FRIDAY. AUGUST 20, 1828 t SUCH r is LIFE I Charles Suqhroe I INGENIOUS J Sp exp^auatiom vj-x- :-:aoa?oooB>eoo?sooio8oe< | Social and | (Edited By Mr*. KA' HARTZOG : V ind .Mrs. John Robert Kay anfiie marriage of their daughter. ? -da Ruth, to Mr. Harry Lee f Hart . formerly of Greenwood, S. i {'.. now holding a position with t j the < "' drich Rubber Co., Atlanta, Ga. s T' marriage to take place in At- t Ian . it the home of Mr. and Mrs. ? (Jt W. Reece, aunt and uncle of the groom, in November, the date to 1 be announced later. ^ Kate Akin, of Lumber. I * t n. V <*.. is visiting among home I folks. Osborne, of Chicago is the , a inactive guest of her sister, Mrs. | \\ \V. Hyde. ( Mr .and Mrs. Glenn Turnbill ana of Struthers, Ohio, were in town 1 first of the week. .11. bryan Martin, of Asheville, j ims been at the bedside of hia moth- | er. Mrs. J. D. Martin. After a visit with home folks, Mr. ?i Mrs. Neil Sneed have returned t-i U'luon City, Fla. After an extended stay in a private >. mlarium in Asheville, Miss Lula S ain has returned home much im- \ ( roved in health. i Mrs. Emma Jones and children re- 1 uned home at Ravenst'ord, uftei 3 pending a week with her molhei j Mis. Hester Swaim. I .Mr. Jesse Martin, of Brawley < alt"., is at the bedside of his mother, ^ Mrs J. I). Martin, who is critically t ill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langren, of . Woodbury, Ga., spent the week-ghd in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. i . M. Wofford. i Mr. afiu Mrs. C. K. Hoover are en rtaining at this time Mrs. Hoovers t-arents Mr. and Mrs. G. Connelly, 01 , Marion. , Mrs. Wnr. Butt and children, or ( Blue Ridge, are the guests of Mrs. | Butts parents Mr. and Mrs. A. A. , Fain. Miss Martha K. Smith and her , mother, Mrs. Smith spent the first ot | the week in town and were guests of j Mrs. Henry Axley. _ I Mrs. T. W. Watson and children , will return*to their home Saturday, at Bedford, Ind., after visiting friends ^ and relatives and attending Sw-aim family reunion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goddert, of Jacksonville, Fla., have given their infant son the name of John Luther. Mrs. Goddert was- formerly Miss Jessh* Mauney. Mrs. T. W. Wilkins and children returned to their home at Pittsburc Kansas, after visiting relatives and friends in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. Mr. Edgar Harshon of Newpoi i News, spent the past week with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. McD. Harshon. Mr. Harshon is a draughtsman witn the government and also instructor ?f Electrical Engineering in a night *chool in that city. Mr. C. T. Giles, Superintendent, ot machinery for the L. & N. Railroad, with his assistant, Mr. T. O. Sechiist "id his private secretary, Mr. C. R. Tacoby were in Murphy last week in their private car on a pleasure trip. Sunday they accompanied Mr. J. H. 1'haup and Mr. W. E. Studstill on a motor trip over the Aaheville highway. They were enthusiastic over the scenery and roads in this section. Mrs. R. C. Mattox spent several days last week in Knoxville with her daughter, lira. F. C. McDonald. Mrs. i McDonald accompanied her mother j hume for a abort visit. ! NES.S1R.* \ KUOVU I GOT A BLACK BUT "TU8BV ROWLEV WAS GOlUQ 1 SOME Bits op snctcy FLW-Raper. 1 OUR- CATS FEET, AMD ME WOvAPW ME UELP, AVID BElUG AS MOW IT V I OUR GAT, www I JUST VJP AMD- | ^ ^4^; S Personal j A. S. Clarke) klKS CANDLER ENTERTAINS NT BRIDGE I*ARTY .Mrs. (I. W. Candler entertain** i ftfUr tables of bridge Monday evenng in honor of Miss Helen Hilton, be house guest of Mrs. \Y. E. Davidion. Immediately on arriving the juests were served punch by Miss Xnne Candler. The prize for top score was won >y Mr. \Y\ E. Studstill. Miss Hilton was presented a guest prize. At the onclusion of the games a salad course with coffee was served. The guests enjoying this hospitality were: Misses Nan Dixon, Kvinull Mauney, Helen Hilton. Kathrvn Thompson, Mary Smith, Mary Norkrell, Hettie Kate Akin, Klizabeth Brittain, Messrs \V. E. Studstill. Raymond Harris. Chip Arbogast. W. O. Boyce, Julius Berzunza Arderson. Fownson, of Chattanooga, and Salil*eau, of Yonkers, N*. Y. Mr. S. \V. Carringer returned to his home at lVachtree this week after having spent several days in Bobbinsrille and Graham County. Rev. J. If. Sill, of Asheville, tilled the pulpit at the Episcopal church Sunday morning and