I FRIDAY. APRIL 23. 1926. Plans Hiawassee V Development Going ? Forward Rapidly 5 (Continued from pajrc 1> dustrifs must be interested and inYour guararr The famous Red every bagofSwif tilizers. It is a gu: quality. When you buy Fertilizers you ki buying the best science and mod< ties can produce bag are years of pericnce. We recommeni Red Steer Fcrtil know they meet soil and crop. C ever your require W. M. 1 ' 101 Teniu Ddde Ml duced to locate in this section. When the present owners of the Carolina Tennessee Power Company first entered this territory, there were numerous markets close by which needed electrical energy, and there was tee of quality Steer is shown on t's Red Steer Ferarantee of highest Swift's Red Steer now that you are : fertilizers that ?m factory facili. Back of every research ar.d cx1 and sell Swift's izers because we the needs of your lome in and talk :ments. - AIN GROCERY COMPANY lurphy, N. C. iorized Swift Agent \ecord u Verdi' nder 5 a record to make yot Dodge Brothers Motor C i Brothers Trucks sold in th om January 2nd to April 3 satest quarter in the co ent greater than the sam r, when 51.318 units were :ord was a foregone cor re first of the year denweek by week. Each greater sales than the c nd greater than the sami the last week recorded, d, 9104 units were sold, the best week last yearr cent. jures are an index to the ice. preference, these days, ;an-cut convictions on qu; rtive worth, penny for pei h the peak of the selling yet been reached, the ver been rendered. . . . $795 Coupe . . r . . . 795 Sedan . . F. O. B. DETROIT C. MOOF tuee St. Phone 3' E- BROl 3TOR CAF I | 1-ivc developed all their undevelop- ah I ed sites which they are holding in j s^i reserve. Rut to wait for this would j ?? i be too long. To speed up the de- \ pt. velopmcnt a new demand for the pow- ?? j er should be created, and along this ;:)J line we are extremely active. "Our company is now laying the! foundation with the object of bring-] jj, ing to Murphy large electric furnace 1 jnJ II. D. Smith & R. B. Wells SMITH & WELLS ! A R gistercd Engineers ^ and Land Surveyoi s Phone 2422 MURPHV. N.C. lLo ; 15, 0\ U" Made Co ("^ 0 L ed i i 1 nanfip' r ))( ars and Pi e United rd, 1926! mpany's st C( e period sold. ? 1 tri lclusion. al1 and inperiod me pree period ending against ?a gain E Bi buyer's i mi springs yn ality and nny. :,n an r season ki? diet has !t nt an . . $845 . . . 895 b? in | do j W< ^.El nit rhE-RS is i . MURPHY. N. C. ldustvies. as enlargement cf theaerations - f companies operating i this country and nl oad. Tn s laracter of industry uses veryl rge quantities of electricity an: quiie raw material? of the charae. f und in Mur, hy, such as iron e. "Both the Southern Rah-.; : and ; & N. Railroad have been work I a ? : some ir.or.t f to ; .'-.iv.ee a irci :i?t , te : tract. .v ih :t v : ! he a ictv e tt soeh indust-i ?. B t'l \ ilr ds : vi cxpresesd their desire ! (o-odc: .tc. With favorable freisrht tcs. I i.r: confident that these :nstrk-s can he convinced that the nthinatii n of mountain labor. r;.v terial? and electricity at Jlurphy H give the besk for establishing re a souor. 1. solvent and s i c- s1 c'.ectiie am-.- industry that i: an.--. ; ur power at fair rat"-, hen :: : has been accomplished ! e dirt will bejrin to fly. "These pla"s have been go:nc f -- ] ird a? rapidly as p >ihle. and nafh-j ? would please a? n*.??re than u? be le to announce that actual con-! uctlon wo: k ' n thi- spelt dcvc-I : -! ??t would begfin at once. The i -pie of th:s section ear. res* ? " -.-hi ?mar.ii L ^ .00 rerdrafts, - cured. i .7 i .'.17 lited State s bond- and Liberty Bonds. . \M'.cu inkir.g Houses. $2,160.CO; Fumitutre and Fixtures, si. t-" sh ::i vault nrd nt' amort due fr .n Brants. Banker* rr.d Trust C >mj anics. 1' l ? i-h Items he id ?\ev J I houts, ib'O.OO neks f<>r lieu ir.-? l.Soo.Il; TOT \ . $ 141.540.2*1 I LIABILITIES tpital paid in 30.000.00 rnius fund ? 15,000.00 riiiv ;?!id i r. f t-. v s current < x; !.m < and taxes paid. 4,643.07 :'posits subject to check. Individual. 173,769.1 "< >mand Certificates of Deposit, 21 I . ishier's Chocks outstanding, 3.306.12 TOTAL, $4S1.349.2S ate of North Carolina, luniy of Cherokee Apr. 21, 1920 I, I.. K. Bavless, Cashier of the iove named Bank, do solemnly tar that the above statement uc to the best of my knowledge d belief. L.*E. BAYLESS. Cashier. >rrect Attest:' A. B. DICKEY. M. W. BELL, \V. M. AXLEY. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before i- this 21st day of April 1926. .!. If. McCall, Notary Public. oes Your Back Ache ?, . . ! id Back* Bring: Suffering to Many Murphy Folks Is that dull, constant backachej aking you old anil miserable? Does : ' r back throb and ache until it 1 ems you just can't keep going? Do j u suffer head aches, dizzy spells I <1 urinary disorders; feel weak, tired i <1 worn-out? Then look to your} Inevs. Delay may mean serious > Incy sickness ! I'se Doan's Pills?