be appreciated. Quick Work Saves Church From Fire i 1 he quick work of Homer Hicks I and others saved the Baptist church building from being consumed by flames last Sunday morning. A fire i had been started in the stove and a spark from the flue lodged on the i roof and set fire to the dry wooden | shingles. The fire was discovered j about the time it started, and it was ] only quick work of those present ! that saved the buiiding. It caught just before Sunday School started. ; NOTICE I have just opened a big crib of Breed and Seed Com for sale on good paper or cash, price right. I also have new No. 9 Valcan plow for sale on god paper or cash. A McD. Harshaw. (lt-pd.) NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION North Carolina. Cherokee County. To The Horarable Board County j Commissioner* Greetings? We the under-igred qualified voters of Culberson Special School District No. 4 respectfully ask that j an election be called for the purpose i of submitting t? the voters the question of abolishing the special school j tax and at the same time auth:-rising and empowering the County Commissioners to ievv a tax sufficient to meet a $26.00 interest ir.debtc-' nesc> cue the State of North Carolina ;n February I?26 and any other indebtedness tknt will in any other, way interfere with saii election r*. ' spectfully submitted: T. M. Rice. Margaret Rice. E. M Rice. G. E. Rice. J. M. Anderson. R P. Anderson Eliza Anderson. W. M Anderson. W. S. Garland. R. E. Gar land. J. G. Mason. Bud Mason. Hett;e Mason. Lon Mas*, n. Eva Dean. P. X. Loudermilk. Mont Johnson.; .Tornson. .1 I. Arrv I Am. Lizzie Arp. T. J. Shearer. Laura Shearer, M. D. Coleman. Mis. Martha 1 Coleman, Albert Watson. Marv Wat n. R. A. Anderson. Mrs. M. L. Andersen. J. K. Bryant, Liilie Bryant. D. C. Watson, ... Watson. D. E Baker. Mary Yo k. Delia E. McKelv. J. T. Baker. C. S. Burpcr. E. V. Burgrer. G. S. Burper, O. G. Anderson. Lulu A. Anderson. R. R McAllister. H. C. McAllister. M. A Hampton. W. L. Bruce. Maitha Bruce. S. L. Kisselburp. C. C. Mull. Mrs. Ida Tilson, B. B. Forester. Ira Helton. Annah Helton. Jesse C. Scott. W. A. Nichols, M. C. Nichols A. E. Nichols. C. L. Nichols. F. -ss Ellis, Bettie Ellis. Cintha Loudermilk, Ellen Burgrer. Mattie Kiss-1- j urp. Mrs. C. C. Mull. R. B Forester J. F. Palmer. Mrs. W. B". Fisher T J. Johnson. Endorsed by B -ard this 3. I. 1926. It is ordered by the Board of O <un At a regular meetinp of the Board "f County Commissioners of Crerokee County on the 1st M nday of March. 1926. a petition was presented to tr.e Board of Commissioner by the B -ard of Education of lepal l*etitioness of the special school district Culberson. N. C. askmp that the Board of County C .mmisioners call an election to determine whether or not the Special School tax in Culberson. N. C. School dist-ict will be abosliheu or continued. It is ordered b ythe Board of CounComing lo Borrita Theatre Tuesday, March 30 1 A . m iu reeis. GRIFFITH presents SALLY OF THE SAWDUST "tuifh CAKUL DEMPSTER^ zr-.d W. C. FIELDS* j ^idavltd b-j FORREST HALSEY Am : by DOROTHY DONNELLY Broadway's Greatest comedian e screen laugh - maker ij whose antics and |i jokes keep you in roars inD.W. Griffith's j new Laugh CI ass c. j ij There is pathos, too, , in this story of a | circus girl's romance. |j _____ 'I Show Starts at 7 P. M. j 25c Admission 35c | 2 Full Shows I ty Commissioner? that an election be held in Culberson Special School! District 'under the rules and regula-! tions of the General Election laws' of the St3te f North Carolina to determine the WtI of the people of said di-strict No. 4 bounded as follows: Not la Township, BEGINNING on Georgia State line, where the Murphy and Morgan ton roads crosses State line: thence west with the State line to W. H. Anderson's North Carolina lard: thence with the West and North line of said land to Mrs. C. C. Mull's: ther.ce with her North line to W. H. Turners line: thence with Turners West and North line to Wm. Bull land; thence with his West line to the C. C. N.choi's land; thence with i is West and No th land to A. A n lam:; thence with North line to the i:ne of Sherman Garland; thence with the North and West lire of Sherman. Elizabeth and J. F. Gar. land to the James Anders >r old home place: thence it North i:re to Dickey