FRTPAY. SEPTEMBER-17. 1?2B Y~| SUCH T* is ^ LIFE Bq J*"-"'\\ Chariot Suqhroc .W TRUE WORDS ARE "THESE IN THE DISTRICT COUKI' OF THt UNITED STATES FOR THE W SS I CRN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Western North Carolina Land Com pany 8 . .. Uogers, M. IJ. Uogers, Ebb C. k >gcrs, Mary L. Templeton, or unn heirs of Mary L. Templeton, 1 . lieibert, Edward L. Herbert, Ida Bell MeGlamery, B. A. MeGlamery, .-'ettla i'enlund and husband, J. A. I'etiland, Anna Penlund and hus. nd, A. L. I'etiland, 11. L. Long, .kick Long (minor), G. C. Buckner, 1,'i-c Groves, Zada Gat land, llestc/ i eigusun, et ux, .1. W. Ferguson, W. A. Bryson, Emily E. Davison, et ux, J. W. Davidson, l.illian Crye, and W. E. Crye, Beryl Bryson Combs, el ux, li. E. Combs, Gertrude Witt, et ux, K. B. \> 111, o. ?i. lioop^r, t. o. cooper, Hurry P. Cooper, Louise Evans, ot ux, G. 2$. Evuns, R. A. Dewar, D. \V. Franks, Elizabeth Curd una 1 I n iy S. Curd, Henry Woodside, \ i inun W. Woodside, William Woodside, W iIlium G. Bartoli, Alfred C. Lewis and wife, Margaret Lewis, W. R. Johnston and wife, Eva Johnston, Raymond Robson and wile Nellie Robsoii, heirs ol Richard L. Green, Tullassee Powei Company, Rob Smith, C. J. Cabe, J. A. Penlur.d, C. 11. I'eniand, T. E. 1'inland. 25. S. I'eniand, Annie Hacklier, et ux. J. 11. Huckner, J. i. Silvey, Edith May Silvey, Myrtle Silvey (minor) ;?nd Marie Silvey (minor). NOTICE lO BE PUBLISHED TO: Mary L. Templeton or unknown heirs ol Mary L. Templeton, Zadu Garland, Lillian Ciye and W. E. Crye, Beryl Lryson Combs et ux, H. C. Combs, Gertrude Witt, et ux, R. B. Witt, T. J. Cooper, Hurry P. Cooper, Louise Evans, et ux, G. S. Evuns, D. W. Franks, Elizabeth Curd and Harry S. Curd, Henry Woodside, Norman Woodside, William Woodside, William G. Burtoli, Alfred C. Lewis and wife, Margaret Lewis, W. R. Johnston and wife, Eva Johnston, Raymond Kohscn and wife, Nellie Robson, heirs of Richard L. Green, '1\ E. Penland, S. F. i'eniand, J. T. Silvey, Edith May Silvey, Myrtle Silvey (minor), and Marie Silvey (minor) ; YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE thai the pluintilf above-named has begun an action in the United States Diso... r?; of North Carolina, at Ashcville, N. C., ami a subpeona therein was issued on the 13th day of July 1926, returnable August 3rd, 1926, and that an alias subpoena has been issued, returnable before the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, at Asheville on the loth day of October, A. D. 1926, when and where the above-named defendants are required to appear and answer or demur to the Bill tiled in said action. That the purpose of said action is to clear the title and^to have all td\erse claims to the plaintiff in the following described tracts of land settled. PARCEL NO. 1. Parts of Entry No. 6714 and of Entry 6716. BEGINNING on a white oak near the Grassy Flat Branch on the South boundary line of Entry 4078 and a corner of Entry 968 and runs with the line of No. 4078 N. 87 W. 110 Poles to a stake 6 poles East of a water oak, S. W. corner of No. 4078; thence S. 2-30 W. 350 pole3 to a stake on the North boundary line of Entry No. 6710; then with the line of said No. :j. 82-30 E. 150 poles to a stake, N. E. corner of said No; then with the line of said No. S. 2-30 W. 260 poles to a stake on the South boundary line of Entry No. 6716; then S. 87-30 E. 100 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 110 Grant 95; then with its line N. 2 E. 220 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 811: then with its line N. 78-30 E. 43 poles to a stake N. E. corner of said No. on the Wesi boundary line of No. 5076; then with its line N. 7 E. 70 poles to a blacks gum N. W. corner of sand No.; then with the line of 657 N. 59 W. 20 H poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge, corner of said No.; chen with the line of said No. S. 77 W. 26 poles to a stake near a branch on the East boundary line of Grant No. 96; then with its line N. 2 E. 61 poles to a