,.ll)AV. OECEMUER 17, logo. ?THE ADVENT: IT (By R.r. E. J Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, moJ is the " ""I of the Lord u hich fas hast spoken. He said moreover, lor there shall be peace and truth in ITf J < fort ye. comfort ye n) ptople. faith your God. ?Isaiah 39-8-40-1. Familiarity often blunts wonder. r c. FURNITUI Furniture is as big then can be more fitti piece of furniture wh We have found that s Christmas giving. 1 ly?offering for your J furniture?and pricec An Ideal Gift BRIDGE LAMP I I *1 ( j U I ?r" a lp|2 utt 'S SIGNIFICANCE * I. Hardi?on.) j Does God care? It is a tremendous thing that the prophet is here saying. 1 ' and we stand by his side only to see . great continents of truth spread it- v self before our ken. Notice the i Word. Jehovah's words are always , full of comfort. It was the Portuguese mother on the coffee plantation in Brazil with her 19 children about 1 B7 hi I MURPHY, N. C. TE THE PRACTK a part of your heme as tht ng as a practical gift thar lich will make mother or eparate pieces of furniture "herefore, thi~ year we ha\ inspection and selection a 1 lower than ever before. SPECIALS FOR ONE1 FRIDAY DECEM 10.00 Iron Bedsteads. 2-in 3.00 Folding Spring, 1 20 10.00 Cotton Mattress, felt 1.25 Cane Seat Chair, roi 2.00 Child Rocker 3.00 Adult Rocker 1 4.00 Oak Dresser . 30.00 Kitchen Cabinet 3.00 Velvet Rugs, 27x54 7.00 Axminister Rugs, 36 2.50 Cotton Blankets, pei 6.50 Trunk, metal covere 1.50 Suit Case 5.00 Matting Squares, 9x 2.50 Hand Bags 00.00 Parlor Suite 25.00 Parlor Suite, over sti 50.00 Parlor Suite, overstu Hoosier Cabinets or This Sale Strict! We wish everyone a Me Happy New' C. B. HILL GIFTS < hUK IHh | MOTORIST T# M? eye* sparkle with joy?like fr< iost placa a gift for bis car on tbe tree, is accessories offer wide choice of wortl le Cost. We sell NO-NOX, GOOD CU >TOR OIL, TIRES, TUBES and ACCE5 IURPHY SERVICE ST/ LADIES' REST ROOM FREE PARKING AIR, WATEI MURPHY, N. C. THE CHEROKEE SCOL ?er, no beds in her house, and they' ill slept upon the floor; and when she i icard of the story of the beautiful 1 loir.e the Saviour has gone to pre-1 are, only rejoiced and said: "1 knew : t was to be. for He would in his reat love give us a better place than ve have here." The word has always nade glad and full the hearts of the jeo^le who have received it. And .otwitbstanding the omnipotence of ,ur God, has has always used human lands and hearts to accomplish all ' :algift : house itself. What 1 some long-desired dad mighty happy? : are in demand for re stocked accordingi beautiful array of WEEK ENDING BER 24TH . post $ 7.49 coil ..... 2.39 plated, 50 lb. 7.49 and posts .99 1.49 2.34 12.29 23.99 2.39 ix64 5.34 r pair 1.49 d 4.99 98 12 Ft 3.98 1.39 69.49 tiffed 81.24 iffed 89.63 i display, y Cash. rry Xmas. and a ifear. I 1 > 1 diamonds upon tha snow Our immense stock of bigh Ik while, useful gifts at very LF GASOLINE, SUPREME 1SOR1ES. 'T, MURPHY. N. C. His major undertakings. When He treated the words, He left it all in the care of man. When He saved it rrom the flood, it was still .in the care of man. When it gave the race the jeealogue. He disdained to leave the cablets of stone at the door steps, but equired of Moses a mighty rugged 1climb, before he left it in his hands; when he first inspired a message tc 'mankind He refrained from writing it Himself, but has always used men to declare His truth. Thus it war I not the mission of the One to com* Ito write but to cheer the faint-heart j ed, and the lowly. There is no greater thing thai truth. It is the thing as it is. It ii ; God. It is peace. "The truth shal make you free." Nothing else cat ! liberate. Nothing ever will. He i a God of comfort says St. Paul, 1 ; Cor. 7-C. You may easily predicat* 1 anything of such a being, but then is no other attribute of Diety tha means so much to the world as th< message of comfort. It was th highest note the angelic choir raised "Peace on earth"; it was the las words of the Peacemaker himself a He said: "My peace I leave wit you." He relieved all my anxietic ! when He sent his Son. He was friend to man. He was the heral 1 ?>f comfort to all. He made the lam I to walk, ar.d the deaf to hear. Because it is in the Bible we do no realize the daring the fearless lea of faith that brings the Eternal dow from the infinite heavens into sue 1 a tiling as the * timely advent of friend. It is the glory of the Hebrew genius that it makes bold to scale th heavens and bring God into man little life. "The Lord!" What sha the nations say of Ilim? And Go uses Titus, Paul, and James and Joh to reveal his comfort in and througl And whether God descends or ma is raised, it is one and the same thinj it is the love of the Father comfor ing his people. We wonder where He is? Behol !IIe is all about us. We seek Him onl to find Him already in our presenc It was Dr. Jowett who one time ai cepted the invitation to preach quit a long way from home a special se . mor . When his train reached tt | -station, he stepped upon the pla j form, and anxiously walked up ah a r.