jPfWPH 1 1 1 1 PAGE fctuh POSTEJLL The revival at Shoal Creek i.s sul going on with a large attendance nn> line preaching. ill. and ilia. B*>?. Hurler and chil drtn and Mr. and Mrs. Lush il'Tge and baby from Isabella, T.-nn., visit eil Air. and Mrs. Felix Hili, Sunday. Kev. John Brendie and Rev. Johr Decker accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Manul Buiger and two iit.le SO US \ -ited Mr. and Mrs. S. Y Aden oi Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Nina Jon. s */< itiu Mr. ami Mrs. Felix Hil. Friday. Mr. ;?nd Mrs. Lush Handy visited ihe formers brother, Mr. and Mrs Mai alia! i Ham by Sunday. We have had some ;m c rains l or ihe past week which were badly needed. Misses Emtna Jones and Eliza Al ien visited Mr. and Mis. Marshall Hanji y Thursday. Miss Mollie l^uinn, >\ Ducktown, is visiting her cousin, Mis- Yaud Qiunn al Fostell. Mrs. Florence V ,>ur.g and three children visited Mrs. Mandy liamby Thursday. Mr. H N. Tayivr spent Sunda> night at the koine oi Mr. 6. V. Allen. Mr. and Mrs Jack 1'ayne and children from Kobbinaviii*-, visited Mrs kaync's parents Mr and Mrs. Tom Allen at l'i r'.cli, .Sunday. Misses. Laura Taylor and Blanch 'league visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Allen Friday. Mr. Byrl Brown is still seriously ill at this writing. Dr. li. M. Young made a business tup to Murphy Thursday. Mr . Henry Dockery and daughter, Miss Bessie, fioir Wchfutty spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dockery. Miss Ida Swuuson visited Miss Tetnpa Jones Friday. Messrs Lake Quinn and Glen TVa gue returned from Robbinsville Sunday. Mr. J. R. Lambert made a business trip to Murphy Thursday. WEHUTTY NEWS Miss Minnie Ferguson, of I'eachtre; and Miss Fannie McGuire, of Andrews were Wehutty visitors last week. Rev. Carl Sentelle and John Stanilridge, of Farner, Tenn., were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hill, Sunday. The school here opened July 26th, with Mr. Ernest Allen, of Posted as principal and Miss Alice Bryson, of Andrews as assistant. Hubert Allen, who has been working in Pennsylvania, visited his aunt, Mrs. W. H. Johnson last week. Mr. I. M. West left last week for Zion City, 111., to visit his son, Ralph West. Miss Jewel Ledford who was shocked by lightning a few days ago is recovering. The series of revival meetings which have been conducted by Rev. W. G. Sparks and Rev. Beaver at Shoal Creek closed Sunday. A revival meeting started at Old Liberty Church Sunday night. Rev. L. N. Marr will conduct the services. The link between the Tennessee graded road and the Shoal Creek road will soon bo completed. Then we will have a graded road from Murphy connecting with the Kimsey highway several 01 the boys and girls oi this community will leave next Sunday to enter The Lynn Bauchman Memorial School at Farner, Tenn. Mr. W. F.' Hill went to Murphy Monday to attend the regular road commissioners meeting. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce myself a candidate for Constable of Murphy Township subject to the Republican Convention. IOt-pd.^ J. A. BRIGHT. Monday has changed from wasli day to get-the-clothes-ready-for-the i We art- having: plenty of ram here j -1 now which is helping; the corps a \ XT cat deal. Mr. J. ?\. Ha nitty who has been r -.vk for some time is seriously ill at * this writing. .Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ficklesimer 1 and baby visited the formers parents ' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ficklesimer. ' Saturday right. Fleusant Hill school opened last Monday with Miee him face to face; j* And we'll talk again in Glory Of God's redeeming grace. There goodbye is never spoken. And with loved ones we shall dwell; Home-tie will no more be broken. In that city of the blest. WOLF CREEK It',Or h?-irt? lioiu tiouii nis.U 'l"'l >\ reason of the splendid rains which have broken the drougth of the last -everal weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Ledford visited | their son, Walter, who is in jail at Benton, Tenn., lost Sunday and rel?ort him as standing hi* incarceration very well. Mr. A. P. Davis hmt rented a house in Culberson, and will soon move I with his family there, where he expects to enter the mercantile busi-1 ^ ncss. j Mr. Lawrence Bell of Isabella, has j j moved to Mr. Leonard Verner's home I j place, vacated or soon to bo vacated | ' by Mr. A. 1*. Davis. i During the heavy rain and windstorm which visited Ducktown section last Saturday afternoon, lightning struck a tent which was being used by a Presbyterian Evangelist and destroyed it. This is the second one he has lost this season, according to reports. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Vomer with their three children, visited at the pndigestionl | a bad spells relieved S i B ""M'OTHING can take the place II j B of Thedford'a Black-Draught ffi 1 R with oa because we have never Jh| Hj found anything at once so mBd in | I and so effective," says Mr*. Hodi M Nichols, R. F. D.< Princeton, Knr.fl "When the children have spaUam of indigestion and upset stom-.ll acha, I always straighten thsaa M oat with a dose or two of Black- fi Draosht. -H "Several times I have a#n?d with bad spells of initipMrtoi myself and found I would see* took a course of with a bad aocnmnletjoa^af gee and amu pains sua

