HUJAY. OCTOBER 1. 1926. ~THE FEATHERHEAD! i / why you touf?ootuc I / Nbo' I SAW you pic H / WHATC TUE BIG IDEAS H I ENOF WATEQ tVXES Aj H OH THtS COUQSE UlTHOt PtV AAZAQD LlKA Y*>o Qui HgMA \ PICKUP UP BALLS O \ WAV?? ?t Voo ii i \twat ball , i lt do NjEB Bo* BUCKET r*rtz?IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE \ WESTERN DISTRICT OF NORTH CAROLINA. Western North Carolina Land Com- I pany i ** a. N. liogers, Jl. H. Rogers, Ebb C. Rogers, .Mary L. Templeton, or unknown heirs of Mary L. Templeton, I t\ Heibeit, Edward L. Herbert, Ida j beli MeGlamery, B. A. MeGlamery, , Net tin Pen land and husband. J. A. Penland, Anna Penland and hus- J band, A. L. Penland, H. L. Long, Jack Long (minor), G. C. "Buckner, Due Groves, Zadu Garland, Hestet t-ciguson, et ux, J. W. Ferguson, W. A. Bryaon, Emily E. Davison, et ux, J. \V. Davidson, Lillian Crye, and \V. E. Crye, Beryl Bryson | Combs, et ux, 11. E. Combs, Gertrude Witt, et ux, R. B. j Witt, J. E. Cooper, T. J. Cooper, harry P. Cooper, Louise Evans, et ux, G. S. Evans, R. A. Dewar, J>. W. trunks, Elizabeth Curd anu harry S. Curd, Henry Woodside, .Norman W. Woodside, William Woodside, William G. Bartoli, Alfred C. Lewis and wife, Murgarei I Lewis, W. R. Johnston and wife, hva Johnston, .Raymond Robson and wile Nellie Robson, heirs ol Richard L. Green, Tallassee Powei Company, Bob Smith, C. J. Cabe, J. A. Penland, C. B. Penland, T. E. Penland, S. S. Penland, Annie Buckner, et ux, J. H. Buckner, J. T. Silvey, Edith May Silvey, Myrt la Silvey (minor) and Marie Silve> (. uinor). f lO I ICE TO BE PUBLISHED tO: iih ry L. Tern pie ton or unknown lens of Muiy L. Templeton, Zada dar.u. \o, Lillian Crye and W. E. Crye, : heryl Bryson Combs et ux, H. C. ! Comha. Gertrude Witt, et ux. R. B ' Witt, T.J. Cooper, Harry 1*. Cooper, Louise iCvans, et ux, G. S. Evans, D. W. Fran ks, Elizabeth Curd and Harry S. Cv ud, Henry Woodside, Noroian Wo odside, William Woodside, William C?. Bartoli, Alfred C. Lewis and wife, Margaret Lewis, W. R. Johnston i vnd wife, Eva Johnston, Raymond K obson and wife, Nellie Robscn, hei. ra of Richard L. Green, I. E. Pen land, S. F. Penland, J. T. Silvey, Edith May Silvey, Myrtle Sil- j v?y iminor), and Marie Silvey (min-i W)i YOU WILL TAKE NOTICE thai, the plaintiff above-named has begun an action in tht s Unite d States Dis-j trict Court for the Western District j of North Carolin. a, at Asheville, N. C., j and u aubpeona t herein was issued on j the 13th day of' July 1920, return- i able August 3rd , 1926, and that an I aliau subpoena 1 tas been issued, re-1 turnable before the Clerk of the | United States Di strict Court for the . Western District of North Carolina, i it Asheviile on tl it 15th day of Octo ter, A. D. 1926, a when and where the j ibove-named defi indents are requir- J ed to appear and . answer or demur to , he Bill filed in sa Id action. That the purpos ? of said action is o clear the title a ad to have all td- i >prse claims to tb * plaintiff in the following described tracts of land MtJad. PARCEL NO. 1, Parts of Entry So- ?714 and of En try 6716. ^BEGINNING on a white oak near ?? uraasy i> jat Bran ch on the South loundary Una of Eni try 4078 and a ?rner of Entry 988 and runs with ! Una of No. 4078 N. 87 W. llu Poles to a stake <> po lea Bait of a "tar oak, a W. comet of No. 4078,1 "waca S. 2-80 W. 360 pt >le3 to a itake w the North boundary 1 Ina of Entry 1 Ko. 6710; than with the line of Mid No. N. 82-80 E. 160 pole a to a stake.j E. comer of said N. ?; then with As Una of said No. 3. 