night. Miss Mary Bell presented the editor with a tomato last week that weighed one ami one-half pounds. Miss Heal and her brother, R. K. Seal have several rows across their garden this year ami state that the production qualities of the plants this rear are very prolific and the one prciented the editor was just a sample. A'e appreciate the tomato, and wish o rise and ask r who will be nevt? Mr. .1. E. Shearer ami Mr. J. M. ifoore and sons, of, were visitors in Murphy Saturday. Mr. W. L H*>rn, of Andrews, was n town Wednesday. There will be a Sunday School contention at the Friendship Baptist Church, Suit, N. C., on Saturday and Sunday, August 28th and 29th, according to announcement this week >y R. L Keenuni, Township Chairnan. Mr. and Mrs. Duiph Carringer and children, of Knoxville, are spending two weeks with relatives and friends in the county. Mr. Carringer !s manager of the Savings department of the City National Bank at Knoxville. Rev. A. S. Gillespie, of Lillington, and Mr. Perry Morgan, State B. Y. P. U. Secretary for North Carolina, of Raleigh, were visitors in Murphy Wednesday night and spoke at the Baptist Church. There will be a baptizing service held at Brasstown the first Sunday in September, according to announcement made this week. The many friends of Miss Ruby Sneed will regret to learn that she Is ill at her home in East Murphy. The many friends of Mr. Lester Bates will regret to learn of his continued illness. Mr. Floyd C-arringer, who has a position in the bookkeeping: department of the City National Bank, ot Knoxviile, is spending two weeks vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. W Carringer, at Peachtree, and other relatives in the county. Inez Long, who is in training for a nurse at an Asheville hospital is spending several days with relatives, Jerome West and wife of Chattanooga, Tenn., visited their brother, W M. West in East Murphy last week leaving Wednesday morning to visil I their son at Winston-Salem, N. C. -Mrs. Octa Welch and husband, S. 0 Welch, of Athens. Tenn., with theii son, Elmer Welch, of Knoxviile, Tenr THE CHEROKEE SC ETVE. ,^^jrEVlOOG?Mlo4EVi ^ to put} I rr was soMe-miu**}* j OU r v LIKE -TUAT ) tlet j ?^ visited W. M. Wwj in East Murph> Monday on their return from an outinjr to Willmingtor. \. f., and .ther points. Mrs. Welch is a sister of Mr West. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cray left Wednesday for Asheville to attend the annual meeting and picnic at the Swannanoa Test Kam.. They will l?e Kone ' several days before returning to j Murphy. Mr. and Mr*. James M. Gray and children of Raleigh, spent two days this week with Mr. ami Mr-. R. W Gray. Mr. James M. Gray is assistant director of extension work in North Carolina. WOLF CREEK Mr. 4. C. Cook and family left here Sunday morning for Calern, Ala., where they will \ isit relatives for a week or ten day-. Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Morgan and , family and Mrs. Sarah Garren and !Mr. and Mrs. Riley Morgan and son. Charles, motored to Andrews and return Sunday. The revival services at Macedonia c/V / ? at these LowPrices! teas5 510 | sar$B5 Uad*tt$765 *^?*$375 ,T^Js^ *495 i i I rw.t ' I s. ;i i : Q U A I OUT, MURPHY, N. C. IU SPITE OF VUHAT I SAY, Y COME ?A ABOUT OMCET A ViEEX UX>KJK* UiKE THE LAST OF THE MOtUCAUS* ADVICE GOES church commenced more ihun a week ' .isro and will continue through this ; week. | Mr. \V. I*. Garren and two sons, r Herbert and Howard, left here Tues- ' lay morning in a Ford for Knoxville, 1 .vhere they go to help erect a camp ] for r. Camp meeting of the members of the various churches in the Cumt? rl.. 1 i "onfereiio-- of Seventh Day' Vtlventists which will be held from September 2 t?? September 12. They 1 expect to be gone about four weeks. Mr and Mrs. Fred Davis, of Copper Kill, have laid definite plans to build them a home near the rural school 1 here where they can educate their * children in a Christian school. Mr. Davi- i* a machinist in the employee ..f the Tennessee Copper Company. A Mr. Pack fell away in the mines .it Hyatt. Tenn.. hist Thursday even-! ag and was taken from the mine (? dead. He was .a young man and hi.-father was working along side of ; hii:? when the aeeident occured. \ The Rev. Otto Bell was ordained to P'.