FRIDAY. NOVEMBER l'.?, ll>2? . NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE By virtue po*\* ?" "f i!* e-J in a cei i Henr\ ( Love-, to the underTrustee. - i A -iti:, July registered in the offh . ister of deeds t Chen ki t . jtC. in Book of Mortgages and i No. 74, at nage 529, to whi ence i- hereby and d< .. inp been made in the pav ?.. Note urt-ti l*> said .e.i < whereby the powe ! contain*d has become operative, i demand having been made uj bv the holder of sail! Note: i wi Monday, the 21'th d of 1926. j'.'. i11 ?Yl>n k A. ,\i. . time, il'-r ' r sa.e ;.t :>u for cash at tho tempi raiy i door in the town Murphy. the f( ,v'-r described !-: . premise, situate lying and i??*iis Valievtewn Township, Cherohn t ' ty. N- 1 Being lots No-. 1 i. Is. , in the Olmstcad?Mo: row 111 \ addition t > the :<>wi of Andre per map and plan >. ade W ? Sandlin, -aid map and t> ;.n date of July i<'th. 1: 1 map and plan reference made. This the 26th day of October. 1 .* LEE \YATM\> <13-4t-r> Trustee NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of the power of . . tained it: a ecrtatn deed t dated August 20. 12-, < i .. . note of S12S.U0 and been made in the payment note. 1 will on the Sir-1 day <.f I?<_ ber. I'.'26. olfer for sale at ; ; '.!< . ti'?n the f??llowing : < I land: The -aim being lot.- N d in section .'1 as set out I'! No. 1 at pai*c to hieh hereby made lor a ? mp!--; curate description; >ni i plat . ing in the oil ice of the K. . Deeds for CherokccBb'unts. .v . Carolina. The terms of said ;< v. The sale will bo held in f. . . 1 ciurt house doo:* ir, Munhy. Carolina at 10 o'clock A. Si. This November 1-t. I'.-JC. RAI.IMI MfMim. (13-4t-m) 'it i' NOTICE O! SALE By virtue of the power of a'o taincd i-i :i ci ttain deed executed .1 un?* I'J'JI, and the *um of $750.00. and default ine been made in the payi : n' *um according to provision < f . > strununt I will mi tie iir.-t v December, 1020, offer for sallie auction the following: parrel uf land: The same being Lot N? . : i i. II. as set out on plat took N . ' rage -2, records at the offii. Register of Leeds L.r Cher-ko. ty, reference is :il-n n.a ; t bonk Nn. sT at page ; tion of saiil truet of land The terms ?.f -aid ! ami said sale will be he! A. M. in front of tie u door at Murphy, North ( ;-.i on the date above set out. L. K. BAY I.I IS (13*4t*ml Tr . NOTICE Oh SALE By virtue of the power of tained in a certain MortL'a-.e ! . .1 executed on the 1st day of I il'-a, CO sec-u: e a < t-r; :i:.? note in the sum of sisj terest on same; and dei':r...t been made in payment of aid 1 will on the 6th day of Decen 1926 offer for sale at pi:hi to the highest bidder at th- . house door in Murphy, North Cherokee County the f .Uowii ^cribed tract of land: Lying ami being in Sho:.. Crt i Township, Cherokee C.unty. ing on the North Car- ina Ii . 