The Cherokee Scout tw Official Orjaa of Murphy mad Aerekec County. North Carol. on PUBLISHED EVIIHT FRIDAY L W. BAILEY Cditor-Maoafer ?2R5 C. w BAILEY Associate Ed . W. SIPE Associate Ed fztertz - - at M?hy Worth Car ... *. - .. : .3.-5 rr^J xat:?r r : _f Ma-. 2 Subscription Rates Dre Tear |U Picfct M- "j . 1 :0 fix M:r.t . 75c Payable Strictly Advance Lf gz. - x?t: ai= retd zg - = - :a: : thtrjc?. *' *. ri_r: r paya'cl* . - r I - sv 3- i .; tract ra*T- i- - - .> tj t'e ~r : - - - - - - te accept 3 - publ eati N'arr.e of the - -- - - ? tst * -r - e tke r.a- of th- a- - .-ir.-.-s cf g :i f. APRIL 30t!? SHRINE DAY IN GAINESVILLE Yaa T f -:i?e 2 - _ Da*.;-.. -* . Band. r-a:r. v. v;si::rS fr A*;..-:,. a number fr Qljldren Cry for o^V ^Ht SMBXCMT,; ^h|Hi(iM ITVT ECastor 1 r , Teething oreparc- : re t Infants in : Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aid? in the assimiiati-n of Food, p Natural Sleep withe To avoid imitations. a!w .V t a ;Vr :h " ~e~]r- r_r r--^h - rtrt-r.:.- J I -"' : ?l?9 \ A ? and m no t?me our rex was ai've with red hot spar B lucky you put on fire-Sd? Shinies* when you d;d. Barrel Shingles are fire-safe CAROLINA I . ANDREWS -= I The vrti- :r >CTi'-. - _ i-% Para-i- f- - na* - *. pa:-! ; - .r; A a;*ry -r - -r? ar. i i : ?= -: 0 "-If ' r - - >treat - - y-j'-i ! I------ r - - va r. r " e a?: - . pa - ; . - . h: - - - ' i. Tr.e CASTORIA For Ini&nrs and Children In Use For Over 30 Years A.*: !<- " ? s? ? - t -1 M ^ ^ N 1 -v^ n r?i fiMflnBHHRRMHMB; ia i; a harmless Substitute for ,, Drt; art! Soothing Syrups, r inr.s ar.. Children ail ages of _ Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach J Retyuiatc Rowels c' i roir.otitig Cheerfulness. Rest, and >u t Opiates , -y .i:- r ^ 'hy - iciar = everywhere recommend if. Is Your Roc Suppose that tonigh yC your wife's voice, calli It's a neighbor's horr CD and blazing embers stn | ? ?fall on your roof. Is your roof firr-sa ??- leaping menace: JUarretr Singles \vi roof?a roof that v\i',| d W e carry several ty ? all at convenient pri jf roof. Our rooting exp posal?without obligai e _ endorse % LUHBER & SI CHEROKEE SCOt P.*7 r- : - - - : 7 4ERCHA.?TS 9 MANUFACTURERS Dank. ^t Aadr$?i ic ti-e State ci Nr-tfc Caroiiit. at the c!c*e : f Apr. 12. 1926. rtiOLRv E5 - ~r. : L*-- _ - *.. ? *". 12 btftf, u - .re:. ? nd Ffafias**. * W> . - - .*. a' : r.f". oat .from Baafe, 6.* i Trus: 7 TAL. 5 - .5*2 LIABILITIES - :a.v*? ; - : * ; n : After * TOTAL. 2. " ' f X- ' ar :r.a. . - ; f Che A: til 2 2 [. * H. A f 'at'r; . r . . <-r.t f *. H ARERNATHY. Cashier J. W. WALKER. \V. B. FISHER. E. A. WOODS. . ar.d rr * bet o , this 2 th :.v. f V 192*. .VOL H. ARRETT. X tary I'j: . c QUIT GETTING UP NIGHTS A healthy Bladder Acta During the Day C. X Shurmar. Rfpuh c. Or. - 'Bef'r<- t. -k nc l.ithiated BV . ?Kt. or P- rr:. r.?ti tret _t r = en *i*.t ;. -h nijrht. N<-a n?t tret uj at ;Y .1 may r.atr.t- if .* wo aid benefit anyone, th madder tr?.?al/.e." Be areful t ; take druir.' that check the t.- n f the l ahidor. V u may ve t-? continue ts u ? I.ithiuted j u ' K?-l!er Y >rmulal increases the e act; n during tic- day. I" cleanl l-.wels driving out foreign matr. neutralizing excels acids, thererelieving the irritation which cau "Getting Up Niehts." The tabs 2c each at all drug store? j Ke er Laboratory. Mechanicsburg. lio.?R. S. Paikej Drug Co.?Adv. HOWS THIS? BALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will what we claim for \t?ril your system j Catarrh or Deafness caused by itarrh. j HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con- | ?:s of ar. Ointment which Quickly tlieves the catarrhal inflammation, and , e Internal Medicine, a Tone, which I ts through the Bl. od on the Mucous i lrfac^s. thus assisting to restore nor- 1 a! conditions. Sold by druggists for over 40 Years. Ft J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo. O. >f Fire-safe? t you're awakened by ng *' Fire!" le! W md-d riven sparks earn toward your house ie?proof aeainst this II give you a tire-safe efy sparks and embers, pes of Barrett Shingles ccs. Come in and talk ericnce is at your dis:ion. {ff7 Roofings* JPPLY CO. N. CAR. ! Aztir y M - Let WotkxKs - Mr - ; V . T. H chil tr.'.i ' - ' : Mr ar. : Mr- D. H. T:. :**. Rev : . M.