g FRIDAY. JULY 23. 1926 1 Social anc |B (Edited By Mr.. ? frill Of HflBIUBMflMiMO* MR. AND MRS. HOOVER 9 ENTER'niN M A -?? ?veat of i:he week was th< 2 ^ dance Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hoove: 9 entertain' Tuesday afternoon at La 9 Tht- present were: Misses Kath3 ryn Thi |?son, Virginia Langhridge. 9 Mrs. Dula. Mr. Harry Miller, Mr. Ed w Jie Stud"'ill and Mr. C. J. Darnell. I MISS KA'fHRYN THOMPSON H ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE PARTY Sj Miss- Kathryn Thompson entertain3 ed Wednesday evening with a bridge party in honor of Mrs. O. N. Hen3 drick?, i i Blue Ridge, and Mrs. Dula. 3 of Ler, i and Miss Virginia Langh9 ridge of Shelby. The guest list included. Misses Nan uie Dix n. Virginia Langhridge, Mrs. Dula. Mrs. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hoover and Mr. Eddie Stud still. MR. ASH MRS CHRISTOPHER ENTERTAIN INFORMALLY Mr. end Mrs. S. S. Christopher entertained informallly with Hearts Monda- evening. The guests were: Mr-. Fred Dula of Lenoir, Mr. Eddie Si :>ti'\ Mr. and Mrs. C. K. MRS HYATT HONORS SISTER. MRS DARNELL jP Mrs. Paul Hyatt entertained Thursday ;.t her home od Peachtree street j irt honor of her sister, Mrs. C. J. Darnel!. ?>f Marietta, Ga., from three ! ! to fix About fifteen guests were 1 invited. An old fashioned contest was high- | ly enj yed, Mrs. J. W. Thompson winning the prize. A >alad course and iced tea were serv- !. v r. s. Evans and Mr. Fred Johr.-m were business visitors in Atlanta, last week. Mr and Mrs. Jim Franklin are occupx:ng the Surtherland cottave in Ea>*. ^'urphy. I, m. G. W. Fleming is visiting! fri.- nds and relatives in Asheviile and Columbia, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sneed and little daughter, Ruth, motored to Atlanta and .-pent the week-end. i , Mr. Jeff Cooper, of Miami Fla.. has Seen visiting friends and relatives in this section. I, i? M r. J. F. Palmer, of Franklin spent Sunday with his niece, Mrs. E. E. . Davis. 1 ?1 IF ?T IS A HOUSE and lot, or a farm or timber lands, see John H. Hall, i City. (lt-pd) j Mrs. Carl Abernathy and daughters, of Copper Hill are the guests of Miss Fleeta Christopher. ( Little Miss Mary Ryder and Hen-' derson Ryder, of Savannah, Ga.t are spending the summer with their aunt,! c Mrs. Tom Mauney. s 1 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell and sons j of Marietta, are visiting Mr. and Mrs.j m. wofford and Mr and Mrs- Paul c Hyatt. I i Mr. and Mra. Howard Moody returned Tuesday night from Asheville where Mr. Moody has been having his t eyes treated. j * j Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hoover are en- j tertaining at this time Mrs. Fred Dula : of Lenoir and Miss Virginia Langh- j v ridge, of .Shelby. Miss Hattie Palmer, Jake Palmer, I * Prank Davis and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Palmer motored to Tallnlah Falls, a Cornelia and other points of interest \ on that route, Sunday. o ? t Mrs. Emmaline Sneed accompanied \ by her daughter and son. Miss Margaret and Max, arrived Tuesday by motor from Lemon City, Fla., for a 1 visit with relatives. ( " i: Mr. L. A. Den man returned Tues- 1 day to his home in Copper Hill, after j spending a vacation at the Regal HoteL Mr. Denman is an expert accountant for the Tennessee Copper n ?o Mr. and Mra. Fred Swaim and chil-: j dren returned the first of the week t from a motor trip in the eastern part , of the state and Virginia. They visit- j cd Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Calhoun at Reidsville, H. C. Mrs. Calhoun and 1 f daughter, Francis, accompanied to the coast at Morebead City, g 1 Personal \ A. S. Clarke} -x^x^Xr>xKwX-XK-:->x-:-x--'MRS. CHRISTOPHER AND MRS. COOPER ENTERTAIN JOINTLY Thursday afternoon Mrs. S. S. Christopher and Mrs. Willard Cooper entertained jointly with a bridge party at