U- IT ISN'T IN THE SCOUT IT'S DECAUSE V.' DIDN'T KNOW IT The Official Cr^an VOLUME XXXVII. NO. 40. s. S. OFFICERS AND TEACHERS MEET AT MARBLE A vretine: of the officers and to "f the Baptist Sunday School? ! *j>f \Y -torn North Carolina Baptist A<- "ion will be held at Marble S|v Baptist church. Marble, X. <\ - n lay. May 23, 1926. Following is the program. fast time 1?L. a. m. Sonp and Praise led by W A. Adams and Hanjrintr Poir Choir 1 20 n. m. Temporary Organization. Election of Chairman and secretary for the I?av. Welcome VIdr< ? A. B. Hall. Superintendent Marti Soring? Sunday School. ! II on*e. TI. W. Carrincer, Supo?-. i-;.'T- greatly hoped that every school will be represented. T. L. SASSER, Acting Chairman Murphy, X. C. GARPETT IN JATI. CHARGED WITH DEATH M'CURRY Grayson Garrett, about 65 year? acre is in jail charped with the shoot inp to death of Gus McCurry on April :?Oth. The ^bor.iimr occuved at the home of McCurry two mile? noith of Unaka near the Tenno ^e line. Both men are said to have been drinkinp and the details of the affair are not. known. McCurry was about fifty years old and is survived by his wife and two, brothers, one of Rabun County. Ga.. and the other of Alabama. Garrett was taken into custody about two hours after the shootincr by Sheriff Morrow nvd is H jrrl nwaitinp trial. Tie is a native of Towns County. Ga. New Teur'"t For Bla'rsvil'e Blnir"villo. May I'b?!'?! iv '< is to have n new tourist hotel. Mr. L. T. Christopher and son are remodeling their store on the corner y of Main St.. and the Mu-phy hiph inpr and makinn it adaptable for hotel purposes. It wil contain forty rooms and will bo opened July 1st. Shoal Creek S. S. Convention Postponed r>ear Mr. Editor: Please announce in your paper that the Shoal Creek Sunday School Convention will be postponed from the 5th, Sunday in May until the 1st Sunday in June. With best wishes for the S;out f and the peonle it serves, T am Very truly your" R. L. Keenom. ^ Chm. Shoal Creek Township, Sunday; School Association. ; Cljf -ir.d Cherckee Blossom r v i * 5 ? ^SL* _ t fTfji "TRf5* * ^ WW?? ifevit. ri r'V ?Co-v:w. n. i;.> DECORATION DAY AT SHADY GROVE MAY 30 Two miles west of Culberson, N' C.. on the .'10th (National Decoration day) there will he a Decoration with other entertainments. At 9.30 a. 111. the meeting begins with preliminary services by singing, followed by welcome address by I. 1'. Hawkins At 10 o'clock Decoration begins followed at 11 o'clock bv preaching, alter which refreshments will he served. At 1 o'clock an oration by lawyer Bell of Murphy, X. C. A very large crowd is expected as usual at .k; ady tirove. This is one of the oldest communties anywhere in the ivunt'. y and has a very large cemetery that i well cared for. You are respect fully in\ ited. T. M. RICE, Char. Committee Des Rochers To Improve Property On Highway No. 10 H. Des Rochers, of Lemon City. Fla., auivcd several day* ago and i.. making preparation to iirprovt: '.e property bought last summer from George Hampton, on the Appalachian Scenic Highway and X. C. High p of the mountain, the clearing of tv.v or ra re acres for park and recreational purposes, to bo equipped with swings, benches and other park facilities. Streets will be laid out and set civ.! modern cottages' will be built, the material for which has already been ordered. "Mr. Des Rochers is organizing a Fir iida colony to occupy the cottage? during sura me'" and vacation seasons MARBLE Mr. S. E, I. vii.good who has been attending college at Marshill, X. C. home fo? the summer holul.?ys. i Dr. and .M -. K. E. Adams of Mu.. by wore wr;. pleasant callers at i. -me >? .M:. ::;:; >. B. If all. ~1 . ami X \rnold Bryson an-' .nee t" . birth of .? son. We are all glad t have Miss Osie S.uilh at home agar . Miss Smith has i f. .i teaching at Silir < i y, X. C. Sir.ging Ccr.vention At Culberson There will he a singing convention' at Culberson baptist church Sunday 'May 16th. There will be refresh-! 