50 or 60 rods South of t . I" . Road running; from Farm r I'. nn< ? ? t.i R. C. Hnniby's in Notth t ar??li; a and cornering Burnett heirs a- .1 T.a thnm heirs and the Ter.nes ee v < Company, and runnii g Kast with i'.. nett and S. W. Cotter ii:u* to tl? . burger line, thence North with Y .. and Filers line to Noah lliyant lit . : thence West with Noah H.: and Will Farner to the State lim : them South with the State line to the lb git. ning corner. Containing by estimation 531 acres more or less. The terms of said sale will : . r nounced at the time of -ale ami sale will be held at 10 o'clock. A. M. on the date above mentioned or on any of the other legal hour of lie on said date. This the 3rd dav of November. 1926. JOHN RUNION. Mortgagee,. By MOODY & MOODY. Attorney for Mortgagee. (13-4t-m) NOTICE SALE OF VALUAE1 J REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a cm deed of trust made and entered int. on the 5th day of September. 1 by S. H. Palmer to the undersigned D. H. Tillitt, Trustee, for the benni. of W. T. Moore, which deed of t r,. is of record in the office of the Register of Deed? foi Cherokee Count,, N. C., in book No. 80 page 227. I. i>. H. Tillitt, Trustee, in ordier to satisfy the unpaid notes thereby secured, will - ?t the 29th dav of November. 1926, at 10:30 o'clock, A. M. (Murphy time) i offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described lots or parcels of land: uo 0141 ut (Xjjoj put* > : nne and Forthy) in the plot of lots which is designated. "Subdivision of property owned by Mrs. M. E. Cozard at Andrews, N. C." Surveyed by W. < F. Krichman. of Asheville, N. C.. on N April 1st 1926. Said map or plat being of record in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County N. C. Reference to which is hereby made for n more accurate and complete description said lota or parcels of land. Dated and posted this the 27th, day i of October, 1926. D. H. TILLITT, (13-4t-t) Trust ee. r NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE .By virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust ;. made by the Valley River Trading < Co., to the undesigned Trustee, dated s October 6th, 1920, and recorded in 3 ho i t' o i agister "l" deeds of hCTo j t y. North Carolina, ir L- v 11. to wai. h ref're. - ! and default avitv <i-_* ti e payment of i !' - - d by -a: : deed f v " ;TC Stiver of V t.< t ati and demand \\ I . i. :i the undo.-'itv.ti i 1 ier of ?aid i> to: v- for . a at the temporary in . ; the town of Mvirthe 2t?th day N : _ . :.i 10 o'vic .. A. i. . - . iho follow.nv: dc . .... m<1 3:0 ivi.-e.--. .-uiialo. ,-ir . oinr in the town f At i.o So : : . N. and ;. : d '.iU.! as follows: b'einji two ;.c - of land more or Q\ Wfcitakei* V. .. \!.r.KK, Tr i.-tee. m: ! >KfcZ: 1 LNTV. V. i : . i no 7th day of July i 2f>. ,! un -- ; 1 ?1 fvii'-. Com ay.*'-'. tdi. t '- ! and delivered is- v ti if V. Phillips and. if.-. J1 ei"- in , ocure the p.iy : ' ".id"' tl: - $45U.OO. ' maae in pay. . . i i' IEHiRE, the under:: cd, virlurfe ' i power ..f sci'.u >ntnine<i v .hi nmrtirai^e deed, hich ii rt* i? d in Hook si. pape 4U m t--.: - of 'h. Register < ? ectis >>( t";:< i > c i/opruy, will oiler ' ' . - -'5.. ' ' d ,rHid tract la; <i. Lyil bti 1 Mxi rph v T >mi i; . V ur.t\. State of :" i : ' ; -. Be: nn:v;.' on a ? i' t the; a We i : . ;.i vim :ii~t pid: near ' t<> a vn , ;i nor: Hjrce South a con-; re. \~ii \ he ? i eek :Bit ; > tni-.nir c rncr, j - n (7 i acre >r hi - ' . 