B MOVU I HOPE VOU Dour MOL0 | l*M? ILL FEEUUSS TtoVk/AOT \OOR j FA rHER FOR THAT PAPOUUG J | NESTERPAV? J jo^j.uo] t:iki* N. E. corner of said No.; then] h the line of said No. N. 88 W. 30 ( poles to stake on East boundary line ' i try 66 *>6; then with its line N. 2-15 W. 205 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 4500; then wit 1 i its line N. 2 E. 49 poles to the l?r ninjr. containing 505 acres. Pari of Entry No. 6747, Grant No. 2813. On the Waters of Shooting Creek. BEGINNING on a chestnut stump the S. E. corner of Tract No. 4232 and. runs S. 32 % W. 30 poles to a stake or Andrews Hardwood Com: ny line; then with that line N. 12 W. 12 poles to a stake in a branch , | and corner of same; thence S. 57% , V.. :U'a poles to the beginning, eon! i.lining 2 8-10 acres. Bart of Entry 6717 Grant. 2806. ur..n.\iM?u on a ^pnnisu uak on ! the State line S. E. coiner of the lliawassee Lumber Company lands, where the State line crosses the Blue Itidge and runs with State line N. 8s , E. -80 poles to a stake on the East I'liumlary line of Entry 0717 Grant 'J80U; then with the line of said No. N. 2-30 E. 127 poles to a stake; then N\ 87-30 \V. 122 poles to a stake; then S. 2-30 \Y. 27 poles to a stake, then N. 87-30 W. 100 poles to a stake then >'. 1-50 E. 18 poles to a cucumber; the N. 50-30 E. 102 E. 34 poles to a point; then S. 33-30 E. 34 poles to a point, then N. 56-30 E. 102 | pole to a slake; then N. 33-30 \V. , 04 poles to a stake; then N. 30 E. 40 I poles to a stake on the North boundary line of No. 6717 Grant 2806; [ ' hen with the lines of said No. N. 87-1 '.0 \V. 110 poles to black gum N. W. 1 n?l In lilining corner of said No. and ; E. corner of Entry No. 1232 Grant | | 2091; then S. 50 E. 45 poles to a .lake; then S. 56-30 W. 76 poles to a stake on the West boundary ot Entry 0717 Grant 2800; then with' '.he line of said No. S. 2-30 W. 78 poles to a stake on the North line ot Entry Old; then with the line oi aid No. S. 02-30 E. 9 poles to the N E. corner of said No. then with the iine of said No. S. 28-30 W. 9 poles to a stake on the West boundary line of Entry 0717 Grant 2806; then with the line of said No. S. 2-30 W. 14 , i uiv? xo hum iu a sume on top 01 me Blue Ridge; then up said Ridge as it meanders S% 42-30 E. 12 poles to a point; then S. 35 E. 30 poles 18 links; then S. 33 E. 13 \ poles; then S. 8-30 E. 16 poles; then S. 18 E. with the top of the Blue Ridge 17 Vi poles to the beginning, containing 318 6-10 acres. Part of Entry 6721 Grant 2822. BEGINNING on a blackgum near a gap S. E. corner of Entry 2794 Grant 2338 corner of Luther Mulls land and runs N. 2-30 E. 182 poles to a stake corner of a lot deeded by R. L. Herbert to R. A. Dewar; then with the line of said lot S. 89 E. 38 poles to a stake S. E. corner of said | lot N. 2-30 E. 20 poles to a stake; then S. 87-30 E. 68 poles to a stake; then S. 2-30 W. 320 poles to a stake; then N. 87-30 W. 172 poles to a stake on the line of State Suivey No. 53 Grant 2623; then with the line of said No. N. 7b E. 30 poles to a S. E. corner of saia No.; then with the line of said No. N. 106 poles to a stake; and pointers corner of Entry 2794; then with the line of said No. 89 E. 48 poles to the beginning, containing 231 1-10 acres. Part of Entry 6732 Grant 2790. BEGINNING on a black oak on the East boundary line of Entry 1488 and beginning corner of Entry 6090 Grant 186 and runs N. 63-30 E. 80 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 5061 Grant 3651; then with line of s: id Xo. S. 76 E. 6 poles to a hickory comer of said No.; then with line of said No. S. 70 E. 18 poles to a stake corner of Entry No. 6086 Grant 178; then with its line S. 17-30 E. 47 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 114; Grant 98; then with its line crossing Terry Mill Creek N. 73 E. 50 poles *o a 12 inch chestnut on a hill side N. E. corner of said No.; then with a marked line S. 17-30 E. 154 poles to a take; then S. 63-30 W. 60 poles to a stake on the East boundary