PAGE FOUR I' ! Aimdirewj Mrs. C. H. Tarkington left a few a few days ago for a visit in Elizabeth City with her parents. Mr. and Mrs J. B. Ferebee. While gone she will attend the wedding of her younger sister. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Holland and daughters Mary Catherine and Margaret. made a trip to Ashev 'e and returned last Sunday. Rev. J. R. Church. John H. Christy and Dr. W. C. Morrow left Monday for Hooper's Raid where they will engage in a hunting for a few days Mrs. Petters. of Nashville, Tenn. spent several day- in Andrews last week visiting her daughter, who is teaching music ir. Andrew s High School. Mrs. Correll. Misses Lila Park. Ada Mae Pruett an ! Marion Worlev. on last Saturday motored the Cherokee Indian Reservation Mr. D. S. Russell was a business visitor to Robbinsville on Saturday last week. Mr. R. L. Price, a certifed publu accountant, of Raleigh. N. C., spent several days in Andrews last week Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McKeldrey and daughter and -on, Genevieve and loe, spent last Sunday in Robbinsville visiting friends and relativeMr. \V. T. Tat hum was a business visitor in Murphy on Friday of this week. Rev. W. H. Ford left Monday morning for Wilmington. N. C., where he will be in attendance during the week at the Baptist State Convention On lust Saturday alternoon the ladies of the Methodist church gave their pastor's wife. Mrs. J. R. Church a delightful surprise birthday party They presented to her a lovely table lamp. Among the Andrews people attendMAN WANTED FOR THIS COUNTY. Our remarkable plan means big profits for you?$40 to $100 weekly?big line of household necessities sold house to house?prices extremely low?your profits big. Every home a prospect. Car or team needed. Experience unnecessary. Salesmanship taught FREE. Write today for our new plan. THE H. C. WHITMER CO. Dept. 26 Columbus, Indiana (14-3t-pd.) MONEY TALKS Salesman, Salesladies and Retail merchants. My items fit all of you Salesman averages $1.00 profit for every dealer called on. Costs dealer 92.00, he sella for $3.50 makes $1.50 on 12.00 nivested. Salesman makee $1.00. If you are a Salesman or wish to become one. If you never sod any. thing in your life I wil tell you how to make better than $100.00 week. (Address) Geo. L. Lane, Mansfield, Ohio. (12-tf) jfiitiiiAfcitiitisaEtiitiiii Run-Down $sve out easily TIT health want any aooount at aU," saya Mr*. H. I* Caytoa. of Washington, N. CI t would start to do ty lamaawiat and 1 would ?** out before had done K anything at alL I did not hare any strength, and if I did tha least thing it aeemed to tn me ao I could not finish. I ww run-down aure enough. "Oat at ml of my friends had taken Cardni and they said to ma, *Why dont yon try itit I knew I needed something to bnild up my general health and to xncreaae my strength. "finally one day when I ww recovering from a spell ot w 11 . x otaoMl to ay (Md I got bottlo and bo Ctotakait. Ioooldnotice , I vu liufmlm a* ray ayrtt got bette. and I did It gho oot naailj ao quick. ? I look arm] bottlaa and I i Mt lota batter. Two Jtaia aio I decided te take it aaaia. It built ma _ and mo&> aa feel like a > Shaw* pcnoo. It la tha 't mytbinf about" ? CARDUI [ lumiummuiMJiJiif.; ? L?csfi? ! A I :ng Murphy court arc: F. I*. Ferebec, W. \V. Ashe. c. F. Woodward. E. D. I Crease man. Charlie Wilson. and l>. H. Tillitt. D. B. Wright, of Topton was a | visit, . in Andrews last Satmduy. R. A. Dewar who is now engaged m business in Atlanta. Georgia spent the week-end in Andrews with his family. The girl's and boy's baskctiall ; teams of Andrews High School were both victorious in games played again-t Haye-viile High School teams ! in Andrews on last Friday night. The many friends of Mrs. W. A. : Hyde will be glad to know that she :s iai-idly improvi: c ar.d will be able to come home from the Brvson City hospital where she underwent v. operation for appendicitis Mrs. William Pue:o>. of Hendersonville. N. C. spent several davs last week visiting Iter parents. Dr. and Mrs J. E. Tidwell. Mrs. H. D. Green and J. V Eliott. I Jr., . t Hendersonville spent the week end in Andrews visiting their mothe-. Mrs -I N. K' Sr I). M. Birchfield. sheriff-elect of Cherokee County was a visitor in Andrew- on Sa%urda\ f we?