?\*otTTE?I! CC. g Of I ' i '3 Sale ,p 0f ji-Hi-i i sale containftain iieed of trust made by Love. : the undersigned itecl August -1th, 1925, and ered in the office of regPeds of Cherokee County, aoi >- 11gages and Deeds rage to which refer?by etc! anil detauit hnvr.de i he payment of the ud by aid deed of trust, e ]id sale therein ss be. -ino operative, and in-' i made upon me r - d Note; i will on j: day of November, j . .. k A. m. central t.r sa.o at public auction he ten . rary court house t.e.v! i Murphy, N. C.f r d. -.Ned lands and uate ;ng and being in u'.s in j.. Cherokee CounN 18, 19, and 20, ad row Realty Co., he t .vr! of Andrews, as I n! made by IV. C nap and plan bearing km.'-, 1912. to which n reference is hereby !h d..y of October. 1920. i K WAT KINS, Trustee. 1CF OF SALF. ' er of sale coi.I . I . to secure one i d. fault having :: etlt of said H i-(,_ a* public aim Cel Or lots Ol No. II and ll tklll , it on l'lat book pa u:ch reference is i.inplete and acce-. '1 plat book be ti.e i li.e Register of for 1 c County, North - * i sale. -will be cash. ;f v . 4 in front of the ; t Muiphy. North k A. M. Iu-v : 1-t, 11*26. !. \ I I'll MOODY, m) Trustee NO i CE OF SALE rirtuv .ver of sale con J . ; n deed of trusi j 1921, nnd securing a c: and default hav ; !!i i. . the payment of sain j cor... prrv.sions of said in I u I n the first day ot V; !er fur sale at pub i !. lowing parcel or lot ; c Lot No. 9 in block ; ?et n plat book No. 1 : 2. i? at the office of tin ; r vi ior Cherokee Coun i ,1-m made to deci b. >. page 167, for descrip t of land, an stud sale to be cash is i. be hold at 10 o'clock in it of the court house M :y. North Carolina anc d*te ;d O -et out. 1 K. BAYLESS, ) Trustee i NO) ICE OF SALE i".r:)- the power of sale con- ! i' ertoin Mortgage Deed t.J ... ? 1st day of February, to s - e a certain promissory the M.m of $1825.29, and inon i.e; and default having nail.- payment of said note: on t 6th day of December, iffer : .-ale at public auctioi i hig 1 balder at the court loot in Murphy, North Carolina. ?e t .nty the following de1 tract ' [ land: ig and being in Shoal Creek fcip. . rnL-fo Cn.inlv. i-nrnpr i the rth Carolina line about tit' South of the Public rui n . from Karner Tennessee C. 11 y s in North Carolina i men. . Harnett heirs and Tran- , leir . i the Tennessee Coppei u?y, - . running East with Bui nd > W. Cotter line to the A. J. rliin thence North with Voyles Hers .me to Noah Bryant line; j i Wi with Noah Bryant ami j arr.t the State lire; thence ; with the State line to the Begin . coiner. Containing by estima 31 ore ir iess. tin ; said sale will be an cd at time of sale and said r?l i 1 at 10 o'clock. V. M * a .;. ; nve mentioned or on | f the ,.r legal hours of sale id da: * tht ".rd day of November, j john run10n, Mortgagee, j b> moody & moody. j Attorney for Mortgagee I t-mi j t1ci sale ok valuable K AL estate "kr . . virtue of a certain 01 ...le and entered into 1 of September, 1923. 11 ei to the undersigned I istee, for the benefit * T. M : e. which deed of trust j he office of the Regisl)ee Cherokee County. N. *ok 80 pin 22 7. I. D. H. JTr ii order to satisfy the note Ll ereby secured, will or Wll day of November, 1926, at M. (Murphy tunc) to the highest bidder Jo the following described lots 'r ind: "'15 u) puw ouiu hu ^ortBy) in the plot of lots uc^itrawea. "subdivision ol *ty owned by Mrs. M. E. Cozard ldiew.4, X. c." Surveyed by W. rathman. of Asheville, N. C., on I.Ut 1020 '4 map or plat being of record in 'nice of the Register of Deeds for p*.County N. C. Reference tach is hereby made for a more fete and complete description of lota or parcels of land, wd and posted this the 27th, day Ctober, 1926. D. H. TILUTT, U) Trustee. J?E OF SALE OF LANDS TO ? ASSETS TO PAY DEBTS [^b? "f the authority contain\n deR.ee and order and appointto ? special proceedings in the Superior Cr, day of Nov<*mb Vs Call G 1 missioner In .1. Al. Simon*!