![)ECE'IUER 10. li'JG. ROLIXA, jtirty. lab." T. Eigtr 'ompany. Alleghany Miliary. I -sac T. Lenoir E. j th I. T. Lenoir and William ii ail other heirs of I. T. if II. Lenoir and Lilh'an ' pi ;1 I. P. Lenoir whose w unknown to the plaintiff. r? relopmcnt Company. ;E or SUMMONS idant.- above named to- 11 chany Company. The Al- ? imr Company, I*sac T. 1 l.enoir and all other T Lenoir, B. F. Lenoir, Le ir and of I. T. Le hose names are unknown o.l T and the Swain Develop- T. r' that a summon was c,' al ve entitled cause re- tii . the Clerk of the Su- so Cherokee County on f December 1926 com- V-. n J-, appear at said time p;i .nswer the complaint fisaid cause; that the c?J . action is to remove ur ?>f Grants and Entrys in 1 ract No. Acres <. J MOTIIF.R ? Fletcher's Castoria fasu- Oil, Paregoric, Teething I prepared to relieve Infants in ari Constipation Flatulency Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, proi Natural Sleep withou Toavc i imitatio Iways look for the si Prcnr dirfrtinwt ^ each package. Phy No other gift such year muni /^OULD any wo Christmas? Ii metal cabinet Frigi finish a true dclighl ^fidaire Offers I*"1 rTiarTlc' lining f ^ore for Less tMry refrigeration, i hrw Low great conve PRICES delicious frozen de: t-h^Z_'ZkT?' "p? And with a gen $770 with more than 250 .>*" 11 mm , confidence which on Larger food capa< ^i?T$3io rom vibration, low .lw ?? S.j of models, more p -k $395 B facturing methods proven dependabil 'M 'vi? ? i. thmn that have m leader in the electrii to our display roo . ^ below for complete Carol?na-Tenness c MURPHY, Mdic ?toovoT9 ?roci Car.At ??r*m irfitrn Allwi lie! d? ir\\ ? . r,-U-n,?,> NOTICE < , I'V \ i. Ktl In a Trus w. .. . i in ami 1 ?ir? . idem. -it' .if:, v.; i. ; * lid. h? . e | . rtlinir to .1 : after lie ihlro >;:!? :di m ? , i urphj X - hfh, { Y./i jH I is a ban. Drops and " . + . ns and ? I Wind Col; To Sweetc Regulate 1 moting Gicerf; 1 ic t Opiates s* ignature of tA. siciaui cvcrywh-: . . flSL) p t can 4ive hsii-y \ man have a r. . i ri her kitchen a - i daire, its li.. V _ . > C to the eye. i . 1 promise o;' better, ... c. -.its freezing ccrnr nicnce of dain'y n J sserts. uine Frighkur vri'l * ' ere .000 Frigi ily Frigid aire can ^iv .. rity, quieter operation, freedom er operating co-i, a uhr rjn^c rccisc engineering . 1 rr-.nr.u, greater beauty of ci.eign, ity in service there are the c refrigeration induct:y. Con.* m, telephone, or rr.aU coupon information. se Power Co., Laire 1EKAX MOTORS Tenn. Power Co., Murphy at complete l&fcraadrc a'-.-.c Tii&L,i: % , i*_ - _ . _' THE CHEROKEE S I - vUMi .1 f;. :.u i ! ->. i'h? r?. Co : ! v. a- ?ir ' ' " - .OCKHOLDEKS Oi IA MINERAL COM! v \ V $?t;H| . , ,t ; " I"' %r 1! TKUSTEE'S SALE viftiu f !' . y t" n Nr.-rvl and h*.v* !. J . >. A!I : t '. ! > the Utld"! I dated August zotla ; ' I! -Airtt i VHo "lis > !" y. > a, h J ok o. ' ? > otU No. T I ttl p.1 roffrcn>'i' !; tfrcOT fault I.. "II.t I 14 I l?:- not : U1 i t : t> ust whereby tin tin rei?* ? uifciited ha M\ aud ml 1 v lt? pu* Ky tin? ln?Me: I . ill, <>n Saturday ai i o'clock A i !>: .. timet ?il??r pale a i avrti.in f->r < :. h, at tin t? ?up . h..u-.vs. and be hip a par . - ciUUluu::!y known a- til' . . . nr city, anil Uinp situate. : i'-.v North !?>ur.dav\ line of s&i< . '; . a I i >i:.inp th" AIU \ tha I . r..| r. y fi.im the J. W I ! ; Pcirinnhip al the inter < .....i - . ;.? ; villi \';? > ;i \\\ -t ! . ii'?n 200 .Mi to a ?cake v ' with id Street a Southwar* , ; to a stake; thcnei .I direction paraleling .-ait y. ;>:? fo. t from the same. 20! a -takf i'i the maigin ? sti?. i; ih.vico feet t' : . ishik. containing a block ? : i , < !. To , , Wood and Betty Wood . t . at law Ol H ._ :.I Wood doceus ii . * ?I ail > I her h?ir> at law of Hay Wood. deceased. you and each ?< ; a herd y notified t appear he uii- uialt rstsrncd Clerk at oi'fict in Mai 3 y. N'orih Carolina, on or be < 1 : :i day < January, t92ti ; \ ,C a ti.e ti.r.e thereafter allowec lf. \ and demur or reply to th? we: tin- defendants in tin .eiv.iCed action, wherein de i counterclaim seek to im ; i.