1920. '.'Mi ii - a .1 wife, JOSH. rurh < Mgffl i: .\T I!r : . v !<i< . . ol I. ' . iJiii; v . Admw V> i P"ie . I;t ;i:,. OTU ' O. iUMVONS AND > ? Oi A! I ACHMENT . O. t\ l)avi ill k n. it., i summons in the . t;tii ' ant >.? wo:" i: ued lie Bank ?: Marph.V. i t; : September 192oj y i' i~r: d ? l*.?: k of sr.a: i: < i ( : . . ..J ihe complaint in iid : led iiy tin- plaiulhl' ^ -.cent :"t i" the sum of i.'i ini.-i . x tla-reon t'jam iV:' U-amnions1"is !iu K *' ;i. undt-vs .. > .1, at o !-y ui said Oour.t> * it i! ... November, 1926. i 0. *I).ivia will als ;! :t a wnrrnit ot' attachmifffivns l - * 1 by the undo/signed ; ' 12 ; i September IC2<? 1 by the Sheriff of :: L*aili>! the propel> i . . . ?: '?aiiant which warrant nun.. I'i'h'H- the. undersigned t r.d place above i nnied r t' > n ,n>n of lhe s imwons, when. :al \. u : the defendant is required ap tear nd answer or demur to coJBlaint, of the relief demanded ;1I be granted. 'i hi i' ? 2<i. (h.v .?f October 1926.1 J. i' KEENER, Assistant Clerk ' ;h? Sum . iu. ( ' (12-4t-c? OTICK Ob SALE OI LAN : >S TO GET ASSETS TO PAY DEBTS ?!.. viii.u- ot" the :uit! ori.y contain 1 in : ?N ii and or.tor and appoint< :.t in p ial pi ceidings in the .iptii.u r.iUitM Cherokee County. . C., hefaiv the ' dork i<n the 3rd, y N abci, 1929 on a petition: J. >i. Si:i . : Administrator : N. A. C rt r dec ?se<i, ? Co i, ' e . -.1 als. t?> d>tain as t - to " ?y off debts. .A- 1 whe tas the urdet signed was n the 3rd day of November, 1926, ; j.I .i b\ the said Court a-, cw.iin ti e a* id cans.. of Inre , M Sii.-.ond.-. Administrator ?>f the . ti i N. A. Cvu r decoa,: ?'d \ s ailie c. . . ,-t als, heir at law oi" A. C uter deceased due the said mti out in petition to obtain as-1 i -..i ; tic Tlv ef-? e the 'Hi I. id. >! ! ir.. :?y the said aui.:?>ry irivi n i.ipi a- a c. amission or in the ! . .i roiiir.'.i.- i-?n cuus-.r by the Court ill n the hours of 11 o'clock M u: i o\l ck 1*. -M. on the . ! ..ember 192'*^ (It being h- 111-. M> in December 1926) ! t.. th hial e>t bidder at the vonrt i. <! . Public sale in Murphy t on y. N. ., the following irids' V i/: "It bei - 1 "f the rigi t. title and tc:. -; t the >\.id X. A. Ca tor. ecea -ed had in a certain piece or par C-j oi i ?na set out, ars-riDeo, sicuaitii nd I d in Hot House Township. 'h? k v ' unty. N". C. known as the A Carter home place, containing !: ut acies, excepting that part which was deeded o;T to irlia C rter. The said .-ale be::.:1 made to obtain . . pay orf the indebtedness i' t' ; aid J?. A. Carter (state nd wii be for cash, one-half down nd lai.iVM iri t:. ??? months. f November, 1 .?26. J. M. SIMOXPS. 14 11 -:! a ? Commissioner. b \! F. I'WtiX DEED OF TRUST WHERKAS .m the 2nd day of larch. l?26, 15. D. Smith and wife \?euted a dei d of trust to the underlined, securing an indebtedness of 700.00, to .T. M. Garrett, and default THE CHEROKEE SCOl ; .r.;-; tic - of sail -. ?ir . offd - h he in .'?lu! . North l.n:r j 1 v. i th winir d ?