-". Knatv .f N. ; Callie Garren c-t N*. A. Carter ?. and SOT -' :r; j Sets tO jj:.'. ity given him y> above corn mi ; will betvvc ! 1 i A. M. an Ith day < ;' I ' the iirst .M -c!l to tin- i House ?! r t'ui . Cherokee t : y. muds Viz: "V. bei ir t iti I interest tl 1 decea-> J I ad in a > t ' eel of land "-t I iL and located in II ' i! Cherokee (' :::*y. . . . N. A. * art. r in about 3-"'i ar-? s. >t the same v.}.. St. Pa C iter, rim said >.. e ? fi.Winst t *.? i ' am! wil . sm?I Imh i :'i r Th?: 1 I ~ It'll'* ' SALE I MM i WIlEKi: v > March, 1 II iert 'I. :i invinjf hccn n>; n n t-.-'-v ht I'll- f f s . I:' I i . VI.- V fi >! V hi. i; 1- i i ' ' I; V ? i "n the N feet t'?'? : . West V, II 1 ' ?,? !' .1 uth - Las* i . I l-It-w I NOTICE ri L1 lCi- - ; , ? . . I I'lJU V ii .d Moi uay .i. . .all w :<s I'm , 'i i ; " nio'o than : v ii jt 1 . o.i - ?ti tlu* i: h.|i. t he ??| i i .. i . . -1 itory i.r Bou.ai . i.e sum at-1 . u unst st.i. a 1 ,i law lii.e J the stock law line t- the Ben\ rdnm Gap: th<'i! with n?a?5 ! 5 We will not rc F!)R MORE than fifty years v.e S: have been making good baking ir powder. There's no Letter baking K powder in tne world than Snow p King. We pride ourselves on that p The only criticism we've ever heard in all that time is that our g price is loo low. Some people can't understand bow it is we are able to ,-t sell you a full pound of Snow King K lor 20 cents ana guarantee perjetb p satisfaction. j, These people would have us be- 1 Ueve that if we ciurged more for n THE KENTON BAKING TOW FULL kflSTOl POUND F0. THr CHEROicrr rc y HI r O v: APPI 'CATION FOR Toxic?" IsWcll,Thm,to J cam the Importance of Good fcJiminaiion. Functional inactivity of the kidneys permits a retention of v,: to poisons in the blood. Symptoms of thr- tonic condition are a dull, languid feeling, drowsy hra.iachrs and. sometimes, toxic backache and dizziness. That the kidneys arc not functioning as they should is often shown by scanty or burning par- .ge of secretions. Many readers have learned the value of Doon s Pills stimulant die. tic to the kidneys, in this condition. Users everywhere endorse Doan's. visit your nc/ghborf DOAN'S ptLS Stimulant Diu*< t:c to Kidney . r If . . Chi m . Uuif.ilo, N.Y. A lise the price now King, it w ould be better bakkg powder. Hut we know that Snow .ing quality simply cannot be irnroved. And we know that our rices1 fair. When you . e your i?r t can of no*v King, you'll agree. Especially you try gome of the real South rii recipes in oar fame us Snow .ing Cook Book. There are 44 ages of them?and your copy is ft. Send lor it today, enclosing D cents to cover cost packing and tailing DER CO.. Cincinuati, Ohio TOf OftfOER^i *1 20 * CENTS 4 OTT WT>r,TY N. r. !.!??' take notice iliat :nir ir a*, ihe time ami Jot " I rhe plaintiff ? d1 rendar.t for the i :n 'he complaint. K K. DAVIS. Clerk Superior Court LIBRARY HOURS Afternoon* Wednesday, Thursday and rem 2 P. M. to 4:30 P. M Evening* 1 -:ay and Saturday 7 c P. M. to 9:00 