the home of Mrs. Christopher. Vases and bowls of summer flowers were arranged throughout the reception rooms where the card tables were pla ced. Mrs. Jack Haygood, of Louisville. Ky., played top score and was presented a prize. Refreshments of salad, sandwiches and tea were served. Those present were: Misses Nannie Dixon and Kathryn Thompson, Mesdames Tom Axley, Pierce Fleming, Ralph Harbin, Jack Hay good, Fred Johnsoh, Tom Mauney, A, J. Martin, J. H. Phanp. R. S. Parker. J. W. Thompson, Don Witherspoon HOSTESSES TO MISSION STUDY CLASS Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. W. A. Savage and Miss Ada Harshaw were joint hostesses to the ladies of the Mission Study Class, in the social rooms of the Methodist Church. A color scheme of yellow and white was used in the refreshments which consisted of salad, tea and lemon cheese cake. RETURN FROM MOTOR TRIP Mrs. J. H. ^IcCall and son, Herbert, leturned last Friday from a three thousand mile motor trip in northern and eastern United States. While gone they visited Mrs. Mc('all's sister, Mrs. O. G. Nichols, at Madina. Ohio, and Rev. and Mrs. Nichols and children returned with them, spending two days here and then going to Macon, Ga., for a vi?it j with Mr. Nichols' parents. The trip was an enjoyable one, and they visited many points of interest. They went by way of Knoxville, Lexington and Frankfort, Ky., Cincinnati, Cleveland. and Akron. | Ohio, Xiagra Falls, to upper New | York State, returning hv u-?? Al-I bany, N. Y., New Y'ork City, Atlantic City, N. J., Philadelphia, Pa., Baltimore, Md., Richmond, Va., and Raleigh. Mrs. Hendrix, of Blue Ridge is the house guest of Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Mr. jjnd Mrs. Roy Mize, of Cornelia *pent Sunday with Mrs. E. E. Davis. Mr. Toby Fain and Misses Maurine ind J?loise Fain are vising relatives n Clinton, Tenn. Mrs. A. A. Fain is visiting her laughter. Mrs. Butt, in Blue Ridge, 3a. Mr. J. W. Walker, of Andrews, was here on business one day this veek. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Castleberry innounce the birth of a son on Thurslay, July 22nd. Dr.Edw. E. Adams spent several lays this week in Knoxville on busiless. Miss Hazel Deweese returned Sun. lay to Atlanta after having spent ;everal days with relatives and riends here. Attorneys J. N. and R. M. Moody, >f Murphy, and McKinley Edwards, ?i tsryaon L,ity, spent severs! days n Atlanta this weok on business. Miss Fleets Christopher has returned from a-two weeks' visit with relitives and friends in Copperhill and Atlanta. Miss Bertha Lovingood, of Grand'iew, returned to Atlanta Sunday after spending the week with her parnts and other relatives in the couny. Mrs. T. W. Wilkins and children irrived on Tuesday of this week on a isit to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Swaim and ther relatives and friends and to atend the Swaim family reunion which vill be in August. Miss Myrtle Starnes, Miss Edythe ,emoh and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lem>n, of Knoxville, spent a short while n town Wednesday. Miss Starnes tas until recently been employed on he Leviathan and made numbers of [Vann-Atlantic voyages. Mrs. D. S. Moak and little sons, Pom and Joe, of Norfield, Miss., ar ived Wednesday to spend some time irith her brother and sister, Rev. and Urs. T. L. Sasser. Mr. Sasser moored .to Atlanta and met them, and vts accompanied by Mr. A. K. )ickey. 