PAGE TTTO t)c ctirrofter S>cout The Official Organ of Murphy and Cherokee County. North Carolina PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY C. W. BAILEY . . . Editor-Manager MRS. C. W. BAILEY, A.sociate Ed. B W. SIPE Associate Ed. Entered in the postoffice at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class mail matter under act of Mar. 3, 1879. dubacrption Rate* One Year *1.50 Eight Mo. s 1.00 S \ Months 75c Pa>able Strictly In Advance Leg;*, advertisements, want ads. reading : :ices, tuaries, cards of thanks, etc, 5c line each insertion, paya: ic advance. Display and contract ru' furnished on request. A1 ideations must be signed by the w :er. therwise they will not be accepted for publication. Name of the writer will not be published unless so specified, but we must have the name of the author as evidence of good faith. CULBERSON ~ s 1 .drt-n rendered a v>.?ry in terestir r which consisted * World War readings a:: stories. A; ^ 11 P. M. the villagers ; ; heard bells, drums, and shouts of the , ; children w:. wore celebrating the dr.":a it ' thv W : . War. The mailt fe; turc :* this jubilee was the! --aging f war nfc- in the central] part of the \iilagt Las? Thursday nig:.*, a liur?C au- 11 iiicr.ce c-n*.bleii . the -chool house ' and enjoyed a musical program by Mr. Harri- 1 Andrews. For an hour and a half thi- tiddler, who is a noted rival of John Cav-on held hi-- listners ' spell ; d by playing classical music., damn - and singing fevor|P ite mountain ballads. Born " Mr. a:.d Mrs. Sherman ' Hunter, a tine 1 girl. They have nam.'i it Cum Aiken. N v that th< > l.e.v'.nut and squirrel hunting - . n i- over possum hunt- * ing and "mountain breakdowns*' have * been u>heivi in to take the place of the former sports. t o!. T< :i Ki- ? passed through Cui- ] hereon Monday. \r r the tuarterly examinations; wci'i yv. v Mary P. Willingham' School. V mi.., 00., me Culber-. miu gi a me home to weep or rejoice f :1 wt-ek-end. Among them wen-: V 1 lie Owenby, Sallie and Pauiirn RUselburg antl Fannie and Edith Mason. Mis? Mary Nichols who is teaching 1 at Mineral ft'lutf, Ga., spent the week j end at home. Mr. M. L. Gladson, better known ; as ""um-i'i- uniraie nas returnea i from Isabella. Tenn., where he has been nt work. Mr. C. S. Jenkins and wife were in town Saturday. The many friends of Mrs. W. C. Mason will regret to learn that she is nr. the sink list at this writing. | Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Loundermilk j motorer to Copperhill, Tt-nn., Saturday afternoon. HIAWASSEE, N. C. The meeting of Pleasant Hill church which was conducted by Rev. Scout Kimsey come to a close Friday night. Mr. E. II. Berrong and family have moved near Athens. Tenn. The people of this place are very sorry to giveve up Rev. and Mrs. Morgan. They have moved to Mr. Mark Kapers place. Mr. J. M. Hamby has bought Mr. James Danner's place. Messrs. Hayes Hamby of Des Moines, Iowa, and Ranzy Maney called on K. \V. Shearer om important business Saturday night. Messrs. Arvel, Glenn and Clyde Williamson motored to Murphy, Andrews and Robbinsville Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Reed were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ledford. .