1 1-80 W. 200 Poles to a stake on the South boundary line of Entry No. 6 716; then S. 17-80 E. 100 poles to a i itake on the boundary line of Entry 110 :?nt 96; then with its 1 too N. 2 E. '70 poise to a stake on the East boun'**? Una of Entry 811; tb nn with iu '? N. 78-80 E. 48 poles to a stake * t comer of said No. or t the West boundary line of No. 6076; then with 5 ^rxir? * \ KUP* BALL \ [' AIN't lWfcV WOQM! / poles to a chestnut on top of a ridge, corner of said No.; then with the line of said No. S. 77 W. 26 poles to a stake near a branch on the East boundary line of Grant No. 95; then witn its line N. 2 E. 61 poles to a stake N". E. corner of said No.; then' with the line of said No. N. 88 W. 30 poles to a stake on East boundary line of Entry 6656; then with its line N. 22-16 W. 205 i oles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 4500; then with its line N. 2 E. 49 polos to the beginning, containing 505 acres. Part of Entry No. 6747, Grant j No. 2813. On the Waters of Shooting Creek. BEGINNING on a chestnut stump the S. E. corner of Tract No. 4232 and runs S. 3212 W. 30 poles to a stake on Andrews Hardwood Company line; then with that line N. 12 W. 42 poles to a stake in a branch ! and corner of same; thence S. 57 Va E. 34 poles to the beginning, containing 2 8-10 acres. Part of Entry 6717 Grant 2806. BEGINNING on a Spanish Oak on the State line S. E. corner of the Hiawassee Lumber Company lands, where the State line crosses the Blue Itidge and runs with State line N. 8> E. 280 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 6717 Grant 2806; then with the line of said No. N. 2-30 E. 127 poles to a stake; then W 87-30 W. 122 poles to a stake; then S. 2-30 W. 27 poles to a stake, ihen N. 87-30 W. 160 poles to a stake then N. 1-50 E. 18 poles to a cucumber; the X. 56-30 E. 102 E. 34 poles to a point; then S. 33-30 E. 34 poles to a point, then N. 56-30 E. 102 poles to a stake; then N. 33-30 W. l>4 poles to a stake; then N". 36 E. 40 poles to a stake on the North boundary line of No. 6717 Grant 2806; then with the lines of said No. N. 8730 W. 110 poles to Hack gum N. W. and beginning corner of said No. and N. E, corner of Entry No. 4232 Grant HICII o. ov ?j. puics ic a stake; then JS. 56-30 W. 76 poles to a stake on the West boundary ol Entry 6717 Grant 2806; then with the line of said No. S. 2-30 W. 78 poles to a stake on the North line ot, Entry 6161; then with the line oi said No. S. 62-30 E. 0 poles to the N. : E. corner of said No. then with the line of said No. S. 28-30 W. 9 poles to a stake on the West boundary line of Entry 6717 Grant 2806; then with the line of said No. S. 2-30 W. 14 poles 18 links to a stake on top of the Biue Ridge; then up said Ridge as it meanders S. 42-30 E. 12 poles to a point; then S. 35 E. 30 poles 18 links; then S. 33 E. 13% poles; then S. 8-30 E. 16 poles; then S. 18 E. with the top of the Blue Ridge 17 ft poles to the beginning, containing 318 6-10 acres. Part of Entry 6721 Grant 2822. BEGINNING on a blackgum near a gap S. E. corner of Entry 2794 Grant 2338 corner of Luther Mulls land and runs N. 2-30 E. 182 poles to a stake corner of a lot deeded by R. L. Herbert to R. A. Dewar; then with the line of 9aid lot S. 89 E. 3b poles to a stake S. E. corner of said V O-OA C OA nnUa a .taU then S. 87-30 G. 68 poles to a stake; I then S. 2-30 W. 320 poles to a stake; then N. 87-30 W. 172 poles to a stake on the line of State Survey No. 53 Grant 2623; then with the line of said No. N. 7b E. 30 poles to a S. E. corner of sala No.; then with the line of said No. N.' 106 poles to a stake; and pointers