fage six ivt'vw a * 'w v aa-t v> w ? " ] he Lur Uocu/ an ? Mr. ' M . ?fl ( . a - : . * r - : *.r ' the S ern Raihv&y. Vr?. J : F . . 8 ed . t . B Fur. > XI.!. !; .- no . SI00 per M-r - ' 1 Hi. ? t'\. Rt. M ; ; . N". Mr . i 1 r r. H.. r a r ?- i T . i * .a 1 House. WANTED??. hundred head catt e In ; i : , pie tree ; :? ?. N - >? rk fd Addre K I \\i r. . n*. c. (3G-2t-pd. > Mie> Celeste i' New \V City arrr ? i T -d.-.y t s?ne of th- I. li'-i in the < an w?dd n- will takfj :-i;. Wedncsdaj _ M: at 8 oVl<Dale Lee 1 V. ! .tm Aikman v. arrive Sum! .; i ^ I MO MATTE I might t>e t I effective fertiliz I sible without t 1 more than fori | and the exact a 1 of manufacture fected, one of v I Murp IDEA r J? TC7 ii-Ti. i O ne-v." r iis iv ar ? . :'-c r \ . .. , LTACTURJNG CO. .: Personal , e 20 X % Mr. and Mrs- C. N. and ; .: { Brasstown m ?tor ecr to * n > '. Mr.-. A .-.n;? : . M -- B>d Patten. Mr. . M:-. \V. D. IV..-- >f Hayi - ?i :i. '. i ;d i t ?wn S ; -V N. IV Brittain of Peochtree .' i lily ill, with very little hope fur her re. -very. M;s- Hattie L- u Dickey after a f t v.. . her parents Mr. and M*-. A.i Dickey and her -:>ter and r M ..-. 1 Mr-. Fred Chir.-toi .. t ...* returned t> Atlanta . Mrs. Noil Si teed f l.eir. n City I-;, i- the crest of relatives. ? WANT TO SEND?S. MM price 1st d- : e.ery man wh is thinking of ' ;ying a farm. It will pay you to tl w. at I have t . Don't .v.iit write now. J in k'imW M i i - -ii\ Itnri. - It-pi. i R how anxious we o produce the more er. it would be impos:he skill acquired in ty years experience, nd intricate processes : which we have perdiich is shown above. Iter utilizer J EEDCOMPANY I i I THZ CHEROKEE n_ \V - wnr.DK8 . .. t:. N". .--... '.on. Mi John MjJ t Bria I ? - er i'.. week-end f M Mrs. G. W. Car.iler. M ?s Kathryn Thompson ar :.hc;?r-eth B .'tain were joir.t h -te: : t a ; uffet >j W. rnesday - - c: ir *.r : last week at the home : MiTh n. specially complement in Ml-- Martha Csr.dier a c .. : elect. Those enjoying this 1 . .A ? Evj tu 11 2: '.-tie Wi -on, .la-*? C ver, Mr. . Mrs. Jerry I'avw- n .Mr .and " \ M * Mr. and M - K H ... M Q s C ver. J. W. For - - -. W. I-*.. Studstiil. ! ; ! ::? V < "HICKS g* un-: Man u?h A" " v. - y Bran- ..2Ft-r I*u-h?-i K y - r and Ox I' 16 per U ..: A- i.i SJ. 1 t i e: a: It y-'e ar.d < x Bran-! K? - cor. IF grade r r i. y-?-r J-. Hit- a Guam > .J. - M.-. !'. IH*': ?Y FEEli C?1 Mur; i y. N f. . N..n e . ! i<" ar.d ler gram : .'or M !.-.i Ali.n wrfc<? lavi - th- lu -t- ??f Mr. an< Mr-. P. A. Dav for the past t\v< ; '* -ir h me in Syra ra . o. N\ Y.. T a day mo ining. ROOMS Full KF.N'l I h :hre luin r< ' ! . all newly r.?an; aimed! ilc.tii. lights an 1 bath saiiv fl v. Will rent an aj -r! : < :... .. MRS. I'. .Cit.AXT. ? E ist .M 14 hv. ' N-'Jt-pd.} Mi- M i < a: dler and Mr. an ? !:-. c. K. H<"?vt?r motored to San : el h Can p Sunday. Mi - P'la MC-.n:': ,- an ! H -!e Wallace of t Andrews high schoc spent the v. -ek d witl Dr. and M W. S. McCombs. Mr. Ivan Ad..nv- of Copperhil spent the week-end in town. Mr. John E. Posey made a busi ness trip to Haywood County th first of the week. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTER: OF THE 20th JUDICIAL DISTRICT I am a candidate for re-election fo the office of Solicitor of the 20tl Judicial District, subject to the wishe of the democratic voters. I assure you that I will appreciate I > uui aui>|H"ll, IMllUCnCS III HIP CO 111 i npr primary, i (Jun-l-pd.) GROVER C. DAVIS. | FOR RENT?Ten to 12 acre? pooi corn lard at f'.-urty Home, apnl; j to Cherokee County Hoard of Com i missioners. Mov .*trd, next. I ! Mr. and M;s. M. D-11 were ii Knoxville the first of the week. j Mr. Sheridan Heighway who ha a position at Spruce Pine. N. C.. wa the guest of home folks last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Phaup spen Tuesday in Atlanta. Mr .Harry Miller will arrive Sa1 urday from Emory University an will be accompanied by h:s colleg chum Mr. P. J. Hodges, of Soutl Georgia. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alston ar occupying the residence of Mrs. Leil Dickey, in East Murphy. Misses Juanita Evans Mauri? Fain and Mr. Elbert Ledford motorc J to Copperhill Sunday . I Mrs. Abel Davidson of Letitia w: ' a visitor Monday. Mrs. Delia Meroney spent the fir of the week in Andrews, the gue j of her daughter Mrs. J. H. Abernath Mrs. Carl Dobbs and Mrs. Mm Carringer are in Weaverville th guest of Mrs. Claud Love. Mr. and Mrs. C J. Bowen ar Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, of Atlant j were week-end guests of the lattei mother, Mrs. A. H. Davidson. ! M;ss Jenny Lou Porter and Mi Luke Ellis of Andrews were Calle in town Tuesday. r N. c. I ; - . jjiV v " Br. " ..A . .la. .H-. : it-rive Sunday. ] *-> ;.rid Mr M " y- - i little v \ ;i 'tender:-- :it ' (*'i3 lar. i > s. H. V. Candler of - . ltd Mrs. C. Z . *: . - . En Mo -re : Mr Wayne rd ' A>hw ??lr. and j!Mi ' '' f H cfc ry X. C.. j-will be among the cut of town guesr J irrivinc M nday and Tuesday fo iT 7 ; : tveniri Mi - - Evar.ell .. : Nan :e Ihvn er.teitainy V. ? ?: . : and v.r ding -howc: u ' * e y : ' Mi - M ;nev in hono* : M -- M.-.rtr.i ("and a bride el^ct :* mxt v nth. Er> r. l >i \vr-ked ' -^fft Tie ver-.- n "advice t a " r . \ J'.- uture the - care quilting of a quilt which t Mn? 1 -dler. Later' in t o evening M -* Candler was : . vd -a:*.!. _m":- fr m an umbrella - e nded ft- in c-iiing. .V >.i'ad aid i.e c Mr was - *vved. Th pre-< nt wore: M -?os M. rtha An: a II -a . rd. Anne > 1h i K. S :i th. Mary Smith y.'.:7. . r S ith. 1 ta Chri-t nht-r role hVr:-.;,-.n. Lu.-efa Ttinlett. K; r T"r. n : r. V rsv :h Brl?. n. -I. W. Daviifeori - ithi : . Spruge Christopher. A 1 ]. Mar. . . Willarl ?" oper. R. S. L Parker, Ik V. Dixon. L. K. Maunev I Ral; h Ifaihin, T< Maunev ar.d W , M. AxUv. Beat ic ?* jwvlds m \;> ted hci ir. other, Mrs. A. H. Davidson. at Iluover the week-end. .1 Mr. an?i Mrs. \V. V Henry will leave the fi'-t of next we?k t?? spend sometime with relatives at Wiley. Ga. } Mr. II. F. Whitehead; director f athletics at the high school at Canton. Ga . spent Saturday with his sifter Mrs. .T. B. Storey. Mr. Whitehead accompanied Mr. and Mrs. r Storey or a v sit to lelatives at Com?! ^ merce, Ga. Sunday. Mr. T. .!. Sword, who has been spending the winter in Adel, Ga.. reII tarred to Murphy, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Weinder wil' leave next week for Pottslovvn, Pa., i where they will make their home. Mr. ; and Mrs. Weidner have been in Murphy during the past two years and ^ have many friends here who regret to : see their, leave. r ~ ? U ! _1_ mgn Low Ford cars are built th finest materials th duced. The very be si are used in Ford The plate glass for \ t! windows is as perfec Upholstery matei I larger percentage c t_ ordinarily specified (] higher priced cats. ,c tures of Ford desi h been improved . manufacturer. No other car off r pendability. The la won the favor of n l under every conce condition. Its c known and apprec over; its performar (l granted. v Such quality is p prices because ev Feature st All-Steel Bodies rianetary i rans Torque Tube Dr ,k Dual Ignition Sy FORD MOTC rm lA TUDOR ,d SEDAN RU i *520 *; Closed car pricea In rs T W E N T Y - T rs |a?? We Ciizr the To! Virgin Tirr P>:g Ye'.c.* Pcjiu!?.!-, ? ever cu? off ? P:re, Etc., Original In, V 1. 1.(" Acr<- 2 X!<-s - Yet per acre $20.00 A T " N1si2- 4"? A re5 0 and Very Fire $20.00 At re. I Tract Xc. "'0 A :t-s 6 Miie< I White C;ik. Mountain Oak SI" We have . c excl-ive -ale of the terms cr.od. ; ?. - f >!.* l> t... $'.*.00' !i MF. v We - Nine Murphy tit ?1.~ <) to $10,000. I Davidson, Al HE A! ESTATE DA\'iDSO> p FOR SALE - Carload Hor<o? and. Mult-: v.::! ex> arure for Cattl r notes wr.h approved security. See ' T. J. Sw .rd. Murphy, N. C. II v. T. I.. Sa."