line ot Entry 6735 Grant 2818; then with its iine N. 2-30 E. 56 poles to a stake N. E. corner of said No.; then with the line of said No. N. 87-30 W. 110 poles to a stake on the East boundary of Entry 1488; then with the line of said No. N. 26-30 W. 115 poles to the beginning, containing 126 8-10 acres. Part of Entry 6708 Grant 2826 or 2827. BEGINNING on a chestnut oak N. THE CHEROKEE SC< / AU9NOU REALIZE THAT I MWE | | A RK5HT TO CttftSYlSE VOt'r DO KUOtff iL yrsuRe>\ ' ' W NOOBE. | (^RMERj if W :? j jfe cvi > E. corner of Entry 2790 Grant 234b and runs with the line of said No. N.' 87-4-7 W. 55 poles to i chestnut S. K.! corner of Entry 175, Grant 141; then with the line of said No. N. 2-15 E. 125 poles to a -take on the Nor to i boundary line of Entry 6709; then with the line of said No. S. 87 E. 190 | pole, to the N. E. corner of said No.; then with line of said No. S. 2-30 W. .120 poles to the S. E. corner of saiu! No.; then N. 87-30 W. 22 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of j Entry 0142: then with said lino N. 2 -30 E. 160 poles to a stake N. E.1 corner of said No.; then with the lint said No. N. 87-30 \V. 110 poles to i. stake on the Ea^t boundary line ot ratify 2796; then with its line N. 2-15 E. 36 irulcs to the beginning, containng 165 acres. Part of Entry No. 6729 Grant 2789. BEGINNING on a stake on N. E. boundary line of Entry G093 Grant 182 at its intersection of the East boundary line of Entry 2774 Grant 2828 and runs with the line of Entry 6774 N. 12-30 E. 160 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 6729; then with the line of said No. 8. 61-30 E. 154 poles to a stake the N. E. corner of said No.; then with the line of saiu ! No. 8. 55-31' \V. 124 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 6093; then with | the line of said No. N. 42-30 W. 94 poles to the beginning, containing J 94 9-10 acres. Part of Entry 6722 Grant 2807. On the waters of Eagle Fork oi .shooting Creek. BEGINNING on a biuckgum the 3. W. corner and beginning corner ot said No. and N. W. corner of E' try 6717 and N. E. corner of Entry 1232 and runs 8. 87-30 E. with the line of Entry 0722 Ho poles to a stake; then N. 36 E. 30 poles to a stake; then N. 57-30 \V. 221 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 6162; then with the line of said No. 8. 2 W. 80 poles to a locust post una wite oak stump, corner of Entry 6162 j on the North boundary line of Entry 4232; then with the line of Entry 4232 8. 50 E. 90 poles to die beginning, containing 68 1-10 acres. Part of Entry 677 J Grant 2828. BEGINNING on a stake N. E. corner of said No. and runs with the line of said No. 8. 18-30 W. 80 poles, more or less, to a stake on ton of the divide between Tusquitta and Nan tali a ia ; then with the tot of said divide as it meanders a X. \V. course to a stake on the North boundary line ol Entry 6774; then with the line of said No. S. 77-30 E. to the beginning, containing 10 acres. Part of Entry No. 0712 Grant 2803. BEGINNING on a blackgum X. VV. corner of Entry No. 75 Giant 0782 and runs with the line of said No. S. 2-30 \V. 140 poles to a stake on the North boundary line of Entry 702b; then with the line of said No. S. 72-45 E. 80 poles to a stake on top of the divide between Tooney Greek ana Tusquitta; then up said divide as it meanders N. 3 E. 70 poles to a black oak; then N. 35 E. 11 poles to a black j oak; then N. 4 K. 14 poles to a black | oak; then N. 22 E. 20 poles to a black oak; then N. 44 E. 10 poles to a stake; then N. 20 E 10 poles to a stake; then N. 6 poles to a stake on the line of No. 75; then with the line of saia No. N. 87 YV. 14 poles to a black oak; then N. 2 E. 26 poles to a white oak; corner of No. 75; then with the line of said No. W. 06 poles to the biginning, containing 72 5-10 acres. Also one other Parcel of said Entry and Grant beginning on two chestnut . ww iVaoi jdA r> v.. ..W.<S?