mrpay. Jxrr.Y as. iosc the featherheai f7 \ / UtTCN QoftfctfT ? Trt?S \ / oFFtCfc 'SAl'T IX voHAT | / I <i lst>oO A ' [ GLOS \0C i.nooS"TUV, 1-5 IT ? / I AIXY i i ^ <>) " III notice of delinquent town TAX SALE I. r purpose of satisfying the text the town of Andrews, N. C f ' v year 1925. the undersign.-d Mill ler for sale to the highest bidi.ii : 'T cash ut the door of the Town (Turk's Office in Andrews, N. C'., at o'clock A. M., on Mori-1 day, A.igust 2nd, 192G, the following' lard" in ? hcrokee County N. C-, on which ? Town Taxes for the year 1920 re ained unpaid; list of which land he sold and the amount of ; taxes . thereon, with cost of advein : and sale to he added, is a follow Andti 'ii, -Mrs. J. C...1 Lot $ 1U.00 j Ami. -ii. J. L> 1 Lot 13.25 Arbi.L . t. .1. C. Jr.,. 8 Lots 42.0o i Bell. A. K. 1 Lot 10.001 Brown, I . U.. I Lot 30.00 Caih. i . ( . I. 5 Lots 26.00 Colo, 11. 1L .3 Lots 02.25 Coxey, Mrs. A. L. I Lot 5.00 1 Crisp. 1'. S 1 Lot 25.00 Dew.,r, .Mis. Alice....3 Lots 122.25 CrtMv . I. A. .. 2 Lots 25.03 Gren..r> W. 1\ 1 Lot 11.35 Hen? i. /.. T 1 Lot 12.00 HogKcd, R. P. 1 Lot 18.25 .lorn*.. Mrs. lva 1 Lot 25.00 Kepiiur J. E 3 Lots 47.63 Mrs. M. L.. .1 Lot 45.00 Lan, W. M 3 Lots 22.00 Leuch. J. K. . 4 Lots 55.00 Leac tius & Lee 9 Lots 17.50 UhIi. i, J. C 2 Lots 24.5u | Lcdfoiil, .1. \V. 6 Lots 44.38; Mili- \. 1> 3 Lots 13.75 Paii ui. Jno. 1 Lot 7.50 Pah: j , S. H.&M. 11. 3 Lots 250.88 j hum i, \V T 1 Lot 12.8S ' PhilnMrs. Ruth .3 Lots 43.20' Philips, W. P 1 Lot 52.15 Porter, R. S 1 Lot 67.27 ; Po.-ey, ii. T 2 Lots 03.77 Kaxte-, Mrs. Theltna 1 Lot 10.00 Single, C. M 2 Lots 30.00 Taylor, J. E 3% Lots 65.78 Vailey River Trading Co., (Core Plant) 500.00 C. F. Woodard, Town Tax Collector. NORTH CAROLINA, Cherokee County. Superior Court. WOI tuHU TERRELL CO., vs 1. P. BURGER. NOTICE Pursuant to a judgment in the above entitled case appointing the undersigned as Commissioner for the purpose of selling certain property of the defendant, hereinafter set out. to satisfy said judgment, I will, on the 11th day of August, 1926, at lu O'clock A. M., at the Court House door in Murphy, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, and at pub-' lie outcry, the interest of defendant in and to the following property, to-1 wit: A certain tract, parcel or lot of j land in Murphy Township, Cherokee ' County, N. C., adjoining the lands ot ! W. p. Brittain, G. F. liendrix, Eli j Sudderth, and others, more particul- j arly described as follows: Being parts of Numbers 33, 41 and all of Number 39 in District Number 1, beginning on a stake in the line of the , Jelferson George tract of land, 33 Poles and 13 links east of a post oak, beginning corner of Tract 33, and runs east 44 poles and 12 links to n dogwood; then north 17 eaat 18 2-3 j poles to a post oak bush; then north j 2 east 14 poles to a stake in the center of Peachtree Road on the line of W. M. York No. 41; then north 83 j east 18 poles to a red oak on the nor th side of the road, corner of W. M. j York and James Redicks land, near < a small drain; then north 138 poles to a black gum, corner of York's and j Redicks land; then Bame course 12; pole3, whole distance 150 poles, to a rock and pointers on an occupant line; then east 116 poles to a black! ?ak; then south 130 poles to a black ; oak, corner of No. 39 then same ; course with No. 39, 280 poles to a j dead post oak, and old corner, whole distance 410 poles; then west 181 Poles to a black jack, Jefferson Geor. ne's corner; then north 225 poles to beginning, containing 393 acres 1 rod and 30 poles. Also the defendant's entire interest in and to his Father, G. F. Burner's estate. This sale is made for the purpose of satisfying a judgement )S , ROBERT.