paq? rop> KLAl^ldlrew Dr. Chan. W. Hod gel's, of Como Tennessee, is visting his daughter Mrs. I). H. Tillitt. Monday of this week Rev. W. H Kurd, Mrs. D. H. Tillitt and her moth er and father. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. W Rodger* and Mrs. William H. Har risen motored to Kobbinsvile. Rev Ford went over for the purpose < conducting chapei exercises in K<-V> binsville High School. They prayer meeting at the Bap tist Church is rapidly growing am much interest is being displayed. O last Wednesday night there wen two hundred and ninety-four present At nearly every service of the church there are additions to its membership J. W. S. Davis and H. K. Davi* have moved into then new drug stort building and have fitted it up very tastefully and attractive. D. H. Tillitt and L). S. Russell motored to Murphy on Wednesday of this week. Prof. L. B. Nichols of the Andrew* High School was in Murphy ?>n Wednesday of this week attending a conference with Prof. .1. H. High?jmth and other high school representatives in Clay, Cherokee and Graham Counties. The Woman's Club of Andrews met Tuesday afternoon of this week in Carnegie Library. This was the meeting for the reception of members SUIT ITEMS kMrs. Rosa McNabb and children spent Sunday with K. L. Keeman's family. Mr. and Mrs. James Beard ot Whittier, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Keeman. Mrs M. M. Burger has been very sick but is some better at this writing J. H. Thompson Sr., hai a severe stroke of paralysis Sunday morning. Mr. M M. Burger contemplate* moving to Gustonia right soon Rev. Kobt. Bell, our newely elect ed pastor, preached an interesting sermon for us Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Mason, of Ducktown visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hickey, Sunday. Mr. Nathan McNabb and family, of Copperhill, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McNabb. T. C. Keenum and family of Ducktown, spent several days recently visting the former's parent, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Keenum. Mr. Cling Enslev is very low at ths wrtng and s not expected to live many days. Harrison McDonald is solwly recovering from a severe spell of ty* phold fever/ Some cases of Scarlet fever have broken out in this community within the past few days. PATRICK ITEMS Rev. J. W. Morgan is holding a revival at Shearer School House this week. Mrs. Richard Hamby and children, of Florida are visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Danner and three children, of Copper Hill, Tenn. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Plrklesimer this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Picklesimer and children, of Copper Hill, Tenn., were the g-ueats of the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Picklesimer, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Morgan and baby spent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Rogers. Mr. S. G. Baine made a business trip to Mr. Tom Pickleaimer's Wednesday. Mlaa Grace Kilpatrick spent Mondday night with Miss Lula Picklesimer. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Quinn and children, of Copperhill visited the letter's parents Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Shearer Sunday. Miss Grace Ham by and Mr. Glen itamby attended the baptising at Beida Chapel Sunday. HS usis it ? L?calis j i"X-:-:-:-:~>-:-:-w-i-!":-:~r~:-:-:-:-:?:~:-:-:~:~::.nd twenty-three ladies joined Mr<. L?. H. Tillitt is president; Mrs. ? . II. Jarrett, Yice-l'resident; Mrs It A. He war. Secretary, and Mrs. .1. . H. Christy. Treasurer. At a former meeting, the president appointed on Constitution and by laws .? committee composed of Mrs. C. H. Jarrett, Mrs. .) \V. >. L>a\ i; f and Mrs. li. \V. C'o\er. Aiao the fob - . aine committee n programs; Mrs K. C. Andrews. Mr?, li. B. Hoblitzell .Mr- .1. B. Sesscnia, Mrs. K. A. Dewai and M-. C. A Brown 1 Or: Tuesday of this week a program i wa> rendered at the meeting. Mrs. Dewar read an excellent paper on n? rue. as did also Mrs. Donald Wili -on. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Hoblitxell are euvini on Thursday of this week tor an extended stay and visit in Western Pennsylvania, where they will visit Mr. Hoblitzell's mother and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. L>. H. Tillitt on Mon?:.i\ night ?>t this week were host at u pit'rue supper 10 i*rui. ana .?irs. J. G. Allen. Kev. and .\lr>. YV. II. lord, .Mr and Mrs. li. M. Wnitaker and Mrs TilKlt's father and mother. