PAGE MX ; I [ARE LE Mr. J hn I.anv.h- f. . :r year old little b-y?han .n^ matches caught on fire Thursday the 10:h. and was badly J* many children p! .y w.-.h iv. arches the wonder is the;-* ar- no: m<-re :*. ...... dents. Friday r... mine Idth. a cold snc-.v on '.he jr :* i a- i John, h.s w:: . :h?.r c.... dren. started * A: .- u.:n the burned child : : ' T: fan::!; " fi Mar e Fnd rnlng? in the e I?i and in the sn .v?in time to r. ' a. . I., .v Nh train for A:'.: ... If the burned child ^ets pneumonia?too sad to contemplate? Eve: :: R binson ha- m-.vv d in*, the R. I in?.:: : - . vted by J ohn Lance Mr. * - v o: i ^ --er. " ,'ble a 15::. V - a ma: of mii try ..nd e? . r. r.:y. and ex; : * h v. rk in , .... * ' - v or. h:- M . . .A. en: hilife in ' -..ajjj a- . - t"!d. b- :;des the:* t roperty. ? ; . and tvhut is generihy t-vrni.-a fe citizen. IV. * he mac.- r. i-r? : - - r. on the . : - siioral church y o* his c rimunitv: no; ;*-.r t.r..thinj. " r advance rv el.. "Ftwhat profit .. 1: he t- . n | 1 Bthv ' hi ar. ; r:- .en."? havi;._ . .'i e .: >: = Lord. "Ht that hoi- -. thv hath? C* C^T^i W ^ -V Wt Cc I What t cuir'. . Jani'.a: Dod^. ^ Yet ies c; Ecent Mid.-: WmU A $10.0 and i-.q produc ma: :.c The < Fc ' Tw Ddi M ft Wi.y.r.?who Had : ; at the ?--urpfcy hospi tab died the loth. M- - Rale-ten W; - r. v taken thi lTtk M rpar.t r. ;r.?ar.e h rp: tab She leaves her husband and r -v.*.a".one. Th . M vrble k:>' wu--. wish evening irtertain n.ents. Mr. I.e. K- n. n'r,. r.;\# finu - e. a nr. un.'vs thi ; .. r.L--A- at ... Hi. !: : ? c-pied the new ... use. Ms?i My: tie Tru.h Pea.-.tree, wh-i the h.-ui - Arx'iv.., : the Marble sen . esteiiain: er.t the ck-vr.d it:: M v- - John. n. !' -. '. i J-rse? W:'.s . living Oeek. i.e.; Saturday ;.f. til.- . th u -:r.. a;'her suffering with "tit;" hi eh terminated in pheu Sr.v ?; ? ' arit-i in the reach. S.rtday afternoon: - ' - . t'J by i.v pastor. !* .. Wv-*. Mr. Wilson himself is blind, is -uffering with flu. Mr.-. I1. Wha- n. Ycved r. f flu. M- M-nkin- and 0:1 tire family, " : ' in very shk with 0 .re _ : : j :ep?-n much better. Mr*. 1"1 i-:; hu> been?ar.d is MM.. Mr. Stone?an old man and almost -tranter here, died very -uddonlv ' me : Mr. San: I'.i'.m.-r. last Saturday afternoon?in the Maltbv ett-ement. "T:vT T "SS if mses m j? x Ti '? . -21 ; h - ) SifL J O* : a-> _ public thi -of Dc J. ;e r is impr rsively red' 926 was the greatest Ja j others history. try, with actur.l retail jj5 cars surpass>.d it t raunr b ;s iness ir a n S onus/ i'0.000 investment in new :i rnenr has brco rtt r Lien records but stiil t ->s of n .erious shortage o buy is NOW ar i; ' ,-tter thar. ever ice astonishingly low. 7. C. r ? sr - .... 1, L i_'i. crcJ TAX R: OJCTIOW ? FT TiVE ON TO DELAY YO'-'R P - RCHA \ C. riCORE, ,.v:.ALE ineuee St Phone 3" - ~ ? -. T" #." ?* 7 ' hi A i' CHEROKEE SCC' Mr. Dee Cragg. Maltby, cut hi.- leu . -, :r.e time ago. Blood poison set up. t.r.d. v. 2 hear, that the poor ir.uii 1row crazy. 1 We we.e so s->rry to hear of the i . Mr. J. Q. Barker in Jacks nj . . r-.. we-.-k? ay. . Mr. Barker 'lived a: Andrews mar... years. He was a yr* pr-.moter; a bui'dvr up 'of industr es, of business, of schools, chrreh-.