--r left Tuesday morning r Louisville. Ky.. where he t * - to take final examination for h;> Master ??f Theology decree from the Sen naiy. In order to icceive this degree, one must have the degree of Bachelor of Arts and three year- resident -tudy in the Seminary* Mr. Sassi-r will have the distinction of being the only minister in the Western North Carolina Baptist Association holding this degree. He wi I return the first of next week. FOR RENT?Six small houses f r .I reasonably in the Bealtown v? n. St Mrs. Frank P. Dickey. City. 133- lt d NOTICE?Mrs. R. P. H ill or others interested will please redeem th< property in which is in her name that was sold for the 1924 taxes. On o: before May the 4th 1926. Or els? 1 will and take cha:ge of same. A. J. HALL. < lt-pdt i FOR SALE?One National Cash Register Mahogany Color. Terms to reliable rarty. Write M. F. Sessions, care the Cherokee Scout. Murphy. N. C. , (37-4t-pd l est in Ql est in P iroughoutofthe from mining o at can be pro- sembly, is undei t steels available the Ford Motor manufacture, vindshields and Iron is taken frc tascanbemade. Michigan;coal ft rial contains a mines in Kentu >f wool than is ginia. Glass con - -even for much plants; wood fro The basic fea- tracts in the No ign have never and finished pt upon by any over the Compa tation routes; cc ... naces, a steel m ers greater de- mills-all a i Ford car has . . lillions of user* pI"e or^ni"tlc ivable motoring *?lva?e Pllnts;F onveniencc i. etc., to fated the world "?"> < ice is taken for ]q this way ever is effected. Und ossible at Ford stances could F< rery operation, at Ford prices. s That Maintain Ford Le: Thermc mission Simple, Deperu we Three-Point I stem Multiple I >R COMPANY, DETROI1 NEW PRICES N ABOUT TOURING COU 190 *310 *5C elude ttarter and demountable rims. AU p\ WO YEARS OF L FP.IPAY. APRIL 30. 1926 S lowing Tracts of 1 I iber Lands II Icvntaln Oak, White II I Growth. Nothing I 1 I I |l .uo Acre se proper tk- and can r. the I all n ; !' part? f th at Homes exclusively list d Iced kin & Axley INSURANCE I BUILDING OLD COLONY LIFE I RANCH COMPANY?of Chi'. of au*nt? a wide: fir! : nereis. 1 opportunity by wr * m, wcman and chiH from ?i:?* f birth to aire ?*.0 on the annual. annual or quarterly premium n, for amounts poinjr up t ?" ?3 recard? children, while f r : Jta the limit is $80,000. The < - i-r;ny arillj cive a very libera! c -in conrnet iilirect with II m- ice) to a cood personal produce* l37-2t-pd) | Neighborly! I TF you arc one ?frho?o who i * A. 'i. i W illiam Scores' Catalog of big I ^ bargains and have not rvwcivea | | it we are sorry. The reason is, j San amazing demand tor this book has exhausted our sup. rly. W c earnestly ask you to i borrow a catalog from one of our customers?the-* ?re '> in your comrouui^ ar.d we are sure they will $ oblige vou . . . and us. ? " Oi ni'iiricri r'"'i I e!p u. and sour lea* tortun - - loaning illc 111 \tii. c?t-i J 1 li>i .;?bilc. \\ c . uldnot forctor hr*w|tmt the , , d mind soulJ he t.?r this oui.t < av. J a? our Special &UJaututm r Sale 4 Caii'.x mill U puMuhed ?o ?ooa? Mav i m?im kirdlvpnitKtble r ?o print a :??h?ifHvottlichubook 5 b? * . c in. ipanil rat? catalog it out. WehavauJl the l>it bargain* that i h<*j mad* our catalog si popular * t.-.J created the hue* demand, but ? n . .~nuna??.lv we have no mora J However, if our old enmomE or..- ,J newer ce wall co-operaic with C i > i.'-. v ?ril render a real Ktvue to x. - id to their neighbors. t ' ?--vou. ? TV' J i... '.n: rs William Stores .New York City Inc. iality rice | f ore to final aar direct control of Company. >m Ford mines in om the Company's cky and West Vir<es from Ford glass m the Ford timber rth. Raw materials oducts are carried ny's own transports ovens, blast furtill, foundries and re part of this com>n. There are even taper mill, cement transform waste iseful by-products. y possible economy er no other circum>rd quality be had idership >-Syphon Cooling iable Lubrication Aotor Suspension Hsc-in-Oil Clutch r, MICHIGAN FORDOR FB SEDAN 10 *565 ricea F. O. B. Detroit EADERSHIP J' I

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