-a at Pleasant Hill church Sunday. The State of Tennessee has a crew of men with tractors and other for Ecot zwomo Features Chevrolet a by increas Now in the greatest yea history?building cars ii volume to meet an evt worldwide demand?CI tinues its successful policy Chevrolet valuer! Every where, Chevrolci gardeJ as the world's fini car. For month after mor has been sending Chcvrot to new and record-break: ' ?because Chevrolet ale all the advantages of quali k construction with lowest f Now Chevrolet adds to ance, beauty and complete ment that have been wi^n J to Chevrolet? * ?by developing the sou rolet in Chevrolet history f bag its smart appearance a features which increase I , and satisfaction of Cheyn f and ownership! A triumph of enginee and research, today's Chi ^ only low-priced car ever 1 quality of smooth car perf I Forty tc fifty miles an 1 as you like without the si DICKEY IV ties and Service ,ITY A' j ?XEU-.SAV,POP MAT36 ~TWAtS \ y i got -two ears - owe. for "tmi ~R> <50 1*4. a?d owe For. -tuiuc 1 ^ ^ ?UT^J nachineiy widening the State High- M vay leading from Ducktown to Copier Hill and the V lgelico Gap where t will intersect with the Hothouse ) ??ad. They commenced work the first dJ ?f last week and have now passed | Fi jsabella coming this way. ___ PATDIPF ITTMC * rt 1 1\1V>1\ 1 I LilTlJ >, v Mr. ami Mrs. Patton Williams and ive children uf Telliro Plains, Term., tre visiting: the latters parents Mr. ind Mrs. Torn Picklesimer this week. ^ Mrs. Mary Hainhy arid children *? e the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Ledford Sunday. Mrs. Doshia Hensley, of Etowah. Tenn.. is the guest of Mr. and Mrs E. II. Burning this week. Mrs. Myrtle Danner and two chiliren. El ice and Aline, of Coppcrhill,, Tenn., spent Saturday night with Mr. ' and Mrs. John Picklesimer. Mr. J. K. heuuer has purchased him a car. Mr and Mrs. Irwin Ledford and two children of (iostonia. N. (*., ar- f rived Sunday to spend some time with the formers parents Mr. and | npmical Transportati othness -tNew Co gain electrifies t ;ing Chevrolet^ r in Chevrolet of fatigue! Remark; 1 tremendous every speed! Ace X'increasing delight in traffic! P< kevrolet con- hills and mud and s; f of increasing ?such arc the ali qualities attained bj : has been re- ior method of mou rst Low-priced the chassis and by a i ith the public scientifically det< let popularity curves, ing heights? Arrange for a tne combined Admire the brilliant ity design and and striking Duco prices. model! Rich Alge the perform- Sedan; smart Thel ness of equip- Coach; Alpine Gre< ing the world Dundee Gray on the open models, modi jothestChev- Mark the greater c< r, by enhanc- centralized throttle ; nd by adding Note that all enclt the economy their bodies by Fisl olet purchase approved stop-light ment and have a f ring science Then take the wh evrolet is the quickly learn that to offer every with its new smooth ormancc. and new colors, i: hour as long Chevrolet could bu lightest sense only Chevrolet could lOTOR C( MURPHY r low PAGE FIVE OUT Jt? rs. S. Ix'dford. M.- i- EM en and Hohart Dobbi? >.ipper Hill. T?*nn , spent Thars?y ni^ht with Mr. an?i Mrs. John icklesimer. Mr. Ix-ster Ledf<>rd who is atteudir school at the I.ynn Bach machool at Farner. Tenn.. spent the eek-end with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Ix?n (Jultin and chilrtn. of Copper ITi!3. Tenn., -pent unciay with the latters parent- Mr. nd Mrs. T. J. Shearer. Mr. J. M. Ham by. who has been ck for some time. i? not expected ? live many days. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Humby and hildren visited Mr. and Mrs. !?. E. ieklesimer Saturday night. LIBRARY HOURS Af tf moons Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday aiui 'riday from 2:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. Evening* Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday rom 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 I*. M. JOSEPHINE HEIGH WAY, Librarian. on ?tNew lors * he world /slues f # able smoothness at deration that is a )wer that conquer* and? nost revolutionary r a new and supernting the motor in new camshaft with irmioed quieting demonstration! beauty of the new colors on every rian Blue on the >es Gray on the in on the Landau; Coupe; and on all ish Biscay Green, mvenience of the ind spark control! osed models with ler now carry an as standard equipront door pocket. _.1 i ? cei?ana you will today's Chevrolet aess, new features ; a car that only lild?a value that 3. , N. C. COST