-_ i Iuum iui i?a uuur wmung ior boit one 10 meet him. At the same tiir I there had been another man even ft ! a longer period of time that wi waiting f?.r the noted visitor and 1; I too w as walking up and down th j same platform, but he had nevt : recognized the great preacher in h I street dress. "Comfort Ye," m i people. Will you dare to do it th season that commemorates the At vent? Will you make his com in twice r-al to you by undertaking t walk in His steps, and comfort tl i ccnifortiess? Would you like to kno the great God of ALL COMFORT then "Comfort ye, comfort ye ni I people." We look at our friends; and look u to say, "I thank Thee." How He ht comforted us with home, loved one friends .00 many to name. Even tl memory of those long since gone b? fore w< thank Him. He spends ? his tinu trying to make ua Comfor able, fc cores of men restlessly run 11 and down the land to se ek some ne supernatural voice or truth, when tl Almighty is ever present, yet th< sadly say that there is no sign of Hi to be iound. They see nature, beaut and tr ith, they see lore and loyall and sacrifice; but never the sol evidencing fact of the comfortLx God. Yes, He sends His grentest comfo by a friend. He himself did becon the friend of man. It is by hum? voices that we love and know; 1 books that we read that God speal to us. He even guides our feet t the obstacles that block our pathwa; We even sometimes fail to recogni: I llim, and "suppose Him to be tl j gardener." He is coming again. B i win oe seen Dy tne observant. H ' will be presented by a friend. Thar 1 God for the messenger. One hi | beautifully said that when God coul not be everywhere, He made MOT! I ER as the next best one to represei I Him. How she comforts us. Ho .icr middle name might well be" con loiter". It was one of the Hebre prophets who said, "Verily Thou ai a God that hidest thyself, O God < israel, the Saviour." We say ye We never see him, we only see h representative. And we see God th? -dearly. Back of the loaf is the snowy flou Back of the flour the mill; Back of the mill is the wheat and tl shower, And the sun and the Father's will. But the best of all is the thougl of the Incarnation. The place < Jesus is witnessed by the fact that v are met here to worship the inftinil and eternal God in the light ar truth of Jesus. It is through and I Jesus that we have seen *he Fathe All we know of his forbearing nalur His forgiveness, patience and love v know because Jesus told us the stoi | in actual lifa. "He that hath ?m f me hath seen the Father". When we T see him, follow him as he grows in u ' stature, in favor with God and man, ^ tempted tho without sin watch him from the Nazareth home to Calvary, and it is the true and perfect humanity of our Lord that draws us to I Him. No cohort of angels shrouded ^ ; his person. No nimbus protected II His head. He lived as a man coni; forting men at all times. And yet at i jail times God was in Him reconciling ? i the word to Him; comforting the sor: [ rowful, and healing the broken-heart- ^ . ed. Manhood and character are our j highest ideals. We have no concepi tion of angels, but imagine them as 3 men, and attach wings to them. What t 1 stupidity! So we live our lives in ~ u Him; but we cannot conceive Him. 9 The good tidings shall be to all t - people. Jesus came to us as a Com- < 0 forter. If we follow Him we must be l 0 harbingers of Peace and Good Will, i t ____________________ e . e ili I a ?-^u> 1 "J ~ - i i ,V At Christmas Time IV tt ; | h Hi a "HOME-SWl u d j Here are all ihe good g n those men in Home Swe k* ! particularly thanking the >n , with their patronage. j plans for the coining yea t- opportunity of soliciting of first, quality?and s< Id I building material of all ly If you are not in a e. Christinas then >ou knov c- | and we ask that you alio te \ fillment of that ainbitioi r- | that end. in the Spring < ie 1 a position to build?an< t~ ; serve you. From plans I id I 1 save you money at e\cn l\ CHEROKEF MANl lc| | The Lum ie | j le e11 I Xr ? ip j \ JEWE ty J ty ? for Christn !* ST/* i II i As a keepsake?jewelr ? As a remembrance?it ^ a token of esteem it is rt your gift giving?give * propriate gift for eithei n Come in before buying line of Watches, Cloc r> Manicure and toilet se A COMPL ,t Engraving Free or I J. B. IV l? Jeweler-1 } j MURPH T I m i PAGE THREE he very love of God came among a? a man; and we are judged as lie standard of a perfect man, Christ estfs. He always went about doing ood. and conscious of his line of fti 11 Therefore the love of the leaver!y Father goes the length and readth of Heaven to give the world ne jrraatest need. The world was old for human love and sympathy, nd i -till cold and desolate except chore awakened and lighted by the rue li ht which will light every one hat cometh ir.to the world. He gives lis best to man as man. It is God's vay throughout. He sent Paul to Titus to comfort r.im. He sent Jesu3 .0 comfort all, and the Father sends rou and me and all men the salvation hrongh Jesus that makes us whole; hat reveals to us himself; and whose mining among us as a little child, :he whole church is keeping again, in memory, her Advent-watch. ?1 ' Ian Appreciates Most , is EET-HOME" A ; reelings of the season to el Homes of their own. >s<" who have favored us . ~i.. Mavhe they have new r- and if so we lake this their trade on the basis ccondiy. low price, for kinds. I home of your own this the urge to have one? w us to help in the fulln. If \ou start now to i Summer w?u can be in i that is where we ^an ! ,o moving in day, we can < turn. JFACTURING CO. ber Store 90 I W !???? lLRY nas Giving lit!^ Mm. y is an eternal delight. j is delicate and fine. As unsurpassable. So in jewelry. It is the ap man or woman. your gifts and see our ks, Rings, Silverware, ts, and electrical gifts. ETE LINE i Gifts Sold By Us 100RE ingraver IY, N. C. ?