9. 1926 HEjherhe^ !a?^B7niss cue 1F^ 3HHV- sues a / R ^ rTrsHis THE ,/ d THAT ABEAL , ?? VOL LIKES TO 5UHB JOfCi P-STILL .IB I flOE Ker a Wil WE A BEAcTv -THE8ES * >., f? TO COAS'tLE.11? 1 X<><^ ^3! NOTICE t .! WMF V > r. K ugain-t t m to lh>- u; -utmuiu ?l on |^^st .: . -I inIn ] ?.i iv.l m ,.i Juno a^)|i^^^^i^Bt'KKV.t-'iili'i'! :.. N ? . ^Hpm?,>" :&^Hl3-Gt-pd) mm NOTl< sgsbkni cakolin \ County. In tin Supes -r the |^H Administratri\ of the '.-'ate < ; K. Hy-D. Dirk . Hp IiavinfJqui B of the K K ceased, Bm^-. Nor: ^jnMrit>ns having claims against the in ceased to exhibit on befote the 12th c- 11)27 this n< tiee p adc<i in bar of their leMIBm^H per :is indebted to said estate m m payment to the undersigned. A DICKEY. Adminisg&MPof e Estate of K. D. Dickey, ed. \K('MN.\ < h. rokee 'll l^'e Superior Court. fon Supply Company. \ Construction Company 3 Spndence Indemnity I'ninPgS^H 5- . "^nendants. ^ Creditors am! others win-* interested of The N'nntaha.:i'fi-Mi an? here' notified thai tlu> ' in S iperior Court. Cl.o^^^^^Hnounly by the Na: tahala JflPB^on Com pan ami whit the p\a'vr 1 d' Indemnity Company liable as ^BkTy of the Nan tahala Construction ^^Htfpany, which said a- tiun is now s^^Bdng in the Superior Court |,.Sol(ce County. action above mentioned is inBButed against the Independent jjBfciemnity Co. to recover upon a bond . W jtcuted by the Nantah ^ Bfiflliany as principal and InIndemnity Company a- j the construction of a road ^Ej^^^^^Vprojet t No. ??80, from Top. IR^T/ * S-> to Almond, N. C. under -- I t with the State Highway iission, the- said bond being con/r>ed for the payment of all maJrial and supplies furinshed and used ... t ?.?<isuui.iu)ii ui sum roaa. This June 16. 1D26. ANGLO-SAXON SUPPLY CO. By 1). Withmerspoon, (By) D. WITHKRSPOON. ? . Attorney. UV4t-W.) NOTICE I hereby announce myself as a I Office N. Primary favors me HH^Kd ^BTORIA , IHH^^^Bfantx and Children B^^HPor Over 30 Years \ ^R'^zW-ss j lDS vNMV 5EAO 'V ' V Mtrr *"C AT ;iv i ' ' ' J CbAMD iWyg LUNOU j i If*?~-t?Cl<r* i I i. ^ S~3 ? > i - - L~~* - '<s e> <^1iht CHEROKLil BANK IVturpUy, m the Stair oi North Carolina, at ihf- <_iosc at bufirrsi Jun. ioth, KKSUURC ES .. -h in va.ai; and iiv, .imcunt> ?lut| from t. . Uanki . , .<i i t ' j.. V ' '!>. I So.-i ( a-ll fljj.i over l: ? ho ! iGO. < ii ;ti ? ? -;! !Il?; . _'?) J fO i Ai, LIABILITIES . ' Lnu.viilt .1 i l l,-, it.-.- ?. urrebt ami vjliil. i; I '?*;> .< - I I;.;. K- . . i.UMvfl ami Tutsi ? mriMnit- *,2 :0.ir. Ji>.? .1 t?? < lndi\ miai 112.uaLOO Demand < tilioat?-s . * Deposit i'.7,y'iS.4> < a-hu :< he. i. ustanding 1.193.00 TOT W Stall . N. iti; Carolina? County of < i:v* July 7th, 1020. I, J. Li. .. < i t?f the abovi named I in ik. . solemnly -wear that the . " ve tat* nient i- Irue to the best hi n;\ kiii'\vle(iir?- and belief, J. B. >TOREY. Cashim .'orre. t?Atte-t: FKEU AIOORi: L. ,\ DAVIDSON J. A DAVIDSON P .L H. Met ALL.. I Notary Fobl I A "Correct" Likent ??