-. L. p. Sr :t?i . r - : Mu W T. I tnd C i .?' H r ver t *r - *" - - - '6.. M1 - iav f ?k. ?*. T - ? re r;w..- ^ > re - 4.r Mr. I' - r. . we re?* *?T > -- : . >r.: r - . - > h rr.e y illr---. * !: I' H.' - ? M ; rry Weir,?'via" f *h - -v R ^ .De-x-.r ws- a v *. r ;r. M . : h; Wedre-day. Mr. R' * r.t :ar - - ar : far vere in An-ire**- last rur.uav. Mr. I'. .- : - i hi* by i!!nc<-. Recital At Hayesviiie Firday Night H .. ?' *. n rxpfes* n -re.ital M: ? i> x :-r i Gr. a !!;.; the .00. a ; : toriun. r r Fr:.. y n . t n ..v:ref : w v.v . 12 and 14 ear- Id children fr.teTtair.fd ar a.;:fence ? over f>ur hundred :.e ?1 >. ' r an h .r ard u half. TV-*, are the daughters of Mr. and MrU. K. Hyatt, o fHayesvrile. The program which was directed fey Mr-. W. R. Anderson, wafollow.?: A: angement f-nr. "I Bird Maeterlinck Geneva Hyatt Mammy'.- Songs and Sayirg.- ^ Bluckbitr" a? Rainh.w I.and '! > Oici aunt Lir.e K:tohev. ' lock Anonymoustsuai Way An- nyr.i uRc-ta Hyatt Little Mary plays the Fian.i . Park- r Geneva Hyatt \Yinc> Kliis Parker Butlet Rem Hyatt Butch Poems V-n H- yle iai 'T>'t Funny Leetle Baby" i bj - Be ky Miller." Geneva Hyatt Tin Gee Gee x Cape Lettle Boy Blue Eugene Fieids Reta Hyatt T: d-U. *? -- -'t.niHji tunc noiu. v?. service: Geneva Hyatt The Bald headed Man An ?nymou* % | , ya ycuU i I Essex costs famous Sup smoothness "Six" type maintenanc qualityitisti i i i. ? " r X T - r.d n f Mr. W r Barnar : - -r r- *.ed r.s-.:s(p b?r. . nfir.ed * ?.:? home " i'.lx illnt** now f-r several wee .5. .**. an: * ! - 7 - ' Dait Georr. a v. -e . a A * drems ? his ?k log fr - Mrs M :: T - Walker - ph. e. Murphy W rier ??y f *- = week. . T .M W- . - * " ; ;-ine-c *hi- veer:. Z. B. ? r.'ey an B r K r?ev spent - v reek-end n v mta. *T and Mrs. G. B H v ; 1 ? - f Mr K T *Vr:i:ht leam : -a p!e'-.-:r< r* hi- ret.:?. fr- m the hospital after a successful orcra * r ar-r-ndi t He - dc rx ..'1 will - r k h'-s id . for the S rthe-n Ri . M * : MrI'. K t her - f h- r.^ < r we e *. - * r- in Andr - - Wednesday. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES State Fisheries Corrmittion to meet at Four Point? in Western North Carolina During the Week of May 3rd. :i.eetanj? at Rca:ine (Jar. May 4th. : I ' 'ock. 2nd meeting at R >ne. May 4th, ^ ."c!? ek p. m. dr.! nee'ir.r at M: ri May ":h ci: p. ns, 1th meeting at Waynesvile. May *>th. 2 ?.v:?ck p. m. The four fish hatcheries I. t ate d at or near the .shove named r!a es will r e inspected, and a general disci. - > i n had with citizen? who may he inteiested in re-r'- .kin. the >treai? > f the >tate and protecting and conserving fish in all streant.where fish are to be distributed. People who a.e interested in this v. rk sh-..:!d attend there meetings n) TOTAL. , - ,.$2 t>l Stock raid in >: - .I>0<} Pr fits. leslament exper.s - ar ] t~* : 15 r-r -iu Ds? B?-ki-anker*. an : Tru-t ' lpanies. ; , . jDepori: subject t - k. Irj:.' . ; /,j Demand < on::":cat . Der-? it. " "2.02 Cashier's Checks oat- .ardinf. - "7 >.7$ TOTAL. A_ " ".-". ",2 , State < f North Carol .... unt;. : '"heorkee A r " '25. I. J. P-. St" ey. the * r..-. :.e : Hu d - "entr.Iy -.r that *r.e av > is - ' y - . !ZC and v-i ef. I. B. STOREY, er. C TT ? * AVt?t a. rich \nr-' \. T. N. Hit FRED M 'RE. Direc* rs. S :'->scr.:. ed ar.d sworn : fore me, tihs 2I?t day of A.- "..'20. J. H. M ' A! fry "Gusies T Name New K:- * In Dertoit Convention"?head Mr.* How can they stay in one place nc ?'h to hold an election? A Farmer Boy's Success From hard v. rk on a farm to the study cx medicine was the course Dr. Pierce pv-s ed. Finally he determined to put up in ready-to-u;e : rrn his 'Golden Meaical public could easier procure it. This *D i see very* is a tonic in its effects *v cn the stomach and ' digestive apparatus; an alterative in its action cn the blood, liver and skin. It increases the appetite, stimulates the digestion, enriches the blood, and makes joth men and women feel as they did when they were young. All dealers. Large bottles, liquid, $135: tablets, $1.35 and 65c. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce. Buffalo, N. V., for a trial package tablets, h f oor toRu/ tk mpers; I CleanTrasu lt -in |; Motol op and V Built on comfort. Best selling res, o:l and automobile >00 owners.