P. M. J? EPH1NB HEIGH WAY. Librarian OR SALE?') acres <?n No. 10, near h ,v 5 room bungalow and aw there'M. IViced to sell, ? ounble. . . W. I.. Horn. MurW N. ? tlG-2t-pd) v'igestion" t ii spells relieved m " \T0T7 'TNG can take the place [JJ "? Black-Draught ||| a have never i :.t}iing jit onco bo mild lii Mrs. Hugh f|l N Princeton, Ky. II "Vv the chJdrcn have epells HI ' of iii t oatiou and upset atom- ||| ' *ich?, . always straighten them |]J ?t v '. a dose or two of Black- n -al times I have suffered j!l 1 : 1 " of indigestion l|!] . c. nd found I would soon t i<1 ef if I took a course of fli , Black-Draught I was troubled Ijl will* a bad accumulation of gas ||| nd p.were pains across my 111 ' i -i and lower bowels. Now ||j I feel a Fpcil of this kind b comic,? on, I head it off by tak- [fl , i g 1.5: ick-Draught?a doso every II ni|;l.t for a few nights will pre- I] .out ten trouble and savo mc ISJ \ roue' :iiu and suffering. r { "V : v.ho'io family uses Black- II Dra-. it for biliousnoss and con- II I !j "It is a splendid medicine." g] | Sold everywhere. 25 cents. m iii] r- ~ ! Take 1 ? i utltiese Low meet l&eSr-. 511 Ssjs*'*64? ?s?5^$73! L andau *76i *5HF*E* 1 f- o. b. Flint. Mlchlgni Small down t>aymi and convenient tern Ask about our 6% P chase Certificate PLi DICK ; I QUALI ? > CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BHANO c>* \L jf < LADIFS! -r *?k O'.Ml.t for Cni-CHH9 TCR9 A DIAMOND HKA.M) PILLS in Rr.u ml//\ Goto metallic b">xe*. wiiu B.ue<<>> f Ksiihnn. T.MI HO OIBE1. nur*?T?r\/ ?rur?tl? ud ?.k f?r C ni-CUK*-Tr H A V DItUdNO BUi<IU PI Ll.t, for twfntr-f.re irtri rerarde.i at beit. Sa'est. A'w*y? F?- iaS'.c. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ffi'JL EVERYWHERE ?r&S TDV AM An IM Tlir u\i twj in inc SCOUT. , j ^|||HH||||flp|l|H|lH|lB|HHHBB|HH| IMOTTTF.R! Fletcher's Castoria Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething prepared to relieve Infants irs ar Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, pre Natural Sleep withot To avoid imitation* aluavc Wlr (' * ?u. . Proven djrr.-t^" ' vli p.irkngc. Ph Jor Economical Transportatic ffwt the Wheel 1 Learn what it really me; priced car that is delightfu speed?that exhibits clickation?that can be driven }l an hour?hour after hi ^ slightest sense of forcing o 9 wheel of a Chevrolet yout J Until you actually drive | cannot realize how it com! ities that have been the I * purchase of costlier cars. * ? . - any iuw-pncea automobi . brilliant beauty and such ease with such thrilling qi " ance. Take the wheel y< mi the truth I Come in and g< :ey moto Sales and Servii TY AT LQ\ pace five " ~ """ HONEY FOR SALE New Honey in the comb or *t rac tod, $2.00 gallon Six gallon lota or mora $1.88 i?r gallon. Produced exduiivdy from clov r?. Quality guaranteed. State whether comb or extract* ed ia wanted when ordering. The Busy Bee Apiary, S 201) Fletclier. N. C j i is a harmless Substitute for Drops and Soothing Syrup, ms and Children all .igvs of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels moting Cheerfulness. T\. . -* d it Opiates r , signature o! yiicians everywhere recommend i. >n burself ins to drive a lowilly smooth at every of-the-hcel rccelerat 40 and 50 miles our?without the r fnfitriiA! ToL-o fUa jig reasons far the I Never before ha9 | le combined such 8 amazing handling I lalities of perform- I jurself?and learn I :t a demonstration! E R CO. V COST J

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