<C V* ??I.S beginning corner of Entry 7025 ana runs N. 88 W. 20 poles to a poplar; then S. 25 W. 20 poles to a stake; then S. 87-30 E. 110 poles to a stake on top of ridge on the line of Hiawassee Lumber Company lands; then down said ridge with said line N. lb W. 11 poles 15 links N. 12-30 W. 7 poles 20 links N. 67, W. 6 poles N. 82-15 W. 61 poles to a stone on the bank of a road; then with said road S. 64 W. 11 poles 22 links; then S. 40-30 W. 6 poles 15 links to the beginning, containing 15 acres. Tart of Entry 6709 Grant 2784. BEGINNING on a stake in the 5. boundary line of Entry No. 6700 Grant 2784, corner of the Andrews i Hardwood Company's land and runs N. 87 % W. with the line of Entry No | 6709, 100 poles to a stake, S. W. i corner of said Entry; then N. 7 V6 W. 26 poles to a stake in the West boundary line of Entry 6709, corner of >ut. murphy. n. c. 1 mo! WO! 1 DO rr to make a <3o I ?SPARE THE ROD AMD SPOIL TME ( _XVI5E kl US EOLOMOW^f -47# NES, AFTER ME \ $ SOT SO OLD MIS, ) OAPPIE COOLDUTl ^ SPALiK MIMj / m\ viidrcw-. Hardwood Company's land; n with it- lino N. CI E. 100 poles j a stake in a branch, corner of saiu l ands; then down the branch as it i eunders 10 poies to a stake in saia lunch; then with the line of same E. 22 poles to a stake; then v. th the line of same S 2 Vie W. 80 I- es to the beginning, containing 35 lucres more or less. The defendants above-named will ' notice that they are required to * appear and answer or demur to the i ill liiod in this action on said 15th I day of October, 1926 or within twenty I > a\ tne ? alter or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief deamloil in the Complaint. This notice is issued by order of 1 u-i, directing that publication be i ; le for six (0) successive weeks in ilhe C herokee Scout, a newspaper i ! dished in Cherokee County, North < ..niiina, in the Western District of North Carolina. This the 24 day of August, 1926. K. L. BLAYLOCK, C'.'ci k of the U. S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina. By (>. I.. McLURD, (G-Ot-w) Deputy Clerk. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE (qualified as Administratrix he e-tate of J. N. Elliott, deceased, 1.1 Cherokee County, North Carolina, th is to notify all persons haviug against the estate of the ti?l 41 i eased to exhibit tliern to the uii:l i gned on or before the lOtli, -f August, 1927 or this notice will l> pleaded in bar of their recover:. Ail persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 10th day of August, 192G. MRS. LAURA L. ELLIOTT, .\?!mini:tiatrix of the estate of J. K. Elliott. (l-6t-?) t: a of North Carolina, 1 I I,...... L-?? Mabel Wilson, made execution and delivered a deed of trust conveying the lands hereinafter described to the undersigned trustee to secure the payment of a note in the sum 01 100.00 due Thomas S. Evans, which said deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County in Book No. 74, at page 505. AND WHEREAS, default has been made in the payment of said indebtedness so that the power of sale contained in the said deed of trust has >ccome operative and the undersigned trustee having been requested to sell the said property in accordance with the power of sale, for the purpose of satisfying said indebtedness. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of the power vested in me by the deed of trust aforesaid, 1 will offer for sale at public auction for cash on Monday, October 4, 1826, at 11 o'clock A. M., at the Courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina, the following described lands, to-wit: A certain tract of land lying and being in Cherokee County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING on a wild cherry stump and runs East with the Leath DO Scry of Vouj "THE.RS GOES A 2MILC?'5AlO-mE FUTURE PRESIDE of-me < UMITEO crwood line 40 poles to a double white oak corner; thence North with the Leatherwood line 411 poles to a road coiner in Lilian Will a line, thence North SO West with the line 53 poles to a stake in Maud Cornwell's line; thence South with the line 55 poles to the beginning, containing eighteen acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT. BEGINNING on a stake near the public road corner of Lilian Witt and tuns North 4ft | West 128 poles to a stake in the back line of W. A. Witt's old tract; thence South 31 poles with that line to a rock; thence South 30 East 110 poles to the beginning, containing I eleven acre.