'OR SALE?Pair good mare mules, 7and 8 years old. Will trade for ooS Ford car. John H. Hall, City. THE CHEROKEE SCOl WEEK-END PARTY AT LA CABANA Mrs. Carl Abernathy, Cecil Kell. of Copperhili; Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Christopher, Mis." Fleeta Christopher and Mr. Toby Fain formed a congenial week-end party at Mr. Fain's cabin, La Cabana, upon Fain's Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Christopher joined the party and enjoyed dinner. Mrs. C. W. Bailey and little daughter, Mary Helen, are visiting relatives in Atlanta and College Park. ' Ga.. for several weeks. The many friends of Mr. Win. P. Payne will regret to learn that he is confined to his bed thi- week sufferng with a bruised leg caused by a warehouse truck falling from a platform and striking him on the shin. Miss Irene Champion returned to her position as nurse with the Fort Saunders Hospital, Knoxville. Saturday after having spent her vacation with Miss Mabel F.llw ? friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Brock and family. of Nevada, Texas, and Mrs. Joe .-hoffeitt and Mrs. Will Morris, of Atherts. Tenn.. returned to their respective homes this week after having spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Davidson. Mr. Spurge Christopher left Wednesday morning for Baltimore and other northern markets to purchase the fall stock of goods for Christo- ] pher's Dry Goods Store. While gone he plans to visit Annapolis, the United States Naval Training Staton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Lemon and daughter. Edith, and Miss Myrtle Startles, of Knoxville, Tenn.. who are on a motor trip through Western North Carolina, spent Tuesday night with their aunt, Mrs. P. E. Nelson and fami'y. MARBLE Miss V'ertie Jones is visiting friends and relatives at Nantaha'n. N. C. Mr. Hurry G. Mulkey went to Detroit, Mich., last Thursday to spend some time with his brother, Paul. I Miss Pernetta Jervis, of Almond, N. C., is visiting Miss Maude Coffey, 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. McHan. | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E Ladd ami ; family arrived at Marble last wee to spend some time here at their (summer home They motored through ; jthe country from their home in Sar^j Mateo, Fla. Mr. S. E. Lovingood, who has been j attending summer school at Mars Hill N. C., returned home Saturday night. I Mr. J. E. Hall, of Whittier, N. C., spent Saturday night with Mr and' Mrs. J. B. Hall I TOPTON BRIEFS _____ I Mrs. Claud Wright and children I ?i-*"? : Graham county, recently. After an absence of three weeks l in South Carolina, Ott Reighard is again busy on the lumber yard of C. S. Kinsland. Mr. Reighard is in charge of the yard here. Kenneth Wright is now the proud posseftor of a new Sport Model Dodge | car. He will teach the Robbinsville ; High School the coming term. Mrs. Frank Colvard is rapidly re-' covering from a tonsil operation at Andrews, recently. Rev. W. T. Garner, of Judson, filled his regular appointment at the Methodist Church here, the second Sunday, j Interesting Sunday School by both Methodists and Baptists each Sunday. E. Bruce King is the able leader of ! the Methodist and D. Boone Wright the Baptist Sunday Schools. John Xothern and wife motored over to Junaluska Creek Sundaymorning and spent the day with Mrs. Cothern's sister, Mrs. Alice Hogan. Mrs. Renia Hampton, of Robbinsville, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cole and little | daughter, Betty, of Monrovia, Cali- j fornia, and Mrs. J. W. Greenwood j i and daughter, Inez, of Asheville, N. ! C.. were all week-end guests of Mr. J and Mrs. E. B. King. Mrs. Hampton I and Mrs Greenwood are sisters of f Mrs. King and Mrs. Cole a neice. j Victor P. Lanier, of Bartow, Flor- i lda, came in from Atlanta Tuesday and will spend some time here with his mother, Mrs. S. A. Wilson. Mrs. Mattie A. Taylor is expected to arrive today to spend several days with her daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Nelson. WOLF CREEK J The dry weather is certainly hitting our section in a way that vegetation is showing it in a very marked manner. -Mr. William Ballew, of Ducktown, visited friends and relatives here Monday. ^ Several of our people attended