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heaver have moved to his father's old homestead, steadMr. Ren Rose's family is planning to move back to his farm in a few days. | Air. and Mrs. James Danner and Mr. Tom Taylor visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hamby Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Ada Burgess is planning on' moving back to her farm in the future. Mr. James Danner has bought | Mrs. Poters place near Reed Chapel J and is planning to move in the near future. The people of Pleasant Hill church I have organized a Sunday school and f made up money to purchase new song , books to remain at the church. Mr.! Grady Williamson was elected Super- ) intendent of the Sunday school. > Amidlrcw: Mrs. J. W. Walker re Saturday from a t:ii> t - P T . N". Y.. nfter an extended >.: y v h her relatives and friends. M s. Pof Rochester, N". Y . a >i : M . Walker, car o ha k w th r * main here during : r ? m at n from recc1 opernti- n. Mi? Winnie R\ n " with the St itc - C <: . :* >' ing v.ork in lecturing J inior an 1 I termediate B. V. I*. IV s. has b e", n Ardieus d urine the wo.-k ! rn * tt- the ?.., ;?! I! Y. P. t* V. iie Miss Ricket h..- ; een v ftfc bx i and nt thor. M:. and Mrs. i?. ili On Sunda> :.Vh list Church. Miss R.V.t: ftu<irt>? ? a pacKiHi f. 1 ;ir? * m are the fav irab'.e foments ne hears on the street of the a idre- . Mrs. C\re!l, Mi> Li!:. Pa: .. M Ada M-c Pr.:vtt i M::?: " W TI las: S; : i. ; ed Xe.. itic dinrev. she v.a- with he. fathc: and aunt w o iav.- been very siel:. M... .-h - . wvva. in Andrei . :i T,:e t:f:er\ . t 1:1 n : s "PATRICK ITEMS Messrs. Mart R.vvr a: \ '< ).: S.?t;ertield motored over t< Mr. '? : r> tfambyV M nday. Mr. E. H. Berrorg and fnnn .his place have nn>wl near Athe:.-, renn. The pe< pU <?f thi> section ) rret Mr. Berrong moving as he wn*s k good citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Adams took their ittlc son Leonard who is in very bad health, at this writing, to Dr. Ci. M Voung at Postell for treatment Monday. Mr. Frank Denver of Hinwassee moo,. .. i ?tein Ut Mr. T ford's Monday. Rev. J. W. Morgan of Hiawu.- . e moved to Patrick one day last week, we welcome him in our midst. Rev. W. S. Kimsey of Ducktown, % * Note how thr oiorla^^ij pirg /ion: uf the Frigid- S oik )retting tray cvn> plctily tntert the I'ltrung li. th< fr fi-lilt* Ccinf^iirtnem. fnogidm* a geal U h.. h aiiUKi 7<m?r ingidt ten-feraturet and Quicker freezing. ONE reasu popularity actual weight, ithc same sire. The Frigid ai white criamelc overlap the tri cold of the frc Frigidaire Oners ment. Frigid: store for Lest regardless of rr New Low Lon8 J PRICES favor of the n r _ ., assures sirr.p: : is so accuj.. c -*-1? ?-dlrfv aajustcdo:: >; nn m-n WW W=T.^ $225 _ Fn .ua.w .. .. storey r>acc. 2gErA$310 mm-cc-../ruction i zrz*~-z? $395 f -c r? tjr:rTn .._ . . , established sei L Cl?Uic rcfrigc; f II 1*1 ijf ?. I'M U?r-M Car.-Tenn M Ericfi PRODUCT <3 of c C-' Mtfw Am 250,000 mn an .nw P tufrjhif (Jm satisfaction n-hlch - 17-f.i f _i-.- "if M?7 fCMnn rTHMaifi tan ?****. AJJ THE CHERofa J ?> Lecals | jject !' the I e.iislative program which the v... . > f the state .ire I fv terinp. [ ' . . Walker motored t> As't-. 1 Saturday for the purpose * tv.K ?'*; : Iv - v;fe who wis return . v.: . tr to Buffalo and other in VV. -;e n New York. r>. TN -ey ret tired h3nt<- Mon: Athens. Term.. 1 ">J M horsey. ft irtov- V.