PAGE FOUR Social anc 1 (Edited By Mrs. < ? o o c o Miss Ruth Jones and Evelyn Scoggins, of Chattanooga. Tenn were the guests of Miss Mildred Martin this week. Mr. Jake Martin formerly of this place but now with the Southern Sadlery of Chattanooga was a visitor of his mother this week. Mr. T. N. Bates and Creed Batemotored to Ash evil le Monday and are guests of Col. W. V. X. Powelson at the Elks Club. Theatre Tonight?Fathe News, actual pictures of the recent Florida hurricane. Saturday. Man Trap showing the ' beautiful Cora Bow, also DempsevTunney Championship bout. Added attractions at the Theatre for Amra Grotto Day. Country visitors can attend show and return homesame day. Theatre open 10 A. M. 2 P. M. The management of the local Theatre is to be commended for the high type of pictures they have been showing and their future bookings. The Bonita is on the same circuit as Lewes Grand and the Howard Theatres of Atlanta. The Bonita will be among the first picture places in the country to show Harold Lloyd's latest ' picture which has n t yet been released. Mrs. Virgle Johnson is at the Murphy Hospital preparatory to undergoing an operation. The ladies of the Missionary Societies of the Methodist. Baptist and Presbyterian Churches will entertain the teachers of the High School Fri day evening, in the reception rooms of the Methodist Church. Rev. D. H. Rhinehart and Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Stedman are attending conference at Gastonia this week. Miss Carrie Brittain. who is teaching at Topoca, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. L. L .Scroggs, of Clay County was in town Friday. Mrs. Luther Axlay and children have lately been guests of Mrs. Axley's brothers in Knoxville. Among the visitors to the fair last week were: Mrs. Hyde. Mr. J. G. Hendrix. Miss Mae Sudderth, Mrs. M. L. Mauney, Mrs Ross Wells, Mrs. Zeb Lovingood .Miss Florence Lovingood, of Peachtree, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Wells, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Hayes, of Tomotla. Mr. Tom Josnson j of Hothouse. Mr. N. W\ Abemnthy. j Mrs. Thelma Jackson, M. Du Fresne. of Marble, Mr. Bird Tatham, of Blue Cover, Mrs. Garland Posey. Mr. and Mrs. George Walker. Miss Frances Ridge, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Abernathy ,of Martin's Creek, Miss Blanche Teague, of Isabella, Tenn., Mrs. Giles Cover, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Forsythe, Mr. Zed Whitaker, Miss Julia McGuire, of Andrews. Mrs Bascom Carroll, of Ranger, Mr. and Mrs. Bass Pass, of Hayesville. Mr. James Butt and daughter. Miss Grapel, of Blairsville, were visitors in town last week. Mrs. Ben Grant and children of Andrews visited home folks iast week. Mr. Lon McNabb was in town one day last week. Mrs. Paul Sneed, underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Murphy Hospital Monday. Miss Elizabeth Wright, who is teaching at Ocoll, Tenn., is the guest of Mrs. R. V. Wells. Dr. W. O. Patton, of Robbirsville motored to town, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Candler and j daughter, Miss Anne Candler, left Monday morning for Baltimire, where Mr. Candler will buy goods for the ronHlor nonorfmowf Mr. Jea Butt, of Macon, Ga., is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. S. McCombs. Mrs. Walter Dickey, of Madisonville, Tenn., has been the guest of Mrs. E. H. Griffiths. Mr. J. G. Lawrence, of Birmingham Ala., arrived Tuesday night and is visiting his sister, Mrs. John E. Posey. 1 Personal j A. S. Clarke) j Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Travis and Mr. and Mis. \V. McMiHian motored t Andrews, Sunday. Mr. C. M. Wofford is looking after his business interests in Miami. Fla. Mrs. Eddie Cunningham <>f Princej ton, W. Va., has recently boon the I guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Cunningj ham at Ballew. Mr. Eddie Cunningham is train dispatcher for the Yir1 p?nia railroad, at Princeton. Mr. and Mrs. Butler Nelson, of Marion spent part o m:.;ie v the prescribed form which, with necessary instructions, n ay be obtained from the Commission's local representative, Porter Axley, local Secretary, Board of Civil Service Kxamincrs. at the Post Office, Murphy. N". C., or from the Secretary. Fourth Civil Service District. Washington, D. C. Ail person ? wishing to take this examination should secure blanks and file thei rapplii ations prior to the hour of closing business on the date above specified. The date for assembling of competitors will be stated in the admission cards mailed applicants after the i if annliont iotic Miss Addie l.eatherwood, who is principal of the school at Almond spent the week-end at home. Mr. .1. H. Carpenter, n traveling ..-alitor f?