the all-day singing at New Prospect Church, near Coles Crossing, Sunday. The Chestaut Blight or the drought UT. MURPHY. N. C. of !ast summer, combined with the i drought now prevailing, i.s killing a majority of our chestnut trees. Mr. and Mrs. John Cook and family with Mr. and Mrs. George Led ford and family motored to Chattanooga and back Sunday. Mr. John Cook has traded for a grain separator and is serving the community in a" splendid way by threshing out the grain of all who hau? it to his place. There has been no -eparator here for three or four years, so the grain industry had found a low level. Walter l.edford, who was charged with breaking into Center & Abern.ahy's store in Copper Hill, and removing automobile casings etc., wns j carried to Benton. Tenn., the early part of last week and placed in jail for safe keeping. Tim Sunday Schools of our section are a dead issue. There are four Baptist Churches in one mile of thi* place, with hundreds of young people as well as many old ones, who need to know more of the Bible and its teachings, but not a Sunday School at either one of them. This condition will not have to exist very long until we will need a Missionary. POSTELL Iiev. G. W. Sparks from Marys* ville, Tenn.. and Rev. E. A. Beaver from Suit. N. C? began a revival at Shoal Creek Church Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Al'en and three children, Oid. Roy and Willie Mae from Athens, Tenn.. visited Mr. Allen's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen at Postell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Johr. Mason visited j their daughter, Mrs. Pirley Elrod and family at Ducktown, Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewie Stiles are all sr !es over their new baby boy. Mrs. Ed Dockery and little daugh- ! ter. Marie have been very sick for' the past few days. Miss "Notie Allen and brother Arvel | visited their aunt, Mrs. Florence Johnson, Saturday night. l.oyd, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dockery has been on the sick list for a week. Mrs. R. P. Allen and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. John Parker one day last week. Messrs. Hedden Stiles and Loyd Crowder visited John Mason and family Sunday. Mr. Lush Craig spent Saturday night with his cousin, Clifford Swan1 THF II I I PE; I 5 MIL] I 179 BE; I DIVIDED I At j ? TFRMS ITUES s K 1 . . ! This is one of the mo jj "BUY A' jj Many ji Concert |i A Big T I Southern I ! joi | - '"We sell Lots a son. Misses Ida and Deelia Swunson spent Sunday with Miss Eliza Allen. < Mr. and Mrs. Noah Craig: and chil < ilren spent Thursday with Mr Ro?>i t Beaver and family. i The dry weather has damaged crops 1 a lot in our section and it still continues to stay dry. Todayhas its true, L High-speed C The distinct!re hods fines of l! fend V the smartesT cu . tom-bu snd Con tit ?tjI Europe. L.o ^ us u Whippet . . . that s t OVER Whh w r m America's New-. E. C. MOOI 101 Tennessee St. ? MURPPT DHNSON AT ^CHTR ES FROM MU1 DUTIFUL INTO SMALL \UCTI IS PPR PFMT A V * M~AM. %> * A, >. JUL 10 A. M. st Productive Farms in V r YOUR OWN Valuable 1 By Our Owi ime For Evei jand Auction 4N E. SUGG, Mana nd Lots of Lots, and F gfgiisigiaisuiiiiiii!fsuiuaiiUB PAGE FIVE NOTICE I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff jf Cherokee County, N. C., subject .0 the Republican Primary and con.ention. Ail favors shown me will >e appreciated. This 7th day of June 1926. (50-tf) B| R. T. STILES. -America \uropean-type, light car. jfaLs the OierlanJ Whippet rr- | ilt automobiles af America R u-swmng. rakish, graceful be only way to Jes< ribe it. fl? LAND opet Type Light Car *E, Dealer Phone 37 V, N. C. FARM | 'EE I *PHY | ACRES 1 FARMS | ON 1 1 CASH ? Y 27 j /estern N. Carolina 5 I PRICE" | Prizes! j j i Band! ji ybody! j ] Company jj 8er I j arms, My! My!" i j