FRIDAY. JULY 16. 1926 j Social anc ^ (Cditrd By Mr*. VLEaAN I >Elt?CLARKE 1 A IvE PLAC E mi> .:uk of great beauty and im^ simplicity was that oi Mia tuytn li.ande Clarke, to Mr. Paul gag*;. Alexander, whiuh took place to n. morning, at 10 o'clock. The cer 'iio iy was performed at thv: I incite > ::.:use, at Murphy, the home of tfc? de s giundmother, Mrs. Net ue Iht.-. with Dr. J\ L. Saaser, ot'gc.*ticK. The i Iii=s Kdyia Clark, and Mr. i .ml Eugene Alexundc. which was so mmzed Sunday morn- < i..g ut 10 o clock m the pai.ors oi j u.e Dickey Hc-iC. Rev. 1. L. Sasser ' i o? the Baptist Churcr. officiating. :i A j.u'a. was attached to j the 'iatc anu , Ace tat* chose foi J nor wedair.g. Her father aud mothe , 1 .gated tntir troth in this pario. ( at the same hoar twenty-nine \ear. ago. I he aiTair v. as maikcd with elegan .simplicity, than wni.-h there is noth uig moie impressive. ine br.oe 1? the only daughter o. Mrs. Dickey Clarke and the i.?te Mr. John Clarke, and is one o. .?orth Carolina's most favored d.u-ji ghtera. v\ ith beauty oi i*ce enhanc 11 eu uy u xaie mcntu.*ty and : ol disposition. Sue was graduated from Agne Scott Codege at Decatur, Oa., anu received her M. A. uegr.e from coiurubia university. Mr. Aiexaiuler is a prominent realtor of Ashevilie. After a hcney moon spent at point of interest in me mountains, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander will be at home 133 Asheland avenue, Ashevilie. MRS. H.tbi.KV EN IERTA1NED A social affair enjoyed by the very young set last wee* was the party, airs, ilud.ev D.ckey entertained a>. her home lhur-uay afternoon in eel ebration of the third birthday anniversary ol her young sou, John Dick . ey. A dainty color scheme was eifect. ively carried out in the decoration, and refreshments. Out door games were enjoyed alter wnich pink aim white cream uuu case were served. it.e guest hat included, liu.h Saecu Surah \> uhcispoon, and Mar gar el Join, sou, Ki.zaoetu f'arkei. Jus and l ied JoiUbun Jr., Ernest..m ttiauis, Mui.on Cturke, Elizabeth ana rtaus EiCiu, Marion Axiey, Ll.zaucth i-1 aiinlu;, Jenn.e Lee i- raiifciin, Alaiy tUUnryn --vXKy, Jack Lai tun Amn iom iavunso.., lac-aid di&uney, Joe Mi.*er LlKiiio, r ranees dir.s tocher, * ranees Kuinchart, .\cLte, F.auceana \ lig.i.ia lLckcy. Mrs. Cari uo^ua is ill at her home I tr.cuus Will ue grieved to learn. Mr. B.rt Cape left Tuesday for an j cxtenaea slay in K emu wick, vVasn. | Mr. Lesi.e is ill at his home, Suffering itom an attack of pneumonia. Mis. L. C. Hector, of Granite Falls, ariived Monday night lor a visit with her mother, Mis. Enzabeth Posey. Mr. Buddy Ciaike has been in Murphy for sevcial days having gone over to utte..d the marriage of his sister, Miss Edyth Blande Clarke to Mr. Paul Eugene Alexander.?Ashe- j villo Citizen. y - ^V 4 ^^B> V A Hf M ^H> V ^B> ^B V B ^B ^B/ ^ M HMMHMMHMNMJMNMMMM|MNMNKF ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Sootning Syrups, inns and Children all agt3 of ! Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and lUt Opiates * ; signature of hyticuns everywhere recommend it. THE CHEROKEE SCC tYMER?JAMES TEDDING A wedding of much surprise was hat of Miss Dorothy James and Mr. SenRymer which was solemnized at he First Baptist Church in Chatta oga, Tenn., on Sunday, June 20th. Mrs. Rvmer was the daughter of M md Mrs. H. W. James of this county, joth deceased, and granddaughter of VIr*. Sarah Johnson. Mr. Bymer ihe son of Mrs. Elizabeth Rvmer of Chattanooga They are now residing ,ii Chattanooga but will leave for Los Angeles, California, where Mr. Ryraer has accepted a position. Mrs. W. F. Plott, of Idaho, and her iaughter Mrs. J. C. Vickers of South Georgia have been guests of Mrs Plott's