I B FRIIVXY. AUGUST 6, 1926 flfl: SUCH 3 s: is HM*S J X LIFE i' *"*" ** a? CKarlet Suqhroe 1 I YOUNG111 ^RBSTBRPIE,LD j|| Social anc r| ( Edited By Mrs. [I B I I ENTERTAINED U 8 AT DAN'CK I An t< '... rate social function of last K 8 v- dance Mrs. Giles Cover kB ertertain.-.i Saturday evening in the pH ball r it -Junnluska Terrace. iJ Dun: Orchestra, of Asheville, K B f?nushed the music. .? A number ??f out of town quests / I arm- present. Amonjf them were: ^ B Mi>s y ?ret Bltckwell, of Haysville \ B an^ ^ ^utt, of Blue Ridj?e. / Thenar- from Murphy were: Miss? w K. ie Thompson. Elizabeth Brittain. Maurine and Louise Fain. Kailiryin- miter, ueilu Aleroney. Mes-1 sers H vey Miller, Eddie Studstiil, ! Julio- i : unza. W. C. Boyce, Mrs. A. M. I'iaiii, Mrs. J. YV. Thompson. Mr am- Mrs C. K. Hoover. Mr. I lohnson, of Hoi House, was in town Monday. .Mr. I; Butt, of Blaiisvlle, was in' tow n ! week. ? I' W. Thompson attended court in Ht !i City Wednesday. Mr. V\ Christopher was a businee vin Atlanta last we? k. |' J M: - i has. Zimmerman is visitintr ' hi- i,:. Mis. I*. H. Sword Mi: Annie Sword opened her school Monday at Bates Creek. !1 i ill. Harry Hasting, of Sylvia, Was in v n "1 uesday. *1?- !. YV. Thompson is in Copper- ; hi! ^uest of her daughter Mrs. It. ' K. Barclay. H. Ihckey Jr., of Copper Hill, has be?the guest of his grand parents, ' S Mr. ::ml Mr. w R > Mi.-ses Pauline and Pearl Martin were in Copper Hill last w ek the guests of Miss Marie Bass. 1 Mr. Chas. Umphiies of Copper Hill 1 spent one day last week in own on business. I Mrs. R. E. Hambright, \>f Grover, J V < is spending the month vith her 4 part nLs, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fain. ^ Miss Mary Norvell, of Raleigh arrived Sunday for a visit with her par- * em.-, Col. and Mrs. E. B. Norvell. ' < Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirkroan ana ( children, of Asheville, are '.he guests of Col. and Mrs. J. H. Dillard. i Mr Hob Whitcomb and a party, ot 1 Harlan, Ky., are camping near the 1 old Whitcomb Homestead at Ogreeta. ' Mrs. E. B. Norvell and Col. Don Witherspoon motored to Asheville, 5 Sunday. Last week, Mr. C. M. Wofford made ' a business trip to Atlanta and Haw- 1 kinsville, Ga. After n . Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell and sons 1 have returned to Marrietta, Gn. 1 i Mr. Charles Cooper, of Akron, Ohio 1 arrived Tuesday night for a visit with relatives. 1 Mrs. Herman May, of Knoxville, is 1 the guest of her parents, Mr. and ' Mrs. J. A. Richardson. 1 1 Thursday afternoon, Mrs. J. H. I'haup will be hostess to a bridge-tea at her home on Valley River Ave. Mrs. Mary E. Deweese is anticipat- 1 ng a visit from her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Spurlin, of Omaha, Neb. 1 t Mrs. D. S. Russell, of Andrews was \ the guest Tuesday of Mrs. James Palmer. 1 Thursday evening, Mr. Herbert McCall was host at a party at LaCabana on Fains mountain. The guests were: Misses Juanita Evans, Mary Bell, Em- j ogene Axley, Messrs Toby Fain, H. A Maddott and Frank Ellis. ?T vjillB?jy me a w?ce s i r >>^?cv ICE creava ochjeJ < i*? ^ _ _ /.yMVV-/! .v-;..; %ma^ * .x?X~?!~> I Personal I" A. S. Clarke) ^ ;i| Dr. and Mr>. L. I'. Newman, of ^ Cullowhee. were week-end visitors of rt Dr. and Mrs. Kdw. E. Adams. IiY.rn to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton ?* Rice, of Brass town, at th?