4? i * . it?n law. Court was is session for ?hree an?l a half days, with -Ijidtre W*. M. AnIov on the bench and Solicitor K, O. Christopher appearing for The convictions in ca:>ps f?r violation of the prohibition law follows* ' *?!. Poison, plea of guilty. $25 nni cost; rbb McClure, pica of guilty J? 100 and co>t; Ray Soles bee and Krra Hughes, car seized antl sold, $50 and cost, and deprived of driving for 12 ninths; It. L. Snriver, $50 and co-t>; Will Mathis. $10 and costs* George Orr, on three counts, thirty days in jail, and deprived of driving f'?r 12 months, appealed; Ed. Al?erv.athv. $10 antl costs; Howartl Murphy. $75 and costs; Waterman Wilie : months in jail, deprived of driving fir 12 month.-, appealed antl bond freed at Aud Wilson. -1 months. $">0 and costs, deprivetl of tlrivin.ir f r 12 months, prayer for judgment continued; Herman Elliott. 1 months $50 nr?l e- .-ts. deprived of driving for ?2 nu nth", appealed antl bond fixed ' $300; Sherman Hunter. I months . ppcaled and bond fixed at $300* I. F. Miller. 6 months, apealod ami bond fixed r.t $750; Charles Lenherg $25 and costs. George Pockery, charged with | lander. G months on the road, prayer t for judgment continued upon pay- J ment < f $50 an l cost. Appealed and j Bond fixed r.t $500. Wesley Bradley, carrying concealer' weapon, 4 months. $50 and costs ; ldgmcnt -us;--ended upon payment ci iiie antl costs. Sh.r . !!. Cole, ?\.r e-b. true :ng pubr * road. $15 and costs. inhn Stile-. with de*id!> weapon, costs. 1'. A. Anilc.vm. iarccny. 6 laont'is jiiu j.-- -. i.t suspended upon payment of COS is. Decoration Dav At Peachtree May 30th Doc*':. 'i.'T Pnv will be f-rvf ! at Reach t: with appropriate ?>:.?r-. . !ses by pla- i ;.rr flov.-er< on the graves of the departed. it was announced by G. A. Walsh member of the committee. Mr. W',*:l>h ?-tat??l Girt Sji? Hay. M ir 22 had been tie-' .-wanted as the day f.?r eler.niug off. he cemetery and all who wouftf. .-'noull gather ??n this date, for this purp. sr. Should Saturday. May 22nd. be hat! day for this work, Saturday May 2'.?th, will be the date, he an nounced. ment on the grand for ail who at-1 tend. Everybody is cordially invited j ROBERT BELL. * *!}!? p p & ?g Txewspapcr in '!v ' IJtlDAY. MAY 14, 19iC. Concrete ~ ^ '?^l: NEW BOARD OF CITY FATHERS TAKE OFFICE 1 Committees r.amed and T. W. Axlcy | Elected City Manager and Deputy Tax Collecto- t Mayor Frank S. Hill and his Board i i f Commissioners for the ensuing I year assumed their duties on Friday i rfi'.'fft. May 7th at the Mayor's office, the retiring Mayor, W. M. Fain, ad- ] ministering the oath of office. After ? tho retiring anil incoming Mayor and ( members of the two boards had ex- I changed greetings and pledged mutu- i al suport and good will, adjourn- i ment was taken until Monday night 1 May 10th, at which time the first < regular meeting of the new board 3 was held. At this first meeting. Commission < W. 1'. Odor.i was elected Mayor pro- ; ten;, and B. \V. Sipe Clerk to the i Board and Treasurer. The follow- 1 ing ci mmittec chairmen were then ( appointed by the Mayor: Streets 1 T. W. Davidson; Water and Cemetery 3 G. D Ledford; Finance, Traffic and 1 advertising, W. I*. Odom; Police and light contracts, J. G. Greene; Sani- 1 tary committee. J. W. McMillan. I?. M. Birchfield was elected Chief