ins BlacfcUcansht?a ki? simi nightfcr a fsw nigbta-edU jwe-> ant the trouble add M see nnrh pakn and nlUg:j "My whole fsmfly nasa Black-' Draught ft* bfiiooanaaa and cooatincaccL l' "i'PJMII" "T I ? - r ' tU ' . .... ififfTi MkJ* . THE CHEROKEE SO home of Mr. D. E. Stuart over on the Georgia side, Sunday. But very few of our people attended the "Old Men's All Singing" at Panterville, Sunday. The public school commenced here last Monday with Mrs. Myrtle Moore. in charge. Mr. James Henson has charge of , Rev. F. R. Carter's grist mill again. Mr. Henson is a good miller and has the confidence of the people. SUNNY POINT NEWS Our school started Monday under the management of Misses Pearl Tuvl,.v -.rwJ Pie. Miss Dorothy Patton uml Mr. Reid j Bruce from Bell view visited friends her*- Sunday. : , Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barber and ehil- 1 1 dren visited Mrs. Barber's parents Dr. and Mrs. S. B. Patton. of Bf!lriew this week. Messrs Theodore Lefevens and Wayne Mason front En pie wood. Tenn pent the week-end with homefolks. , Mr. Roy Payne from Copper Hill .'ailed on Miss Evelyn Harris Sunday ifternoon. t ! Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hawkins, of Hayesville, spent Sunday with Mr. md Mrs. Bowman Harris. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Tilsoti Saturday, duly 2.r? a baby girl. Misses Lena and Rena Goforth loft Saturday for Blue Ridge when* they ire to enter the Mary I*. Willingham j tchool. i s i ? at these LawPricesf ???9510 I _aTw4a.ii $ 765 lTonTruck f iQC CfcWtOitb ?f ^4? JTonTruck |MC CH?m4j OmJj ?# / 3 AM pwitm #. ? fc. flw. MidL E QUAL hbhbhbbihh OUT. MURPHY. N. C. PEACHTREE NEWS The schools of the Peach tree district began Monday with the following teachers. Profes-or Stiles. < f Bryson fit; Mary Jarrette. ?>f Hayestillc; Betty Kate McCombs. of Murphy; Maggie Mcllan. of M.rblc; and Clarence Hendrix. Minnie Fer cuson. Cloyd l'ipes and M?-l. Su.lderth. of this ,jk.< S. Miss Katherine Ledford. ock. and GI>" n Uendrix motored .It-flTerson. (i . Friday to visit Mr. and Mi-. Sunnier Sudderth. Mr. Ba < Owen, of Aeworth. On.. . isiteil friends here last week. Miss Minn it Ferguson spent severM days la>t week with friend-- i shoal f-reek. Mr. Bill Anderson, of Andrews, i visiting his grand parent- Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, this week. Misses Ruby and Bonnie Derreber y. of (last on in, are spending several mc Chevrolet Multiplewith ( Into the field of lo cars the smoothest Che Chevrolet history brin ly the velvet acceleral freedom from high-spe tion that have been reasons for the buyinj tiple-cylinder cars. Imagine loafing up a loaded car?with th< turning so easily that scarcely aware of its o] You can in thesmoothC Imagine rushing from miles an hour befo watch ticks ten time never a semblance of 1 HCKEY M SALES AN MURPF I T Y A1 {days with their par Mr. : J Mr?, i I'oloy Derrvb?rry. One of U*e. lost ful evk i \JJ1 -jm '/i\\ \\N\N \V> .Vs^S xV - VCv-V.^v Mcrnu-I^' Fi-. T- Cn?t r Cast*. Oil. F;n\ _ rcei'rmg prepare ' u. \> f.. ;s in ; Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in th-j 'iliition t Food, pi X.~;U:r:-I Sleep withe iVftTO.ll . -Wk forth; Prov* > ' r EroiOmif :' n V ***** IM?^- - *V. ? ? ". v3^ g|T^ _ pi:T. i * . ' ] \jf" V' '. ' fcW _ ,%. A\ . >@1 . inCL ;:... . , Cylinder 2^ tj ,rnu jhevrolet Economy w-priced the part of the mo :vroletin in the smooth Cher gs t.-vai.r- ]m-. jnc hemg abl< ion and . .. ?. , twocn 40 ai.o ->0 n ed vilira- r . .. tor hour iipoa a -o the hi" . , ? of mul comfort, entirely t ' " sense of -xcessiv unconscious of evi h.., . est roughness in tl ill in a , , , can i >i the simnitii C : motor you are Leamioryourstift aeration. snn tin; - 'hat is 'heirolet! world to CI vrole see and drive thee 10 to 30 come prepared fo re vour like of wkirk :s?with dreamed possible labor on sells at Che\rulet's IOTOR CC D SERVICE IY, N. C. ' LOW ( FRIDAY Al'GrST II i iC" " ' ''.v : '' '"r ->t the pml_ ' < huivh. K. \ . I i;. tiSi ia i< a harmless Substitute for Props and Soothing Syrups, tuns and Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness. Rest,*"! ?t Opiates - signature of C&aJ*75f/t r.ystcuns everywhere recommend it ni !i ! V' W. |\ Histoiy! nice / lor. You can rolct! _ io drive bellies an hour r in perfect ee from any e speed and in tile slight \<- road. You Chevrolet! he incredible winning the Arrange to ar today! and r a ride the you never i.i a car that low prices! ). COST