\ d t r. train f r A#he > ; West- n Nr. h\i;le, Tenn.. - ' tvtl \ ?t" r is t Jhinp . - v> r*; .1. u.. -*y Whi.c in tow n : tho;e teachers who] :.n -r?r * ** ;!;? f going h iv.t i H;. . i r e t know that she i.-j : o| oration . >. . ?- and " o out of ..v. 1 : . a in a few days. it i Jn her r?ewj i r? n il'.-ed the revival services at Pleasant Hill Friday night* the weath-j so cold the meeting was not J ve?\ ^uecesaful. W. 51-rgan of this place a revival meeting at i\v: . Tenn., and Rev. White of ; . tou>d through our midst .. * a t week. r- Glenn ar.d Ralph Hornby , ^ : Jests of Mr. Jim Raper and i i > at Oak Paik Sunday night. . . Mrs. J. G. l'icklesimer and da.:, i let Emily were the guests of Mrs. Mary llamby and children SunJay night. ? ti ms change as earth goes spinning Thtotigh the etlier to its goal; Oftt foes of joy seem winning. But he brave and cheerful soul! I j (7^ ^ ? ' ?V- A V' n for Frigidairc's overwhelming Is the fact that it freezes more ice. by than other electric refrigerators of re freezing txhyr are s^lf-seal!r.g. Tb d fronts of t . ?.= travs completely ay open!" %. '' . * scaling the ;r,' . ret coil v the freezing comaire frr quickly an J s ' >om ten- ratrires. 'rit,i . ; discarded the brine -c in ^rc ' iricnt frost coil. Tli c .1 . acker temperature cord which ?nd stable that it neve. . to be it has been properly set. superior in ice-frccrir.g c !ry, f J low operating cost nr. . . operaire effers un equaled ..-.ess of and beauty of drr.i erigidaire orient and thorough1 a-, ted and rvice organlza'ion. ! the only rator guaranteed by G. .ui Motors. . Power Co. URPHY, N. C. dair e .ENEBAL UI HIS r. Power Co., Murphy, N. C lea* *en<3 or <*co?!?e i-s ha -bxjt F;:&diixc. Z SCOUT. MURPHY N C. I Folk? have altered rr. . f i;viog| j i Sorue thii! _ - n. ; od awa: ; ill the trim; that 1 I !:.? : .y.vj :nc I I> alive in n? today. POSTELL j Miss L;!!ic Drendlc \ MrWill C'owd'r Saturday afternoon. Mr.-. U. P. Alhn and M-s. Jane Ma<t?n spent Tue-day " m'i M - El Ilopsed. Me-srs. Willie . nd Thompson visited Mr. .Tim S van- r Satur day. Mr. S. V. Allen 1 is -in, Hr.rvey Berrt-n?, at R .< r H; ; T .day of la?t week. Mr. Will Crvwder has moved his family into the houst formerly occupied by his father. Rev. T Crowder or. upper Shoal Creek. Mrs. Beli Swan Son fcer so". Calvin a*. Puck: >wn. Ter.v. Mr. CiilT rd Swa: - and -- tor, yV - Ida. visited their c :..t-; :. : ;-nt Mr. : T Sunday. | Pr. ?" . M. "t r<. ..f'..m i Atlanta SufiiE.y. klr. B . n Be ver has moved hi-, " I MEis Va*J - 'i's.r - tr weekend v.ith home folks. FOR SALE F1 CUR OF QUALITY THE PRIDE OF WESTERN N. C. M:g Iii The Heart of The Hills Every Sack Gu rantesd S Bags or More Only $1.10 Wiio'isale Pr'ces on above quality over $9.00 a P,r?n Wheat Brand $1.60 a ICO Lbs. F. O. B. Murphy, N. C. Be Your Own Merchant and Save Your $$3$ Order Direct from The Rye King H. R. MclNTOSH Hayesville, N. C. 77m Qrcate; L'ii CjI. jprgTSm ' *yf - ? ' ' iffes / * L-? I ^Sps=|l pfc) any c -up if.-flon nf r? * U'lt.rrg |K?U??1t ~~~S1 ? Hv.wn i imfCMM- fL. f ?.r iHii.'