' v.\. --e ref*-rjiajt : w - *.r. Li r. h;** ' i jt r.- ? -a < - .*h are ?n ; t;.' :*-r and :-.rr-- h - v; Tv ere a'.- ? i> f.jutd CHEROKEE MA. Theatre t> !l-* Hr,:r;. ' i. -.-oft -r. Sat "The Johns t >n Fi ...d." nduv. .McAt ... n "T Mad *1.:." Tu??!ay .. I a in* ! .}-. L' - *- i; r ...l;. jp ?:a\, Ma;. I " : \ nd T ' y the wonder h - "Th? Everla-ting Wh -per .Mr. a?..J Mi V. Bri:t turned M . t.- Black Mo;r t .> Aft?* vi>i* Ha?-:,r.an. T* : Mr.-. \V. A Br; - -v.:: reach ; . tonight. Mr I:.. ' ... Git.. i- tr. gue-t of her Mr-. Grace Co- tier. Mr. M. V i- h'.me again after an extended >*.a\ i- I I--r:ta. Mr. T. -J. Cjir;-who wa- inj.. trod in the mercantile business her a number of years' itg . hut now of Rutherford, N. < -tent several dayi'i town this week. Mr. H. D. Smith of Marshal. N'. C. -pent the \\. K-erM with his family Mr. and >! -. Leatherwood ar.d Mrs. Rniin iJi-ckery and children re turned home Saturday from Lento:! C'-.ty, Fin. FOR SALE Black Minorca eggs $100 i er M-ttr See .1. C. Bant <-oy. Rt. Murphy, N. C. ({7-at-pd.t Miss Grace McDonald of Grand \:ow, who is taking a business cours? i? ?t o - ... ..IH.AWI.C aii iy 1*11 outuraay ior i short visit wibh her mother, Mrs* T. j. McDonald. Today will note the departure ol Mr. J. W. Ferguson -Jr., for a visil with his parents. Col. and Mrs. J. W Ferguson of Wayncsville. After which he will ?> to Clevland, Ohio where he has accepted a position. During his residence in Murphy. Mr Ferguson made many friends, wh< regret to give him up. FOR RENT?Six small houses fo rent reasonably in the Bealtowi section. See Mrs. Frank D. Diekej City. 438-4t-d) Mr. Ben Gartrell spent the weei end with his family at the Patto House. ~~ Household S I must Sell within r Saturday, all my hou : l-.J: . 1 IUI illvl Uiill 12? I W U [ Davenette suite, Vi dining table and chair Reason for Se Prices right. A j Come at C. B. PA I 316 Peachtree St. I Next Door tc . i ' F - lor, ; v kri w. |k*y !?-" . better. oFACTURING CO. :ber Store ) C/J * -I ersoncil ? A. S Clarke) y Mt> i:. K. IJarch'y an ! 1-ttle aor. f Co[erhiJ are :?.? quests - , : t ::l . S ?r. :i!.d .Mr- , . \\ . i n. i nfat tulip- the pardon '-f : : Wi the ?.n'- estate in East hy, attracts t- e eye i rot ?risis 1 '^ctrr?T?. \ M? Withorspoon is ;? horticulturisti n.oun note and obtain- some dert 1.1 eftc.ts j: his planting. 1 v .'i.iri! Sinathc:> ha- | t> Andrew- : r a fortnight's . .-'t X V. i -I.cr.r.L. Tid'.wM. V. \ NT T ) .SEND?Sr.eriai price list t etery rr.an who is thinking of :;'ine u farm. It will pay you to' v I. : I have t> offer. Don't j : wri'e now. John Kimbro | Madi? .nville, l ean. i j .Mr. h. P. Hawkins made a busi-j; ness trip up the Southern Friday. j M:s. -James Palmer is improving after an attack of Tonsilitis. Her friends will be pleased to "earn. j Mrs. Giles Cover of Andrews at-j ,tended the democratic convention in J i Raleigh last week and was accom-l ; panied by Mr?. Hopkins uf Cleveland j . Ohio. . j After an extended visit with relaj'ivt in Ashevilie, Miss I)ela Meroney I returned home Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell and ?jy?-ung son, Albert of Newport, Tenn. 11 are the guests of Mis. Campbell's 1 parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brittain. Mrs. A. S. Clarke and little daugni ter Marion attended the Democratic : convention in Raleigh last week. FOR SALE?One National Cash Register Mahogany Color, Terms . to reliable party. Write M. F. Sessions, care the Cherokee Scout, Mur| phy. N. C. (.'l7-4t-pd> I Mr. Ellis, a mining engineer of I Tellico Plains. Tenn.. and Mr. P. A r Mauney of Kimsey motored to Ann ; drews Sunday. At one time Mr. Ellis . was a high official of the Tennessee Copper Corporation at Copperhili. .Mr. H. ( . Dirkev i.n<l II. C. .!r. n of C.