- , more or less. This 3let day of August, 102G. t. r nAvi rpo rln The Superior Court, li. Z. Smith, Plaintiff VB It. 1?. Smith, Defendant. | Notice of Service of Summon* by Publication. | It. K. Smith the above named defendant will take notice that an acti n e ntitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of herokce County, N. C., and the purpose of the said action is for an absolute divorce from bonds of matri[ m-?ny on statutory grounds. The defendant will further take notice that she is personally required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the | upeiior Court of Cherokee County, |a.C. and answer or demur to the niplaint of the plaintiff now on file |ia the office of the Clerk of the inrrinv Court nf P.hoivilioo X. C.t on the 20th day of September, 1. 26, or the Court will grant the relief demanded in the complaint. This 21st, day of August, 1926. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk of the Superior Court (o-4t~pd) .vOTlCE OF SALE UNDER DEED OF TRUST WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of July, 192i>. I. X. Wilson and wife. I of Cherokee County the purpose of which is to decree the plaintiff, W. D. Townson, to be the owner of the legal title in and to certain parcel of land lying and being in the corporate limits of the Town of Murphy of said County and State, purchased by J. T. Patterson from J. M. Blumenthal and designated on the map of said property as lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 13, 14 and 15, bounded on the South and West by Peachtree Street, on the North I, and 3 are bounded by Terrace Ave^ ae, 13, 14, and 15 being between Terrace Vvenue and Blumenthal Avenue, and to remove any claim or claims of the above named defendants in and to said lands as a cloud upon the title of the plaintiff And to decree the said plaintiff tue owner of said property in fee freed and dis I (4-4t4b) Trustee. NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. In the matter of the lust will of J. M. Hamby, deceased, CITATION I'o William llauiby, Tom Hamby, Elisha Hamby, Mai shall Hamby, Hayes Hamby. Bass llamby, George Hamby, Marian Hamby, Kirk Hamby, Lula Hamby, BerI tba Ciane, Bessie Crane, Clelie Mann, Garfield Hamby. Eliznbetli Hamby, bum Hamby, G. W. Hamby, Eliza Ann Baynes, Sallie Danncr, .1. M. Hamby, Jr., and all others next of kin of J. M. Hamby: You are hereby notified that u paper writing- has been offered for probate before the undersigned Clerk of | the Superior Court of Cherokee County as the nuncupative will of J. M. Hamby, deceased, and that a hear' int? upon the probate thereof will be had before the undersigned Clerk of i the Superior Court of Cherokee | County at the Courthouse in MurI | by. North Carolina, on the 30th daji I of October. 192G, at 10 o'clock A. | M., and you are cited and called upon to appear at said time and place | and contest such will if you think proper. This the 1,'ith day of September, 1020. E. E. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court of Cherokee Coun(6-6t-w) ty. North Carolina. NORTH CAROLINA, CHFROKEE COUNTY. In The Superior Court. W. D. Town.son VS R. L. Patterson, Caliie Patterson Pearson, Kate Patterson Gudgei and husband, Ed Gudger, Lizzie Patterson Betty, Charlie W. Pattteson, Blanche Patterson, Horatio Patterson, Ossie Patterson Atwood, J. Tyler Patterson. Camile Patterson Buzhardte, W. M. Johnson, .Margaret Johnson, Bob Johnson, Nelson Johnson and Sadie Johnson Ken, Eugene W. Patterson, Gordon Patterson, Gertrude Patterson Hutcihson, Charles M. Gudger, Mrs. Leola Gudger Roberts and husband, C. E. Roberts, Mrs. Annie Gudger Dobson