PAGE FPU* | Social anc X l Edited By Mr*. MMONDS?ATCHLEY Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Simonda. of etitia, N. C . announce the marriage uf their daughter, Miss Elsie Simonds, t. J. R. Atchley, of Athens. Term., :c'n was solemrized at the home of oriie'- brother. Mr. A. M. Si:.d>. ;n West Murphy, at 6 o'clock. .- I.: ember 1, 1926, Mr. T. X. Bates at r.g. Co.. M. W. Be.i was in Aabeviile, Tuesday ..n !egai Mr. J IS Boggess. f Athens. Tenn nt teveral days in town this week. Mr G. M. Fleming has returned f. a >:-;t w?tb friends in Asheville. Mi?a fcli.a McCombs will spend Sunday \tlanta. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robeson announce :he birth of a daughter. Mr. K. S Porte-, of Andrews, was a v.sitor n town this week Mrs. E. B N'orve'l is confined to her room with a severe cold. Miss Juanita Evan* will spend Friday -hopping Atlanta. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Hasty and children of Marietta, were guests ast week f Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMillan After an extended absence. Mrs. W Bryson returned home Tuesday night. Mr. Luke Ellis, of Andrews, and j Mr. Geo ve Elli - made a business trip to Atl.?- :< the first of the week. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Davidson, Col. j H Dillard and Mrs. J. B. Store} motored to Asheville. Wednesday. Mr-. Thelma Jackson and little daughter, of Ma hie. motored to town Labor Day. Mrs. E S. Miller, Miss Kathryn Miller and Mr. Harry Miller were in Atlanta last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hampton announce the birth of a daughter, Monday. 4 rMiss Sadie Vick, of Tampa, Fla., is spending some time at The Dickey House. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Otwell and two children, of Greensboro, are visiting ->irs. utweii s Druiner Fulton Hurtness, of Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Loudermilk and children, of Isabella, Tenn., are Tiaiting her mother^Mra. James L. Martin, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Fleming and children returned Sunday from a visit with Mrs. Flemings relatives in Jonesboro, Tenn. Mrs. Arthur Akin took her small son to a hospital inAtlantaTuesday. where he will undergo a throat operation. Mrs. J. C. Palmer. Mrs. G. W. Ellis, Miss Hattie Palmer, Miss Mable Ellis and Mr. Jake Palmer motored to Cherokee, Sunday. Mrs. Fred Dickey remains in Atlanta at the bedside of her brother, Mr. Leslie Bates, who is reported to be improving. Mr. Lucius Cope arrived Tuesday from Marshall, where he has been with the highway commission. Mr. Cope ha ^matriculated at Wake Forest and will leave Thursday for that place. SE-E- T> No doubt there ; names on our lisl you will recognize them as to the ad your Used Car he your disposal any E. C. MOOF 101 Tennessee St. A USe-D CAR IS ON AS THe DEAL6F . 1 Personal f A. S. Clarke) ?x 00 0 0 0 Mlo Mary Brown, of Madi*onv?ile Tenr... was at the Dickey Hotel Tuesday night. Miss Bertha May held left Tuesday for Albany. Ga.. where she has bee teaching for a number of years. Mr. Aberham Bell has accepte! a position with Mr E C. Moore Mr Bell's mother was the former Miss Jcsie Cooper. Mr and Mrs. C. M. But: and daughter* of Blue Ridge, parsed through town Sunday enrote to Fryemort Inn at Bryson City Mr-. J E Snow and children, of erhill. have zeer. guests of Mr?. Snow's parent?, Mr and Mr*. Abe Brown. Mrs. E. M Dunning, who ha* been tne no use truest ox ;?ir? v. i armier left Thursday for her home in | Atlanta. Mis* Lucy Gaston, of Mominy. N. C.. was the gue?t last week -f her sister and brother. Mr ard Mrs R. W. Gray. Mrs. Ralph Moody entertained the ladies Mission Study Class of the Baptist Church Tuesday evening. After a study period, dainty refreshmerts were served. Miss Carrie Brittain left Thursday for a visit with friends in Knox\ille, after which she will go to Tapoca N C.. where she has accepted a position in the public school. M rand Mrs. J M Weaver, of Asheville, and Mr. and Mrs. F. T Gray, of Jacksonville. Fla., were week-end truest* of Mr and Mrs R. W Gray. Mr. Frank Mauney. of Washington. Oa.. spent the week-end in town and was accompanied home by Mrs. Mauney who had spent the past month at her summer home "Imps Nest." Mr. Dele Lee spe.nt the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Candler, Mrs. Lee who had been the guest of her parent? some time accompanied Mr. Lee to their home at Saltile. Tenn. Miaa Helen Harshaw has returned from a