-pperhill were in town a short I while Sunday. Goods For ale iext two days, Friday and sehold and Kitchen furni>eds, dresser, two rug.,, ctrolla, porch furniture, s, etc, all practically new. lling leaving town Bargain in every item. id get yours TTERSON Murphy, N. C. ? Leatherwood's ** THE CHEROKEE 5CC T . " ; F. - i u..U V: Lakes Mi-.it.n ] Bfcthc: r Q *Tt !. .. i-M SsaJt}' e.ninc Frar. Ms * * *- . : Mr . S* Peck Hyatt i :tury H .. .. . ke Pairr Ft< r??il ?I have three latv? r rr>. r.ewiy na*r-:e and Yji'-.U and same :: or. Vill t ret as ah 1 irt : .V' : . .''Ik". . S. Gil A XT, # F Murky. Mr. : ; M -. X I .vinjtf M 4 Ilunu f: v.Ies and Mis- < - r i :-d Gainesvil ? - 5 -r.fi .V-- M L. Esc > tkois. OhX. are visiting i ; at 1 ' : c>i-te. . II:'ert Tab*r. .? G:.;r. Ca . . iger of the N ! if I'.su . v i: a .y. v.. ? K-.e * > veek. Mr. * :;n FT lift ! X the Xali' .K-.l a sent at M s V j k fin i a nice line - h' ; HfL- ; !: i caps - n.en d ? ys at AXLEY'S CASH SVGIH2 lt-rd? Mr. II. IJ. Eil:??it and - -j. i < n j t'ip t.. Atlanta and i VaI.*-., ti ; v.. k t visit 1 X : " ill. They wi'J a J- visit a ne; : -v. . AI :in \ Ga.. ;. iiothc: and tor ; Gairre-'.-lie. while away. Mr I?'. i. < i . inter ar.d t ' chi" . \-zi in.i.i J \ . v.>{ ? -: the l ast i. nth v ith ti 1^ inJr - Hyde, and gi and father EHio .* I'eachtiee. returned the latter p.. ::i."t we-1. : . thei h?m(i in KnoxMr. H. F!. Elliott spent Thursd;.-. ::? h'.rne f ? W. K. John : : Marble. Mis* Willie Jefcnao ompnnied her home to spend the vitk. Lev. T. I.. Sa--e-r ret imed We i csy night fr'-m Louisville, Ky? vvhe .e went t- receive his degree of naster of Theol*. gy from the Southern baptist Seminary. KORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. In the Superior Couit lohn Nelson and James Page v?JM Gudger C. Ccthran NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND ATTACHMENT The defendant Gudger Cothran is notified that an action entitled as above has hgun by the above named plaintiffs against him as his sureties on a bond in the sum of OneThousand Dollars for his appearance at the March or Spring Term. 11*26, of this court, to answer certain charges of the State of N. C.. against him, lie having made default and fled the Country, to recover of him various sums of money, paid, laid out and expended hv the sai-l plaintiffs in their necessary efforts to capture and take the said Gundger Cothran amounting tto $439, tin the 31st day of March, 1926, for the purpose of surrendering him to the Sheriff of Cherokee County in their exoneration as sureties all of which appears from the complaint now on file in the office of said Clerk, and let said defendant take notice that if he fails to appear and answer the said complaint on or before June 4th., 1926. or within the time allowed by law. the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the lelief therein demanded, and the defendant is further notified that the plaintiffs shall apply to the Helpfulness to Others Man's Great Achievement The man whose picture appears here was in every sense oi the word helpful to mankind, as ?t was lie who gave to the ffe* $1 world Dr. V f?; Pierce's Golden Medical Discoverv which has brought restored ^ iSV1* health *? count" ^ffBS/yl >, Jf.\ less po.pie. One 3ff;* %;j woman says: "I V / wish to say that Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery with good results for 15 or 20 years and I have never known any medicine to beat it. I would adi vise any run-down man or woman to | take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis| covery."?Mrs. G. J. Douglass, Koutc 4, ' East Bend, N. C. All dealers. SEE DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS IN The Thief of Bagdad Bon-'ta Theatre Tues. and Wed. May 11th and 12th SEE DOUCLAS BRAVE The fire and daiTon, kingdor-iand principalities ! win the heart of the beautiful princess, who he carries away on the magic carpet. A fancial story of the Arabian Knights VU3PHY. N. C EXECUTION SALE F V I>y vjr". ro : . Vor. K\ * tre di e : by Cierk the Superior) i ' . ur: . : Cherokee C ..nty in an for i'.- purpose. * i.-.i-'-f/ivL- the c-xi- &n-i ' -- . M-:. ? C.-Js: H-- et ?; -1 1 dder f i <. Sf< a ce:t..::i J. r _ :-.rd i". CherokeN rth 1 .r llna, a::d beinej Lot N 11 B ck No. 10 in the j ? tA--; 1 ; 1--. May. li-26. I F: r. MOKIIOW. Slierifi ' kee County 1 Js Ycu' Health Slowly i. < - v. F-h 'd T: J the Caure and Correct it : L.th r,mk!r.;r you uny , unhappy? Ate you tired.. 1 i ;> Suffer -i.i'r'v j cache . i - rfceumatic _-7 Then k h t your k: 1- ' Tie kidney. are the blood- . - iv?