| FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, l?2g r~n such r is LIFE UUCM AY MS- 5^ Charles Suqhroe a . .. ~~ ;W A |. H EE4S0W" I *VJ ?! Social and ( F.ditrd By Mri. A. J. Martin is in Douglas, 15a. Miss Grace Parker is the t of lelatives in Hickory. 1 Hettie Kate Akin returned to i ' < rlon, Tuesday. t I >ir. Will Haralson, of Atlanta t nt a part of last week here with h; -istcr, Mrs. L. E. Mauney. ( dr. and Mrs. George Leatherwood ? . i children, of Lemon City, Fla., I -1 mug loaiivra in tms section. Mrs. Frank Tate and children, of ' ktown, spent the week end with i : parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Green 1 Mis. E. L. Townson remains at the u i side of her mother, Mrs. Cock ' of Ranger, who is seriously ill. : I I It will he learned with interest ? that Mr. A. M. Hrittain is better, fol. wing a long; illness. I 1 J Master Richard Mauney returned i Monday night from a \isit with rola- \ lives in Knoxville. t t Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Allison, of Syl- r ;h, were the guests the first of the I week of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, i c Miss Ruth Mauney. of Knoxville, is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Mauney. 11 Miss Addie Leatherwood left Sun- * iay for Almon where she has a post- ^ tion in the school. , Mrs. J. H. Hall returned Tuesday! * from Atlanta where she went to buy goods for her millinery shop. r^ Rev. and Mrs. U. H. Rhinehail and ; ' children left Wednesday for Lake ^ runaluska, where they will spend a j hurt vacation. Mrs. Henry Axley entertained ; Thursday evening with a bridge party j v complimenting Miss Hettie Kate ( Akin. , t Mrs. Edith Dickey Clark, Mr. and ( Mrs. P. E. Alexander and Mr. B*uddy f Clark, of Asheville, were week-end guests of Mrs. Nettie Dickey. Mr. Leslie Bates who has been very ^ ill for some time was carried to Wes. * ley Memorial hospital in Atlanta Sun- ? day, in company of Dr. J. N. Hill and t Mrs. Fred Dickey. t ! \ Mrs. A. L. Simonds and daughter, i Miss Bertha, nre visiting their son i and brother, Mr. A. M. Simonds and wife this week. Mr. J. P. Morgan, assistant eashier is of the First National Bank of Benson * N. C., spent several days in Cherokee j * and Clay counties this week. * Miss Mariagness McRee, who has 1 been spending the summer with Mrs. * Mattie A. Taylor, will leave Satur- r day for her home in Tampa, Fla. ;v FOLND?-Black marc mule in my ' cornfield near Suit on August 12. t Owner can have same by identifying, t paying for this ad and feed bill. Clif- * ford McNabb, Suit, N. C. (lt-pd.) % ______ 2 Mrs. J. T VTam* v Dalton, Ga., have returned home af- 8 tor having visited Mr. and Mrs. J. ^ T. Bates an? -X-; : '> > ; *>*> ^>vx->?X"fr [ Personal J A. S. Clarke) Y sx-x-x-x-i" ! ; !-: w v vv ->x Mr. and Mrs. W. V). Mantval and amily formerly of this place hut now ?f At>hevillr spent' the week end in .own. Mis- Kinily Gentry, who has a posiion in Pad u call, Ky., is the guest of ter parents Mr. and Mrs. Press Gen i>r. v?. ai. ilvndrix, of Hull Ground, ja., was the guest over the week?nd of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt and VIr. and Mrs. C. M. Wofford. At an early date, Mr. and Mrs. W. ). Townson and children will go for i visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. \V. McIver at .Johnson City. The social event of last week was he subscription dance at Carnegie Library Saturday evening. A number of out of town guests were present. Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Gibson and amily, of Jacksonville Beach, Fin., ire visiting friends and relatives, vhile on their vacation for about wo weeks. Rev. Gibson is pastor ot he First Baptist church of the above mined place, lie will preach at Seech Creek (his old home), Thurslay evening at 7:30 P. M. Everyone cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mis. W. H. Woodbury, of Vshevilie spent the week-end at the )ickey House. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Vooiibury were accompanied on a uotor trip to Neils Gap, by Mrs. aines Palmer, Mrs. \V. 11. Griffith ind Miss iiattie Axley. Mr. John H. Stewart, of Novasota, Texas, is visiting his brother, Sam Stewart, Sr., at Andrews and other elutives and friends in this section or the month. He spent one day in llurphy this week. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Davidson, daughters and sons. Misses Carrie, Ida tieicn; Mr and Mrs. liarvc )avidson; Wayland, Olen and Roy Davidson; and Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Davidson and Walter Davidson, ol j&stoniu, are visiting relaitves and riends in the county this week. I Mr. Neil Davidson went to Green'ille, S. C., this week to bring back Hiss Sarah Cook, who will return to ake charge of the local telephone exchange. Miss Cook had to give up he work here some time ago on acount of illness and her many friends vill be glad to learn that she is comng back. She is very popular here ind will be welcomed. i Mr. J. G. Greene bought the J. H. Srindle home on the corner of Dickey treet and Hilton Avenue this week, dr. Brehdle has located in Florida, laving entered the grocery business it Miami. He has been visiting in Hurphy for the past week and will eave for Miami the latter part of he week. His many friends here will egret to see him leave Murphy but vish him well in his new location. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Carringer enertained Tuesday, October 25th, at Uair liAivin of HVoeefAitm !