sister. Mrs. A. H. Brown. Mr. M. C. King, of Copper Hill, pent Monday in town in the interes ?f his lumber business. Mrs. W. R. Melick, of Atlanta, Ga. is in Murphy and is a guest at the Dickey House. Mrs. Melick went to lttend the Alexander-Clarke wedding ?Asheviile Citizen. A I 'O" Te~r>' UT. MURPHY. N. C. Miss Louise Hendrix, of Ball Ground, Ga., spent the week end wi h her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wofford. Mrs. .Agnes Clarke spent the weekend in Murphy at the Dickey House, where she went to attend the Alexander-Clarke wedding on Sunday.? Asheviile Citizen. Sunday of last week, Mr. and Mrs Noah Lovingood and Mrs. HumBov !es motored to Knoxville to me -t Mrs. Lovingood's niece. Miss Mai y Elizabeth Marlcfr, of Harlun, Ky:. who ! returned with them. J Col. and Mrs. J. N Moody and Mr. land Mrs. Howard Moody were In A \ lanta over the week-end. I Mrs. Jack Haygood. of Louisville ' arrived Sunday and 19 the guest of her mother, Mrs. Delia Meroney. j Mrs. Linnie Howe and daughters. 1 of Leesburg. Ga., are the guests ? Mrs. Howe's parer Mr. and Mr? ( I A. F. Cunningham at Ballew. Mrs I j Howe's oldest daughter, Miss Edith. :who was graduated this spring from ' Ward-Belmont is attending summer school in Asheville. ? 4 iddqe brae c /""n t-Tople are surprised tt and sturdy oar now sel They have heard so mi value that they are un for a higher price. Moreover, the Sedan pi and character of closed greater investment. It is substantial in appi stanfial' in fact Andse the period usually expe The body is all steel?s smartly finished belo\ blue lacquer, with ca upper body in black lac in black, oven-baked ei Blue Spanish genuine 1 able rear seat-back, ai wheels are included an that commend themsel Many who expected t< find that Dodge Brothe their means. Many u dUlIICUIlllg II1UIC CAJJCIli they could possibly de dependable vehicles. See the cars for your: attractive time-paymei Touring Car Roadster - Coupe - - f. o. i E. C. MOC sree St. Mrs. D. H .Rhinhardt had as her guests part of last week her father Mr. N. V. Scott, of Meherrm, Va. an . t;er sister, Mrs. R. J. Crowdet and Mr. Crowder, of Richmond. The trip was made by motor and on their re turn they visited Lake Junaluska. Blowing Rock and other points 01 1 .nterest in Western North Carolina. Mr. S. L. Edwards, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Corne.ia, Ga., spen. lhursday with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Ed wards. Misses Luna and Ethel Ed-! wards, who have been visiting their brother for several days, returned t their home at Cornelia with them. Messrs. Thomas Spencer, W. W Hyde and Mr. Conner enjoyed a 1 motor trip Sunday over No. 10 t Bryson City and Dill9boro, and bac.?. by way of Franklin and over the "Winding Staiis" toad to Nantahal i. land on No. 10 in to Murphy. Messrs. C. M. and A. M. Sla^le, of Jetroit, Mich, and E. K. Single, RE, Dealer P>GE FIVE Mrs. George Abernathy and littl neice, Geneva Co'e. of CopperH 1 , Tenn., spent Tuesday night w th Mr and Mrs. L. E. Barnett. Mrs Abernathy is Mrs B?.rnett*? aunt. Mr. J. H. Aberr.athy, cashier of the Merchants and Manufacturers Bank, Andrews, and family were visitors here one day this week. Messrs. J. G. Greene and J. W. Davidson spent several days in Knox\ille this week on business Miss Viola Hall and brother, Grayson. and nephew, Robert Hall, of Wayneaville, spent the week-end with her brother. Mr. F. C. Hall, ar.d family. ROOM AND BOARD I have purchased the A. A. Fain Home on Hiawassee Street and have few rooms for desirable hoarders. The house has been thorough'}* renovated, papered inside end outside repainted. Larsre < ady lawn. Good meals. Rates reasonable. MRS. F. D. DICKEY < 2t-pd) . I .