.if...n "IC *" " " vr Rubb 't A./ 1. A> /? perfo ii ausiv si V-T" o< r?I-nM( tlV'X of ruf>fwr* W'ihyJ d'tvt un.t T.mionmuiii,lr,n tui/t. ihuuiiij rwMar MlllWt OAK WINNING A - . - ?? MONEY TALKS r Salesladies and Retail an merchants. My items fit all of you tel Salesman a\ crages $1.00 profit for very dealer called on. Costs dealer ;n he soils for $3.50 makes $1.50 < t $2.00 nive .d. Salesman make? f,f $1.00. If you are a Salesman or wish \y ;-e . ' me one. If you never sod any. : inn in your life 1 wil tell you l ow make better than $100.00 week. ; rt ) Geo. L. Lane, Mansfield, ~ Ohio. (12-tf > ?'.irolina Plantation, coastal vcti'?n, 1*2? acres. 100 cultivated, w .-tit il for Truck also Tobacco, j ^ ' ccc.-dble over Rood road, laces on bvp r vcr. Seven ro tn dwelling. ? n.ii." !ioum->, miles from city. O: ? nii:'i> n feet of pine timber. i ili-t-r. duck, mz.'iil. ttirkov V* Priced low, terms easy. ^ ' ? I- so fains <!? oijretown, S. I? 1 . barns. Tobacco barn. t* rWT7 'iij . Vf< I iNG belwrrn ? "? ones. \\ vine the needs of a girl ly sister was not very sti i < ' pills rnd stuff for corp.tip; :V>.n. She had po r ., ,d sb- miK h _re i " r. Xt .. 1 always rorornm< ru ?. i'opsia." ^Namc and addre s Im > Brought Up Entire i. - i r.iair, tay Irom inf.s:. 5 u?mach. h' ada< he, coiitei ?all vanish. ChsMrcn play own terrible sick headachi ' folk ; happy, contented. T ciac ' r ti Gel it today?any < - ' { '.He ? ' .* :rn? ....r **' "-'it'~P tw'.'vu .Jj i'lj.i,it-.W P. ' 1BL\ you can t ' g or C r.ristmas with l!u -e c'd friends. But} best thing send photc It S Jli 'I i ' i to .t, pot aits. Mah an a <Wi{ Miss the /J.wm/v ! HOOPER S i \ due if s OAKLAf ^Drives thru. noother and quieter than Rubh ar 1 have ever driven"? any vib uch is the verdict of owners to torqi Greater Oakland Six, with while s er-Silcnced Chassis. erases rital reason for its velvety vibratic rmance is a new and ex- ?rive s e engineering principle? Drive He Oakland Six engine rides ?and * i-i -ii. .? ? n/uer onu arives inrougn ana qui t. before iltand Sit, $1023 to $129$. PontUu Six. companion I klu. by Fit/tor. All pricoo at factory. Easy to pay on the (jtr BARNETT BROS. MOTO %e Great LANE ND HOLDING ?^ tvtd.\ t vn?> od road. Excellent toil for Truck d Tob:u f'ri >.Jo"o . easy [rms. EX We have other properties i-.nzinj? ?.rice i>om p,.j- ;,< .. ,, -p^,. ?astai Seetion i^ coming to the >nt. L?o not mi- thi>. opj. tunity. rite us today. CLARENCE C. PHILLIPS. Georgetown. S. C. DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST BRITTAIN AXLEY BLDC. )ffice Phone 154?R?. Phora 106 MURPHY, N. C. C(XJT ADVERT1S\'G PAYS. I? iiri 3 ,nte I Age t takes a mother or sister just budding into woinan o:ig ami h . ! been taking ition. She v s fourteen flind r<? I bought lier a ! v. e bottle 'nstipati* 1 nru, her <> :" "-tr. h t 7. r ? - ! Dr. Caldwell's . Co." ' rvFamiiies : to full -r ... . V- '> 'j'i [' tunrii", *l?jsl I:;V,! ... jA.;s;v,'! Vulva. r !i- Dr Cal'Sn '/'< ''*r ' " ' ^ SYf?.UP 1 "PI 1 s.:<: cl 1 : ianksgivthe horn. i - Iks or ?u an do the next gvaphs. TUDIO \. c. Rubber Rubber er engine supports absorb ration in the frame due ic reaction of the engine, i rubber-silenced drive all body rumbles and >ns from the rear wheels, taft and transmission. ?the Greater Oakland Six xperience a smoothness ietnessof operation never achieved. to Onltlond Six, $S2S to SS9S. ?rai Momti Tim, i'aymrtu PUm, R CO. er > SIX GOOD WILL

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