//) iitCMA.MlV; 4 S ' -/4o,TtfEC?E j I ^3? MUCH To Do . I rSEAST in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant, which is docketed in the office of Clerk <sf Cherokee Supe. ior Court in Judgment Docket 18 a 'page 314. i This July 12th, 1926/ I FRANK S. HILL, Commissioner. I (49-4th) I State of North Carolina ! County of Cherokee: | Notice is hereby given to Fred Queen, Ornal Queen, F oyd Queen, i Mrs. Nina Seymour, and Mrs. Glenna Foldcn, heirs in common, that Con idemnation procecrlini-.s will issue from | tie Clerk i the Superior Court. County of Cherokee County for a , school site on the property of the above named heirs, located on thwaters of Slow Creek in Cherokee County, near the school site now occupied by the County, and known as Slow Creek School. This the 8th day cf July, 1026. (Signed) J. F. I'AI.MF.R, Chairman County Board Education. A. L. MARTIN, (18-4t-b) Secretary to Board DELINQUENT TAX SALE NnitTU . AUDI.IN \ -Cin oKec County. The undersigned Tax collector of said county will sell on Monday, August 2, at the court house door in Mm pay, N t , t.- the highest biddet for cash, at public outcry, the following lauds upon which taxes tor the year J 025 have not been paid, n the name and for the amount given Leiow with cost added in each case . ;?3 l liows: Bcfcverdam Township Name Acres Ami. Burgess, CI. G. 20 17.00 Burgess, A. J. ?20 15.45 \>. K. it. Bell lloirs . . . 50 10.13 Smith. O. F 00 22.41 Murphy Township Thomas, J. R., 1-Ginterest in 400 acres, killian donation $7.28 li. If. MOKKOW, T. C. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE By virtue of the authority contained in a Real Estate Mortgage made and entered into on the 15th, day of April, 1925 by and between M. J. Stewart and wife Vick Stewart, of Graham County, North Carolina, and G. O. Crisp to secure an indebtedness of $100.00 evidenced by a Note of even date, the said note being due H /B A IB M BB /H ? a ^B A ^^B ^B ^PV B ^BB^^ ^B Bff-Tll 'd^l MOTHER I Fletcher's Castor Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants in a Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, p: Natural Sleep witho To avoid imitati - - always look for the Proven direction* i each package. P _ THE CHEROKEE SC By L. F. Van Z?fc. - Sip / V6S SIR -J | /THE' I CoMiw UP / j f TMREI " \ / \ Toit>: 1 fjo .AUgu -. i.?tn. i I.-. said n??te .otvin - ii. vi . <11 Buok "4" on ,u?e -so. > I or t gage Deeds | :? i liou.stei- of Heed." ,, > ..i. * ::ty. .\. C.. on the 7T:i uuy ot t-ief ' snt>er il?2o: Uoiault nav-; mg i-een in.!in' :n the payment ? the run. ai'- -<<:nig io the term." li.ercoi, i . Uiitit; igned will ."ell the ..... ?-? im: u uinus nt i'uoitc 5>au to the n.ghost balder lor cash ... i ue court ikuu v- 11. ..r a! iSobbms . Vihe, liimuuil < otthty, N. L'., ui: Moll-J uey .vugu-1 Jt>th, l.?2b between tne j hours oi" 11 ?. clock M. and lj 0 clock l\ . '.. the : h?>\\ mg property | .1. satisfy liu- sn.i nftte and intete.-i j iiiclui::iu. of -ale, Vir.: Ucgmn. k on a a'..'kc with pointers ' "ii ti p oi a ridge in the. original line of tract No. and runs wntn the top ot the -- aid ridge i\orfci? 76, NVcsi in poo , then North West IM poles; ii on North West lu poles;, t en -\ortn . West J i poles; then .\i itli <'a West . poles to a lilack rial.; then North W est ii7 poles to .. slake and pointcion top of the lui euiah aim ilutlalo lnvide; then North 4" W est iKi poh-s to a stake and pointers, mi the anginal line; tnen North i?. 1< " it: .4 ilickoi-\; then .south :LJ- l.a.-i 1 11 poles to the begin. 