corner of Entry 2794; then with the line of said No. 89 E. 48 poles to the beginning, containing 231 1-10 acres. Part of Entry 6732 Grant 2790. BEGINNING on a black oak cn the East boundary line of Entry 1488 and beginning corner of Entry 6090 j Grant 186 and runs N. 63-30 E. 80 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 5064 Grant 3651; then with line of .laid No. S. 76 E. 6 poles to a hickory j corner of said No.; then with line of ! said No. S. 70 E. 18 poles to a stake corner of Entry No. 6086 Grant 178; then with its line S. 17-30 E. 47 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 114; Grant 98; then with its line crossing THE CHEROKEE SCO By OiborrK s i r ' ^Oik3?T ?T ^5 LOSl- \ Qou.iM?.. - J J \ iookld X'-kS o^t or / , - ??. / ll Jj "idy t y Perrv Mill Cwk V 73 P sn ?*?i? - [i 12 inch chestnut on a hill side N. E. r rner of said No.; then with a marked line S. 17-30 E. 154 poles to a -take; then S. 63-30 W. 6U poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 6735 Grant 2818; then with it> line N. 2-30 E. 56 poles to a stake N. E. corner of said No.; then with the line of said No. N. 87-30 W. 110 poles to a stake on the East boundary ' of Entry 1488; then with the line of said No. N. 26-30 W. 115 poles to the beginning, containing 126 9-10 acres. Part of Entry 6708 Grant 2826 or 2827. BEGINNING on a chestnut oak N. E. corner of Entry 2796 Grant 2340 and runs with the line of said No. N. 87-45 \Y. 55 poles to a chestnut S. E. corner of Entry 175, Grant 141; then with the line of said No. N. 2-15 E. 125 poles to a stake on the Nortn boundary line of Entry 6709; then with the line of said No. S. 87 E. 190 poles to the N. E. corner of said No.; then with line of said No. S. 2-30 \Y. 320 poles to the S. E. corner of saia No.; then N. S7-30 W. 22 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 6142; then with said line N. 2-30 E. 160 poles to a stake X. E. corner of said No.; then with the lint said No. N. 87-30 W. 110 Doles to j. stake on the East boundary line ot r-ntry 2796; then with its line N. 2-15 E. 36 poles to the beginning, containing 165 acres. Part of Entry No. 6729 Grant 2789. BEGINNING on a stake on N. E. boundary line of Entry 6093 Grant 182 at its intersection of the East boundary line of Entry 2774 Grant 2828 and runs with the line of Entry 6774 X. 12-30 E. 160 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 6729; then with the line of said No. S. 51-30 L. 154 poles to a stake the N. E. corner , of said No.; then with the line of said ! No. S. 35-30 W. 124 poles to a stake on the line of Entry 6093; then with the line of said No. N. 42-30 W. 94 poles to the beginning, containing j 94 9-10 acres. Part of Entry 6722 Grant 2807. On the waters of Eagle Fork ol Shooting Creek. BEGINNING on a blackgum the S. VV. corner and beginning corner ot said No. and N. W. corner of Entry 6717 and N. E. corner of Entry 4232 and runs S. 87-30 E. with the line of Entry 6722 110 poles to a stake; then N. 36 E. 30 poles to a stake; then N. 57-30 W. 224 poles to a stake on the East boundary line of Entry 6162; then with the line of said No. S. 2 W. 80 poles to a locust post and wite oak stump, corner of Entry 6162 on the North boundary line of Entry 4232; then with the line of Entry 4232 S. 50 E. 90 poles to the beginning. containing 68 4-10 acres. Part of Entry 6774 Grant 2828. BEGINNING on a stake N. E. corner of said No. and runs with the line of said No. S. 18-30 W. 80 poles, mote or less, to a stake on top of the divide between Tusquitta and Nantahoio. ...uw J as it meanders