| stimulant diuretic to the kidneys, tan's are recommended by thous-j ds. S. \V. Snyder. Farmer, R. F. D. No. Waynesville, X. C.. says: "My ck was weak and sharp pains came j the small of my hack. 1 couldn't any lifting at all or my back j mid give out entirely. My hack j is sure all the time; especially mornes when 1 eot up. 1 began using J ?an's Pills and few boxes relieved i .. Price dOe. at all dealers. Don't nply ask for a kidney remedy? t Poan's Pills?the same that Mr. j ivder had. Foster-Mil burn Co., frs., Buffalo. X. Y.?Adv. We're all related, more or less:; lich means that a man will generalbc proud of his family tree if he I esn't go back loo far. i NOTK t o 1 he i axpavers of Chi As ycu well know .he t is long past due, and as Ta: ; ee Count-.- | have made I county so as to accomoda save the hard trip to my < 1 only have a few more de county, so please bear in ? to s-ttle by May 1st, ther and your name, amount, the Cherokee Scout. So i and save this extra cost. B. B. MORROW THE more effective not be made with i more than a mere mai What to mix, how to 1 mixing, how to mix it a H with it after it is mixe * the problems that ca ' with a wheelbarrow. t ion above shows one o of fertilizer manufact the Roystcr plants. ROYS' Fertili: j DICKEY FEED Murphy. I (the (t ha flu tie U w "Carolina's Foremo THK CHARLOTTE OBSERVERS f,?,, ' ??11 *rr? K'nitng nin.'v; uuo rows rf the ASSOCIATED PRESS i VER office all over the ( . eli (.< t< tired? of co-respondent- daily uatheri world. Featuies of the hiphe -t . barn <1 which are carried by no other *e\v picte Local, State, nation and world n e:s of THi: CHARLOTTE OBSERVE The Ohsorvor is a complete nowspa and Strnday l?y more people in the C reason?a reliable newspaper, carry in it is news, in addition to many into whole page of the most important ct ored somic section, in addition to the Sunday. Its market section is so--en best sport sections in the South, If you are not n subscriber to Till fill in the coupon below and mail ti with your subscription, or you may you can compare the quality of THI metroplitan newspapers in the South, for one year in order to get a trial scribe for one month, three months, means, if you have never read THE and fill it in for at least one mont means, if you have never read THE < CIIDCrOIDT.AVI r* a -? UVUs)vnu I IVK rvI 1 u Daily and Sunday 75< Daily without Sunday 65i Sunday Only 4'.V THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER, Circulation Department, Charlotte, N. Carolina. Gentlemen: Enclosed find $ tion to THE (Paily and Sunday) OP (Daily Only) NAME ADDRESS PAGE FIVE 21-okee County: ax for the year 192S x. Collector of Cherofour rounds over the te the taxpayers and sffice. and also cost, lys to settle with the iird that all who fail e will be added cost etc., will appear in please call and settle iV, Tax Collector. fertiliser canprepare it for H are a few of f the processes $ lire 111 one of jj TEi? ; :< t. 11. IMF. OBSERVER office. The relayed from THE OBSER? the othei newspapers. Hunng news from all parts of the j .ctcr and more of them, many spaner in the Carolina?. Coroews is furnished daily to rcadR. per, and if is now read daily 'arolinas than any other?The ' g all news that is news while resting features, including n >niics daily, and a 4-page colRed Mauic Puzzle Section on d to none, and one of the ^ I i HARLOTTE OBSERVER > the circulation Department request sample copies so thai 2 OBSERVER with any other You don't have to pay subscription. You may subsix months or a year. By all vi'oi.n> c.n, Clip ir.e coupot h *s subscription. By a 11 OBSERVER, clip the coupon j ES BY MAIL [o. 3 Mos. tj Mos. 1 Y ear. . : $2.25 $4.50 $0.00 1.75 3.50 7.00 1.00 1.75 3.50 | for months subscript 4 tSERVOR. - CHEROKEE SCOUT i a large demand for it at the great I ii (smelting plants at Coper hill, at ' e Rom*., (Ia., and numerous other t it iownj, \ -hin transmission distance cl i that we e producing power by coal ja or wore without power, including | Murphy. It was to supply that ivar| kct that these gentlemen interested te themselves in Carolina-Tennessee or | Powei Company. j "However, during the interval <>f ^ J many years, during which time the (question wa sbeing lit 'gate! in courts i to determine what company had the ra ; iight to develop Hiawassee River trj { other water power companies built j jj ! plants on other rivers in Georgia and to : Tennessee and supplied with electric Xv j power the copper fields and other ,lu ! thci*. existing natural n* ikets for co 'the Hiawassee power, with the ie- r.:; suit that a new market must be wi created for the power to b c he i roduced in this vicinity. fu "Send the energy over fines to the wi industrial centers that are alieady \y '.-.tablihsed, you .-ay. Well, this th< i would seem feasible at first, and will; bo feasible when the power com- wr panics now supplying those markets i