PAGE SIX PLANS BEING WORKED OUT FOR BIG MO i ORCADE iCo.itinucd iron: pat'-' 1' "JL?uti ; I he Federal Government :o Continue A.a lor Highways." c'aaiie: A. Webb, co-j ubiisher of the .isilcViiic Citizen. 'Couauu?.uon ui 1::tel.slate iiign ?ajc, John N. Holder, ox Jellcrson, La., ciiu.i.uuii oi . Georgia Tstute Highway ivuiu. lv.uiU.Ztg tile ApjU.uvinan Scenic iiig:...u> . North Cuio.uiu,' James G. ^tinv leather, oi .isheville, state hignwi... commissioner for the Ninth North La?Vi.r.a ui-tiut. 'iiuiidii.g ?> estent North Carolina, " Don Bun.-. pub.isher of The Ar he vide Times. "Measuring t:.?. ...ue oi improved iiignways," Congressman, Zeb Wea. **r, o; North Carolina. "What Improved Highway? mean to Atlanta, vV. L?. ilotfttuu, president "i :ri \ .iut ... I h.n c; . Comnuioe. "Wimi Imji.c: Highways .Mean * ne?...e, l'r*a..,i : Bry?on, of v-h.-vih.' ? lumber Commerce. w nit Ap^alacnion Scenic High . .... ueai.j- l? N? 11:. La., Henry H. i su.-. . . Gaim : ie, preside:.I oi the - a .i. isioii t:;t_ Appalachian .-vena uiguwa>. "What the .?pp-...cniar' Scenic ilifcUWaV .Uc... i X* Xvltil Caiodna/" i/ttu> Ureefi. i uc '.iit. i Atlanta-Aslievihe-Monireui Mou-rc.ide v* x'j27," Ahiyor .1 ?ni; i athe>, ol A-heViilc. ihe -vt uiiUi LonvtnU'jn of the >?-euu Highway Assoi .aiuu. W. i. Winn, >i Atlanta, jiasitluot v' ne . toigta Automobile ^."?u.iaUoD> A . iiUurviH' a i. ue hunted to . .. ami ten tuiiruiv.-, in order that t:.-' iua i ; jjia.] may L>e covered at the "He aiteruoou session and with-! > ;*. vveuvy.n.; t::e audience. 1 lie committees on arrangement as announced by Aiuyor iiiii iotlow: j i n.c . .. n m shtnetils: Mr.-. L. ii. \orve .. Mrs. v\. M. Axley, Airs. K. t. Alatto\, .VIt -. S. U. Akin, Mrs. 1.. 1.. Bay less and Mr-- Josephine *ie;gnwu> l'inances. W. I*. Udom. Advertising and Publicity: lion Witherapoon. Barbecue: E. B. Xorveli. tii . ur.d- and Parking: K. P. Hawkins. W D. Tovvnsnn, J. W. Davidson. Reception John li. D.llard, chairman; \Y. M. Bell, D. Witherspoon, H Parker, C. W. Savage, Dr. .? N. llili, II. A. Davidson, W. P. Payne, J. B. Storey, W. M. Axley, X. E. Dockeiy; D. S. Russell, Andrews; C. A. Brown, Andrews; \V. T., Andrews-; X. \V. ALeruathy, \l - 1 : 1 Hnn.lriv -U. A Hue, Culberson; Ceo. Crawford, Uuaka; \V. J. Martin, Martins Creek; A. B. Dickey, H. K. Elliott, Peachtree; Mr-. M. W. Bell. Mrs. J. H. Dillaid. Mr-. Ralph Moody, Mrs. R. ?j. Parker, Mr-. J. W. Davidson, Mrs. J. H. MeCall. Mrs. Cene Holcomb; and Mrs. Giles Cover, Andrews; Mrs. It. A. l)ewar, Andrews. Executive Committee: Mrs. E. B. Norvell, W. I*. Odom, D. Witherspoon, E. B. Norvell, E. P. Hawkins, and F. S. Ilill, Mrs. E. E. Adams, Mrs. J. B. Storey. Arrangement Committee: Mrs. J. B. Storey, Mi's. 11. G. Elkins, Mrs. T. S. Evans, Mrs. W. M. Axley, Mrs. R. C. Maltox, Mrs. L. E. Bayless. Serving Committee: Mrs. E. E. Adams, Miss Josephine Heigh way, Mrs. S. Akin, Mrs. P. C. Hyatt. Mrs J. \V. Thompson, Mrs. Bessie Deweese, Mrs. Niel Davidson, Mrs. R. W. Gray, Mrs. Allen Fain, Mrs. George Ellis, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. G. W. Candler. Library Receives Books As Gifts A number of books us gifts from The Woman's Club, Mrs. E. B. Norvell, and Miss Ann Candler, to the Carnegie Library were announced this week by Miss Josephine Heighway, Librarian. One of the books of especial interest is the one entitled "At Top of Tobin," by Stanley Olmsted, formerly of Murphy, which portrays scenes and life in Murphy a number of years ago. Tbe