B FRIDAY. OCTOBER 22, 192C. JTT4E FEATHERHEADg 'AH M Jr AOOK RQttTV ' , ?^^^^/|fF?U*?NONOS ^ *B SALE OF LAND BY TRUSTEE By virtue of the authority containM ?d in a Deed of Trust dated the 1st gHday of April, 1924 executed by J. M. ^ Stewart and wife to A. F. Cunning|H ham (Trustee) to secure an indebtM edness of $200.00 due W. N. Almond |H evidenced by note in favor of W. N. A Almond Estate the mid deht. hpin? now past due and unpaid according to [ the terms of the said deed of trust therefor the undesigned Trustee will 1 sell the herein after described lands at public sale to the highest bidder' for cash between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock P. M. on the 25th day of October, 1926, at the Court House Door in Murphy, N. i C. It being certain parcels of land in ! Murphy Township, Cherokee County, N. C., on the waters of and adjoining the lands of H. D. Stalcup and Luther Ashe. Beginning on a Spanish Oak in the line of Tract No. 139 the South West corner of Luther Ashe and runs North j East with his line 42 poles to the : public road; then with the said road a West direction 59 poles to a Black ' Jack; then South 61 poles to a small Spanish Oak in the line of No. 139; then East 12 1-3 poles to the beginning corner, containing 8 acres more or less. Also another parcel of land adjoining the above: Beginning on a Red Oak the Southeast corner of G. W. Almond land in the line of No. 139 and runs North with the Almond land "4 poles to the public road and corners on a stake; then East with said road to a Black Jack and Vistor Ellis now owned by Ida Stanley, then South direction 61 poles to a small Spanish Oak in the line of No. 139; then in a West course with the line of 139 to the beginning. Containing 8 acres more or less. Also part of Tract No. 140: Heginning on line o? No. 139 near a house on a hill and runs with said line South 86 East 34 poles to a stake at the road and then with the meanders of said road North 13 West 3 poles; then North 22 West 4 1-2 poles; then North 7 West 4 poles; then North 3 East 6 poles; then North 1 West 4 poles; then North 9 East 1 pole to a stake at a road; then with the said road North 50 West 6 poles to a stake on West bank of road; then South 82 West 4 poles to the beginning corner containing 4 acres imore or less. Being part of No. 140. The said Deed of Trust having been registered on the 5th day of November 1924 in Book No. 74 on page No. 455 of Mortgage Deeds and Deeds of Trusts in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, N. C. This 24th day of September, 1926. A. F. CUNNINGHAM, (8-4t-mc) Trustee. State of North Carolina, Cherokee Coutny. In the Superior Court, before the Clerk. Hattie Smith, widow of Warren Smith deceased, petitioner and plaintiff. V8 Will Smith, Henry Smith, W. P. Smith, Hattie Hyde, Effie Berrong, Charlie Smith, Minnie Smith, Judge Hodge, Frank Hodge, minor, Annie Ruby Hodge, minor; Luvada Hodge, minor; Heirs at law of El ree Hodge, deceased. All heirs at law of Warren Smith, deceased. notice of service of summons and petition of dower by publication Each one of the above mentioned defendants will take notice that an action entitled as above: (It being a Petiton for dower by the plaintiff) has been commenced before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County N. C. and the object of the petition is for her dower inter?at in the property of the said Warden Smith, (her deceased husband) in Cherokee County, n. C. And the said defendants each one *ill further take notice that he or ahe is required to personally appear *t the office of the Clerk of the S?L I t * ' f MtV JhEGB iU i-'uxurcV \ WHftT BO HtoO \ T|\ \ *oe. A rtAt*- D63 itt*nSr V- WWata?S ' StLLUS^^ T | -j- VV--~ perior Court, in the Court House or in his office in Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C., on the 25th day of October, 1926, and answer or demur to the petition of the petioner and plaintiff now on file in my office or the court will grant the relief demanded in said petition. mis .cun aay 01 septemoer, l'Jio. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk of the Superior Court, (8-4t-mc.) NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. Sylva Collegiate Institute, vs. J. E. Taylor NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND BY COMMISSIONER Under and by virtue of a judgment of the General County Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, rendered in the above entitled action, which said judgment was signed by W. M. Axley, Judge of the General County Court, on Monday, the 4th day of October, 1926, it being the regular October term of said court, which judgment is recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Judgment Docket No. 1, Recorder's Court, at page 53, and a transcrip of said judgment being duly recorded in Judgment Docket No. 19, page 189, of the Superior Court of Cherokee Courty, the undersigned Commissioner appointed by said court to mako ?alf tho ImtwIu hereinafter described, will for the purpose