Police and Tax Collector. T. W. Axley was named city manager and ' deputy tax colector and will assume'his duties of the loth of the month 1 He will also assume the dutu s of the water superintendent. Gill Neely was retained t?? have charge of the out-j side work on the water system. Sidney PcndJey was elected fire chief and. Fred Johnson assistant fire chief. These two were authorized to elect 1G members of the volunteer-1 tire department. Attorney John I! | ni!lavd was elected city attorney for | the present year. The regular meeting night of the board was fixed as he second Thursday night in the { onth. The new Mayor in assuming his d-.t r- pledged himself and Board t? .' > nil in their powc to suppress , crime and enforce all the laws of state and ord'.ances of the hoar'J r.nd in every way possible to advance ] the civic and business intcre.-t of the : ?ommunity. 1 MRS. STALCUP DIED A THOME NEAP. BELLEVIEW Mrs. W T. Stale up, -10, died af " ' -r hnear Bclleview '1 tesday ' May f?, after an illness of about n | year. Funeral services were conducted or, Wedensday by Revs. Martin and , N'ob'.c, and interment was in Martin*" Creek Cemetery. Mis. Stalcnp was a fine woman | and loved by all who knew her. Shc| is survived by her husband, two son and one daughter, and several bro-J thc-rs and sistes. seciion of Western No 'lumber Stills Captured Recently By Officers County officers have been playing* lavr.c with the moonshiner# recently y destroying many outfits of thi i:.;> .rontly flourishing business. On April 2ro.h, Sheriff B. l?. M?.row and Deputy Jam? > Morrow can ire-: u complete fifty gallon outfit lose to the Tennessee line near Far-, per, and destroyed a thousand gallon? f beer and mash. The outfit had ?een operated the night before, but deserted when the officers found 1 t. Deputy Sheriff John and Fred ' Faylor recently captured a forty gal- ' on till and destroyed about 2,000 ^ rations of beer and mash in what is mown as the Fowler Bend, some ten ( niles below Murphy. No arrests were pade. Deputy Sheriff Bell recently trought iti twn utfit> taken in Hothouse Township close to the Tenressf>e line at Isabella. Th( two were >f thirty and forty gallon capacities ind a lot of beer and mash destroved i 5enior Class Play Friday, May 14th The senior cla.-> play, entitled "A1 :he End of t.hc Rainbow/' will he given at the school auditorium Frilay evening. May 1 4th. It is a come-! ,iy ? f college life in three acts. The scenes of the play are laid in t college town. The students are practicing for a football game with a rival college team and much interest n the outcome is shown. It develops that Douglas Brown, a football expert from another college, is in town >n busines sconnectetl with bis father's estate, and t?- distract attention uitcrs this college, l'hilis induces him to consent to play with the team it the request of the captain, a love romance being created thereby. Robert l'reston. a lawyer secretly loves Marion Dayton, his ward, and die reciprocates. He intrusts the combination of his safe to her and I ells her of a pocket of important capers therein. Louise Ross and her not her, Mrs Brown, stepmother of [louglas, learns that a second will lisinheritinc thorn i? fm?ml ??,! 