PAGE EIGHT I AffniiliT'ews Prof- and . 1 \ hole an-i j ^on are m -ill ? Rica, G a I visit t hi*: p t Mrs G. B. Hobliizcl wad ..u ig}. ter. Fannie S m . hn*-c r.v! f?v a visit with relatives in i a si fc-unessec*. One of the its! t a n the hi:tory <.f the local ?cb . 1. close Monday I?k;hc when <>}" sixteen graduated. lit.. ' tJ. 'Jiurch, pastor of the ioc -1 Methodist church, delivered the - ireate sermon Sunday mon:in J. G. \ !en. Supeiintended tht Am.c.v public is, deliv 1 red the ' a. eal-i aurate address on ?Si:? .lay eve-.: tMedals wei a.vardt ing: Mildred Burke . ?? > r ks- ; valedictoi ian. vVinni; ioir tiey expression. Mr- V. !> . ... Will. Witlkvr. ! - dec t : c?*t. test. The ass >11 follows Mildred B'aiker, Ruth Hat arn. Josephine Bradley, llati. I it-war, Zeima Giiiespie, Os >r llamk a. MaggieHarris, France Mas'-1 "Jit:. Willi- I fred Lut.-\ ' 1 an j dance I'aiithi- . V cnuh R< (*> . . au! ine Kuwland, W 1 U .vlket, Cl)i<- I Whitakci. Hi Id ict; Wt u .. Mis> Martha (iiass. uth ?':? *. arrived Sunda\ t?- -.ini stn t -am iir Andrew--. Mi.- < (r A .. n j A! wards. Mary and I i-t a ?n . 1 Messr-. Bru . li. - . Ut MOTHER! Fletcher's Castor Castor Oil. Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p Natural Sleep with< To avoitl i: .i:r ?y> look for th Proven dir. >i. S 'J ? fcg'i'U When It Is a Jal Hie lastcst e< making repairs last i he Tire itse satisfaction wi t . GARAGE AT B ! MURPH e II Rel HKe. s Lcai!ls i\? i : . u cajn?>ir.u' to Hocpf\iid ..iis .vcek .. . r < Hirs? ?- ? ii, \itii-v;.; . r'jr.-t ..f til - cv . : .> ''i;i s - ?<,-;* fjfti - - . : . \ t >'v- M.t,. I !??.. ar tf.jf.ts Mr. Porte* i ;.m. Mu? 1. . *a< ; buMri-5.-. into- bftf >:?. tiny this v. oi-k. in- i : ijinjr Kxtract : gall ix-ratMH? Monday . :. rr -vir: ' ( < ri dravn . , f I - M!c?:. lM| ' . . hi- Wi J -rir!> i:av?- < u-r from "roll#!" ?? t. nil \ Mi use Hhi t!i, dfotfj mi S< rr !! st???] : roiit t!.i - . V.. < en>Uim: omO: p. v : I ii ii?;ijriin. to Mutshy I :r mttrniu-t ins? fiS?n ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, am and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness, "Rest, p^d out Opiates ^ e signature of Physicians everywhere recommend M? 3 of Tire Work ifely Trust Shop " uipment for that will outIf, assures you th our work. ilELDS EALBRANCH Y, N. C. -J THF CHFROKEE SCC ~ ? ? Zero lours of Autc Accident '-r^ . > -,y . y ^ 4:1.4 P OM ' i> ??f 4 - i' ^'rwispt-Wnruer > f?!lt . i ccilriHl ht'tw II at - or ill the lioiiii* th?* children's rem I ' ? !' ' 1 : -1 -n 1.V J \??sir j :'IIW * danceran - mi! <. I : < rd Rightv *i\ . f 'i TO Ct EAN i TF OLD CEMETERY ??f ' M.E. Church are I iirc-ptiiing to rlpati off thi cetnctfii) J ..will begin ^ uay tit 1 *>t 1? anil continue i t ' 1 ? > are rete?v : "otii 'iiniicy lu- j v t M, . ! It. Norx II. ' ' '' '?*i?*x*#?t to have their ^ "! v" P?s ro ISRF. N5XT WEEK , tieatiiMl by . '! at Ok* roar I :> in\ on Mr' -r?| ,!' ',!ltr?!. t; * ")!c of this -oetion. J t| jiinu to ?" to. th? oil th? ;{. | t 'wax UT, MURPHY, N. C. _ ; mobile s. 4, 5 and 8 P. M. -1 CO j Wi:. K.* ,-fcr^pli.i, ? * M 8:00 P M. < !? 11.7ST. auto ucchk-nts lu?t year, iiifc-ty C'Miudl for tin? prevention ??f live and ?i\ oViiM-k. Just nin?n lg rush Only 47 ??f tti?