1 ling. Containing lilty acies more or less, i art of tract No lt>oU. I his July 15th, 1926. O. t. lilSF, Mortgagee. By J. H. Met vi vaonu y. 119-4 t-m) NOTICE Ob I-0?L^i.UjUR? OK KLAL tS J ATE MuR i U/tGE liy virtue v.t the a si 1. rity contained in a Heal 1.scute Mortgage mad.* on the 22nd, day 1 March 11*25 i,y anil between M. J.Stewart and wife, Vick Siewart, Gruahm County, X. G., to G.O.Ci.sp to si-cure uu indebtedness of $luu.uo evidenced by a note ol even aate, and the said mortgage having been registered on the 7th day of September, l'.)2.>, in book X'o. 4 on page No. 371 of Heal Estate Mortgages in the office of the Register of Deeds of Graham County, .\orih Carolina. Default having been made in the payment of the said note and the same having become duo or; the 22nd day of September, P.?2.">, according to the terms of the said Mortgage, the undersigned will s. 11 the hereinafter described iand at Public Sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door at Robbinsville, Graham County, North Carolina, be sLHjii 5?i?3HSg|i ^ ^fira mnaH in 1R r ^V A j^l 1 ^p M n> H| p ^p * ^H1 ^ ^ HJ; ia is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, irms and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels omoting Cheerfulness. Rest. #*>d tut Opiates - -y signature of (-^aSs / A^CX^l hyiicians everywhere recommend it OUT, MURPHY. N. C. ^ / hm' SiSNS Of An,,.T\ / UIFE t- WHAT'S t S MOQG H 'Slt,S WQlTiMG-Tl n NT.MATE M.STOC.Y ' LlK? r^IS \ ADvecCTiSE -lAKE/fcC// ARTICLE > r^\ ^ twi-en tin- hours of II o'clock A. M. one o'clock P. M., on the 1 Oth. ua\- ??f August 1926, to satisfy the :iM r U? including the cost of said :de. Viz: Hegiv.ning on a Pine the North We t corner of No. 7456 and runs >: iV.> with the line of No. 44-1 "71 poles to a stake in the line of Entry N<>. 1650" thence with the line South 22 East 46 poles to a stake in the li'-o of No. 364; thence with that lire N??rth 51 West 48 poles to a tnut Stump the beginning corner snid number; thence with that South 90 poles* to a stake on the !.; of Entry No. 7456: then with na: line North 56 West 40 poles to e beginning. containing 34 acres ore or less, i the 15th, day of July, 1026. ti. O. CRISP. Mortgagee, r.v J. 11. McCALL. Attorney. < 10- It-m) FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE v virtue of the authority cont. t 1 in a Real Estate Mortgage i the 25th day of February 1925 Is;, M. J. Stewart and wife Vick S*. . rt, ->i Graham County, N. C.. to K. E. Millsapx to secure an indebt .In* f $'25U.Oo evidenced by two s of even date and the said Morthaving been registered on the 17th, day of March, 1925 in Book No. -1 on page No. 304 of Mortgages of Deeds in the office of the Register of Dot .f Graham County, N. C: Def:.w't h.-iving been made in the payment i.i aid indebtedness according ti i terms of the said Mortgage or any part of the same and the said inm Pa'ltoon thawing tj(oiped card >4Rfitted tntofillei-H tmallrr cordi. A i>im;aiw</ o/ many hi tie jit-en. thoroughly uituratrd and imu/jted HHyaffl with rubber by Gum Dipping. Car owners have never fc they can buy Firestone < been able to buy tires si safe and trouble free. This is possible because of t rese.irch engineers who have i machinery and processes fo Gum-Dipped Tires, combine cal national distribution tl Service Dealers, many equ latest Firestone methods ol Pressure, Full-Sire Balloon, Tires. Firestone's long fight aga Rubber Restriction Act has s millions of dollars. We can serve you Detter wi ful tires and save you money MOST MILES PER 1 Thos. Valley River .111 " AMERICANS SHOULD P Felix Turns I iffl 1/ AJCPe O { A fouqPROTECT NEW PASTURE BY MOWING WEF.Di Cows du r.ot like needs, and newly planted pasture?, particularly where the stand ol grass and clover is peer, i - aiiouis ut" moweu