- ^UDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1926 I CHEROKEE FA1 I BEST EV ffi < Continue* number ?-f paid |':i-si.-nm.r oukIi the gates on each of the Kt three days . Any person or persons ex publicly express disapproval or udges. or who by act or interf :oming an exhibitor shall not b iunw at any fair of this assoc 10. No premium will be awardc hibited. unless such animal or ;c considered well worthy of a 11. No premiums will be paid EXTRi 12 All entries must be mm respective departments not later tht 13th, 1920, except in case of livestoc 13. The Building and entry Oct.. 12th, and exhibitors are urged i 14. All entries must be made a card giving the exhibitors number shall be securely fastened to each ai tion p:ovided by manager of the rt 15. No pe'sr.n except the jucl the association will be allowed Insi judging is in progress. 16. Any objection to a judg the secretary or manager, the object by the person making objection. 17- In judging blooded stock, blood established by pedigree, size, terlstics of the various breeds, mak feeding and other circumstances. 18. Should any animal or art come up to the standard required ol son, such as lack of condition, unsou the judges shall so declare, and the from the ring, stating the reason th 19. Judges will be required t< on blanks furnished by the secretai their reports to the superintendent ; PROTE 20. All protests must bo ma< the Superintendent of the respect! fully and specificlally upon what p accompanied by a fee of $1.00, otl In case the protest is sustained the be the property of the association. ARENA EXHIBITS 21. All animals exhibited in halter. 22. As far as possible pen w charge will be made for same. 23. All officers of this assoria worn on their coat. PREMI 24. All premiums awarded wi or labels of the following colors; Rmt prjae?Blue. Second prize?Red. Sweepstake?Purple. RATES OF / Day Sc Adults Children under 12 Automobiles NightS Adults Children CONCES 26, AH privilege and concessi ployes, assistants and helpers, must f R TO BE ER THIS YEAR A from page 1) grounds over night. The admission charges will be 25 vents during the day except for children under 12 years of age. who will be admitted free. At night adults and children well be charged 15 cents each. Premium lists may be found at most of the stores in the county and at strategic points in the neighboring counties. The premium list follows : I! ASSOCIATION' - President Vice President Treasurer Seeretarv ERINDENDENTS R. R. Real \V. H. Hughes TOCK T. J. BVislol Wm. I'. Payne F. J. Watkins I). Witherspoon A. L. Martin Mrs. E. A. Davidson ONOM1CS Mrs. J. B. Story Mrs. J. H. Hampton Mrs. Giles Cover A. G. Linthicum E. B. Norvell, S. C. Heighwny OMMITTEE (V. Shackleford, T. H. Cole, J. F. police E. P. Hawkins SGUL.ATIONS )pen to the public on Wednesday iblic on Saturday, October 16th, 00 A. M. Exhibits to be removed okee. Clay, Graham and Macon >n the grounds will he under the le every precaution will he taken Association will, in no way be accident that may occur, to run at large on the prounds. ut regular places allotted for that 1 rules conflict the special rule mager of the respective departrision and control of the exhibit ted to the grounds free at the nrcna to exhibit his own stock or except as driver, rider, or groom, it right to premium, hihiting animals or articles, and i the grounds, of the decision of orenee shall be guilty or conduct e permitted to compete again fur intion. d when but one animal or article article shall possess special merit premium. to persons not attending the fair. IES le and exhibits placed in their in 11:00 A. M. Wednesday, Oct., k. (See special rules.) books will be open on Tuesday. I to enter everything possible on it the required time, and