FRIDAY. MAY 7. 1925. Registered Jersey Cattle For Clay County 1 y evening: on the late I rain : (thirty-three) head of outstand'n? Perfection ( On Display at Our Sto them. They save you Prices 1 W. D. TOVW Complete Hou Murphy ? * Sli.vfni j um/ w coc Pdi am for* a r THEY used every methm frying to baking, and v about the Perfection. Kea< "Whether I broiled steak EJtatoes, the results were orer, famous Philadelphia Crisp Waffl* "My wafiies were light i brown," says Miss Allen, Boston School of Cookery, on a hot flame, with yellow high above the blue area." "I found the Perfection s reports Mrs. DeGraf, he counsellor. "I left a roast Is for hours. The flame n< No Scouring N: "Eggs a la King and broils delicious enough in them Miss Hall, nutrition exper delicious to the cook whoss need no scouring. Pcrfecti neys burn every drop of oil reaches the cooking. No STANDARD O Distributors PERI Oil Cook l K. War . ,4-v. wicks j with t | i "k ! . S. Sen ' 1 w, .. *?_c. THE SCO R. t Refc'stered Jersey Cattle were unloaded in the I.. &* N. <toi'<\v?rd for Clay County farmers. These arc very select cattle, heinp out of Resristei of .Me it Cattle. The rows pu-"ook Stoves re?Come in and seo both time and money ^ight JSON, Dealer se Furnisher . N. r ^nous ^ m )ktng exi rific Coast, Guff of Mexico, 1 Lake Michigan! Six o "most cooking experts havi igorous test of the Per ] of cooking from "I sing a Per ere enthusiastic gas," remark J what they say. science exper , - . . is of the same or rrench-fried fine," says Mrs. TesU cooking teacher. 1 he^e are jus es the six expert and beautifully director of I he "They cooked What does it r ftps IS inches buT a PerfKtio, ability tested at, ?o dependable," ~ me economics ^ee imb in the oven See the 1926 1 ;ver wavered.' All sizes, fron , , to a five-burnt eeaetl add your word jd tomatoes are when you coo selves," affirms t, "but twice as 2 kettle bottoms PERFECT] ion's long chimbefore the heat i soot or odor." IL COMPANY (Net ? 26 Broadway *New Yori 'ECTIC Stoves and O NING: Use only genuine Perfe on Perfection Stoves. They are m ed triangle. Others will cause tr< d for this Free Cook B CHEROKFE SCO utsTar Oi CHERG k. Li A s ?V. Gray, Aj;rnt Chfrckfe county j chased ar e Reeistcr of Merit cow . The basis for the above statement i I this: Col Getty?. the famous Tenr essee h*-? cderhas been a wir, i ner in many fair circuits even at th ! the silos : eing hivlt. ovcit . Itermu'onal Dairy sh-.w. h ?> \eloped th:s Ivoed. The cattle wr-r not bought out ? f Co!. Gets?4 here direct, bat torn his tv ?! r.oiehbo-s. svh" had < :;ii: ;< I to tie v?'lop h:- Mood. ("lay County has 1 een dairying foi t\v > years, end now fully rcal-te tr.? o;:|M*rtn i:y P? Ving. . - shown hj sown, pr.stuii* hurt ;.nd improved and the amount ?>f Soy beans cultivated Mi hay. The natural tendencj r ti e fnew Dairyman to follow is: A pno; sr. tide cow. a coram n grade ow. a select grade cow. a retris. tercd cow, and the very seleot -egistered cow. Tfct* -* ...... steps tr?at a g cat many iVirymtn -take U Dairy work, which the Cotinty Ager>: r?ali>.r>- is very expensive end unwise*. The Agent has put out his left to right? MISS ROSA MlCHABLlS. S I ^BON 1(111(1 k. I'htladelphio: MISS Lt) MRS. Hi LI H DUikAl. Sen Iranciue; V HaLU Hattle Creek; and MKS kA'IH B. )erts agt , New England, f the country's ? just completed fectiou Stove. fection is like cooking with ;s Mrs. \ uuniin, domestic t. And Miss Rosa Michael is opinion. ?d Cooking Ability it a few comments made by s, satisfied with only the best ment. They find the 1926 Perevery cooking requirement. nean to you??That when you i you get a stove with cooking id proved by experts. Perfections Today Perfections at any dealer's, i a one-burner model at *6.75 ;r range at *120.00. You will of praise to that of the experts k on the newest Perfection. Manufactured by ion Stovr Company Cleveland. Okie u Jersey) sis ~ 1^1 \ook ^^rrzj UT. MUHPHY. N. c. M NEWS < ID CLAY COUNTIES le d r y W. R. Anderton, Agent Clay Count/ s 'it-i f -.<' <-?> -? from the \f fi?: stagrc to In t at <?ne jump i. and h? efforts have been rewarded i-.:h? majcrity of the P jurymen - pi'"1 r : < r m <?f n; th? -e very r ? "?'. sro" in their lierd dathm . r v'v'-h to build. r? This - /.-t the bejrinnir.p of a treat ! pk.;e C'ay Count in : the fo:cf". nt r.f a breeder of fho . hiyhe-t :>/< T'.v-y rattle. The v ii! "y A^.