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Rodger* of Como, Tenn., anu Mrs. Tiliitt's aunt, Mrs. W. H. Harrison, of Richmond, Va. The many l'riends of Mrs. \V. W. Ashe hear with pleasure that she is recovering as rapidly as could be expected and will be out of the hospital in a day or so. WOLF CREEK Our farmer shave never bean busier than nov, gatherng feed etc. Two car loads of people motored to Appalachia and back Sunday. The community school of Seventh i?u> Adeventists commenced its eighth term Monday morning with the largest enrollment' it has ever had At an opening, with Mrs. J. G. tiurdick, a woman with several years experience as u teacher in charge. Several citizens from Isabella visited our section Tuesday night bar nut* of one of them having a charge of public drunkenness against him. He plead guilty to the charge before Esq. W. L. Garren and paid a fine and the cost and went away after beintr ad vised not to do so any more. FOR SALE?Kraut and pickle barrels. See Mrs. Nettie Dickey, City. Buy one article at regular priee, pay lc, and get another just like it at K. S. Parker's Rexalt Store, Murphy, N. C.. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 7th, 8th and 9th. TO MERCHANTS?I will be in At lanta, Ga., from the 1st to 15th ol October, where i will have on display a complete line of stationery, school supplies, toys, dolls, toilet articles, fireworks, ?tc., und would be glad to show you the line. Write or wire me when to expect you. W. B. Pass, Piedmont Hotel, Atlanta, Ga. LET1TIA Mr. Marion Greene is very ill a this writing. Messrs. Oscar and Edgar Taylox made a business trip to Murphy Monday. They attended the Democratic Convention as delegates from Shoal Creek precinct. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Andreson and C. C. Bailey and little son visiteo I' j LOUISVILLE & ] KOI SOUTHEAJ Tickets on sale Octob che luled to arrive At b?' 9. Return limit C SPECIAL LOW FA October 7. F-r "ull particulars co :clfit Agents. WSm W&BBEBUk THE CHEROKEE SC< Mr. and Mr#. E. YV. Taylor Sunday. |! W. W. Burton made a business trip ? t?? Murphy Saturday. Mr. Elmer Taylor has moved to ear Turtletown, Tenn., where he i> teat hinyr school. Mr. M. C. Stiles is briefly engaged making svrup in this esetion. W. W. Barton has received word from his sister. Mrs. Frank Bracy, who lives in Florida, that they are safe after the storm, hut their home was tort-, to pieces. Mr. l>. T. MeNabb i- doing some very good work on the road at thi? 1 tirav. There will be a batiMng in the -it.all creek near Oak Grove Church, Sunday. October 3. at U A. M. Several of our people are planning to attend the association at Persimmon Creek Church beginning Septemi.... -in Don't forfeit the lo Salt* at the K? xall Store. Murphv, N. Thursday. Friday and Saturday. October 7th. "th and iUh. H. S. Parker. Druggist. ?N MEMORY OF OUR DEAR ONE The death Angel visited the home <>{ Mr. S. F. Abernathy on September ~?th, and carried the dear wife and ] mother to rest with Jesus She ha." .been a good and faithful wife and . mother. She was married to Frank Abernathy on the 27th da;, of October in the year of ISti". was born ' and raised in Macon County. N. * and was a true christian to every one. 1 She :s survived by her husband and ' eight children: l)r. J. B. Abernathy ' of Atlanta. (la.; Joe Abernathy, Bob Abernathy, Ellie McDonald, Maltie Beaver. Luckie tiarrett ail of Grandview, N. C.; Folly Woody, ol Marble, t N. t Cora White of Andrew . N. C;?' and four children died when her i famiiy was small; twelve children in I all. I She was 711 years, & months and 23 days old. She joined the Baptist .Church in the year of 18tfc? and has been a great Bible reader and a worker fo the laird. She was a great lover of birds and flowers, and also loved her whole family ami din all she could for them all. The funeral services were held at . the llangingdug church. Revs. John Mulkey and Thomas Truett preached the funeral sermons. m us oe reauy wnen uoa calls 11?? meet the dear mother in the land of rest and love where there is no grief or osrrow, for she said just a few moments before the end came 1 am , so happy, oh, 1 ant so happy. Thank ' God for this consolation. She had been a subsciber to the Cherokee Seoul for more than 30 ! years and enjoyed it very much. * LOST?Sunady, September 26, probably between Topton and observa| tion platform on Robbinsville road, a post curd size kodak and case. This 1 is property of the U. S .Engineer j Department. Chattanooga, Tenn. I Finder please notify or mail to C. C. Andeison, U. S. Survey Party, Hayesville, N. C., and received reward, (ll-pd) t LADIES, who can do plain sewing at t home and want profitable spare time work. No canvassing. Write (Enclose Stamp) to AMSTERDAM) I DRESS COMPANY, Amsterdam, N. ' : Y., Dept. D. (lt-pd.) i ? Mr. and Mrs. Clyde H. McNabb, ! of Copperhill, announce the birth of a [ ! son on September 22nd, who has been j ? given the name Robert Lawrence. 1 NASHVILLE R. R. and Trip to A IN I A STERN FAIR er 1 to 8 and for trains lanta before noon Octo ctober 11. .RE $4.61 Round trip nsult L. & N. _J JUT, MURPHY. N. C. Mrs. J. E. Swan and children and i Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Colli*, of Copper i Hill, motored to town Sunday and < were guest" of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brown. 