** 'S>T^ -2W7 ~ -i ' it This nerolc statue of the couimamb Jnited State, am ; made for the city of P? red ther*. by th# artist. The*western >es<|ul-Centt^in?al International Expos iti< ind continuing until De< ember 1, to celeb, nee. At the t, ?t of the sculpture is sh )r. Henry Wald* 1'c.e, of Portland, decl? Ikeness of WaahruKfon ever modeled. . THE CHEROKEE J Br L. F. Vm 7.?* _ . V4MHY-1 WXHT ?T-H 7, frfc7 r v . cuarf VJ tNV.C\V SECQc.TAC.Y- '? j ^ I zC")! 5V--s ?' -5c ' ? /C S i 1 v y ,.v*L <f > A re *? % \ . V . ! '^^SsA \ - :f^ i fefH m- hi ?.: T-' I ( Til S3. I II JL!S \ liv.. O! DELINQUENT TOW4-. I AX SALE 1 ... . ;!" . iisfying thi f -Vi4i. . v. \ <- 1 th?- mulct Mgr. ' \lH~ tl ighf^t chp -*j?. f th? j. \ (! ( v\ . N, ' 11 Men . ! . !:>._ loiiowing Jr., - i ... - J ? L . lll.oil ! .-v.n. 11 1 au.fC i.< y. r? ! *. 2f>.tui ... r J : . W. I*- I i t 11.3.1 i i.'i; - . .. . l\ ! ! .1 >: ! 2.???l I - 1. ft. I . 1 I t--, Ms I .a t Isdt !!.">.Illl r\ J. 1 i i. I , . w. I.. I : l . in 1 . \V. M > 1 L'j.un l a-!:. !. K. 1 ; ; .?5.00 ,c<! lUf- ?V I '? JT..?0 i > J. .! Lot - 4..V? \\ i .,ts -1 I.J* ; i ..i 517 5 . L Lot ;.:?i) ii.-Vl. li. 1...? 1 : 1 ' 11 -"I w ! 'I' 1: I i ; I'.:.-, I' I I (1.0(11 - L*?t> Mu.ool " 1 l - l? 65.78 | << ore Hani' '>00.001 ' ^ . r .wii lav I Hector. ss of Was! M^ton ?r-in-cbief of the first armies of th? rtJaml. Oregon, though not yet delivmunlcipulity has loaned it to the in, opening in Philadelphia June 1 rate ir.o years of American Independown Pompco roppini. the sculptor, res the face to be the most correct ! r? ..Ufri * ?^ BB wBganggL , ^ SCOUT. MURPHY, N. C. da ArtmwcH- r ?? ?~ ^7 YES-Htx> f-W^Y 5f '^ ^7 A*OW.MtSS GLO ~-~- ~ j M?SS CXJC^EW U)tl ^ OVER HER 1 f~i?^O^00 AT ?*C* J* I i KS^Pr : ^ i ir ii . LACIURLE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. T. ? it ringer ar Mi Maine and Wayne motored K"i.llll vill?. >><?jv.!.. % Mr . George Miller, of Bryson i'it ... < .. i< itpt'iiding a few days wii telative and fliends hero. Ali:- Claudia Sudderth visited rt ative- at Marble last week. Mr. and Mi- (!i?orge i'ayne, ? i iI'fih.dl. Tomi.. are visiting hi parents All. and Mi.. Henry Cris this Week. >i.. < nl\er Carringer, of Matyvil lenn., m ited hi- parents. Mr. ar - i! i. ? . Carriuger over the wool end. Mi-. Hall, of Englowood, Tenn.. ( spending a few days with het Mr. John Hall. Mi. and Mis. George Payne a:i Mr.. Henry Ciisp motored t Hoi binsville Saturday. Mr. John MoTaggert is visiting re ative- at Hayesvilie this week. Mr. Harden Dye anil family, o Mastonia are visiting friends an relatives here this week. Misses Mae and Meb Sudderth ei tertained a few friends with a part Thursday night of last week. \t; i --- " ..vuiiit :iiiu neien numiuoi Ellen Woodard, Tom and Pcto Fishe i Andrew, visited Mr. and Mrs. P?i \Y. odard last week. " The Chicken Fry given by Mr. an Mrs Pat Woodard Thursday night c week was enjoyed by those pres eat. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the provisions of deed of trust dated April 28th, 192f and registered in Clay County North Carolina, April 28, 192 in boo-1 c'/I bif is wo? /i i > \r~:*tr o A L W A ll1l I ?^ r~7 [ACT/ / vxxi sicotUj zw r-, SS.?- ,'MiM WOTxseXAI ^ C Tu?* I W*D > 5 H 1(>J To \IWOJ<SUT. Til C | IK I of Mortgage Deeds, page 11'I. ftvil i Klyssic Mat tin and husband, V. ltd Martin, to Jhn Thompson to seeur to $627.OU due by note, the undcraigi ...I will w.ll ... ' ---* - - ..... v.? ?n mi- * iiuri ionise <lo*j in Hayesvilk- on Saturday the 31> ty day of July. 11)26, to the highest bh ih der for cash the following lands :-iti ate in Hayesvilk* and Sweetwuii Township, Clay County, North Can I- lina, to-wit: Adjoining the lauds of Early Ar, derson and S. I.. Williams, I'. 1U f bert, F. 1*. Cover & Sons. Inc., an *r others, being the lands described i a deed from W. A. Hedden and wift ; Edna Hedden and J. A. Hedden an< wife, Anna Hedden. to Flossie Mar le tin, dated the 2Gth day <>f Decern ul her. 1922. and registered in the of k- five of the Register of Deeds of Ciaj County in Deed Hook 'V" page l.">; t MMj., referen< e to which is here < by made for mo e complete ties rri|'tion, being Flossie Martin's one half of the M. A. Hodden hmne tarm said sale is made to alisfy amoun i due by said itp.D- ?vhic)i will Ik announced on the day of .de, de fault having been i ;?<! in the pay merit thereof. I This July 1st. 1920. JOHN* THOMPSON, \47-4t-t > M< leasee ?f , _ d NOHCE ?SALE REAL y deed of trust IU.'ld^^BUH^Rj9E9 II ux to the 4th, day of Angi^^BBBBEj^Ws ,r deed of ti ust is oi^^^HHBEaraffl it tor's office of 7 having been ma^H^9Hj^HBkK9 the .. made, the ' 'clock offer fr^nj9flHB^Hran?9j ''^''WDBSSmmh w owned by C'iSHBBBBHh^EQBKd J * z/ in the Ju ih two in th \ 1 "Take off-brands of oline for example, may be gobd or bad. why use something don't know anyt ^bout and run the ri \V/Bill sorts of trou ^^yhen right at your 'l^^^^^^verywhere i *2 WBH n by an alley; on the South by ;>nd on "the West by W. .1 of ' JHBH i- .Same beinir purchase by li'icjp ii Kvans in 191K form i". M. Jenkins st ..tul recorded in the Rt-? istur k A -> iM i- in plot surveyed by W." C, SttwUH^HH i as shown by map dated -Hdv, IP 12. Said map being A hn-trad-Morrow Realty Dated and posted this d : \ of .Iune, 192C. ^ n 1) H. TIbLITT, . t ld-U-t; ' %^f$j County of Cherokee: A! ;: "i Notice is hereby given Queen, Ornal Queen, Nina Seymour, and M Fob en. heirs in common, damnation proceedings will C.. - ' 1 i "!.ec CounM^^^^I on the property .i.u-ci heirs, located* 5M| <.f Slow Creek in the school cupied bj the County. nnd-V|H$^^:fia? S'mw Creek School. This the Sth day pi J (Signed) J. F. ( hainnan County A. L. MARTIN, '1 >MggS|? maa^u^n incf Ml y flHHmMn gas- jBHBBBMjffffM rhe? mhwI But JHflHmjBg you M^^^BBEbHbEShI hin^^flHHH sk of blePjfl^HBHHjgE

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