an entry , department and class number "ticle, and then placed in the sec'spective department. Iges on duty and the officers of ide the arena grounds while the ;e must be made in writing to Jon to be fully stated and signed regard will be had to purity of form, action and general characing allowance for age, condition, icle be exhibited which does not f that class, or for any other reaindness, blemishes, poor breeding, manager shall dismiss the animal erefor. > make written reports of awards . F ,1 n nv A ? ? J 2M is soon as decisions are made. :sts ic in writinr to the secretary or | Ive departments, and must state [rounds the protest is made, and lerwise it will not be considered, fee will be returned; otherwise to OR SHOW RINGS the arena must be controlled by 'ill be made for livestock but no tion will be designated by a badge [UMS ill be designated by ribbons, tags IDMISSION ssion Free Free lession ? * -15 .15 ISIONS ion people, together with their emobey the rules or an* o\her special J HE CHEROKEE SCO 'I M of the- :-5 ?viation. ond any re l?-,i nil ris-l.: thm they n r.y have h vonces- it.r - mi. HITS asportation reM-rws I part monov paid by privilege and allow any p. ty or article or game they become objectionable. 28. All property, fixtures, in privilege < r ionces>:on people, will risk, and kept i:i such places as they to. and the a elation will not bf 1 theft r failure t< pe;form its part t the law* seize, -'on ?>r prevent the j grounds of this association. 29. No f e will I"' ,ace may 1 prize, $10.00; So :.?! prize $5.00. Best ten < c< .u- variety I. Be: t ten < - < . prolific 5. Best ten y. .v. err ?. B? sing! *ie ? red vat 7. B hi;lx ' r.cn tal c Sorghum 8. BT and large : field pumpkin TITE FOLLOWING TO BE 9. IV k Win- '. y v.. i- :;10. Peck A1 rnzzi rye 11. Peck black rye 12. I'tck oat any variety 12. Peek yi beans, any variety 1 1. Feck Whipperwili peas 15. Peck Clay pea: Hi. Peck buckwheat 17. Single stalk Whs. pe: will peas. 1S. Singl'- talk <"lay ea 19. Single talk si.ja bear,: 20. Sincle stalk velvet beans FOLLOWING TO BE SHOWN IN lbs. AND TO BE JUDGED ACCOl _?i it-.u ... ' 22. Bale, red clovt r 23. Soja beans 21. Timothv 2". Red top 26. Oat hay 27. Mixed hays 28. Any other variety ttaaied trras OEPAUTM HORTICUI W. H. Hug! is. Supt.; IV S. Da plate of apples consist of five apples. 20. St ay man 30. Grimes 31. Delicious 32. Wini'sap 33. King David 54. Virginia Beauty 35. It;- ! LimVertv. ig 36. Royal Lirabert wi s 37. York Impel ial 38. Hoover 39. Gano 40. Ben Davis 41. Any other variety. 42. Collection 5 plates 43. P!aie grapes 44. Plate pears, any variety 4."?. Peaches, any variety. 16. Quinces 47. Plums 48. Best basket fruit to be grown b; To be judged < i, quality, variety 40. American niMssimmnnc SO. Native Chestnuts 51 Hickory nuts 52. Black walnuts 53. Butternuts . 54. Pecans TRUCK AND VI 55. Cabbage, 1 heads 56. Cauliflower 57. Celery 58. Cucumber, 5 in number 50. Peck Irish potatoes, any early 60. Peek Irish potatoes, any late va 61. Half peck Lima Beans, large.. 62. Half peck Lima Beans, small . 63. Onions, any variety 64. Peppers, Cayenne or any hot \ G5. Sweet Peppers 66. Rutabagas, one pock 67. Crookneck Squash 68. Hubbard 09. Pattypan 70. Cushnw 71. Squash, and other variety SWEET POTATOE 72. Naey Ha',1 73. Southern Queen 74. Porta Rica 75. Japanese Yam 76. Any other variety 77. Plate tomatoes, 5 to plate 78. Turnips, any variety, one peck 79. Stock beets, 4 beets 80. Table beets, 4 beets 81. Egg plant, 4 plants 82. Oysterplant 83. Bunch Parsnips 84. Carrots, half peck 85. Ten ears sweet corn ? 86. Field beans, half peck 87. Bunch parsley . 88. Spinach, one peck 89. Kale, three stalks 00. Bunch rhubarb. 12 stalks. 