of satisfying said judgment, costs and expenses of sale, offer to the highest bidder for cash, at public outcry, at the court house door in Murphy, at the hour of 10:00 a. m. on Monday the 9th day of November, 1926, all the right, title and interest of the aboved named defendant, J. E. Taylor, in and to the following described real estate: Situate, lying and being in the town of Andrews, Valleytown Towship, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and described a9 follows: BEGINNING on a stake, on the east side of Graham Street on an alley 378 feet north from East Main street running north with Graham Street to the right of way of the Southern Railway Company; thence east with said right of way to the Robbinsville Road; thence southeast with the Robbinsville Road 305*4 feet to an alley; thence west with said alley 305 feet to the BEGINNING, containing eight lots and a strip running through the center once intended for a street, conveyed to the said J. E. Taylor by T. J. Hill and wife, Hattie Hill, by deed dated May 29th, 1923, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County North Carolina, in Book No. 87, page 1L being what is known as the Canlpe Lots. This the 7th day of October, 1926. F. O. CHRISTOPHER, (9-4t-c) Commissioner. NORTH CAROLINA?Cherokee County. In the Superior Court before the Clerk. In the matter of the last will of J. M. Hamby, deceased, CITATION To William Hamby, Tom Hamby, Elisha Hamby, Marshall Hamby, Hayes Hamby, Bass Hamby, George Hamby, Marian Hamby, Kirk Hamby, Lula Hamby, Bertha Crane, Bfessie Crane, Clelie Maney, Garfield Hamby, Elizabeth Hamby, Lum Hamby, G. W. Hamby, Eliza Ann Baynes, Sallie Danner, J. M. Hamby, Jr., and all others next of kin of J. M. Hamby: You are hereby notified that a paper writing has been offered for probate before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County as the nuncupative will of J. M. Hamby, deceased, and that a hearing upon the probate thereof will be had before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County at the Courthouse in Murphy, North Carolina, on the 30th day of October, 1826. at 10 o'clock A. M., and you are cited and called up on to appear at easd time and plaee THE CHEROKEE SCO By Osborne &>m. \j? JL yj^r * i and contest such will if you think . proper. This the l.'lth day of September, ' , 1926. E. E. DAVIS, Clerk Superior Court of Cherokee Coun(6-6t-w) ty, North Carolina. NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE By virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, on Sept., 8, 192G in a judgment in favor of Binney & Smith, a corporation, against Alba Mineral Company, a corporation, and levy of said execution on Sept., 9, 1926 upon the | property hereinafter described, the undersigned will proceed to sell to the highest bidder at public outcry i for cash ,at the Courthouse door in , Murphy, Cherokee County, North ; Carolinu, at one o'clock, 1*. M., on ! Monday, Nov. 1, 1926 the following property towit, first offering the personalty: AH the personal property of the , Alba Mineral Company upon the I' premises known as the Davis Talc i Mine, being on Tract No. 33 in District No. 3 of said County, an inven! tory of which is to be found in Hook j.20 (58) of Deeds at page 07, in the ! office of the Register of Deeds for 'said County to which reference Is 1 made; | Tract No. 33, Dist. No. 3, of said County, containing 135 acres, fully described in a deed from Continental ! Talc Company to Alba Mineral Coin- j pany, dated March 12, 1012, registered in said office in Deed Hook 2G(58j I page 78, to which reference is hereby made; One acre, more or less, described | in u deed from George Hillycr to | Alba Mineral Company, dated April 21, 1925, registered in said office 1 April 22, 1925 in Deed Hook No. 88, page 181, to which reference is hereby made: Said sale will be made to satisfy said execution and costs, and costs of sale. I This October 1, 1926. B. B. MORROW, Sheriff (8-5t-b) BE !T UNANIMOUSLY ORDAINED j BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE TOWN OF I MURl'HY, N. C. 1. That it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or cor' poration to keep, maintain or operate ' any livery stable, sales or feed stable, or any barn or stable in which more ' than two head of draft or live stock | tember, One thousand nine hundred I hundred feet to any of the principal streets of the Town of Murphy, viz: Tennessee Street, Hiawassee Street, Peachtree Street and Valley River t Avenue. 2. Any person, firm or corporation violating the provision of this ordinance shall pay a penalty of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) and each day of such violation shall be deemed a separate offense. 