a N. W. course to a stake on the North boundary line ol Entry 6774; then with the line of said No. S. 77-30 E. to the beginning, containing 10 acres. Part of Entry No. 6712 Grant 2803. BEGINNING on a blackgum N. W. corner of Entry No. 75 Grant 9782 and runs with the line of said No. S. 2-30 W. 140 poles to a stake on the North boundary line of Entry 702b; then with the line of said No. S. 72-45 E. 80 poles to a stake on top of the divide between Tooney Creek and Tusquitta; then up said divide as it meanders N. 3 E. 70 poles to a black oak; then N. 35 E. 11 poles to a black oak; then N. 4 E. 14 poles to a black oak; then N. 22 E. 26 poles to a black oak; then N. 44 E. 10 poles to a stake; then N. 30 E. 10 poles to a stake; then N. 6 poles to a stake on the line of No. 75; then with the line of said No. N. 87 W. 14 poles to a black oak; then N. 2 E. 26 poles to a white oak; corner of No. 75; then with the line of said No. W. 96 poles to the biginning, containing 72 5-10 acres. Also one other Parcel of said Entry and Grant beginning on two chestnut UT. MURPHY, N. C. r? ? / AKD v*uas l-WQt VOU B*G / *LA?ST-R>DHAC?f- KtEP VtC. l / DRIVES ON Ov>, PAIGWAY/ I A GOV LIKE SOU WILL CHANGE THE PSEftaT GOiP Cc?Tuf>e l*To A TjM\ HAT AND A COAT OF KAIL/'IP VOU v HAD ^AiD ^OST OXf r^OCE- >OQ.D I'd riAVE patted vt>oe wTo *Cft MV NtyT DQIUE / '. ^ on the Weat side of the Long Branct beginning corner of Entry 7025 anc runs N. 88 \V. 20 poles to a poplar then S. 25 V. 20 poles to a stake then S. 87-30 E. 11U poles to a stakt on top of ridge on the line of Hiawas >ee Lumber Company lands; thet down said ridge with said line N. 1< ??. poies 10 nnKs is. 12-3U W. poles 20 links N. 67, W. 6 poles N ! 82-15 \V. 61 poles to a stone on th? bank of a road; then with said roac S. 64 W. 11 poles 22 links; then S 49-30 W. 6 poles 15 links to the be I ginning, containing 15 acres. Part of Entry 6709 Grant 2784. BEGINNING on a stake in the 3 boundary line of Entry No. 670'. Grant 2784, corner of the Andrew: Hardwood Company's land and run: N. 87 W. with the line of Entry Ni 0709, 100 poles to a stake, S. W corner of said Entry; then N. 7 W 26 poles to a stake in the West boun dary line of Entry 6709, corner o Andrews Hardwood Company's land then with its line N. 61 E. 100 pole to a stake in a branch, corner of sai< lands; then down the branch as i meanders 16 poles to a stake in salt branch; then with the line of sain S. 87 Vs E. 22 poles to a stake; the: with the line of same S 2 V* W. 8i poies to the beginning, containing 3< acres more or less. The defendants above-named wil | take notice that they are required ti appear and answer or demur to th< | bill tiled in this action on said 15tl day of October, 1926 or within twent; days thereafter or the plaintiff wil apply to the Court for the relief de munded in the Complaint. This notice is issued by order o ' Court, directing that publication b made for six (6) successive weeks ii the Cherokee Scout, a newspape published in Cherokee County, Nortl Carolina, in the Western District o North Carolina. This the 24 day of August, 1926. R. L. BLAYLOCK, Clerk of the U. S. District Court fo the Western District of North Car olina. By O. L. McLURD, (3-6t-w) Deputy Cierli NOTICE: SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certai deed of trust made and executed b Harrison Raxter, to the undersigne Trustee, on the 16th Hnv of Marcl 1925 and recorded in the office o the- Register of Deeds for Cheroke County, N. C., in Book No. 93 pag 42, default having been made in th payment of the indebtedness as