** Ua?a~ ? heir son, Floyd Carringer, of Knoxulle, Tenn., the occasion being his !5th birthday. A sumptuous dinner pas spread for more than sixty ruests, including J. H. Ditmoore, of fonore, N. C.; Mrs. Molly McCoy, f Jacksonville, Fla.; and Mr. and 'Irs. Dolph Carringer. of Knoxville, nd friends and neighbors of the famly of the Brasstown community. All he children were present, it being he first time they had all been to ether in about eight years. A deliious watermelon feast was enjoyed ater in the afternoon. It was an njoyable event and all wished Fioyd aany happy returns of the occasion. DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST BR1TTAIN AXLEY BLDG. Pkoae.... MURPHY, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SC< " VJEU., WV4YWT VAASKAAC r YJWT \ EAT AAOfvE WHEW ^ ' WE WAVE CiOMPAWV-? ^ ?cbi| ??& ??* & ?fe^-r-. M*>. (J. \V. Candler, and daughters, .Mi.-. Dale Leo and Miss Annie Moorman Candler left Tuesday by motor ft.r a visit with Mi.-. Harry McBrayer .. Anderson, S. C. POSTELL Mr. and Mr.-. Quince Allen and ' h'i'iren from Blue Ridge, Ga., are visiting Mr. Aliens parents, Mr. and Mrs. S .Y Allen at Postell. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall iiainby visited Mr. and Mrs. N- A. Quinn, Sunday afternoon. .Mr. and Mrs. Quince Hogsod from Ducktown, visited the formers fatli r. hum Hogscd at Postell, Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Hal' from Ducktown were visitors on Shoat Creek Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen and children front Athens, Tenn, spent Saturday night with Mr. Allen's parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Allen, at Postell. Mcssis ('late and Charlie Stiles spent the day Sunday with Mr. ana Mr. Birt Mason on upper Shoal Creek. Mi. and Mrs. S. \. Allen spent several days last week visiting their son, Ed Allen and family at Athens Tenn. Miss Vaud Quinn visited her aunt, Mrs. Delia Suit, on upper Shoal Creek Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gradie Jones are all smiles over their new baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Quince Allen and children ami Miss Klina Allen visited Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Quinn Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burger from Ducktown. were visitors on Shout Cieek, Sunday. FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms for light house-keeping. Phone 118. LIBRARY HOURS Afternoons Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 2:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:00 1*. M. to 9:00 P. M. I JOSEPHINE HEIGIIWAY, Librarian. NOTICE I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the Office of -Sheriff of Cherokee County, N. C., subject to the Republican Primary and convention. All favors shown me will be appreciated. This 7th day of June 192G. (50-tf) R. T. STILES. I CR SALE Crushed Barley Mait One Hundred Pounds ?3..r?0 Hop Fiavoted, Malt Syrup, $5.7.r? per Doxei: t'ans. American .Malt Co., Albemarle, X. C. (4~>-20t-A) I dfa uColor a j (liver trouble) i "0CrASIOSAU.Y I am tniu? Xy bled wit':. .? . Us of consti- i | patlon and inactive liver," says J|11 ' Mrs. John L. Pt . ce, Broadway, tH I Va. "I a" ways use Thodford's jy | Black-Br.tr -1 when I feel a spell j of this kind coming on, for it j | saves me a bad headache. My J | color gets sallow at times. I get J | real yellow, showing that the tro- j | nble comes from the liver. [ "I have found Black-Draught to I [ be the finest kind of a remedy | for this. 1 take Black-Draught: and make a tea out of it, and take } ) em?ii rx- t a1 days. I have never found anything that served me so well. "Since I have known about Black-Draught, I have not suffered nearly so much with headache, caused from indigestion. If I find my tongue is coated, and I wake up with a bad taste in { my mouth, I know I have bean t eating indiscreetly, and I imme- I diately resort to Black-Draught j to straighten me out." 3UT, MURPHY, N. C. jfwWY VOO EAT MOfl6 i>UCKH>4 VJHtiJ Ntou HAVE J "* ) &C/ 'Tt eOMPAMV, BOC*^ L PATRICK ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. \V ill Elrod and four children, of Lawnsdale, Ohio arrived last Monday to spend some time with Mrs. Elrods' parents, Mr. und Mrs. T. J .Shearer. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Picklesimev and hnhv vUifwl ??? Mr. ami Mrs. Tom Picklesimer Tuea- 1 lay. Mrs. Marv HamLy and children * isitt-ii Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Hornby and family Sunday. Miss Buna Bryant was the guest of Miss Ethel Picklesimer Monday night. Mrs. James Kimsey and children of Tennessee are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Bcrrong this ! week. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shearer and -on. of Etowah, Tenn., and Mr. ana Mrs. Malbert Kilpatrick and children of Ranger, N. C., were the guests of Mr. Shearer and Mrs. Kil[ > liU.NII PIMA |or lr rnt?-5w year* rr~r?; >?1 ns Be*t,Sale?t. Alw??i Reliable. SOLE BV ALL DRliG?iiSTS IM;.. C\< * worth Metier I \ I j I I I A L W A Y niiBflln' atii The Mosquito is the most cowardly ?f all insect tormentors. They atack in the night when we are asleep ind defenseless. Their bite causes turning torment and pain. Litt'u hildren are most susceptable. FlyFox the rooms and the screens. Scientific research developed Fly-Tox for ihe benefit of nmnkiud. Get Fly-Tox i rum your rciauer, always i >i bottle.kvith blue labels.?Advt. SI Good Name priceless an jealously u\ Bodge Brothers ha Year after year the continued to matt and better product Beauty has been a ability, comfort beauty. Endless r. been made, and tl of Dodge Brother tained in every det As a consequent Dodge Brothers is uable than the Brothers plant itse worthy of the pub everywhere inspin The public may r< a Good Name so [ safeguarded jealouf hold its destinies i E. C. MOO 101 Tennessee St. Donee- B MOTOR