-.?c 1.0CM) in I 1 pro Thirty-three of tin- ijrj cltiMrra In uHef at four oTN>. k. plnylu;* In fie in f?>r uluit unto fatalities. utling ?.*Vt ; itlia o. - nrrpil around the once well under way. I he museum al liraestown will noiiM- ?|iu?i*it article.-* which have been iuiiding>. The work is going fox ward at a -ojisoa:.hie rate, hut only a- fast as here is the demand. The additional iuildii :: will he built as response r th< ,h ?f the section make hem a>. cvary. It will not he a iiu ; room growth for the expei u >f the '.voikeis will insure prciuan- j u*> the work roe.- f? ward. At 1 re-cut there are four residents at he home on the farm and other kw ill < ; dded as they may >e needed The residents are now Mi rely occupied in directing the ru*i*. .lie- . !' the men of the commumv in *he building of farm opc-atioris. ] ; rho work is being financed by the J I hi:.' Vteiian. Klliscolml. ;?n?t f'hrin. I ,:vi Church Home M? sion Boards j a" tin- Southern Appalachians and j : lias- iin* moral iipport of all the ] he watched with interest?an interest ilready manifested ill the numerous nquiries received by Mrs. Campbell ind by the visitors from distant secions who come to Brasstown to inT INSTRUCTS ) mural artist, in his studio at the on grounds In Philadelphia, where declaration of Independence will he 1 is year, giving instructions to a group : J "Rainbow City." Mr. Dodgo is the i ry bit of color work docs most bs 1 $tigate The folk school foundation Those who live and work in th h?.ul will be ai.'embers i f the com unity with a -hare and stake in th mmunitv life. says Mrx Campbell rhe ultimate form which the Joh Campbell Folk School is to tak List go under the community need, e states. "Such a growth will o cesaity he slow, its direction un artered and conceivably urexpect . hut we who have seen abrom e vitality of the principle? upoi rich the folk school rests and ar tinfied as to their fundamental rhtness, have faith to believe tha rail Lr \J IT TO M Urdc \ CANVAS 1 yl S.-'nc Week *" Monc Cooke P^O ' THE PLAYS: rWite in ] Turn of Good foi No _ . , Paid The Man 1 T he Co HE VAUDEV1L Magic, My Musk, Sax T'i'sda;-' A?nal Al\vay> a clean. enjov-iMe ente: ever , 1'u'l ?! sur puses. 'vors C( distinguishes, in other words. I J Iween acquiring: and developing. It I n does not t'-y to assume rcsponsibili- I e tv for local chanpes, but to awaken I 1 that desire for better life which is I t thr- only sound basis for charge." 3 HNS URFHY Vatsrproof THEATRE Commencing 1 A lay, June Players GRAM Name Only The Road itViing Husband In Full From Texas untry Girl LE stery, Singing. Dancing, Comedy, ! uphone Trombone. All new. teur Night Contest t:\ir.inent and this year better than Curtain at 8 , Adults 35c. es 12 years, 15c. EATS 15c EXTRA N EVERY NIGHT r Finished quipped rial Coupe is referred to as t includes every item of tat could possibly accenr and comfort: 1 bumpers, front and rear; tor shell; rear view mirhield wiper; scuff plates; j iral wood wheels ? diae J ly finished in tartan green :he yellow stripe; upper with glossy oven-baked hields. Spanish leather?grayish on all steel safety pillars I ' other attractive features* Coupe .... $845 Sedan 895 DETROIT . L Dealer Phone 37 1ROTHE-RS CARS