91. Watermelon 92. Best and most attractive collec from a city or country home fj UT, MURPHY. N. C. fusal or neglect to do w.ll for - d hy virtue of such privilege or the right to refund in whole or in ion - people and rcfVise to to operate or do business should lerchnndise. etc.. the property of he taken in the grounds at their inemscives may provide, or agree responsible for any loss, damage, of the contract, should officers of arty from doimr business on the any entry or e :hibit except comced i : the County or manufacturertasing purposes for which space small concession charge. >KEE COUNTY FAIR IENT A eal, R. L. Fox. J. W. Dockery. 1 any county adjoining Cherokee county. This county exhibit is nnin. Union, and Towns County, rokee. Clay. Macon and Graham, >ete in this county exhibit. First ill he judged one third on quality, rd on variety. It may consist of exhibit must bo entered fa Tuesuld notify the manager one week )e reserved for this entry. First First Second $2.00 $1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 icty 1.00 .50 cane 2.00 1.00 . 1.00. .50 EXHIBITED IN* PECKS $2.00 $1.00 2.00 . 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 l.oo 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 BALKS NOT LESS THAN 25 ItDIKG TO MARKET VALUE: 2.00 1.00 . 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 l.oo 2.00 1.00 ses . 2.00 LOO ENT B TUIIE vis, .1. W. Dyer, A. A. Fain. A Best of the following: $1.00 $ .50 . 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 .31.00 $ .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .60 1.00 .50 . 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 | 1.00 .50 1.00 .60 1 nn r.n . 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1 f (ho producer and value 2.00 1.00 1.00 .50 50 | .25 j ... .50 .25 50 .25 50 .25 1.00 .50 :getaijles $1.00 $ .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 variety 1.00 . .50 nety 1.00 .50 j 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 ariety 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 j 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 S, ONE PECK - 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 | 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 - 100 .50 - 1.00 .50 I 1.00 .60 1.00 .50 - 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 t - 1.00 ..50 1.00 .50 - 1.00 .50 1.00 ,50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 rtion o? vegetables i 3.00 2.00 . Best collection of seeds fi DEPA LIVESTOC K, DAIRY. BEEF Supt. J. T. Bristol. G. B. \ requested to notify manager of of fair the amount of livestock ample room for same. DA1IC 94. Bull three years or over 95. Bull one year and under 1 1 96. Bull under one year 97. Cow three years and over 98. Heifer one year and under 99. Heifer under one year . BEEF 100. Bull three years or over 101. Bull one year and under \ 102. Bull under one year 103." Cow three years and over 104. Heifer one year and undo 105. Heifer under one year 106. Fat steer or Ilcifer under 107. Fat steer or Heifer one yt DUAL PUR 108. Bull three years or over. 109. Bull one year and over 110. Bull under one year 111. Cow three years and over 112. Heifer one year and undo 113. Heifer under one year 1I I. Fat Steer or Heifer under 115. Fat Steer or Heifer one y HORSES, MULES Supt. Wm. I'. Payne, Bruce HORSE 116. H??rse. mare or gelding 117. Team any sex shown to v 118. Colt one year and under t 119. Colt under one year LIGHT 120. Colt under one year 121. Colt one year and under t 122. Horse. Mare or Gelding U> 123. Horse Mare or Gelding dr 121. Team, either sex driven to 125. Pony driven to buggy Mi 126. Colt under one year 127. Colt one year and under 1 128. Mule over two years 129. Team Mules driven to waj H 130. Aged boar two years or o 131. Boar one year and under t 132. Roar under one year 133. Sow two years and over 134. Sow one year and under 1 135. Sow under one year. 136. Fat Barrow any age ...... 