Canadian tour, visiting Washington, Philadelphia. New York, Atlantic City, Boston, Niagra Falls, Toronto and Montreal Canada. Lake Ontario, Lake Champlain. Lake George and other points, stopping over in Philadelphia for the SesquiCentennial Exposition. Miss Harshaw leaves the 18th for St. Petersburg, Fla.. where she will visit her borther. Henry, for a short while. The editor's mother, Mrs. J. E. Bailey, of College Park, Ga., is visiting in Murphy this week. This is her first trip to Murphy and the mountains and she is much impressed with the beauty of the town and grandeur of the surrounding moun tains. Our father, brother and sisters, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Moieley, and Misses Ruby and Gladys Bailey are expected to motor up Sunday and all will return to College Park Monday. , Fly-Tox tonight and sleep in comfort.?Advt. FOR SALE?At a bargain, one new Chevrolet Coupe, bought by Mayor F. S. Hill, driven only about 150 miles. Reason for selling: in hospital indefinitely. For further information see Fred Dickey, Dickey Motor Company, City. (5-2t-d) Subscribe to The Scout. $1.50 per year. 115 LI5T are at least a few ; of customers that . Why not consult visability of buying re? The list is at time. tE, Dealer Phone 37 ILY AS D&PeNOABLe I WHO SE-LLS IT 0 BSPBlWTilUS fcj \ ^ * Tfttt THE CHEROKEE SCO LETIT1A The roads in tfcis section ire very bad owing to the frequent rains. Mr. E. A. Wright is very sick at this writing. The revival services conducted by Rev Brendle at Oak Grove Church closed Sunday. Rev Brendle delivered many powerful sermon'-. Rev. C. F. Conly filled his appointment at Oak Grove Sunday, and was elected pastor of the church for another year. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Taylor spent the week-end with the former's par nta. Mr. John Roberts and famny of Toptcn visited Mr. Marion Greene's Sunday. Mr D. T. McN'abb has purchased a new car The next on the list will be E. A. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Payne made a business trip to Murphy one day hist Mr. J. G. Calloway of the Sandy- ' (Jap section has sold his farm and contemplates moving to Georgia , soon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Taylor >pent . Sunday afternoon with W. \\ Bar- j ton and family. NOTICE TO REPUBLICANS The Republican County Convention t i Cherokee County will meet ut the Library ;n Murphy, on Monday. Septernoei 20th, 1020, at the hour ol 1 o'clock I'. M. tor the purpoes of nom- ? mating candidates for the .ariou county offices. Each precinct chairman wih call a meeting ol the republican voters ? i his precinct on Saturday, Be; tember iMn, lo26, at J o clock i\ ?., at which meeting delegatus to the t .11- ' ty Convention will be elected. Every republican voter in the County i urged to attend his oi her precinct meeting on this date. K O. CHRISTOPHER ib-2t-c) Acting Chairman. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION At a meeting ol the County Board of Elections for Cheiokce County, all members being present, it is ordered , by said Board of Elections for Cherokee County, that a new registration for all oi the voters of each and every i piecinct of Cherokee County be had, and it is further ordered thai notice of said new registration be given as requited by law; and it is further ordered that the Registrars of each precinct of Cherokee County open the Registration Books lor the registraI tion of all legal voters on October : the 2nd, 102G, for said new legislation as required by law. It is furthered ordered that aii voters of euch i and every precinct in Cherokee Coun. j ty who vole in the counng Novemj ber election must register while said ' registration Hooks are open. it is tuither ordered that Appalachia Precinct in Bcaverdam Town; ship, Cherokee County, be and the | same is hereby abolished. And that 1 the voters of said precinct shall regis! ter and vote at Long Ridge Precinct I in Heaverdam Township. It is further ordered that a New j Precinct be established in Shoal . Creek Township, to be known as < I Persimmon Creek Precinct, Said new j I precinct to embrace the following I i boundaries: j Beginning in the Vests line near/ j Bear Paw Church House, running ' j thence a Southeasterly course by the | old Lafayette Johnson place, up by Gar Clonts, including Gar Clonts, Bill Stiles and Lee Sneed, connecting with the Notla Precinct line at Sandy Gap. This the ?th day of Sept., 1926. A. H. BROWN, Chairman. W. P. Odom, Secretary. (5-3t-c) TO