*>:i \ eye- \ the s:?i?l deed of -?0, t: >.n. < of Her. i<<i i e?l- ??! ' ro': <' .1 Ith < .rolina. . -urit:; c??k i nt.' Town m the Town Mu : I Mr. . . i, . . N. C.; !< *" pan ?1" * inning on the North ->f i". Sire . .i\ iit-: flrinm t if . < .. '.i.-r * i t Lot ' ' ">. and ru :- South 85 W. ? hrc t ?le : d 1:< in!, to : Soitth JZ.'Z i'. iM. twenty-nine pole: ;. . .n ? < ope r. . 1 S- ! w 7 u-t.-f. NOTICE OF STOCK LAW ELECTION v . .. - -t;il ir rr Board ?:' unty Cvm:ni- -i :: of Cherokee , li'.V, Ni ? : : !. thv -' Vid .: -uday in N ''.t'tnbei' 1,92! h a pet:- ' i 'i 1 t.a ad Hoar d / 31 : i t ... - i the KW-Hstm 1 own , h.; . ? 'hc*.ol '. ? '""My. N. ' i:: .-aid ' ! ritory or E'o.irdrj a- hore;nafter :i.f said I- ard t< v ' on t I I:"-.' I: : t !i mi: y. I \ " III ? d tiv t ?.? -rd "!' < S: . .n,-i ' ' .. p t ir ( V. : p'cciiu" ' U.oi : tv, " fir th th ul: " ''en ;! :< i ' hand i ri.n;. >>i - roes in Aii . t lv place: t. ion av "idtj ' t >to ). : \. ! a at i? ?-n Gap: then with ;1 , a \ i in' * Hi' lit at . : !i.7? the with f'.-'i and -toiiv law !*, i '.III:: : < . a I'd >1 the ! ' : :u I i i in kt'i'it ti - hooks open week- at Kaiiti-r 1 School a r - III i : nd < ird;.y ! .a fi i'i ( .. ?iav- ia- iinj? ? ' 1 * 1 - ... * : I .i.? ; . : i\ ember 1926. III.: I'd , . . .. i . iri'tion. "I h m v:>. in:. t'..v .-t-u-k J law : ::a.i ViMc i it a pl'iilti'd or t. ittoll I.t t. . * i. S T? ?'i\ LAW, Ai .... \ it a i:w?! .? written ticket. AGAINST i ifu 1.AW . ' 1.1.a |' '' ! in : - - ot> ::ci er tl" Gii rat Elec.ior, Law ii i . ! :. . f , ; i this iiaard, v m. s;: ;oM?s I r T. W . . Xl.KY . . .. I i'. ... li ? ::?tlv t '? { I i - 41 -CO I NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON H Notice i- I. ere by yivon that appli ' *1 : !u i!< .lotin Ash-. ' 1 u ke< Caui -> S w h the ( -?r thepar?!.>u eoniWlbsioner at once. li N \ ember 10. ?lf>-2L-pd.> .1. M. ASH. NORTH CAROLINA. ( herokee C< ir.ty. Mi.hh T. Sa*.vr \ ( .mf. ry. Min-4 >:?!' * impar.y, I>mic T. Lenoir K. Ii. Lenoir, i. I\ Lenoir and Wflliar: I enoir a> <i all other hei.s of 1. T. I t-n. r I?. !?. Ler ' and Lillian Lenoir and 1. Lenoir wb-^t imi's are Unknown * . the plaintiff. Swain Development Company. NOVICE OF SUMMONS Tin defendant r oned U>uA, tb - A Le^hai Ce.i.pauy, The Alleprhany Mininu Company, L.-ae T. Lenoir, U. 11. Lenoir and all other heirs of W. T. Lenoir, B. IL Lenoir, and William Lenoir and of 1. T. Le noir's heirs win n unes are unknown to the i inintift and the Swain Developr eat '' ni; any that a summon waissued in the entitled cause returnable bet' the Cle k of the Su: s..:- Cour: 1 Cherokee County <>h ! the 20th day of December the:>i tt. ar-near at said time ami jil'u-c* am! answer the complaint which i> l:?e J i:i - ii-' c.i ; ? ; that the purpose of > ii?l action is to remove cloud frori title of Grants and EntryXos. to-wit: Giant No. Tract X . Acic 1924 97 122 1925 95 135 1926 93 140 3S28 , 91 590 . 1929 S9 111 And to sttlle at! adverse elain: thereto. ! t the ?lefendant> take notice that if they fail to appear at the time an ! place above mentioned the plaintiff will apply to the defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint. K. F.. DAVIS. ? 