and husband, J. T. Dobson, and Troy C. Gudger. NOTICE OF SUMMONS The above named defendants, R. L. Patterson, Callie Patterson Pearson, Lizzie Patterson Betty, Blanche Patterson, Horatio Patterson. Ossie Patterson Atwood, J. Tyler Patterson, Camile Patterson Buzhardte, W. M. Johnson, Margaret: .Johnson, Bob Johnson, Nelson Johnson and Sadie Johnson Kerr, Eugene W. Patterson, Gordon Patterson, Gertrude Patterson Hutchison, Charles M. Gudger and Robert L. Gudger, are hereby notified that an action entitled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court PACK THREE i * ? \f.) Mi charged from any claim, right, title r interest -f the defendant:; or any 'I* them in and to the same. You and each of you are hereby noiineu to appear and answer or de1 ? ?ui to the complaint now on file in aid action before the undersigned .Clerk of Superior Court of Cherokee County .it his office in Couithouse in .Murphy, North Carolina, on the 18th day of October, 1926, or within the time thereafter allowed by law, and that in default of such appearance judgment by default will be entered in -aid action. This .September 15, 1926. E. E. DAVIS, * lerk Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina. (6-4t-t) DELINQUENT TAX SALE NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee | County. The undersigned Tax collector o? said county will sell on Monday, October -1, 1926, at the court house door in Murphy, N. C., to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, the following lands upon which taxes for the year 1925 have not been paid, in the name and for the amount given below with cost added in each case ;.s follows: Murphy Township Arms, F. 1 120 acres $40.72 Trull. Win. H 200 acres....* 16.90 j Woodward, W. 40 acres.... 3.10 | I'ayne, W. B 40 acres.... 30.91 | Calhoun, K. L. 124 acres 28. 6 1 F.ldridgc, Mrs. Alice....41 acres..12.20 Gibson, N. A 1 lot 17.97 Hothouac Township Vance, W. S 83 acres.... 30.64 Valley town Township Carolina & Georgia R. R. Co 22 acres....638.46 Amos, H. D 1 lot in Murphy Township 4.16 Candell, F. A 1 lot ....49.52 Dewar, Mrs. Alice,5000 acres..366.64 Fisher, W. T 1 lot 49.34 rainier, M. H 60 acres in Murphy Township 40.84 Wairen, J. T 93 acres 32.90 B. If. MORROW, Sheriff. (3-4Unr) NOTICE TO REPUBLICANS The Republican County Convention of Cherokee County will meet at the Library in Murphy, on Monday, September 20th, 1020, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. for the purpoes of nom| inating candidates for the various 1 county offices. Each precinct chairman will call a meeting of the republican voters of his precinct on Saturday, September 18th, 1920, at 2 o'clock P. M., at which meeting delegates to the County Convention will be elected. Every republican voter in the County is urged to attend his or her precinct meeting on this dale. F. O. CHRISTOPHER, (6-2t-c) Acting Chairman. TO THE VOTERS OF CHEROKEE COUNTY: You are hereby notified that a new registration for each and every precinct of Cherokee County has been ordered by the County Board of Elections for Cherokee County, and all voters in each precinct in Cherokee County will be required to register if they vote in the November election. The Registration Books in each precinct of Cherokee County will be opened on October the 2nd, 1926, for said new registration, and wiil be sept open ror four Saturday* for registration as required by law. All by an 'order of said Board of Elections. This the 8th day of Septfem-* ber, 1926. A. B. BROWN, Chairman. W. P. ODOM, Secretary. (5-3t-c) NOTICE I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the Office of Sheriff of Cherokee County, N. C., subject to the Republican Primary and convention. All favors shown me will be appreciated. This 7th day of June 1926. (50-tf) R. T. STILES. FOR SALE Crushed Barley Malt One Hundred Pounds. 13.60 Hop Flavored, Malt Syrup, $5.76 per IDoxen Cans. American Malt Co., Albemarle, N. C. (45-80UA)

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