1 Don't forget the It* Sale at the Kexall Store. Murphy. N. C.. Thurs- ' day, Friday and Saturday. October 7th. Hth and i*th. R. S. Parker, Drugmat. : Fly-Tox the grown chickens and the chicken house against "*-e und i mites.?Advt. t I SIGNS SEEN ON THE BACK OF FORDS . "Nash" Can." "Oil by Myself." , "Sick Cylinders." (l "Puddle Jumper." "The Stuttering Stutr." f "Four wheels, ah tired." t. "Fierce Arrow, with a quiver." { per cent Static." "100 r?er cent A Meri Can." "Rolls-Oats." . "Danger! 20,000 Jolts." i "Vertical Four." "Struggle Buggy." "Baby Lincoln." "The Uncovered Wagon." "Little Bo-Creep." "Why Girl- Walk Home." "Mah-Junk." "I'ray as You Enter." "Pis Squeals." But he one with a real kick to it reads: "Don't I-augh Big Boy?Mine's All Paid For."?Tennessee Utility News. KOR SALE?8 acres of ground and louse on the Grand view ro?4 ' ! 1-niles from Murphy. Will take $1."?00 'or further information see Oliver J. Dockery, Murphy Rout J or write A. v Worley, Robbinsville, N. C. t lt-pd? Announcement was made this weeX hat Hon. Felix E. Alley, of Waynes.ille, will speak to the Democrat ii oters of Cherokee County at Murl?hy on Friday. October 8th. The ladies are especially invited. Buy one article at regular price, pay lc, and get another just like it a. it. S Barker's Kexall Store, Murphy, N. Thursday, Friday and Saturday. October 7th, 8th and nth. Fly-Tox kitchen and pantry uguinsi ants.?Advt. NOTICE OF EXECUTIVE SALE By virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, on Sept., 8, 1926 in a judgment in favor of Binr.ey & Smith, a corpora Roof See roi dO% 1< ROAD tests with the new"Stan< ders with automobi For instance, a Dc September 24th to 40.9% increase in c gas mileage; smootl more power; less drj Here's performance getting from any lu to the nearest "Sfc dealer and get a cr; results. You can ac STANDAR1 (N "STAI> MOT IJI [ion. against Alba Mineral Company, it corporation. at:ti levy cf <aid execution on Sept.. 9. 1926 upon the property hereinafter described, the undersigned will proceed to sell to [he highest bidder at public outcry f?r cash .at the Courthouse door in Murphy. Cherokee County, North Carolina, at one o'clock. P. M., on Monday. Nov. 1, 1926 the following property towit, first offering the personalty: All the personal property of the \lba Mineral Company upon the premises known as the Davis TaliMine. being on Tract No 'A'i in Disrict No. o of said County, an inventory of which is to be found in Book !'? I 58? of Deeds at page 67. in the >ffice of the Register of Deeds for aid County to which reference Is made; Tract No. Dist. No. ;t, of said 'ounty. containing 135 acres, fully le-cribed in a deed from Continental Talc Company to Alba Mineral Com>unv. dated March 12. 1912. register <i in sum jmce in iJeed bo-k upre 78, to which reference is here?y made; One acre, more or less, described r a deed from Georpo Hillyer to Uba Mineral Company, dated April MO 1 HER? Fletcher's Cwtoi Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teethinj prepared to relieve Infants m Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in ;he assimilation of Food, p Natural Sleep with To a vol' ' -t* ays look for rii Proven ?ii-< ?-t ?. -h package. positive id test on Do ;ss oil, 1Q% ] hundreds of cars prove that lard" Motor Oil works wonle motor performance. >dge, run 1,080 miles from October 22d, 1925, showed lil mileage; 10% increase in ler operation at an speeds; ig on the hills. you have never dreamed of bricating oil. Drive around andard" Service Station or ank case full. Then expect '.tually feel the difference. D OIL COMPANY ew Jersey) 4 DARE OR OIL FRIDAY. OCTOBER 1, ijJ 21. 1925, registered in said oftS April 22, 1925 in Deed Boole No. itt? page 181, to which reference is hgS by made: B Said sale will ho made to ? said execution and < -1-. and ct?^| of sale. This October 1. 11?26. B B. B. MORROW, Shrhtl By l>. M .Birt hfn-M, ShwtfB (8-f?t-b) I North Carolina, m In The Suprior Court. B Frank Adams B B Lillian Weis, or Lillian Adams, fl NOTICE E Let the defendant above naatB take notice that the plaintiff will prvl t oed to take the deposition of J. ll Ross and others, said deposition to kB used in the above entitled action, oB to he taken at the Court house al Crcenville. South Carolina, before JH ...nary runnc. The taking 0f * depositions to be^in at 9 o'clock ? to proceed from day to day until una are finished. Thi< the 29th day of Sept(ml_ 1926. ~-'*t-pd.) FRANK ADA1Q ria is a harmless Substitute/far _ / i [ Drops and Soothing Syrqn arms and Children all agp<>' Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels romoting Cheerfulness. RA', out Opiates * . e signature of Physicians everywhere rectfimend i. e >dge cars Less fits MwOw . 7 Advartages of "Standard* Motor Oil 1. Constant lubrication. 2. Minimun friction. 3. Less "bieaking-down" under lad or at high speeds. 4. More mles per quart of Oil. d. wetter mu aimouii- ? smoother operation. H 6. Negli(ible carbon. H 7. Actud saving in gasoline. H zA Quarter I a Quaw* I

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