5=1 mong the papers in Preston's safe rhey plot to ol>tain possession of the locuments at a mask ball given by Marion. Louise wears a costume identical with that of Marion's. de;eives Preston, learns from him the combination of the safe, obtains the r.apers by the aid of Jack Austin, unnvare of the fact that the original pocket has been removed by Preston and other documents substituted. The "Imp" a girl student , sees and recognizes her. Pretson enters and recognizes lack, who is assisting Louise in the belief that she is Marion, and convinced that Jack meditates robbery upbraids him. Marion enters and comprehending the situation as she fancies, she shields Jack by assuming the guilt. His innocence is finally established by the "Imp," who exposes Louise. Meanwhile Douglas vins the game fonn Uio ?? * .... v.?v uKuic iHi^jmai ior ICij pled Children, of Gastonia, and M iss Enieth Tuttle, Director of the Children's Bureau of the State Board f Charities and Public Welfare Mi - Elizabeth G. Smith, county superintendent of public welfare in Cherokee County, wa- in charge of ;he clinic, which included Cherokee Clay, Swain, Graham and Macon Counties. The number of children examined from the different counties follows* Cherokee, f lay, 12; Graham,3* Swain, 1; Macon,1. One applicant from Georgia was examined, which brines the total up to fifty-one. Ti < !: 'fication of the cases follows: Private ca-vs, ; hopeless case? I; nuivhor signed plication for State Hoit;t for Cripple children r od pi i . n waiting list, 10; old > lii-tni d fiom hospital, 2; advised t? report at next nearby clinic, t. Those in charge of and conducting the c'.ini' expre?ed appreciation to the Murph\ Methodist Church for* tin- u- of the parlors ?.f the church in holding the rlinic, and were well leased with the aeration given by the '.alio- and citizens of the town The laidies of the Methodist, Prcsbyterian and Baptist churches, and the Woman's Club served free lunche? to about 170 people in attendance, and those attending expressed their appreciation of the lunches and courtesies and kindnesses shown. LIONS BANQUET AT M.E. CHURCH TUESDAY NIGHT The Lions Club hehl the regulaf monthly meeting at the Methodist* Church Tuesday niaht. The banquet was served in the parlors by the women of the church. Thirteen niemhevs were present, and E. C. Moore Third Vive-President presided in the absence of President Fain. The club voted $1.1.1)0 to the superintendent of the local school to offer as prize money in the declamation and recitation contests at the close of this scholastic year. This amount supplemented $">.00 personally donated by Don Witherspoon and $10.00 by .r. L. Brown, of the Asheville Lions, making a total of $30.. It was brought to the attention of the club that cars were being dirven recklessly through the school district especially during the hours that pupils are going to and from school, and we*--. ked to lend their co-operation to the end that the lives of the school children might not be jeopardized. The h. ;:r was very pleasantly -pent. Don Witherspoon and Joe Storey kept the crowd in an uproar by their jokes and witticisms, and the : ion : .mer was kept busy col' looting t'i -. At the c nelusion the tdii v.i :c given a vote of thanks JVr :i.e lendid banquet served. FACTORY TOWN NEWS The Ilev. Thomas T itett will start a revival rvice at the second Baptist church of M rphy Sunday night, the 10th. Everybody cordially invited from all other churches, to attend. Mr. IL A. Manvss from Mineral Bluff. Ca., was the guest of Mr. .T. A. Kiel Saturday night. Mr. *00 Hodden returned Back Sunday n . ht from a visit to tiastoaia, N. C. Mis. Mae Kith was the guest of Mi -. :e'v Matt hers Sunday. M Wl'hrow left last week ' 'V i he re she will recide. line \ Mai J with a Taste fof 1 1;. 'urc. Winifred Burns. Mrs. Rrown, Step Mother of Douglas Brown. Menicc Payne. 1' > I', u. 1.1 ,1 Ernest, Molly Bruso. M ijoriee Arm hi, of the Thett I'hi Km?gcne Axley. Nettie Haw* '.ins. I'ruline Martin, Bessie Crain. 1 Robert Preston, A lawyer, B. W,