books as announced by the librarian follow: Olmsted?"At The Top of Tobin", gift from Woman's Club. O'shanghnessy?"Diplomatic Days" Oti9?"When Israel Putnam Served the King", Gregory?"Desert Valley" Henty?"By Sheer Pluck*', Henty? "The Lion of St. Mark", Burroughs? "Jungle Tales of Tarzan", gifts by Mrs. E. B. Norvell. Hope?"Bunnie Brown and Sister Sue at Christmas Tree Cove", gift by Miss Anna M. Candler. SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT A . ...Aw... WEST CAROLINA HOLIDAY ASKED f-OR ROAD ht-lE (CuutlQUCU fyMi: pagv t) grains received yesterday from var : ?us ; oint.- in Canada asking that the '.'J7 annaaj convention of the Appaacniun Scenic Highway Association ?- held in Canada. Mederic Martin, nunor of Montreal wired: "The Mayr of Montreal cordially invites the icmberu : the Appalachian Scenh Highway Yssociation to hold their next Convention in Montreal, the metropolis .1 Canada." V : the Atlanta J?uunai and the state uf Georgia Hariw- I:ranch, ul' Atlanta, said following Mi. Marvel, "that the orgunl atioi. of .ai nti i national motorcatlc commencing at New Orleans and Atlanta and proceeding the len. . of the scenic highway in 1927 v, ,.iiid do much to establish this- great route as one of the marvels of modern limes." 'in combination of scenery, rich c- u-.try. and hospitable cities along i:. route there is nothing like this highway East oi the Rocky Mount. . M: Branch declared, "Every tunc 1 -land on some of those gorgeous peak- and look down the length - f ->>me ..I those magnficient valleys nil goiges I an. made to feel thai your engineers have achieved a very thing in making these natural r untie .its available to so many pcop.t of the world. "Eveiy place 1 g? in your state the highways indicate that right here tr.c most effective road work had been done that has been achieved in this generation anywhere. It is a tribute to Western North Carolina and your leaders here that you had tin vision to make this highway pos-bic. Hundreds of thousands ot people in Eastern America have lain jvnatvt- ai iiigm ureunimg ot new places to visit in their automobiles. This, highway gives them the answei i their dream. This great motorcade from Montreal to Atlanta in i October will be one of the most spec t tacular of international relationship. "Oeorgia ia sending her delegates i to Murphy in large numbers on Augii>t 21, and Asheville and Western .North Carolina ean do nothing less t than send great delegations for tin i -easion." he urged. "We are coming to you to help you celebrate the com pletion of your link in the sceni< highway?and you owe it to your self to join in this celebration en ihusiastically." Newspaper* Get Tribute Mr. Branch then paid tribute U the utvseltish services that have hcei i rendered in the cause of good road; ! by the Asheville newspapers, declar , ir.g that without their help the mat ; ter might have been delayed b] years. , lie also paid a tribute to Majo I John S. Cohen, publisher ot" the At lanta Journal, whom he characteriz cd as "the father of interstate . roads." He narrated how, almost i ' decaee ago. Major Cohen set out t< . convince the public that automobile: ! could be used for long trips and toll \ of the devotion with which the Majo: has labored in the Appalachian Seen ic Highway project. One of the principal addresses at the celebration 01 August 21 will be made by Majo: , Cohen. He will speak on "The De ivelopment of Highways." | Another tribute that was paid ir | the