-.- a trast for their benelit tipor . tracts of land set out in lh< in.id's, b- nplaint, l<> the extent ol halt ow nership la said lands i! i trust arising as a result of on< of or n.oiv of the purchase monej .?r .aid lands being paid for will the bionics "f the defendant Victoria 11 all. and t; title thereto taken ii :;;ir.o of Iiayne >.i Henry Woods ea*ed. Von are further notiiicc that if you fall to appear and rep!) demur to said answer within the i t. i ; .lowed by law, the relic: - . ht hv defendants will he grant ed. V.'i-. in- the Hon. I\ C. Hyatt Clerk of Cherokee County, Superioi (" art. this December 9th, 1926. V. C. IIYATT, Clerk . 1 ? - It-pd) WINCHESTERS PILLS dsamo.no fjQ \ Co A NO A*' * ^ So.'?, L $t V?" Vy _jp A.*,1 f,.r CTII-CHRS TKR S A J lAM.-ND I'. aM) 1*1 LI.S ia Hi i? a . l//\ ?.u.n tucf.**?. [ wiiSi P'.uctC#, u. t\kb no otbkk. tt?, > ,.?r \v/ < ?? ??k r?p < ?M rf;:*.ri u? V D1A.USMI RIUMD fl l.l.n. lor t * -.a (Ir: Up?t,SHc ? . KrSaV.C SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE ?S COUT. MURPHY. N. C. I- > Ait-American : 1: W S??, ... w?cv ..... L.K S>new jfc ? it . Na.. ?v i ('unnainthton Gcorg*ta?fn Sg Uw ihi;, i c N'iut Dinsr "V | Sht??lv K.G . Ulim-i, F nth t r Uresis * ' 1" V.. V . . irdin.in M UichiifM ' | . - ^cr ?L it N"i ihwci.tct1! j r R.lt > >ul5? Cali'. K.' Minn.- -ita T r.L . '! C v-'.'-v-.* COoperated with Guj'tl.m! Kiev, lwiiiu :jl1v i . :;?ithority. n ih.-- m il> of tl.o- 11 ymical A.!- Aim \n footb. It I earn :> . 1' .llii. v.'C't?" s which .ipfN*ii!S ' I < - cent v ?k : . ! >> > i> -t M . ?-* i ...... , \\ j.i. '.10! . :i , - i ur? iilf? . J.:.. .. .ill .. ; I'll)!!) t the Last. Subscribe to The Scout. I 1 i; Alum 7$ ptr cihI vf th, ootiom r .?> .._ ,i. a...? > . , Ki inr are ruw/a along tht Southern Railway. ri I1S o i RAl |l . %e ... ** . .. M-iJfca; ....- . LIBRARY HOURS Aftnrnooa* Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and ' Friday from 2:C0 F. M. to 4:30 P. M Evening* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. M. JOSEPHINE HEIGHWAY. Librarian. John Ou* en was called to Maryvillo, j I Tviir... last week on account of his j j daughter. Mrs. T??ni Foland who un-1 d. rwent a serious operation at the j j Kr.??xville General Hospital last Ded- j j !!>--d:.y } condition was reported slightly improved, as her many friends throughout East Tennessee ; delighted to learn as Mrs. ~ I- land i* a great charity worker and > o Mission Study teacher in the First J Baptist chyrch. Mrs. Foland left | en wl on a girl and moved to' Sweetwater, Tenn. r UK UVILIf ZOO YEARS haarlcm oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and tunc acid conditions. 0OVDM?i^ w HAARLEM OIL correct ;nterna! trcubles. stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal NOT OR We do not claim ere the slogan "Dodge i Sell Good Used Ca claim to be doing ou the world with its tr E. C MOORf 101 TENNESSEE S'i. A USED CAR IS ONLV AS THE- DEALER I rip ? TiTr. ft Build T % for the f of the: . rpHE Development Service o i l> JL. System is continually study ; $ portunities of agriculture and in The agricultural work of the Service takes the form of helpfv farm problems, including methc fication and rotation of crops, pre and insects, breeding and care t keting of farm products. The effoi practical lines. The industrial work of the Devi assisting manufacturers to local materials, convenient to coal or 1 ample railway facilities and favo The services of this departmer the disposal of all who are inter TU. ? o-:i o uwuuiciii rvttuwiny oysiem, of carrying the commerce of the building the greater South of th JT w"E x,*ay'IBu Southern scm^*T$2rt i " ""i'litiilrtii ^ iJ~ r --- PACE THREE V'EiPe ov^m coooo y >sces in cmo -(3or NAGGING' IS? ALS'C POPULAR ttection from plant disease .r r 1 ?_ n ??u 111 wiunaja ma marrt has been to do this along dopment Service is that of :e close to sources of raw hydroelectric power, with rable labor conditions. it of the Southern are at ested. in addition to its business ; South, is cooperating in e future. iRN SYSTEM fit South