-n: arr'ipatc? a move; men; : ns.rt f tr.t people for each I' ryn'ar? t obi'in for hint- i - -elf --.v'. : undatio-. rattle for hi? herd?. !: <*?-e th's mid : vt be i thrt* like :.tllo ?!', .il'J not ! L- :?:v. -rt'.-d into the C -unty. 'rejreal- i ' izes that thi- move v. ! ro a l??npr . va r.nkinc Clay County a I center * r the r Rev '-tvre<5 Paity . < Cattle in V."c5tr *" -rib Carolina. i At pr??=er.t i: i* r. t. ' -.t ie 'hat tr.c ! fl e milk i.ivv. -xn- rtvd ?>-.m Clay I ' i . i;:-ty ... t pc i"tr int.. nepv,t oirnp ani hi v.* v ?ndtrr.i!'y 'veil . j they p!er.:e. We hate ;?? e >;>r c?>? ! fr OrUaus: MRS. SARAH cy G. Alien. Hotrom; liss Margaret Alien Vaughn. Ltt Augtls*. fj "Ml I I ree "N. Clean, Even Cooking Heat The long chimneys of the Perfection burn every drop of the oil liefore it reaches the kettle. Thus you get clean, even cooking heat free from soot and smoke. You can be doubly sure of this sort of heat when you use a pure water-white Kerosene that hums cleanly, evenly and without odor ?"Standard" Kerosene. It is specially refined. AH impurities that might cause smoke or leave deposit* of soot are remov-d. This assures the maximum amount of heat. By sticking to "Standard" Kerosene you are sure of best results from your Perfection. Insist on It. You can buy it anywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. ( Ne*w Jersey) "STANDARD" KEROSENE ps lli / 1 Cm SECTION t c \vs go, hut we hope we are making a move not only to replace them, but to put better ones in their places and those who have been purchasers heietofore may rei?:rn and find even bette \ If this work k? eps on, we | are sure 'hat Clay County will he the let place to buy the highest type ' i f railchcow. The Agent especially appreciates j the fact that it is quite a sum to j pay $2800.00 for thirty-three head of cattle. and the bulk of them calves J and heifers. The fact stands just like this twenty-eight hundred dollars has gone out of Clay County into Tennnessee for this wonderful blood, but what couise of recovery do we save ? Twenty "ten gallon cans of LTcam" went out of this County last i week, worth over to hundred dollars j In four months the "Cream check"' would overpay by these cattle, leav j ng the skim milk and manure for | he wpen-e of feed and caring fori (This strip should run with Ad. No. 336) ^?^V-S^N In the Kitchen ) I \ 6 Famous Cooks ) DOLLING IJP THE HUMBLE POTATO Four Unusual Itecipes by Four Famous Cooks Don't think that after you've served p o t a t o e a mashed. | creamed, and fried you've put litem through all their paces. , You don't have to begin repeating the old s t o r v. There ' fl' wt many deg">?Tr lightful ways {j. *' of preparing fC K- the h u m b 1 e b a v e discov- i i.v.i.c we Cled. They actually glorify this homely American vegc- i table! i Tamalpais Potctoea Tpm.-Ipaiz i'oiatO"3. Doesn't the 1 very name make your mouth -valtr? I Tli'? delicious dish. pr?-par?*d from I'-ft-ovtr potatoes, !? a favorite with >'.-a. Iltlle Pe Graf. San Francisco ho nit economics counsellor ana \v r l* r. Chop r o 3 c.>ps cold hoi led potatoes. Add cup of cream, and salt end i opper to taite. Pack voiy solidly In bulter-.d custard cups, or mulhn pans. Set in a pan ill a very hot oven. Hake 3?> minutes, or until golden brown crust has formed will hold tlio potatoes ' together. Turn out In Individual ' molds. Baked Potato "Tipa" Mrs. Sarah T. Itorer, Philadelphia cooking expert, udd.i two or three artful touches to baked potatoes which make them taste unusually good. "After scrubbing large, perfect patriots. I soak thcin an hour in cold water." she says. "1 bake them on the upper grate of a medium oven, and turn them after "0 minute*. 1 let them bake Another half hour, or until they feel soft when pressed in a napkin. "Never try them with a fork, for this allows the steam to escape and Irakis th-.-m heavy. Serve In a napi. ti at once. "The secret of good naked potatoes is a slow oven; for n hot oven hardens the skin at once and makes the potatoes sop?ry." SR-. Stuffed and Browned Miss Margaret Allen llall. nutrl tlon expert at the Hattle Creek College ?.f llom<- l-Vonotiih'S. has a decided preference for stuffed potatoes She fixes thorn like this: C medium-sized potatoes h .*11D milk or t-renrv. 