1-rk Superior Court , (15LIBRARY HOURS Afternoons Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday and Friday from 2:00 P. M. to 4:30 P. M. Evenings Tuesday, Thursday and Sr.turday from 7:00 P. If. to 9:00 P. M. JOSEPHINE HEIGHWAY. Librarian. I - I ;t. murphy, n. c. He rt of the cot iiiivm of I HE MERC HAN f S & MANUFACTURERS BANK tr Mm]' wi, in the Sta:.. of North Carolina, at the close of November }9i!t RESOURCES l< M". . V,.,,'. : ' t<>'i \?. ; LIABILITIES ..pitai Stock paid in $ 20,000. irplus Fund . . 25,000.0: ndixided Profits, less current ashior's Cheeks out . iftahding JI.UT0.-3.' i '.icd Checks -. ... 6.75 inio CcitificaU .: of Deposit. Due on or After SO '?> '-rued Int< u :. due depositors 2,000.0*' TOTAI. '.ate of North Caroi. .. County of < l>i ; koe. N '. !. 1, J. 11. V: < ruatJiy. i : . Ui?l i ve nan.ed Blind, <.: aa/ - .1 hat the above -Intel* nt is r : td he best of ray knowledge anil belief J. H. ABERNA'lHY. Ca ' rrect- \ttc-t: J. W. WALKER. W. B. riSIIER Directors Subr-cribed and .-v < ::: i.. hcB m hi* lati . day of Novo. ?be . U?2t>. ' IA i?K il. AKR1.1 i. Notary I'ul1 GKTTi "" " eo? n- l. . ! ; '. i ' \ ^ ' 1. " I ? " 1 3 s " T- r^-r$ -? f^** ' . ::) L-V..?'; So . v? ?u? >? ?" ? I . 'r> vs. i^i trIt. . Plan. fr i i dicf ! * ( QUAL ,!?$???*? FILLS " 0\3 ' ??S.NO , -XL.? c r.: ches-tp.h ? A ?35< $ . . UK il. (':,< ^ . iit. jMi i : i i.s. : t L I ALL DRUGGISTS L v El: v. iii-RE . Ji TRY AN AD IN THE : GOUT. ^hiidren J[ -:' ' '11'' ? '! TUtc-hcr's Castori; O-s'. : (>: ra\ Teething ;-rc[ ..rt-.: . . Infants in ai Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea \id ' 11.?. iiinilation of Food, pri ' . ttu .i] Sleep witliot en Erections _m '.ililll Egekafi . . ]'.': ' Transportation Xp, Power , ;'arld Fame Lmbodying the most rccer tie -n and the highest type Lion, the Chevrolet motor h repu .tion for power and ecc h i> the only valve-in-head n priced car?exactly the tyJ has won cvcr>' race classic of io. fully machined combus expertly honed cylinder wal owners all the advantages o principle, so successfully us most famous high-priced ai Come in! Get a demonstrati fecit the power, stamina, an vided by Chevrolet's t'amou CEY MOTO Sales and Servi ITY AT LO\ PAGE THREE HONEY FOR SALE New iione> in the corob or e?tracied, $2.00 gallon Six gallon Iota or more $1.88 per galioa. 1'r -d exclusively from clov* er*. Qurlity guaranteed. whether comb or oxtract* i cd rted when ordering. 7 r c Busy Bee Apiary, -01 1 Fletcher, N. C. I imV Substitute for 1: .n-1 Soothing Syrups, .!r all Age* of W ind i'olic T'iv" 'n Stomach RclmiI:?te Bowels "fulness. Rest, and . _____ - ' 1 'HlttU-tlJ it. eel by a ras Motor it developments in of quality construeas won a worldwide morny of operation, rcotor used in alowpe of motor which recent years. With tion chambers and Is, it gives Chevrolet f the valve-in-head ;ed on *ome of the 11 to mobiles. on! Learn for yourd smoothness pro | is motor! >R CO. jf Si V COST I A

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