137. Litter of pigs under six m S 138. Bum any age 139. Ewe any age ... 140. Pen three fat lambs. POl Supt. Frank Watkins, .lohn i A pen consists of one coek and pullets. 141. Cock 142. Cockerel 143. Hen 144. Pullett 145. Pen The above classification ??n A. Plymouth Rock, any i B. R. I. Rod. C. Wyandotte, any color D. Leghorns, any color. E. Anconas. P. Any other egg breed G. Any other heavy bre< 140. Rest one doz. white eggs 147. Best one doz. brown eggs 148. Turkey Clobler 149. Turkey lien .. 150. Pen, one Gobler, three. He 151. Pen Geese .... 152. Pen Guineas 153. Pen Ducks, any breed DEPAI NATURAL Supt. D. Witherspoon. C. 1 Cover. 154. Best collection of rough and two fc-ct in length. Shown 155. Best collection of rough and two feet in length. Shown Note. 154. 155 will be j grain and commercial value. 6 156. Best collection of mineral: or of general interest Note. 156 should have at 1 DEPAI SCHOO Supt. A. L. Martin, Mrs. W All Schools will have their that purpose. All Schools expecting to r manager of this department 01 will be able to provide space. 157. Best school exhibit taken 158. Best man of Cherokee C leading rivers, mountains, sixth and seventh grades 159. Best piece crayon work by Grammar grade 160. Best school poster DEPA FL Supt. Mrs. E. A. Davidsoi Evans, Mrs. J. C. Palmer. 161. Collection, potted plants. 162. Potted plant 163. Collection table ferns 164. Collection cut flowers 165. Collection Roses 166. Best exhibit cut Dahlias, 167. Collection Chrysantheirui 168. Collection Cosmos DEPA HOME Hand Mrs fcConUnu p 1 "om a home garden.... 1.00 RTM ENT C AND DUAL PURPOSE (Talker, S. C. Gentry. CxM^BBHHSdM the department one week to be exhibited so that he r cattle BSBa - ... $5.00 three 5.00 ? u.vv 5.00 s^ESW three $5.00 $2^E9w96 2I ' CATTLE 2Bra9 three . ... 5.00 2^HpRKjK9jm 5.?? 2 V I 5.00 2.6^HmS| t three 5.00 2.50 . 5.00 2.50 Vgp| one year 5.00 2.50^H9h|| ?ar or over 5.00 2.54^H|3j|(|ra POSE CATTLE 5.00 2.5HR^ 5.00 2.50 ^HB| 5.00 2.50 Kffl r three 5.00 2.50j^HBH m one year 5.00 2.50 ^^EbBh over ...... 5.00 2.50 . SHEEP AND HOGS VgggJ Bristol, John Hampton. ^BjQQK JS DRAFT ^HxmS 5.00 2 AggH ragoti ... 5.00 2.0fl^E|ig|S| wo . 5.00 2.00^B|||gra VI HORSES ^HEg|g| 6.00 2-00l^^^^ w.i 5.00 2.00 ^^ESjfS ader Saddle 5.00 2.50 iven to bugjry. 5.00 2.00 w.-itron or buirgy 5.00 2.00 ^HfSm 1.00 V ULES $5.00 $2.00 Vffi^ wo 5.00 2.00 5.00 2.00 SB ron... 5.00 2.00 ogs n ver 3.00 2.00 wo 3.00 200 5.00 2.00 19 5.00 2.00 Vfl wo 3.00 2.C0 BBS - 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 ||[ onths 3.00 2.00 KEEP 3.00 2.00 - 3.00 2.00 3.00 2.00 ULTRY W Deal. Mrs. H. B. McXabb. ^8fl| four hens, or one Pfirkorol nnH /? ???* Bill 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 I.OO .50 a lies to the following breeds. 9 ^9 $1.00 $ .60 I 1.00 .50 ns 2.00 1.00 tTMENT 1) J , RESOURCES M W. Savage, J. H. Abernathy, G. W. ?j sawed hardwood, to be any width ^ i(| Should be at least five varieties i J $3.00 $2.00 J M sawed soft wood, to be any width j 9| Should be at least five varieties 1 $3.00 $2.00 i H udged by texture of wood, figure of s, rock and clays, of commercial value $5.00 $3.0O/^^^H least six classes. *TMENT E J L EXHIBITS . B. Fisher, Mrs. M. W. Bell, exhibit placed in space allowed for nake exhibits will please notify the le week before the fair so that he as a whole ..$5.00 $3.00 'ounty, 16 x 20 inches showing the railroads, towns and highways. Fifth, to compete. $1.00 $ .50 primary or 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 RTMENTF , OWERS a, Mrs. Geo. Hoblitzell, Mrs. W. A. $2.00 $1.00 1.00 .50 M 1.00 .50 1.00 .50 100 .50 .^^^^^I.oo . j.