3 table spoonfuls butter 1 teaspoon salt Sflwt well-shaped potatoes about equal sIm. Bake until soft, then cut or break each potato at about the ' middle. Remove the content*, mash, add *alt. butter, ami sufficient cream or milk to cause the potato to beat . up light. When very light, flil skins J with the seasoned potato, piling It j up In irregular shapes. Set the j stuffed potatoes In oven a few minutes to brown. a la Pittsburgh t Mrs. Kats Brew Vaughn, horn* ! economic* director, of I.o* Angeles, j teaches cooking to lOO.Oue women j very year. Hsr Pittsburgh Pota- I toes are rich enough to serve as the | only cooked luncheon dl*h. she says. ' If served With a Rood saifeu thev , PACE TKRLE the cows. This blood will over be a fountain pourinir fourth a hundred percent dividend on the investment This order was made up by the Clay C, unty Dairyman and each animal was purchased according to order. Col. 0. L. Anderson, pioneer breeder of ('lay County, was selected to accompany the County Agent in search of these cattle. ('"I. Anderson was of the gi eat est assistance in select; ing these cattle, as he ha? a very definite idea of Registered Dairy Cattle of the best type. The gteatest care was taken to get the highest producing cows of the most pe feet type, regardless of loss in finding, or purchasing theiu. Clay < uipty feels proud that she - the first county to place a ear I- a-1 of such cattle among her farmers. The c has bee > v??i i?nu> or ?iiadc Cows imported into .?cvct a! countie- under like eondit:ons, hut not c.ii loads uf th? high type of registered rattle. WILLARI) K. ANHKKSON. County Agent. Mere Interest Now In Dairy Farming r ileicT, April 2G. -Inteve ; in ' f 1 *t,r ; oadiiy ir owing in Xnun Carolina as shown liy the refr i t of John A. Arey, in charge of deity exiensio i work a*. State ColiT.cfl During > <-?\.v-tostr'tr hssoei.ition were formed with hi dairy farmers 1.:*:; ? ? uws. I h> ( :issociilt <>ns we e located in ihin Forsyth. Wake and Dur i unties. 1 here arc now five tiii ?.iti- iis in the State. These ompiise 10?? herds and 2.722 cows. - 'u-.e of the associations, notahly the me in (lasti n and Mecklenburg ounties. are buying feeds and mixon rations at li.nne for the vows, during part of l*?2o the (iavtdnMeeklenhutg \bought cnVrnyiuiateVy ?""< of arnin and The better she ainpag:i carried m last year resulted in twelve coun,y agents put tine: on intensive enmaings and 250 pure bred dairy bulls ,vore placed. In 1924. only 49 such hulls were brought into the State. A '.otal of 221 cows were also placed n 192">. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years provide p ri-i!r?-us meal. Here is bvr reciyi 1 lb. potatoes 1 cup grated cheese 1 diced pimento H cup bread crumbs 4 tablespoons butter 2 tablespoons Hour i cup milk Salt and jw <[> r Dice potatoes a;:.I boil until reft. Put a layer of potato.* In baking d:?h. Sprinkle with grated cheese, salt, pepper, butter and chopped pinient'. *. Add another layer of viotatoes and rcp?at cheese and pimento. Pour "\er this one cup white sauce. Cuv? r with buttered bread crumb*. Bakt in oven until well browi i d on top. Prepare i .. while sauce by melting two tabu spoonfuls butter, and stirring in flour until smooth <2 lahU-spoonfi:isi. then add one cupful milk and salt and pepper. ? ? There you arel Four tempting potato recipes, all easy to prepare, favorites of four famous cooking specialists. Try them on your family. They will welcome these unique variations of the potato theme. (IVatrh nexl ier*k lor another in ferritinf cooking article. For Oil Stove User a Women who cook with oil will appreciate one of the newer oil J'0. ,' "pm *1 ,W|,h * reversible. ea?il> tilled gUn reservoir. The nand.M ?lo not come in contact with the kerosene at all. Whitens Hand* Fefore using rubber cloves sprinkle ?i?nr. "?dR ^ ou II ???<? them Cf.?r >.1 - K0I"OV1- fcnd your h*n?ls win be whitened. WAcn to Use Salt T*ndergroutn! vcgetftMos the roots or stems of plants. should l.c c. t *cd in boiling unaalted water. Th< y " h certain ..iniimt of v . . ,iy f.l.ri#v?huh ij hsrd'-n-d .-ait. Suit ilrn when ready to : "Top trroun?* v;. inht,.* , , rB peas, beans. .Shan ;.i.d ? .. r.s arc n? eh bet;. . K?-i >n K. .;r.*r, salted wat.r ? .. . t ..i y retain th.-lr color, ar.d t r C. . \.?r >a latens.fied.

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