thert | in provided, I. D. H. Tillitt, Trus J tee, will on the 25th, day o October, 1926, at ten o'clock A. i Murphy Time) offer at the courl house door in Murphy, N. C., to th highest bidder for cash the followin described property: Being lot No. 1 in tract No. 3 a per map. , Beginning ot a wild cherry tree o the bank of the Peaehtree and Mui phy road and runs N. 3 E. 45 poles t a rock; thence S. 83 W. 46 poles to rock; thence S. 3 W. 37% poles to rock on the road; thence S. 87 E. 4 poles to the beginning, containin twelve acres more or less. And being the same land conveye to said Harrison Raxter by V. T. Le i foid and wife. I Dated and posted this the 21s day of September, 1926. D. H. TILLITT. Trust* , (7-4t-t.) ' NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee > County. In the Superior Coui before the Clerk. In the matter of the last will of . M. Hamby, deceased, CITATION To William Hamby, Tom Hamb F.lisha Hamby, Marshall Hamb Hayes Hamby, Bass Hamb George Hamby, Marian Hamb Kirk Hamby, Lula Hamby, Be tha Crane, Bessie Crane, Clel; Maney, Garfield Hamby, Elizi i beth Hamby, Lum Hamby, i W. Hamby, Eliza Ann Bayne Sallie Danner, J. M. Hamby, Jr ami all other^ next of kin K. K. DAVIS. Clerk Sip. nor Court of Cheroke Oout; t-' i ty, North Varolii a. r . NORTH CAROLINA, J <111 KKEE COUNTY. j It. 'i he Superior Court. t \Y. I). Townson . VS e R. L. i'utterson. Callie Patterson n Pearson, Kate Patterson Cadger (j a:.d husband, Ed Gudger, Lizzie Tj Patterson Betty, Charlie YV. Patteson, Blanche Patterson, Horatio ^ Patterson, Ossie Patterson Atwood, i J. Tyler Patterson, Camile PatterJ m n Buzhardte, W. M. Johnson, ^ Mar...ret Johnson, Bob Johnson, I Ncl-on Johnson and Sadie Johnson JM Kerr. Eugene YV. Patterson, GorI don Patterson, Gertrude Patterson IHutcihsun. Charles M. Gudger, Mrs. Leola Gudger Roberts, and husband, C, E. Roberts, Mrs. Annie Gudger c I)o 1 son and husband, J. T. Dobson, a and Troy C. Gudger. r NOTICE OF SUMMO S ^ The above named defendants, R. L. '; 'n .terson, Gallic Patterson Pearson, j i.izzie Patterson Betty. Blanche Patj terson, Horatio Patterson, Ossie Patterson Atwood, J. Tyler Patterson, r]Camile Patterson Buzhardte, W. M. "j.'ohnson, Margaret uohnson, Bob [Johnson, Nelson Johnson and Sadie Johnson Kerr, Eugene W. Patterson, " j Cordon Patterson, Gertrude Patterson - Hutchison, Charles M. Gudger and I Robert L. Gudger, are hereby notified that an action entitled as above has been instituted in the Superior Court uf Cherokee County the purpose of o I which is to 'decree the plaintiff, W. j' I>. Townson, to he the owner of the legal title in and to certain parcel of j. land lying and being in the corporate limits of the Town of Murphy of said ^ County and State, purchased by J. T. Patterson from J. M. Blumenthal and designated on the map of said property as lots Nos. 1, 2. 3, 13, 14 and hounded on the South and West j | by I'eachtree Street, on the North 1. ' 2, and 3 are hounded by Terrace Avenue. 13, 14, and 15 being between (Terrace Avenue and Blumenthal Ave^ : nue, and to remove any claim or i claims of the above named defendI ants in and to said lands as a cloud upon the title of the plainfff and to decree the said plaintiff ti?e owner of said property in fee freed and disi charged from any claim, right, title or interest of the defendants or any . ( of them in ar.d to the same. You and each of you are hereby ^ notified to appear and answer or de^ i mur to the complaint now on file in ; said action before the undersigned j Clerk of Superior Court of Cherokee County at his office in Courthouse in Murphy, North Carolina, on the 16th day of October. 