>r the I.. & X. Railroad is here this week. ;700,000,000 a year-/he Railroads contribution ' ^ * '5-'9- Jl *>? # Sk " J*. nite *Xitu rpHIS country cannot -*- stand still. It must go forward to meet the everincreasing conditions of this progressive age. As Kaiiroad transportation is by far the most important factor in promoting the country's progress, railroad development must not be halted. To afford the best possible facilities and service, the United States rail roads have spent in the past six years $4,233,000,000, most of which was borrowed capital. This represents a yearly investment of over $700,000,000 to take care of the demands of , commerce. '! In order to provide adequate transportation service to its patrons, the Louisville l; & Nashville Railroad has * authorized and spent in a little over six years, or since -1 the end of Federal control on March 1, 1920, a total of j $150,700,000 over and above . its regular operating expenses and taxes. This money has been spent to provide modern locomotives and cars, safety devices, double track, and many other improvements. To keep up this high standard and make provision for the future, there must be an adequate margin between railroad revenues , and railroad expenses. This i I can be secured only as the public makes its influence felt, so as to insure the railroads equitable taxation, fair rate regulations, and just laws. iliTiVliMimUUa 3UT, MURPHY, N. C. I / ^ : A Dollar Din i. t i . _* i in sutving ner eternal pro: variety with economy and ?f.he houevdfv shou'd have all bv.-ing menu, which serves foui may prove helpful:? I'cgctabl SpanLh Eggs Bread ant Pineapple Pudding A CAN* of vegetable s-costs..10 ecu'- !n zrcdients for t ie ; Sr.-MiMl Iv-'e'* -ire canned t-ma-j toe*. 6 .. gs. or.i- n and sc.zoning. A \ la-. ' can of t-. Pour liquid fr >m v mata* ! r?--k than in sauce- 1 pan a!- v. 1<> minutes with seasoning I and a lir.'e < t'i i Stir in ck?s w ith . f. rk t-iitil kec!. Serve on buttered i c toast. i ' A ran of corn costs IS cents at i st-ec'al fairs. Chop corn with half a t ! small I'li: r. and 1 r'? - n pep|>cr. Sea | son an;! pla.-e in well-greased casserole J J with alternate la>crs >f breadcrumbs. I c I)?*t crumb1, with butter and bake 'i ? hour. A loaf of bread costs 10 cents, f | Enough cottcc for 4 people, at an t LIBRARY HOURS Afternoons Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday ar.d Friday from 2:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. JOSEPHINE HEIGH WAY, Librarian. FOR SALE?Piano in good condition. Phone mo. t 11-St-j(i ' f? | ykr Economical Trot rertonr proved I alldoi Out on the curves the Genera! Motor j over rough and rutl tenng heat and bit and slush and mud performance is pro< by owners! I Here testers drive, i speedometers regi miles and more! 1 steady grind?ev< driven under obsei designs are cons checked; per forma are tabulated! Hei and experience of < Motors engineer: buyers an investor j ness and satisfactic a Chevrolet! See us now! Arran est Chevrolet in CI I Small down paymet Ask about out 6% I | DIC Sales am Q U A L I T ner for Four ble;n?how to combine appenourishment. in th? daily menu the aid she can get. The folr people and costs only 1.00, c Soup Baked Corn I Butler Coffee iveragr < -t of 40 cents a pound, is ilxiut 4 cents. A can of shredded pineapple for the mdding - sts at" t 21 cents. Other ngredients are a few slices of butered bread, spice and 2 whites saved r ut tcu-s used for Spanish Eggs. - i!l dish with alternate layers of pine;ppV and buttered bread, add spice r?v r dish and bake in pan of water n \ n I . hours. Make tneringue of gg whites ar.d hr- wn lightly. Serve vith juice drain d from pineapple. 1.eft-over bread may be used for pudding and for emmhs in baked rn. Total cost of main ingredients ib-nit 91 cents, leaving 9 cents to over cost of butter and sugar for he meal, and minor ingredients. WANTED A few Caprnteri skilled in Concrete ; Form Building. For Information Write. C. W. WYNN, 807 Lord St., Ma ryville, Tenn. 110-4t-pd.) FLOWERS FOR SALE Large van- I ety in pots, some blooming. Ren- 1 snnahlc. See Florence Coppenger. City. 1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, \*M "mSTRlcFwOMENS MEET AT (Continued from page phy*> invitation which was decided*^! Mrs. S. W. Black, president of ent-Teachers Association of BhwH City was elected president, and Kellett Bennett of Bryson City retary. The Resolutions Comm;ZM presented ther report which endm^H , the Legislative program of N. c. |B W. C.. the eight months school the support of the work of thedeM^H ment of Welfare of the State, the gestions of our state president r-IH cerning club work and law enfa^^K | ment. the resolution presented endt^H Judge Stack's actions in nu^TWi I in>r and fining men guilty of viola^^B'i the 18th aniendent. A rising vote of thanks was r'til I to Mrs. Charles Quintan, retiring r?*|j | ident of the First District, for f*| I untiring efforts, enthour-iastie w-?t| \ art! the co-operation shown by during her term of office. An ij.| dress on Equal Educational Op^r| tunity by Miss Elizabeth Kelly, for^| er president of the N. C. State Teui| ers Association, was one of the rrxl < enjoyable and instructive eventi the day. Miss Kelly took for ho| slogan. Get the money where *fe| money is. Spend the money wboi| the children are. She presenhj| charts showing the inequalities of tfe| educational system as to length tf| school term, equipment, efficiencyo| rate of taxation for schools in (fc| counties. H This address brought to a cV>Mtl most successful and enthusiastic trict meeting. NEW MID-WINTER HATS J Dresses. Complete Line. Sptodl values in Dresses. Come and Nil them. Mrs. Callie Hall. (lt-ptlfl COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO I MEET 2ND MONDAY IN Mft.| On account of the general elec'.ioii to be held on Tuesday. November Jul the next regular meeting of the beall of County Commissioners forChctl 5