THE VOTERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY: V?.. 1 1 .... I IVU arc nereoy notmed tnat a J new registration for each and every precinct of Cherokee County has been ordered by the County Board of Elections for Cherokee County, and all voters in each precinct in CheroIkee County will be required to register if they vote in the November election. The Registration Books in each ! precinct of Cherokee County will i be opened on October the 2nd, 1926, for said new registration, and will be kept open for fear Saturdays for registration as required by law. All by an order of said Board of Elections. This the 8th day of Septjem-I ber, 1926. A. H. BROWN, Chairman. W. P. ODOM, Secretary. UT, MURPHY. N. C. A Tribute To Murphy And Its People The scener;. . u? -tern North Carolina. especially within a radius of twenty-rv.- v.;ie> around Murphy, is incompaiahle h- to the rugged grandeur of the ; t?ir< as well a-, to the bewitching -crrnity of it> valleys. The very nam*-. V T.e l-y ereek>. rivers. &n?l mountains, attest the t.harm f the* primitive life that predominates. One iinds. for ir. -tance. the Nantahala gorge, j ictoreique in eveiy way. where cliff- are alroost perpendicular. -nutting uthe sun most of the day. ' And there twitt Birds ir every tree.** Other Indian of interest i* this part of the country are Top ton. Tcin- tla. Var.w i-;.-, ;.. nuvi. high mountain ner Nantahala river, and Wad:-.-a. a r.arriv derived fr- rn an ulii ("her- icet Indian, and one see? Roll a thousand littstreams, Laughing a*-- they greet each other. Where the sunshine never beamThe gem of this section is Murphy. :he it tie tour that radiates among *rd a be- .t these mountains. It lie? bet v. ten t *a rivers, the Hl&wasse and the Val'-.y. the former spreading calmly an?l lazily across the country antil it sends out a thousand scintilla, dons as the >.immer -un touche- it:sparkling waves, while it journeys in and out among the mountains of hhe> ke? . ir.ty. -weeping through the fern- and the "fondling grass". In the private yards of Murphy are found flowers, fe ns, and begonias, the iuxurance of which would arrest the admiration and envy of the most successful florist, while rest for the mind and and feast for the body can be found at the old "Dickey Hou-?-". where every attention i> given the fortunate guest. Hospitality, characteristic of the mountaineers. - . .> found in Murphy when everyone i- gracious to the "stranger within a strange iand*\ this having been shown by the many urti .-ies extended me recently. So, in Murphy, "The heart looks out on life, cleareyed anu finds it good." i Miss) FRANK TAYLOR. Atlanta. Ga. MARBLE Mr. and Mrs. J. (). Mints and little son, of Knoxville are visiting relatives here this week. Mr .M. L. Deffart left last Friday t. _ .. ? at afternoon. Mr. E. P. Crisp and family left Tuesday morning for Gastonia, N. C. Mr. Will Garrett and family are moving to Pittsbury, Pa., this week. Mr. H. W. Palmer and family have moved to Gastonia. Mis. Jack Kilpatrick and children, of Sylvia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kilpatrick. Mi ss Vesta West of Bryson City spent a short while with her parents the first of the week. The Revival is progressing nicely. Miss Elizabeth Dockery and Mrs. Lena D. Moore, of New York City, are spending their vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dockery. TOO HOT TO EAT??DRINK YOUR CALORIES Scientists Find One Bottle of CocsCola Has Same Food Value as One Slice of White Bread Here is a bit of summer information that comes out of scientific analyses recently made. It isn't expected to start the world on a hunger strike, but anything that bean on diet these days is important. In one bottle of Coca-Cola, science finds, there are 74.6 calories, essential food units. In the ordinary slice of white bread there are approximately 75 calories. And, more shame to the hen, there are only 66 calories in an egg. A medium-size orange will have 87 calories and it only takes 75 calories to "keep the doctor away"?if you depend on the proverbial apple. "These figures are interesting," says C. K. Hoover, Manager of the Murphy, N. C., Coca-Cola Bottling Company. "The calories, of course, are contained in the pure sugar used in Coca-Cola syrup. Rut Coca-Cola is made to quench thirst, not as a food. It must be a great thirst quencher for it has reached a sole of 7,000,000 drinks a day."