3. That this ordinance shall go into effect thirty days after ratification, this the twenty third day of Sep. are habitualy kept, near than two and twenty six. F. S. HILL, Mayor. B. W. SIPE, Clerk. NOTICE OF DATE OF NEXT MEETING OF THE CHEROKEE COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION ! ? i On account of the general election J to be held on the first Tuesday in ; November, 1926, the next regular j meeting of the Cherokee County , Road Commission will be deferred to the second Monday in November, 1926. By order ot vne Board. CHEROKEE COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION, D. S. RUSSELL, Secretary. WiLL SELL?Forty shares of local bank stock. Part cash, convenient terms on balance if desired. Address Bank Stock, 105 Julia Street, Jacksonville, Fla. (6-3t-pd) [ Subscribe to The Scout. $1.50 per year. UT, MURPHY. N. C. \ . }t rttej AM \ .1 , 4,?i > BQiGUf SHiMiV ? / Stt Y?Q.AEBXL&y^ y . 1 7 < ^ ' PUT COWS ON FULL SCHEDULE If we were to pick any one thine above all others that is responsible for the lack of satisfactory proflta ?or even actual losses?in the riairv lr?Hu?jtrv wo wi.M kUma ? > average dairyman's failure to run his business according to modem manufacturing methods. The owner of dairy cows Is really operating a milk factory. His factory Is his baru. His raw materials are feed and water. His cows are machinery and labor. If the average farmer were put at the head of a large automobile factory, he no doubt would do what other manufacturers do?he would produce the most cars at the lowest possible cost to sell when the demand is highest. Why should he not adopt a similar system In operating his dairy? Demand for milk Is at its highest in iate fall and winter, and consequently prices are best at those times It is a fact that milk production can be definitely planned to reach Its jienk during late summer and early fall. If cow owners fully realized that what they give their cows to eat now will determine milk yield several months from now. not many of them would rely on late summer pasture for their ration, because cows cannot got enough nourishment from it to bring them into the full feeding season in good condition. T>r. < II. Eckles. Chief of the Dl! vision of Dairy Husbandry at tho University of Minnesota, and one of the world's leading authorities, says In his honk "Dairy Cattle and Milk Production": "in many localities, a dry period, I often of several weeks, occurs in 1 the middle or latter part of the summer, and the pastures become 1 short and insufficient to maintain a full flow of milk. This season Is often the critical time of the year for the dairy cow. It is probable that as much loss occurs In ono year by lack of feed at this time as occurs from improper feeding during the winter season. As long as the cattle are on pasture and the field work is pressing, the tendency is to iet the cows get along the host way they can." Practical experience has proved that a grain ration with luistttre throughout the entire summer pays for itself many times over. But it is even more imperative that | dairymen put their cows hack on a | full grain ration earlier in the fall than most of them are accustomed to doing. Men who ere ovonMng dairy farms at a prnfi' vnr after y I N. C. "I would start to do Ik my housework and I would give out before I had done ? anything at alL I did not n have any strength, end if I did > the least thing it seemed to I* tax me so I could not finish. ? I was run-down suve enough. "Several of my friends had ? taken Cardui and they said * to me, Why don't you try it? i ' I knew 1 needed something to j build up my general health , A and to inarrase my strength. J "Finally one day when I ? i was recovering from a spell ? \ of sickness, I decided to try j? Cardui. I got a bottle and be J gan to take it. I could notice < that I was improving as nay f appetite got better and I did ? not give out nearly so quick. ! I took several bottlee and I u felt lota better. > "Two years ago I decided ? to take it aoain It built me * up and made me feel like a | different person. It is the \ grandest medicine for women that I know anything about." CARDUI Felix Gets Push ifg E /%wiep.* ooyJ- \/ fv. fTENOSe. >4B?5 nwi ** ? ' i3?y U R41R OF KAJCKE05 / V n \Kfocc i mast' / i^~T?, SEgjjhg? i i^ipr? T05 Wll/ jm ' lOTVv Hi j! c . . . T"E sturcJily I m'.8 're Offers ,i~ "r'^vcly s' f?r L*>s ^ss~^ PRICES ftfrat bri"= ? f P<'r*,urM an =^^. . ^5170 ? Smallct" *??/!"--? -~ r. ?n'y in FriK' i'M A ^zm 0.V coo Si W fgp j i UP TUEM rf*ij *e*|| w% nl built Frigidaire cabinet is designed for electric refrigeration. It is ated against heat. The Frigidaire vclopment that replaced the less tank?maintains uniformly low id provides greater cooling newer nount of current. [aire can you get these features of truction, Frigidaire design and my. And only in Frigidaire can er food storage space, the greater acity, the finer finish, the quiet he more precise engineering and iclhods of Genera! Motors, splay room, telephone or mail the letc information. wer Co. V. N. C. ( iair? j! 5NERAX MOTORS ['. Power Co., Murphy, N. C. k scad dc cctopUtc infcrcuaoQ about Frigkltur. a ? ........ lers Special pressively luring the inths AND iow awaits tion. Coupe . . $845 Sedan . . 895 >RE, Dealer Phone 37 3 ROTH ErRS L CARS ^ *_