1926. or within the t .ne thereafter allowed by law, and I that in default of such appearance judgment by default will be entered ! in said action. rt This September 15, 1926. E. E. DAVIS, ! Clerk Superior Court of Cheroket County, North Carolina. | td-4t-t) M y, NOTICE OF SALE y,1 Under and by virtue of the powe r- j of sale conferred upon the undersign ie ed Trustee by deed of trust given bj a- | G. W. Solesbee and wife Venna Soles S. j bee to the undersigned Trustee, whicl at one o'clock 1'. M. at the Court House lJoor in the Town of Murphy, sell at public auction for cash the ! lands and premises described and con| veyed in -aid deed of trust, which | lands are more particulary described as follow -: Beginning'at gate on bank I of .-aid branch and old road; then S. i4 E. 1'.* poles and U' to a stake at .wrnei of fence in hollow; then with h.dlow and fence S. 24 degrees and I do' W. j-oies it a persimmon bush to wr.uh the fence is attached; then S. 2i? degree.- la' \\". 1 poles to fence s'.aKe; tln-ii S. 3d degi ees and 30' W. 10 poles and 10 links to small pine at toot oi ridge; thei up said ridge S. H tteprees 30' 1?"> poles to a stake 10' twin chestnut -tump; then S. ;? degrees 0 \Y. 10 poles to a slake on top. i mountain between Hangingdog and Owl Creek; then with old p.; Cast direction to corner of same; ; North direction to a stake on Bank f Road coiner between,Grand* view School . id Ce ia Adams; then with -aid road to beginning at gate near fu;*.- of aid road in old line. I'ii - September 21, iy2t>. J. I). MALONEE, l7-4t-pd.) Trustee. NOTICE A called meeting of the County li .1 Elections was held in .Murphy. N. C., on the 20th day of September. 1 b'J'J. and the following busiiu->s transacted: Moved by Dr. J. 11. Crawford that the vote by which an order for a new registration was assed at a recent meeting < t the County Board of Election, he reconsidered: Second by W. P. Odom; motion carried; A. H. Brown, J. II. Crawford and W. P. Odom voting in the affirmative to rescind said former order* Moved by l>r. J. H. Crawford that it i- the sense of this Board that an entirely ew registration of voters at this time is unnecessary, hut that ! the Registrars are hereby required and directed to revise the registration ist- as required by law taking therefrom names of such as are dead, or who have lost their citizenship by removal and the like, so as that the books shall contain only the names of the legal qualified voters of their- respective precincts. Ordered that this resolution he published in the Cherokee Scout two successive issues. This Sept. 20th, 1926. A. H. BROWN, Chairman, W. P. ODOM, Secretary. (T-it-ccO . . 1 UK SALE Ouahed Barley Malt C.i hundred rounds ...^3 SLO Fh.voivd. Malt Syrup, S3.75 per Ui?xc!-. Cans. American Malt Co., Mbemar>. X. C. (4o-20t-A) WILL SELL? Forty shares of local bank stock. Part. caSi, convenient terms on balance if desired. Address Bank Stock. 105 .lulia Street, Jacksonville, Fla. (6-8t-pd) BABY CHICKS FOR SALE Purebred English Barron ?trafi? White Leghorn Baby Chicks $8175 I hundred postpaid. Brown Leghorns $10 hundred. Anconas ,Sheppard strain, best layers $11 hundred. I Rhcde Island Reds $11 hundred. Ply month Rocks $11.50 hundred. White Rocks $13 hundred. All good healthy strong porfc- I bred chicks guaranteed. We pay postage charges and r guarantee lire delivery. " I Take a statement 'from "yeur f , Post Master, if dead, we will Ti* ? place them. 1*1 THE DIXIE HATCHERY, e| (4-lOt.) TABOR. Hi C.