?Adv. | Aodirewi y Mr-. ('has. VV. Kodgers of Como, Tennessee. i* in Andrews for the month . H. Tillitt. W. T. Holland made a business trip Canti.n. N. C.. > Tuesday ?>f th.* week. F. B Ferebee returned last Saturday from a trip to Elizabeth City. N < . v. here he had been u? visit his father and mother and .ttle son. limn . Hi? father and mother. Mr. Mr*. .1. B. Ferebee and sister and brother. Ruth and James and little *on. Jimrnie moto ed back with him and art spending a few days in his h?>me here. Mr. T M .Worthcy ad J. L. Rowiar d ami daughter. Pauline Rowland ief'? Tuesday morning for Atlanta. .Mr. Rowland took his daughter there :'"r medaal examination and preinance treatment, --he for several month? n<<: having been in very good health. M s. < >. Day died Monday t ight at xven o'clock. Her funeral took place n Tuesday at The Baptist Church here and burial followed in the Andrews cemetery. Mrs. Day had been sick for several weeks but ::o ?r.e considered her rendition serious Monday r'ornir.g her condi, DIPPING INTO | SCIENCE . Rubber | J ' The usefulness ??f rubber was 4 ; ! .Us.ov. itd by natives "f South + ; America hundreds > i >t*ar?. ag ?> 1: was ;ii: r< ?1 i -fd jl. Iiit?> Europe until 1 **->where . It sold f-.?r an Its f | real vulue writs n??t realize*I i.n- T til ( harlex Goodrich. :.i r- a ] ' loan. perfected the pr< ? "f T 1 1 making it Into u tianl sui'staiica , | by adding to it heated ?ulphur. i if XS2?. Wpttrrr \?w?r-' : t ui-.n i A ? 4? FOR SALE One of the finest country homes in ' North Georgia, modem fi\e room bungalow, with good out houses tenant house, store house, ana iwentv of farm lard, located in Chestotdistrict of Union County, one mile east of Appalachian Scenic Highway, on rural route out of Blairsville, in good community, close to good school, church, mill and store. Price right and terms will be given satisfactory to buyer. For further information write to F. L. SOUTHER. Blairsville, Ga. Subscribe to The Scout. jkr Trmntfuri The Oi B-cause creasing 1 U able to tnercial t; able, evei tnercial c | ?the flex pee J trai ness of a New low Prices !w^h? unusually 2to . _ Come in ' jTonTruck'J^C Us,rtl ht mtuccduO/s# truck on (O?u*/ ?> H r?ur mu DICKEY Sales and Service . Worlds Lowest Price FRIDAY. SEPTKMWP. ip tion hecan e such as to cause aUrgB and three hours after her baby ?? born death came. s| Mrs. Hay leaves a h i>band ar.ll three children and a mother and . H. Tillitt was i Murphy ual Monday of this week attt ruling thel session of the General County Cod if. I Ralph Moody and Fred Christophgl attorneys of Murphy, were in At B ; drew-> on Monday of thi- week. S Misses Margaret Boor-.! and Mar l traret Fisher left Andrew* on Ifo! day of this week for Greensbonfl . where they will attend GreensbonB , ' "..liege for Women. & Josephine Bradley left Monday! j morning for Raleigh where she ?$fi f j:tti-;d Mereditn College. ^ DELINQUENT TAX SALE ? NORTH CAROLINA?Chtroke# 8 County. S The undersigned Tax collector ill said county will sell on Moakll. October 4, 1926, at the court beel door in Murphy, N. C., to the lunk-l v.-i ?. ?tder for cash, at public oatojB the following lands upon which turaj for the year 11*25 have not been piilB in the rami- and for the amoant |h-B en below with cost added in each col as follows: B Murphy Township $ Arms, F. L. .120 acres. fAOJll Trull. Wro. 11 200 acres Woodward, W 40 acres.... 1m| I'ayne, W. B 40 acres ... StelJ Calhoun, F. L 124 acres &ll8 Kldridge, Mrs. Alice 41 ncrea .lUM Gibson, N. A.. 1 lot Hothouse Township 8 Vance, W. S 83 acres ... Mil Valleytown Township ? < aiolina A: Georgia K. R. Co. 22 acres. 6SS.(ll Amos, H. D 1 lot in Murphy Township .4JI Candell, F. A 1 loi . 4M Dewar, Mrs. Alice.5000 acres. S6W4 Fisher, W. T. 1 lot. ~tfJ Palmer. M. H... 60 acres in Murphy Township -40J4 Warren, J. T. _ 93 acres .32Ji B. B. MORROW. Shdl (3?4t-m) SUBSCRIBE TO '1HE SCOUT. Horn '/sis Finest Chassis ever 'fered at the Price of economic* due to its ever-Intrude production. Chevrolet again decrease the cost of quality comtransportation units, making avatl? to the smallest merchant, a comar of modern design that offers? .ibilitv r.nd handing ease of a thrcensmission?the power and smoothvalve-in-ho J mo.or?the duraI dependability cf rof -ied construe: beartv and advertising value of Ir fine appearance?ail coial-med .-markable econodv of u^oeutD cp. i! See this sturdy tub'^e * nit. >w littl- ? r '* cc t a which -on wul be proud to i.avt ?e ap^w! MOTOR CO. Murphy, N. Cid Gear shift Timfcs j M