land; thence with the Anderson ar.d Dickeys land to the branch; thence down the branch to Notla River near the old Dickey home; thence up Notla River with it's meanders to the line of J. L. Owenby; thence with Bruce and Owen by line to the Georgia State i;ne; thence with the State line to the beginning. And for the purpose? of this election it is further ordered that a new registration be called of the qualified v. tors of said dstrict above described. It is further ordered that O. G. Anderson be appointed as Register of this election, and to keep the registration books open for four successive Saturday's. Beginn ng with Sa' 11 rday April 3rd, 1926, and remaining open on each Saturday until and including April 24th. 1926. That Saturday. May 1st.. 1926, shall be chalance day. And said election shall be held on Tuesday May the 4th. 1926. The said election be held in aii respect according to the laws governing General Elections. It is further ordered that Arthur Collins be appointed a? judge and W L. Bruce as Judge of said election and to act with O. G. Anderson on Chalangc and election day and that ?aid election be held at Culberson School district, and due returns made to this office. T. W. AXLEY, Chairman Board County Commissioners. jl BEGINNING SATUR J A wonderful Dollar Si [! for $1.00. Read this 1 i - We will also give speci L { terns in Silk Dresses. [ i Dollar Sale! 7 1 Ladies* $1.25 and $1.50 silk host ! per pair $1.00 S 1 Men's summer weight union suits 5 2 suits for | ! $1.00 l | $1.50 Umbrellas f j $1.00 ? Men's hats Each jfi $1.00 - 1 Remember Easter is April the 4th. 5 1 Ladie's now is the time to buy a J t dress: our prices are right. i | Men'c 220 Denim overalls was ? J $1.50 a pair now \\ $1.00 . I $1.25 princess slips ? u_ i.nme s to $2.00 Bed room E ! Slippers $1.00 Remember the Dollar Saturday, April 3rd. buy your Spring good Christo ( Audit Report December 1, 1924, to November 30. 1925. Cherokee County, North Carolina. Board of CommissionersT. W. Axley, Chairman; W. T. Hoiland. W. J. Martin; A. M. Simonds Register of Deeds, ex-officio Clerk the Board. Prepared by RopersHarrill Company, Charlotte, N. C. Exhibit "A". Balance Sheet Current Fund. I Al! taxpayers are h ' the 8th day of April a< perty which taxes for not been paid will be date attachment proce on personal property 1 listed. Failure to pay vertising and legal cos ! Mail checks or hand lector at the Mayor's c building. Hours: 8 to p. m. Pay Now . Extra qaiT r s\ DAY THE 27TH Ah SATURDAY APRIL lie. We are listing belo\ ist of prices and see wha al reductions on Ladies' A special reduction on Silk Pongee | Per Yard $1.00 .jFor Saturday the 27th 21b'a of sufpar for 5c with a purchase of j $1.00 or more. Men's blue chambry work shirts I 2 for $1.00 Children and Misses spring Hats $1.00 Men's 75c silk socks 2 pair for I $1.00 | j ovmi ?on conars was S5C each ' now 4 for $1.00 Don't fail to see our wonderful dress pattens of silk and voile. Ladies 75c bloomers, 2 Pair for $1.00 Sale begins Saturday th. Tell your friends abou ? while the prices are ri) pher's Leadii Cjoods Store Murphy, N. C. iuaiaiiareiziiiiEiHni^ Am#U Cash: Bank of Murphy, sched- I School fund, old bal. s sjuTifl Accounts Receivable: Graham County (war- 1 B. B. Morrow Sheriff. ^ special license taxes .J (Continued oe pext Fa?ej * lereby notified that on ivertisement of all prothe year 1925 have started. On the same :edings will be started where no real estate is by that date incurs adts. money or check to coloffice in the library 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 And Avoid j l Cost i/JKlL/lbr. ID LASTING UNTIL 1 3RD ? v unmatchable value* M it your Dollar will do. New Styles and Pat- H Men's Suits during this $1.25 Baby Bonnets JtM $1.00 m Assortment of Bilk, jv|9 per yard SH _$r.?? jjl Youths $1.25 overalls jtiH $1.00 M Many other wonderful $1.00 jg^fl values that we are not able to 29 mention on this sheet jjj9 o yaras oest gr;uo 1-- ir.eev x ing, For jjj $1.00 j Men's ?2.00 Caps $i.oo i! Men's ?1.25 to ?1.60 shirts j Each i $1.00 | Men's neck ties jr $1.00 l\ .Men buy your suit special redue- J ] lions during the dollar sale. J j e 27th, and lasts until | t this sale. Come and j i ght! j | ng Dry jj BizianiaiaE/ai^^

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