- am: a very liberal man. Mr. -1. Barker was indeed a got ! mar.. His place may never be fiiiLook Here W't have a lot of good farms, towns property, and timber lands. TO SELL YOU also a good flour and corn mill romr>let>> IF INTERESTED CAL< ON OR WRITE W. A, Bryson REAL ESTATE MURPHY, N. C. w !' 1 - - * * 5 !r?> > * si >"xi WT y Brothers ^ sctsd in #> i muary in rfeliver;y 24 per icr.ih of ! buildings lew nigh here are before? 396.00 834.50 047.50 004.50 NOW. SE R r zns LJT, MURPHY. N. C ih - . i. <> jfttr y will mi.-s ' him. Peace be to his Ashe?: and .-hall be so. f r he w;>- a faithful folj lower - f the L->rd Jtsis. The fight f !h- v. - ait ?t ' 'dry i- row on in t. -i trre-- in downright earnest. The we. cor.jrres ed by r. vet moneyed con j r.i y. are striving to . t throu- i ?.-n;e n . a>ure of measures j that will m? kfvth. V :- d : ;w. and v r pr r. - !ti. n. a-s . to cm* t :: approp- itons f - th dry law's jenfoice ent, thus ti y hope to ren. ?it-r tae y la*^ p-n-enforeable and .. . . Th' -a riskcy people throughut t.-.e country?w. ir.en a- well !:. and there are lots : wet wome" th-.. - wor. cn o ngrvss members ?support their c -nirre" " " n::!'vr; they write v- hat tl wnr.t? v. h gk-.Y and more f it: they make a gr< t wet fuss; tl >usy on the wet side. . Ti.i> i> : . . y try.-* - r. I* is n " - - ' r of nil -*:on and saloon?* oi law enforcement and no law err I - W5 . i. - ; a ] r.i'fior.- | ...... Jaw? no worse .r. t; y : ilo not v.\.nt the j w::'- r. you bot: 1... v .ir-i -vrite your conir-e--. ; :>t what yofwant u in them t<> all in thesr ; wsr : ? y , .*' rt " modify the - y r 1 iters to a. V- : . h. r: : iSh. x. c.. st what to do T> lay A postponei< Ith to the v lste ?' V Senator Edward vit. X'-v J or y i- brinirmsr :i'l . -- - : > :'i ti. oharires of < . > i valiiv against prohibition. Pa.-tor W i award wa- u1.fill tmi nt at M ?rbie last Saturday and Sunday r. a count of the ii ;< ? ..f Mrs. V.V award. Our h-cal prca. her. Mr. Smith, preached f-?r ii Sunday v.:- ming, and the people cr*tTy pleased with Mr. S: dth's .-erir.on. FOSTELL ' M s Emiv.a Quinn of P.-stell and Mrs. Mary H ary Suit nt Sunday with Mrs. Alien. Mrs. Her.rv Dockery and daughter Miss Des-ie of \Y -hutty visited the formeis son Jim Dockery at Postell Tuesday. Mr. S. Y. Allen spent Saturday night with his daughter Mrs. R. L. < Miss Yaud Quinn spent Sunday 1 wi:h her cousin Miss E!za Hogsed on ^ upper Shoal Creek. Mrs. Jim Dockery and children I.oyd and Henry spent Sunday with . Mrs. R. P. Alien. Mrs. Mary Henry spent Saturday night with Mrs. N. A. Quinn. j i Little Fred Swanson was seriously ill last week hut is some better now. [ Peeples at Ducklown. Tenn. Mrs. Nina Jono? fr?m cw~..J Mr. Dewie Stiles from Duck town Ni ght Coughing ; Relieved At Once j Why. cor.'.r. . from a per- j 1 sister.:, weakening cough when youcj.ij. -i ins'.ant relief, and ; j usually t: si; the couy.h completely in i 2-1 hoc;' s new m-. .hodha:ed ca the j I famous D-. Kind's NeVv* Discovery? Here i t eroclh d:"5 u hspl] take . j one t- r.ful and 1: id ;t in y 1 I throat i r 15 or 20 seconds before j . swail; : it. It lias n double action, j It not .y soothes a:.d heals irritation, but >1 ves the phlegm and congest ?ti v i.ich are the roil cause cf the Icoc ... As a result even the worst cough -lly disappears quickly. Dr. i New Discovery is for ..oigs oror.njtis, fDiiSr.. ; r zv.:::'... . V,-yfcor: : % - y or e tf i?poonfu!. " * * *7 Kj.4 "" " i i 5 [IT H;;r: !; '! i : 3CLI iltiili ?i-- mil ? i" ii" lir J71 fFTa] ~hT^ lillll n IX xz fJfffxJ 'II1' 2 28 TTT? ~ il llll 11 ! !iilU_ 34] |Mp5 qin_4_j: * 'TTlM j, l;.t. WwiHil ; Horizontal. 