*ik??n. the' I v ? i.;- . Yoj have diz-; ^ mu feel ;:1! worn-! L'm- Doan\- Piils a stimulant ! t the kidneys. Tr?usand-! iv.end P'ianV Here is convinc ir.tr j-r<?of: .Mr. Ti K. I. ftS. Whit.?ire St. Brev.i ii. N. ? .. s.?v>: "I felt all run! r-Avn, ivy ky> We'e . f r<ie: | and dizzy spells often can e over me <?i. 1 heard f l>? un's Pills and ^ ?t ; After u-ivar t' . I uaj rc-lc-aved.** Price fo?e, ut atH dealers. 1 n't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get j I)o?n*s Pills?the same that MtI.of lis had. Foster ?Mil hum * I vnv n.,r/.,i,. V V Couit f r leave to amend their -:???! i complaint, before final judgment in ! this cause, and incorporate therein ; any additional sums they may 1 forei-d to expend by reason of defen* dani breaching his said bone. The said Gudger Cothran i- also notified that a warrant of attachment has issued herein and is made ! returnable at the same time and place as the aforesaid summons which has been levied upon all of hi? right, title and intere?t in and to two certain tracts of land near Tapton in said County, one of which being Tract No. 81. purchased by him from F. L. Davis who purchased from one Berry Kelson, containing :10 or 40 acres, and the other tract being the one purchased by him ft >m H. D. Smith & K. B. Wells SMITH & WELLS Registered Engineers and Land Surveyois Phone 2422 MURPHY. N. C. \ f * IF , f - L. Davis who pur ha*ed from the :? . of H- V. McAaen. ieoeasH. W:ta<? E. E. Davit, Clerk of mid Qljldrer Cry fo: MOTT;;rr;' r i er-5 Cast. Ca.-::r Tcelhin rre; rs._ : . ... In taut. in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids ia t'.-f a iiiria.ti at Food.; Natural Sleep nitl Taavoif imrutions, look for t totlt ' "S. *' I 1.' .SI; DOUDON COUNTS EAST TE 223 acre=?0 iles f: t"?n, cr< ?-i l; > i creek i ottozn: remainder land, about 150 acre.' in cultivat U ,i:: iv a.: ; - fr ;c. dwelling and g -i young orch Price $30. lt>0 acres on pike?4 miles from ' crude :* land but rot fixed up. bear about 500 bushels this year OM style brick dwelling and nev ling. This is a fine location righ Price $30 i aero in jiwi'piwaier \ ane\ t larjre frame barn, erood orchard. One fourth mile off pike. Thro Price $50 100 acres of River Bottom, thre* from u;ood County Seat Town of Price $10< Address: JOE H. K Agent, Loud IUDSON Here is Masterful T Closed Car Cot Great Price s This is rite best Super-Six, the and the price is the lowest in at your ctcor w ith nothing el: below any car of comparable This combination of masterfu dosed car comforts lus cor.sti ship for the Coach as the \ k At Your Door?> ) HUDSON CO/ V Hudson Brougham $155( Hud i \ 4-? TYjVw include freight, fa-: and t, From and Rear Bumpeis; Autoi \ er. Rear View Mirror; Transn - MjMiur Jiiui(ci); it'.oto-.l ^ ^ Scop a*id Tail E. P. HAWKINS, Deale Murphy, N. C. jjjjjllj I FRIDAY. MAY 7 ?' 1 1 t ? . . ffi e in M.r ^ This May 1st.. EED^ ! 1 -ria is a harmless Substitute for g Drops and Soothing Syrups, anus and Children all ages of ' Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels promoting Cheerfulness, Res:, and tout Opiates Pi:> icuni everywhere recommrn.1 if. j { farms for sale :nnessee .*ek tluough farm and about 20 acre? ' >i in'm is roiling but is good strong ion. balance ir. timber. ' ume barn. >'.her out buiidings Spring 1 ard. 00 per acre T vvn. about 200 acres cleared good 1500 peach tree* 4 years old, will I frame barn. Fine spring at dwelt on main road. .00 per acre ood two story, 7 room dwelling, good land rolling but good, e miles from Town. .00 per acre '-fourths mile from pike, 8 miles 2500 people. Good Business Town. ).00 per acre .OLLOCK, Real Estate Ion, Tennessee -ggj COAC JHI Performance xvitb J t*juu$ unci I \dvantage | ; best Coach ever built, hist or)-. It is delivered ' se to pay at a price way quality. I performance, of great intly maintained leaderworld's Greatest Value. Nothing Pise to Pay i ^CH s1299 son 7-Pass. Sedan $1795 ' the fi'.lnwirg eqnitrnenX: made Windshield Clean >ission Lock (built-in); ileter; Combination I Light. Sttf

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