course of the evening was ad I dressed by James G. Stikeleather ! North Carolina Highway Commis ' sioner for the Ninth district, to Ros coe Marvel, president of the Appa laehinn Scenic Highway Association In narrating some of the history ol the scenic highway movement he re voaled that at the beginning of Mr Marvel's agitation for this route ii was doubted whether much wouk ever come of it. "The completion of the North Car ; olina unit in it and the virtual com pletion of the Northern Georgia unii gives the nation a high class and un broken route all the way from Mon | treal to Atlanta," Mr. Stikeleathei declared, "and great credit is du? Roscce Marvel for the accomplish ment." Three Great Highways In the course of his address Mr Stikeleather revealed that "th< Nineteenth district has more miles ol finished concrete highway than anj other district in the state of Nort) Carolina." Summarizing the situation thai now obtains with reference to th< highways completed, he stated thai 11 THE CHEROKEE SCOt Franklin Talent To I Present Play At Auditorium Aug 19 A committee front the Franklin < Eastern Star were in Murphy this week anil made arrangements to pre; sent two Franklin talent plays at the school auditorium Thursday night August 19th. at 7:30 o'clock. t , The plays are two one act come dies, brimful o? laughter, and added c : features will be dancing, solos and t jokes. Music will be furnished by s " the Franklin orchestra. ; One play is entitled "In Dixon's \ Kitchen," by Wilbur Stout, which is 1 a series of courtship interruptions, 1 and the other is entitled "Agatha," 1 i by Jane Troy, and takes place dur- t ing the Civil War. t The plays are being given under t 'the auspices of the local association i for the benefit of the Carnegie Li brary. and it is hoped that a good t number of the people will come out t to see them. I j ; the celebration at Murphy will oh- -s . serve three outstanding facts: I. The virtual completion of High, j way No. lo from Morehruil City to , Murphy, one of the greatest highways lying entirely within a single state to be found in the Union, i 2. Completion of a high grade 1 through route from Montreal to At- ^ lanta, Georgia with only one detour ' in existence at present. 3. Completion of fifty miles water bound macadam road from the t North Carolina-Georgia line to Cleve- ?> land, Georgia. 1 Plans to extend the membership : * the Appalachian Scenic Highway As- r i socintion were then outlined to the meeting by Otis Green who called t upon members present from the various civic clubs of Asheville to go J out to their respective organizations and lay before them the benefits that they have derived from this highway and the duty they owe to the organ- t ization to become members. Gnin? Much Publicity 1 Means that have been employed to .N make the highway known to America 1 i were set forth by Harvey Holleman ; who reported that "newspaper infor- ' 1 mation regarding the annual conven1' tion in October and the Montteal-to- ' Atlanta motorcade has been sent to ' .?ver 300 newspapers in Eastern Unit. ed State? and that 2Ii of the Wading J motor magazines of America have 1 i carried information about the high- ' way." Precisely what the highway ' Joes 'o advertise Asheville and West> | ern North Carolina was pointed out I j by Mr. Holleman and he urged that ; i | the city can do nothing better in its i advertising campaign than to pro> claim that A. S. II.?stands for ; "Asheville mountain met.rn]>olis