FR!l AY. JULY 30. 192(S the featherheae pSF goest Guns \ LOOK W?AA"T "THi S A P| ABT'5T H\5 "DOXIE ! gjl LEPT the Y OUT / O V ANY / / Uft. / ??**' NOTICE <>l DELINQUENT TOWN TAX SALE 5 I r i i'pose of satisfying the t\r. . .1 Lot 13.251 Arb . .1. I'. .Jr., .8 Lota 42.00 Be!!. V R. 1 Lot 10.00 Broun. I . IS. I Lot 30.00 Calhuui . I. 5 Lots 25.011 folc. H II 3 Lots 62.25 Coxey. Mrs. A. L. 1 Lot 5.00 Crisp. 1*. S. .1 Lot 25.00 Deuat. Mis. Alice....3 Lots 122.25 Greer. 'I. A. 2 Lots 25.03 Grvtfor. \V. I*. .1 Lot 11.35 Hen / T. 1 Lot 12.00 HogM i. It. IV 1 Lot 18.25 Jones, Mrs. Iva 1 Lot 25.00 Kephart .1. E. 3 Lots 47.03 Knight v|r-. M. L. .1 Lot 43.00 Lnii, W. M 3 Lots 22.00 j Lenrli. J. R 1 Lot* 56.00 Leach, tius A: Loo 0 Lots 17.50 j Ledfcr J. C, 2 Lots 24.5? fiflB -vugusi lftth, Ik sttie?*n registered in Hook "4" ??. j.-?iy.< .>??. .is* ot Mortgage Deeds m in* n the 22ml, day of March 1025 by ind between M. J.Stewart and wife, V'ick Stewart, Gruahm County, N. C., o G.O.Crisp to secure an indebtedness >f $100,011 evidenced by a note of ven date, and the said mortgage having been registered on the 7th day of September, 11125, in book No. 4 on i?age No. 271 of Real Estate Mortgages in the office of the Register of Deeds of Graham County, North Cur>lina. Default having been made in ihe payment of the said note and the same having become due on the 22nd lay of September, 1025, according o the terms of the said .Mortgage, :he undersigned wil' sell the herein ifter described land at Public Sale :o the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door at Robbinsville. Graham County, North Carolina, be a is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrups, rms anil Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels >moting Cheerfulness, Rest, and ' it Opiates a signature of ysicians everywhere recommend it. j :OUT. MURPHY. N. C. i jr' hm! - &*.? se \ i 7/ SOOM W?LL,M>\ I HE PUT A Y IN I The AD all qishtJ , \ GotbEOT ? /( s if ? \ DIPPING INTO SCIENCE j Largest Cake j In June. 1TMU. Kn-rlck Wll i Until I, kin; of Prussia. foisted his ufui) of HO,(K)0 nu n. Their (lessen \v?. n huge ? ?!:? drawn by el^li! hor?--' The cake was ." I f? long, *JI f? t broad, and about ? feel thick It re | No 1 drill" thence with the line South 22 Past 46 poles to a stake in the line of No. .'164; thence with thai line North 61 West 48 polos to ; Chestnut Stump the beginning corn t-r of said number; thence with thai line South 90 poles to a stake on tht Line of Entry No. 7456; then with that line North 56 West 40 poles t?i the beginning, containing 54 acres more or loss. This the 16th, day of July, 1926. G. O. CRISP, Mortgagee IIy J. H. McCALL, Attorney t- -. -ti-nij I i&i Never before in our histo such wonderful tire "bu^ coming direct from car t tories have been, and ar< in tremendous quantities prices have been redu savings passed on to car Firestone Guni'Dipped B now 20 per cent less than the this time. Take advantage of this e> tunity to equip your car?ri of the summer season?with t Gum-Dipped Tires at our Buy your tires from us and yen plete satisfaction?with the o long mileage that only GumCome in today. Don't ta your old tires. 1 Thos. Valley River AMERICANS SHOULD P Not An; ~ p Heydler Favon Golf Game 1 ' ft Golf Is the favorite* sport of President John A. Htydler of the Niitlonul ( league. !Io finds business and recroa1 tlon In baseball, which la a young man's game. woman 1 know had some of the men I they'd give 'em pulton, and- the men would take It. FORECLOSURE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE By virtue of the authority eonFires ' G DI1 EA1 Bm pa s Than Ye >ry as tire dealers have we been a s" as right now. Due to the gres >wners throughout the country i now, working at top speed bui s. Manufacturing costs have bee ced ? and the ????clefi > were a year ago At Thesi 30?3>, r.b a cceptional oppor- S0x3>, K^.ci.cors ght at the height 30lJ1., &.lfcC,.e?n 1,e5.e.'?"K."m ta"C 3114 .s.o*... new IUW prices. . 1*11 be sure of com- x * omfort, safety and n " Dipping can give. Made in The Great ke chances with anA Carrx th S. Evans, L Ave. Murphy, N. C. RODUCE THEIR OWN RUBBE1 spun PACE THREE V I \ K u b> & 4M JglA * i; Alined in ? Real Estate Mortgage nade the 25th day of February l'J2") i?y M. J. Stewart and wife Vick Stewart, of Graham County, N. C., N. E. Millsups to secure an indebtedness of $250.00 evidenced by two notes of even date and the said Mortlmk?' having been regi't< r?!(l on the 17th, day of March, 11)25 in Book No. 1 on page No. .'104 of Mortgages of Deeds iri the ofiicc of the Register of Deeds "f Graham County, N. C: Dc fault having been made in the payment of said indebtedness according to the terms of the said Mortgage or tiny part of the same and the said indebtedness having become due and as per the terms of the said mortgage and notes, the undersigned will sell the hereinafter described property at Public Sale to the highest bidder fur L-ash at the Couit House door at Robbinsvillc, Graham (Jaunty, N. C., betc.eea the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., udn 2 o'clock 1' .M., on Monday, 16th, day of August, 1920, to satisfy said note and cost, Viz: It being a parcel of land situated and located in Graham County, North Carolina on the waters of West Butlalo Creek and being the same lands described in a certain deed from Duffy Carver and wife to N. E. Millsaps, dated February 2nd, 1925 and registered in Book No. "4" on I age IIS et serf and also described in a deed of even date herewith from N. E. Miisaps and wife to M. J. Stewart. This the loth, day of July, 1926. Dickey and Dickey Motor Company, Assignee of N. E. Millsaps, Mortgagee. By J. II. McCALL, (49-4t-m) \ttorney. J tone XJMPPED LLOON ICES ar Ago! ble to offer our customers it volume of tire business ? the great Firestone facIding Cunt-Dipped Tires n lowered?crude rubber EL^TIRES"! s Reduced Prices M M ?,? I *95 30x4.75 " ...15 60 19.95 29x4.95 " ...16 45 .15.75 30x5.25 ? ...18.15 .23 35 31 x5.25 " ..19.05 .29.50 33x6.00 " ...24.10 t Economical Firestone Factories e Standard Tire Guarantee >ealer Phone 58