-k. Hon. R. J. Roane. Senator t the 33rd Senatorial District, was visitor in Andrews on Thursday of last week. Hon. Henry G. Robertson, ex-senator ot the 33rd Senatorial District, of Franklin, N. C., was a visitor in Andrews on Thursday of last week. 1 Witcover. "the magazine man", ct Asheville, N. C., was in Andrews last week getting renewals to subscriptions to magazines. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Bellamy and Miss Ada Mae Pruitt motored to Murphy last Sunday afternoon. i Report of the condition of THE CHEROKEE BANK At Murphy, in the State of North Carolina, at the clote of Business November ,4 1926 RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $114,480.87 Overdraft, unsecured 383.45 Furniture and Fixtures 5,900.17 AH other Real Estate owned 350.00 1 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers, ar.d Trust Companies 57,036.27 | Cash Items held over 24 hours 278.49 Checks for clearing 5,588.38 TOTAL $180,737.0:5 LIABILITIES . Capital Stock paid in $ 17,500.00 Undivided Profits, less current , expenses and taxes paid 4,533.52 , Deposits Due Banks, Bankers ' and Trust Companies 5,175.58 Deposits subject to check, I Individual 81.772.55 Demand Certificates of Deposit 73,658.1! Cashier's Checks outstanding 4,097.87 TOTAL $ 186.737.C3 State of North Carolina? County of Cherokee, Nov. 16, 1926. I, J. B. Storey, Qashier of the above named Bank, do solemly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. B. STOREY. Cashier. Correct?Attest: J. A. RICHARDSON. E. A. DAVIDSON, J. W DAVIDSON. Directors. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 16. day of November, 1926. .1 H \f /.r A i i Notary Public. (My Commission expires 2-10-27) NOTICE I want to say to the people of Cherokee and surrounding counties that I will be in Murphy next Monday November 22, at which time I would be glad to meet as many of the merchants as possible. I have for sale standard high grades of flour. Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls, Oats, Corn and Hay, Trunks, Bags, Suitcases, Mattresses etc. On all of the above I have the best possible prices. Flour my specialty Your truly, A. K. DICKEY. Rev. Gay Bryant, formerly of Cherokee County but now of Etowah Tenn., was shaking hands with his friends here several days this week. THE CHEROKEE 5CC This Thrifty Home Joy : ?^: -:.:V : : v , .. - * " a? { KlJ*' J J. _ ' > 1 ' I te ; U"-:*,; | l- F . . < , . *?%? i ?agmr-i 11! - - : * -T-' % F< t: t: \ \v .?f %nr or tl - jv.,?-fST.:rv. six-r ! hou-e ! j-t'C :in?l ' * > roof. One- ?.f t!i fr th!< is T? . -V r. ' 11 I ' r.K-t. - siijt's ex 1.- :.*1111 di I'his I disproves new iir-to.. riof 11 inooran patients of miirt iii'f'i. 11. 'horougt Aiuoug other things 'he North fare I a most important ptee. ot 1 Dti; j in concrete language, m.-an. teaching that be ma.> remain lie; nhy niu traiu I tion clauses in ordei hat in uia> Oeo 1 dred per eem . ; the bildreu have rea I Id a of ?|vc hundred nine.v -i that the proper nutrition of cur eblldr our pf-'plc The man} friends of .Mr Everett it; b? delighted tr fcr.ow that hi- hcal.n 1 regaining hie o|d-tU:u -igor much pLiiar.thropic work foi the \ r'l 'an | BABY OF HAYES ! LEATHERWOOD LAID TO REST I Felix Alley Leatherwood, the ? months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hayes ILeatherwood, died November loth, and was laid to rest on the 17th. J Funeral services were conducted from ; the Methodist Church by Rev. E. J. [ Harbison, assisted by Rev. T. L. Sas- ; !ser. Little Felix Alley had been sick for I several weeks, and was taken se iously ill several days ago. It had never been in good health since the recent Florida storm, through which it survived. The parents have the heartfelt sympathy of the community in the loss of their little one. TRY AN AD IN THE , SCOUT. >UT. MURPHY. N. C. Brings to the Rent-Weary - 1 . ? *> -1 < . ' * ;f. r_ - ** - :""'Y .. -v";v-i-' i_'? j ' I >i > "' 1 . -J , ' T? """ -- ' .