- Murphy ?] Hospital Tuesday night, a son. I ja |c. Mr. J. M. Stoner left Tuesday for Atlanta to huy stock for his new store. s| ai Mrs. C. M. Butt and little Miss Marion Butt returned Thursday to their home in Blue Ridge, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fleming, of N Columbia, S. (*.. are the guests of h relatives. I) n Mrs. R. E. Ilumbrigih. daughter of ir Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Fain, had her \\ tonsils removed at the local hospital "Wednesday and is doing nicely. C, Mr. and Mrs. Crouch and little son h< of Morganton, N. C.. are the guests e; of Mrs. Crouch's brother Mr. C. K. t! Hoover and Mrs. Hoover. IJ is Rev. and Mrs. 1). H. Rhiiu-hart and c? children, Dr. and Mrs. Abernathy ann Rev. ami Mrs. Charles Stedman niotorcd to Gainesville, Tuesday. st in Misses Betty Ray, Elizabeth Smith, m \fary Alice Smith and Messrs W. P. d; anu i iifwr rain uioioren vo M Atlanta last week. ,'w hi The many friends of Mrs. Frank si l>. Dickev will he pleased to know she is better after an attack of acute indigestion. la Kl Mr. and .Mrs. C. A Blown, Miss I w Winifred Montony and Mr. Robert tli Brown, of Andrews, were in town 01 Sunday. st - ut Mr. Sibbald Smith, of Whittier, fli NT. C., district forest fire warden fc ind land agent for the Eastern Band y< if Cherokees, was a visitor to Mur- it )hy this week on business. Mrs. L. 0. Rector left Sunday for Wl ler home at Granite Falls, and was iccompanied by her mother and sis- Vfl er, Mrs. Elizabeth Posey and Miss 0f Tom Posey. se Dr. W. S. Rankin, head of the Duke e(j lospial endowment with headquarters vc n Charlotte discussed plans for a w, ounty hospital at the Library, Mon- jt lay afternoon. w ai Mrs. T. W. Watson and children, of at; Bedford, Ind., arrived Monday for a _ fisit with relatives and are the guests :his week of Mrs. Watson's mother, Mrs. Swan at Regal. Mr. Chas. A . Wellcr, of Knoxville, spent the first of the week in town. Mr. Weller will be pleasantly rememjer by a number of older residents as le once owned mining interests in nis .section. Messrs W. P. Holland, Bob Porter. F. L. Eubanks, Piercy, of Andrews, ind Mr. J. C. Horney, of Ashevilie, were registered at the Dickey Hotel, Monday. Mr. Horney is a prominent *eal estate developer, of Ashevilie. Mrs. D. L. Webster who has been the guest of Mrs. H. E. Dickey left ast week for her home in Greensboro. Mrs. Webster will be pleasantly remembered as the former Miss Dorothy Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mauney, of Washington, Ga., spent the week-end g with home folks. Mr. Mauney re- I turned Monday but Mrs. Mauney * will spend a month at her summer j icme. Imps Nest, and will be joined there this week by Mrs. E. A. Mc- ? Quarters, of Orlando, Fla., Mrs. J. H. Kimsey, of Memphis, and Miss Annie j Play, of Norcross, Ga FOR SALE Crushed Barley Malt One Hundred Pounds $3.50 Hop Flavored, Malt Syrup, $5.75 per ! Doxen Cans. American Malt Co., a Albemarle, N. C. (45-20fc-A) l THE CHEROKEE SCO m -1 i? <f > *yy \ OUE -TViO--m?EE \ M?' V I 4SMOttr Va \yH? PEMkJlES il Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elinor Ratiff on duly 3rd, a daughter, who is boon given the name of Alm.i ranees Ratcliff. Mr. Frank Mulker. of Etowah, enn., underwent an operation for jpendicitis at the local hospital last rednesday and is reported to be covering rapidly. Mrs. \\. Bailey and little daugh?r returned Sunday from a visit f two weeks with relatives in Atinta, Collide Park ;.r,d Fairburn. n. Miss Ella Simonds who has bee \ pending sometime with rclativend friends in East Tennessee, re lrned the latter part of last week, he left Thursday for Ashcville and iendersonville for a visit. Rev. II. C. Dickey. of William tan, . ?\. is spending several weeks with is parents. .Mr. and Mrs. A. K. 'ickey, and other relative. Mrs. ickey anil little son, who are visitig relatives in Mormtown, Tenn., ill join Mr. Dickev here next wok. Mrs. W. T_ Smalley, of Macon, a., is spending several weeks with er parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. K Dirky, while Mr Smalley is attending le summer school of Columbia niversity. New York. Mr. Smalley a member of the faculty of Mer r Tniversity. Macon. Mr. Crawford C. Anderson and aff of engineers are in Murphy, aking this point headquarters while laking soundings of the different im sites for the government on the iawaasee river where the survey as made last year. Mr. Anderson | I'udcii the party which made the irvey. The editor is the recipient of