iu iicsiroy tsesc pasture post'.. "Weeds do considerable harm t-> pastures,** says S. J. Kirby, extension agronomist at State College ami student of pasture; in North Carol na who was a visitor in the County thi debt edit ess having become due and as per the terms of the stud mortgage and notes, the undersigned will -.11 the hereinafter described property at Public Sale to the highest bidder i"'*r rash at the Court House door at Ib-l hinsville. Graham Caunty, X. 0., between the hours of 111 o'clock A. M.. adn 2 o'clock I' .M.. = ?ir Monday, lot . day of August, 1926. to satisfy said note and cost. Vis: It being a parcel of land situated and located in Graham County, North Carolina on the w.iters West Buffalo Creek and being the same lands described in a certain deed from Duffy Can-or and wife to N. I' Miiksaps, dated February 2nd. 1925 and registered in Book No. " C* or. page 118 et .? . q ami also de-vi ii?od in n deed of even date herewith fro X. K. Milsaps and wife t > M. J. Stewart. This the 15th. day of July, 1926. Dickey and Dickey Motor Company, Assignee of N. K. Millsaps, .1 >rtgagee. By J. H. McCALL, (49-4t-m) Attorney. WW i> FirA .5 K& * . ?een able to buy tire mileage ai "Sum-Dipped Tires to : A; - ? o comfortable, ? ?... ? ;he highly skilled _ ieveloped special r manufacturing d with economi- At T?i< irough efficient lipped with the 30*3 f?u ci. f repairing High 3c,<3 Bus and Truck 3"*- c i r> ? , 30x3 li.-- 1 ' .inst the Britisn , laved car owner- J ^ " 32i-? -7 ... ith these wonder. Come in today. made ??i i /?? i m DOLLAR __ S. Evans, Ave. Murphy, N. C RODUCE THEIR OWN RUB B f PACE THREE Copy-writer - AM xG : WOQ.O CCN>^ \X4 9f ) I I ^ x \ >3--^gdl _ .-tudying pastures in tl?Li section "A a rule, we find more weeds in ithose pastures where there is a poor stand of gras and clover but even , where there in a good stand in one and two year old pastures, it is not uncommon N-r weeds to give much trouble Where the weeds are mown once or twice alter seeding the pastures. the sod get.- ahead and the weed.- give little or n trouble there 'i Kirby \ mts out that probably tl: great e-t injury to pastuies from , conn from the choking and : i.m. dove to the gTa-seS. Ho\Vthe ] If : a No u c up the moisar.d pl.u food and if all of these inllucn are u t checked by mowing w, . J lake the pasture and little grazing i- obtained. Midsummer is the time to get rid ; t .? weeds Taose grasses ar.d clovv.! ;< h v. ret; rded by the late I ring and subsequent drought wiil quickly come into their own it' the < - are clipped Mowing either w it'll a machine or by hand will persui: the ua.-ture sod to get a permunnt lead, stab s Mr. Kirby. Sometimes, he .-tates, or. newly cleared laid, the pastures are frequently inured by hashes. M ade trees are i.oud in the pasture and most grasses :.ud clovers n .:e g.uu! growth in the .do of tree-, i at no grass or clover can . land the d shade of low he-. Mi KirL-v states that the i ? - i aI'ld be CUt OUt J?3 SOOn 3S they aitj oar. Whei e the pastun - are p operly i'l-otveted f "in the.-f two etiemies, weed, and I ; lies, they will give hem v production of pasturage for xnar.y years Tmmm ^ > 1 f y ff rrr:\ /r? y < j p *3 . -si 7'.j& # I 1'..v...."I oy t so low a cost per mile as i nevjr ha\v? rK*>v W c Also Soil EELI3 T5RES - -o Rciluccd Prices ,;.f 29-4.-; balloon $51.20 29x4.75 ? 14.9o J * 75 30x4.75 ..15 .. . j 23x4 r? ? .. .16.4: ..J .3J 50 x .95 ...17.25 -j J x j 25 ? . . ! .. 17.25 3: x 5.L.. . . 12. J j . . 23.o5 52x6.GO 22.95 . 29 33 x 6.CD ? 24.10 : K?iiiiti)iuc<i! Urcsionc bucUtrie* ! I ti>?' v i i.i iiiurauiff ?^ " ' dealer Phone 58

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