* |-T-? ' * "V J >. "f r-; V pl-it - - - e C ?. p i. \ M : - ,,f ? ..... . ?'*t 111 : n,l i . St V W.-U t i- .?f I>v j" " ? for the .It V.. v fft V. \\ #> : 1 ' ;j k ?l ?!? m .- ! ! '. < t.. i'.-n; ?> ? j-rop: 1 ' 'i Hie Hvhi? mem Yr.t< tin i . dcslr* -1 ?!; ? . :. l ii-' I' '1 liook i f?i ; dining . The put either to r ;! ! v. 'ling ?? t ! - .!?.!: \>rrii to tltt utc.> i. i:-. .. o wori. lOSiS Assist; :;dn H; i - l I v\ \ i ,-r-tarv t - . . i:i- *?? ; n. igpoint tin i.r n State >? t .i <- li.i Milan r- i in- I u ti Si-::: S.iH ill J . tiom rtuuih eiviiie ;( tiMs'iiuin All i.?vr< ii ' u nas tor r* i: i i ! -1 * ?a: ii\t 'l itji r.rl v -M *crk ?h? -i..[ ilie i i'l : .1 : iiio?i> tin .t is - . ;i<1? i ii?? - -! v i< ? i :i .. A i ..i rtif irnst >ais!.it. t':; . i 'inprei i > r -ii, i. - ;i. n werk m u'n ?ur*-!? mirl!lu9 illri is i?. .-\s <|? : i* this nn tiy !: N.i'i. u:ti I ub? r> a -i>- As-ot iat ??u l ilt: is d-.IM 1! ' : ?i;v? A I)V i?klip !ti : I <: i . . s i::d ? ! -lUific wrrksrs >;. tiv- ine -onn 11 i! ivlib >ni it-ail mi univf i v.Mies it.d is iuiai e? d '% -i mi- .mii 'lu \a tlonai Tuberculosis Association \t the same line rh. > ir. - cunnp 'tie co-operation ot ih- .cadiuc s.mamriurns c; America it -linica -es-aieh which is a ?eri ner-<i;ii- >: :iu*rnion wnue V pel Cent w. rt- -n. cesstm It Is clt en is 'h- most nip >riani 'hing tieiore iroushout h? state and elsewhere wni s greanx improved inc -ha. ru i? tast sc 'hat ne teei*. ic.? tc take dp this ?lina ruoeriuioais Association Rev. E. f. I'ipes, of Franklin, will conduct .services at the Episcopal Church Sunday morning at the eleven o ciOcK hour, according to announcement made this week by Mr. R. R. Heal. Keep Eliminative System Active Qood HealthRcquircsQood Elimination ONE can't feel well when there is a retention of poisonous waste in the blood. This is called a toxic condition, and is apt to make one tired, dull and languid. Other symptoms are sometimes toxic backaches and headaches. That the kidneys a. e not functioning properly is often shown by scanty or burning passage of secretions. Many people have learned the value of Doan'a Pi Ha, a stimulant diuretic, when the kidneys seexn functionally inactive. Everywhere one finds enthusiastic Doan'a users. Aakyour neighbor! DOAN'S "if Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidney* Paeux-bUbvn Co., Utg. Cbem . Buflato. N. V. t MUMPS ' j Mumps is another one of the contagious diseas-s which cause children and. some times, older people a great deal of I rouble l>'it relatively seldom ' causes death Just b< ihe lobe of the ear at' t:i?* angle i f the j.> .v on eat h side is a small g and . parotid gland. It s the largest ?f the salivary glands and empties it- contribution of sali-J v.i to the mouth '>v way of a small I tube called Steason s duct. For some reason V virus which i? the organism cau-uu mumps. chooses :h:s parotid ciund as the site for its ! greatest activity just the pneumo-j M coccus chooses th>- lung? and the diph* ther a bacillus chooses upper re ry tract The ' - -11 :m inated ; y the ma...;.s viru>. ?.* -ver. i just like the \in-> of o?h :ufec i i njii - -i.f u iiv IG ' ? : . !t?l lymph .mil ircu.. J throtv ' ha -nr. re system cau.-ins c symptoms. Afte" ta? :u.'v s. ; > the *?:n. when the i::d vidua] is xpo>ed. '.here is a period ? :' '-cu to twenty days. , about fourteen days, before .iiT any symptoms :1s u there .A a i* r:: ?i of on >- v -vo days a the patient feds mors or less ill before th-- typical swell'ng ??f the g:and is noticed. ..last often. li...v? . r there s nothing more than an apparent slight cold and mumps is not vonsid* ; ered until the child coin plains 3rst of a pain in the jaw. usually while eating ?