on | the Asheville Scenic Highway." i j Harry Stillwell Edwards, noted - j author, n Georgian by birth and now - a resident of North Carolina, was called upon by Mr. Elia^, chairman of, the arrangements committee for the motorcade to Murphy, to say a few ,j words about the highways of North 41 Carolina. "It would be impossible," saia Edwards "to tell in a few words ^ what I think of the roads here. It would take volumes. I am reminded p that it has been said that "all roads 1 used to lead to Rome but now they lead to Asheville." It must be re-! 9 membered that the roads did not ^ make Rome; the roads helped Rome ) to hold the world once it was eor.s quered. i 1 "Greatest Thing Done By South" p "If I were asked," he continued, - "to state what is the greatest thing . the South has I should say the Api palachian highland which your great , r highway is opening up to Ameica. - This highland is the backbone of the South. And you open this through i highway you are opening up a route I i?.w uic *erjr uucKuunc oi tne aouins I riches." | Other addresses were made by N. ! Buckner, F. Roger Miller. Mr. Elias, i and Holmes Bryson, president of the j Asheville Chamber of Commerce, j Plans announced for the Murphy celebration include a two-hour program of addresses by outstanding' leaders in Georgia and Western North Carolina, a barbecue, and a musica. program. Mayor F. S. Hill of Mur- ' phy, notified officials of the associa- | tion that Cherokee county is planning one of the greatest celebrations in its history and citizens of Western North Carolina have been invited to spend the night at Murphy preceding the celebration. r The man or worn-1 tn w^'? >>as suffldenl strength of charac ; t 1t * and think hard when; , neither la neceeaary to the enjoyment ( t ci all the comforts Is rare. rr. MURPHY. N. c. V1AUNEY ATTENDS N. F. L. A. MEET AT COLUMBIA, S. C. Organization Covering the Carolines, Georgia and Florida Hat Loan cd Farmers $77,000,000 Prof. L. E. Mauney, president ot he Cherokee National Farm Loan Association. comprising the counties ?f Cherokee, Clay and Graham, steaded the meetings of 515 local associations of the Carolinas, Georgia ind Florida for two days last week vhich were held at the Columbia edetal Land Hank. Columbia, toward C. Arnold, president of the ?ank told the delegates that the farm rs in these four states have borrowed more than ?77.000,000 through hose associations since the bank was tablished nine years ago. .Mr. Mauney stated that officers f. r he main association were elected his meeting. The officers of the i il association are: Prof. Mauney. ^resident, and H. I.. Fox, of Ranger, :ecretarv. i?ed Cross Official To Be Here Monday According to announcement by neniber- ->\ Arthur swaim. ate congratulating her upon vinning u lot in iVlham Manor. Flu., vhich is a subdivision on the Lake Z!ity and Jacksonville highway. Miss vwaim solved a puzzle sent out by he Maja Sales Corporation, of New fork City, and sent it 1o the judges >f the contest. The other day she received a deed to a lot in Pelhain Manor. Miss Swaim is a student in the local high school, and will enter the ninth grade this year. Chi 1 nr u v r 1 11 1 2 PRICE io stimulate Busine: Pi Men's Broad Cloth Shirts with collars, Each Men's 50c to $1.00 Broad belts, Each Men's Work Shirts, Each Men's Hats with fancy bands Each Men's pin check Work Pants Per pair .. l adies' Silk Dreses Each I-adies* Silk Hose, all colors, Per pair Ladies' $1.25 Silk Hose, all colors, Per pair Dress New Fall Goods ArtPrices Listed Above Are gains at Our Store Not L Christo] ( M Asmdlrews i Mr. a "'.I M -. C. B. Hoblitzell return- j <1 Sunday after having had their (t daughter. Fannie Sue. treated in the l hospital in Ashevillc. Fannie Sue ' is n.