1?T"> play st 4?Thin > rat k rg 9?Ir- ii itrt : x 10?T lay wa?;?> II ? I: !2?A: ;t more rev t* ! t:? 13?I" :nt c : ; 14 ?I- : * h .rrh: f 15?Au- isur.:.b Instrv.14?V.'atcr r.PlibrK 17?I'.irt - f to he" Is?T" cu' tn two 19?T x 2f>?AfftC'.u! with pain 21?F 22? Ot * -hi nj a for skri Ir.g Quarters 24?K lid r m a 1 a'l-y 25 ?Th nth .1 27 I' . 'hit - * s 2s ? .c ?t:v.M::.L? 37?Y II v. h i ?.or 34?Tall stick 39?H-altl v 40?1.- v?*r t.:i a r:i!rh?*t Rotation Milt nniH-ir In aril U???. 1 PEOTN vTsgga^v ; i's^g ! a i VbBli'iiiSas ii ( 5 v 3 JHO'b sil'v' H'a! 3|H.dE^ uVaSSfis-.' u wj k K U 3 H OBH 3 O AA 3 O CS| O 3 itl 3 G^Sl 3 A ! H ^cnfl^cV.. .. V I 1 3^3 oah--: 3 1AJ V a vWkix i n >j3 o i iA Bh A xv sIBa x i xa | rreek visited Mrs. Mary Payne at Hopewell last week. vas visiting on Shoal C.eek Sunday. Mrs. R. P. Allen and daughter *pent Monday with Mrs. Mandy Elamby. Mr. Lambert made a business trip to Knoxville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hanrby* visited Or. and Mrs. G. M. Young a while Sunday night. u/cy u|M ^ SjC MOTHER? Fletcher's Castor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relive Infants ir. i Constipation Elatuiency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p >Tahtral Sleep withe Tc ? ' for iht Pro " . o ..... , - -Vtrf. I . ..i-AY, MARCH 26. 1926. J I'lpi 15 |6 \1 |8~T" flzznen UM 23 ?Til ?' "I ^iftzbp Lizpnij oO IM33 -4 r__J Ipr r-^ TTTTT, lilkL. __ ifllllii Stwip?ptr Union. | Vertical. t ? \ny bnNamlt reals 2?I*r-1>< ;--n 3 ?v. ? d I 4?I.i.u.d 6?T.. 6 itlon 7?!. nomi'-s (nhhr.) 3?i o ut with & scl'sora , ftfpt tr ! 1" ?1 otev -1 11?Pine of we.?rlne apparel worn j over Moman'j shoulders 12?"r.; machines 13?Y* 2 s?S word 29- 1" i- of Ir ?n used to fasten i- etal plates t ?' ther t ? VYi*. iran 32?V.-hl?-les for hire j 33?Stupid * 3?Australian bird y 24 ?A fr??for-all fight I 37 ? of Hebrew calendar 34 ? Fat her Hastlngs'Seeds tlawCT S?ls Cb>' Ycru Vou can irot 6 packets of seeds ol ? ? umcr?-iu aat wry oeauiuui nowers free. Hastings* 1926 Seed Catalof tells you all about it. Hastings* Seeds are "The Standard ol the South." They give the best results in our Southern gardens and or j our farms. Hastings' new 1926 Catalog has 112 pages In all. full of pictures from photographs, handsomt covers in full colors, truthful, accurati descriptions and valuable culture directions. We wan' you to have this catalog it your home. It tells all about Hastings' garden, flower and field seeds, plants and bulbs. Write for !t today. A post* card request brines It to you by return mall. H. G. HASTINGS CO.. SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, GA. Regardless of other considerations we can't imagine the ordinary preach, cr having so poor a financial sense as to be guilty of the charge of being "in it for the money." ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, inns an,! Children all ages of Wind C.'.io To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness, Rest, p"1 >Ut Opiates , . nT;. <7_