>r the swelling is u ".iced. The g'and continues to swell for three or ' .our days remains stationary for one or two days and usually completely disappears in ten days or less time. Other salivary glands, especially the submaxillary, are sometimes in rolved and occasionally there is in- J volvein -nt of tin* reproductive glands. ; the testicles, ovaries and breasts To avoid complications, it is very es sentiul that persons remain quiet 1 either m lied or at least very carefully protected and quiet in the house, il This is sometimes difficult in the case ! jf children who are uot feeling serious- i iy ni Mumps most frequently onus n ! thi pre adolenseent age that >. j ?cvb the ages of e.g.;? tat -i ( Viie Inrectiou is .seldom >. ! by clothing or by j third p rsen IWHITEiCOj-^V. ;5 t' ??SVIL:f. j - c- i t;aw i-iiis ?.< w |; After the B: THE light repast served after I tTie informal evening bridge I game should consist of the | most attractive and tasty dishes that the hostess can prepare with the least time and effort. The casual touch is lost if she appears to be at too much trouble to prepare the refreshments. Canned foods offer a wonderful j source of dainty dishes that can be prepared at a moment'? notice. 1 All the preliminaries arc done and ; there is little more than the serving to occupy the attention of the hostess. Creamed dishes offer good variety from the so-oftcn served coffee and cake. For these one may buy canned crabmeat. lobster, chicken shrimp, mushrooms. The can may be opened, th? toast made before I the guests arrive, and the dishes and cups laid out on the tray as well as the bowl to hold the steaming concoction. When th<* == NO MORE FROZI ZERO FOE is guaranteed not t be drained out in the Spring Will not injure the hose conn? Bring your car around and let and fill it w5fh YERO-FOE an i MURPHY StRVIl FKI".n. NUVE.M,;kk , I Rerun Of the condition I THE CITIZENS BANK ? TRl? I COMPANY 3 At Andrew,. i? Sl?e of H Carotin.. .1 the clo.e of November ,4 1926 * R RESOURCES 8 Loans and Discounts. S -? I - * J ,M? K Banking' Houses, Furniture 8 and Fixtures 2,587 25 E Cash in vault and net amounts $1 due from Banks, Banker-. n| and Trust Companies ''4,09572 B TOTAL ^168,120 86 | LIABILITIES B Capitol Stock paid in 8 1 *.000.00 K Undivided Profits, less current If expenses and taxes paid 1.945.14 m Deposits subject to check. Individual "i'.027 80 V Cashier's Checks out- & standing "67.52 V Time Certificates of Deposit, |l Due on or Alter 20 Days 71.380.3i K TOTAL $168,120*6 I : State of North Caiolinu? $i County of Cherokee, Nov. 16. 1926. I 1 1. W. I). Whitaker. Cashier of the I above named Bank, do solemly swear I that the above statement is true to E tie best of my knowledge and belief E 1 W. 1). WHITAKER, Cashier. B 1 Correct?Attest: ^ D. S. RUSSELL. W. T. FORSYTH, ? G. B. HOBLITZELL, * Directors. B Sworn to anil subscribed before rr.e, E this 10th. day of November, 1926. ijp I H. A BERN ATI! Y. B Notary Public, B ' My Commission Expires July 24. 192S E " The Asheville Times gath-. rs and prints the news as it is happening fir E '* ahead ??f regular morning newspapers. B 1 It gives you full market reports, com. E l?lete sporting news, with all activities K everywhere, while such news is hang- V ng on a peg" in other newspaper K >1 Vices ALL news appears FIRST in B ! 1 he Asheville Times, and during B t 'Bargain Days," Dec. 1-15, you pay K mly $1.00 (saving $3.00) for The B Times (evening or morning edition), It laily and Sunday by mail for n FULL E ,J year?before and after it is $7.00 a B rear. B B n fl! Subscribe to The Scout I $1.50 per year. ridge Game | excuses herself, she has only to I light the tire under the coffee and prepare the white sauce. In thtfl. heat the shrimp, chicken, mushi riK jr. . or whatever else you may be u-ing. ar.d put in covered dish. Canned cheese is worthy of a I place r>n a reserve shelf, aince it ? ! very accept..ijlc for late evening refreshments. Cram cheese with >tra\vberry, raspberry, or currant jam is excellent. For the warmer months, fruit salad with a whipped cream sauce i._ , ?m i to I mate s: lad and jellied chicken ate |aI