-w niueh improved. t J. A. Tatham. Leona Tatham, Mary Tntham and Mrs. F. E. Frye, Jr., > iiMtorcd to Nanathala Sunday after- > noon. t < Jim Clen- and son. Emmett, and i Mary Joe Fi?h and Ruth Waldroup i were in Franklin ?>ri last Sunday at- 1 tending the MeConnell-Truett meet- * illg. i I>. H. Tillett wa> in Murphy Monday attending couit. t J. C. Arbogast, Jr.. has been out f l:\iii - niirnl ?f ( this week attending to business. i I On last Saturday night, Mr. and Mrs. It. A. lVwar and Mr. and Mrs .1 It. Ftudp - and children, Elizabeth. Edith. John. Jr. and Edna and Mr. 1 ;:n i Mrs 1?. II. Tillitt went out to t J .-nluska School House* and had a I picnic supper. On last Satuidav, Troop D. N". C. : ' N. CI. ent ooped for camp at Camp i Ogk'Otorpe, Ga. Among other things taken as mascots was a goat and a collie. 1 i This ,r< op left with full equipment 1 and in good shape. We are expect-, ing the troop to make an excellent!, impression at the camp. I Supt. J. G. Allen has completed 1 | 11is new home on Aquone Road and j moved in on Monday of this week. , GHICHESTkRS DUMON? , LAMBS I -r A.k y?*r tor CF -CHRS-TER S A PIAMO l> bKAN'D ril.l.S In Ht.u anJAA Coi.n foe .'.lie J. i*M. ? aietl Rit.u>a tiktb no oruca. n*f *r ;?ir \/ \ Dru??Ht ?...a j?U r..r CU|.CBi:s.TI U? v !)| A *.'? > !? Hit * N l? I' I I.I.s. f?r twrnt?-fl?C ' > yc~r% 1. ? IUil.Sjfeft. AlwBjrs Sellable. . SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, ' ' rvERYVYHER'" -istoph LEADERS FOR i MOl IS IN EFFECT ss Through August We An icer. During the Entire Mon 1 C Ginghams ?P 1 Per yard a 32 inch Gingham tOC Per yard m rx Best garde L. L. 4i/C Per yard ? c>o on ('ood ade Sheet Per yard $1.19 $2.00 Bed Spreai Each Ladies' Muslin G l i Each ruught with him tv ;r??. ,nd jvB i stunts. Arnol d th<>.-i . ,i; emoved were: WortwB Margaret te Holland. Meredith WfcjiB aker and Walter Whitaker. H Mrs. F. E. Frye, 1 f Canton, y has been spending several d?j? n Andrews where -1 ; -iting het rurents, Dr. and Mi . I.. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mr.aai Vlrs. J. W. Walkei am, It. A. Dew* eft Andrews Wednesday for a trip ;o Atlanta, (Ja., to l? gone until Friday of this week. At the meeting ot Board of [)irectors of the An< lew- Buiidinf md Loan Associatio Monday, W. W. Ashe was appoit ' director t? ill the vacancy cause the vesif lation of C. H. Bail* who ha? mow >d to Klizabethton, T : n. ^ By my announcer ' : disappear* ng in the Scout some ight that 1 tad withdrawn fron >e rate f? Register of Deeds, but such i3 act he case* 1 am in ce to tfc inish. Your suport i influeM vill be highly appreciated. Yours very truly, j I 50-4t-b) V.". A. BOYD PURNISHKD ROOMS f light tan keeping. See Mrs. Mat tie A. Ti* lor. City. 11-lt-pdf NOTICE ! hereby announce myself ?J t Candidate for the Office of Sh-nfl >f Cherokee County, N. subj? to the Republican Primal and ca mention. All favors si me si ye appreciated. This 7th day of June I '.*26. (50-tf) R. T. STILES. er's NTH NOW! 2 Offering the Followii ith. 9 . 12 SheetinK 12 1-2 >nl? Q d: ........ $1.4 owns 591 d Step-ins 791 dies' Silk Dresses ^7 7 nt of cloth, nA [)0, yard ?e Prices >re While in Town. T II Find Many Other Bi i TIME TO BUY. ing Dry e C.