two rge tomatoes from the bounteous irden of Mrs. James Palmer. One eighed 1 pound three ounces, and ie other tipped the scales at 11 inces, and were grown on the same em. Mrs. Palmer has quite a rep.ation for raising tomatoes and owers. She carried off first prize r tomatoes at the county fair last ,?ar. and savs she is mine to win again this year. Announcement was made this eek by Mayor Ilill that Mrs. E. B. or veil had been named to fill the icancy on the board of trustees of the Carnegie Library caused by, e resignation of Mrs. L. P. Kiny. The board is to be commendI for the appointment of Mrs. Nor 11. who is fully competent in every ay to administer the trusteeship. is understood that Mrs. Kinsey . ill not return to Murphy this fall, id she will be missed by her many j Imiring firends. Big Help to Yankee* - / >k /'ilnHPHi First Baseman Gehrig has been ol treat assistance to Manager Miller lugglns In landing the Yankees on op in the American league pennant ace. Not only Is he a clever fleider, ?ut he Is aU<> a mighty bard bitter. i iiT *1 rfi Iftl I X * y 1 /?j Jjw happy and comfortable In their clothea ^ more than could ba aid of the pld-fashioned girt UT, MURPHY, N. C. si PAtXTW. uiMME ~TV*3^V , *1; Ceuts. dadov, vjiu. ^ooj 0 3 Oft MUH.WOVJ'l f - 1 If fl ~ \ "^y If er .rr(/ FOR SALE?-A few good productive far ins on the "Joe Brown Highway" between Murphy, N. C., and Sweetwater, Tenn. Also some in the fertile Sweetwater Valley on the Lee Highway. These farms are priced to ( sell. Write us if interested. Mutual Realty Box M.t Sweetwater, Tenn. (51-2t-inl : NOTICE 1 hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff i <.f Cherokee County, N. C., subject to the Republican Primary and con- . vention. All favors shown me will be appreciated. This 7th day of June 1926. (50-tf) R. T. STILES. Distinctive Hand-Painted Frock of Pink Chiffon ffiEnk -IflHA fetfcu *iS>Z7i STs. Individuality is achieved lu ibis handpiiinted frock of chiffon worn by Dorothy Phillips, famous movie star who recently returned to the films via a MetroUoldwyii-Msyer contract after an athsetuv ol .>wrral years. The frock, oi si >11 pink chlil'ou, Is hand pniiuei i * i pssiet shades lu chariiiiu*; ii:ud*>coi- with fu." llu-r uovil.j u< .. il very chk huud-p:iii:ii ?l ' ?:d sleeves Tinhell lictl :i! tin "I ' \v:i!?-tline add I? lis I'.-irNivii -! *With ill!-** "> ; 1 ^ rhilllps weuri soft white f?-l' "t and while ki? nuinits. I Rece tfi 1 I Carl I Gal I | Get C . j Briti * -Qkw? M *22"' FOR SALE?At bargain. pair mart* mules 8 and 10 year* old, weight 2300 pound-". Also wagon. See M. A. Hampton, Brasstown, N. f. ( "?2-2t-pd.) The proper hour for wedding "breakfast" is not till one o'clock in the afternoon. Of course love-sick people don't eat anyway, but it's pretty hard on the parents. THEREJ5 NO 5/ I-OR MDNE Build a product th better than the x mounting sales i who are constantl urated market. During the first year, for instanc* sold 207,115 mot< This represenls a cent over the first and continues E the enviable posit THE INDUSTRY For the three weel 23,862 motor car; delivered to custc of 62.4 per cent ov last year, and in that Dodge Broth* is continuing throw of mid-summer. There may be a s mediocrity, but he ways command expanding market. E. c. MO( 1U1 !enn Murph Dodge- E motor ived This V -oad of Barb vanized Rooi Fence Nails Kir Prices 1 You Buy tain H W!Z trW s wS?s % f i SUBSCRIBE TO THK SCOUT. kTURATiDN Point e-st Valueiat the world needs, vorld expects, and will answer those V predicting a satsix months of this ?, Dodge Brothers Dr cars and trucks, t gain of 49.3 per six months of 1925, )odge Brothers in ion of THIRD IN r. cs ending July 17th, 9 and trucks were ?mers?an increase er the same period ipressive evidence srs great sales gain igh the quiet weeks saturation point for IRDTH&R5 . CARS 0 9j s X X Veek | 1 Wire I n S "ing | is rejanuajaiajiiiii^^

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