PACE EIGHT Qlildrer Cry foi Mj 'I HI R ! Cj: Castor Oil, IV.rcgoric, Tecthin orcpared to relieve Infants in Constipation Platnl??npv Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation of Food, ] Natural Sleep with To troid imitations, always look for tl Protfgn ddrgctk?r< ?& cacli rackaac. \ ^ Ov?\ * lui * Ski* rvi WHERE T Ladies' and Childrei A If vou art is doubt ai to tb* sift | urltljr to nlKt from, and you c fo w Dresses, Coats, Si A baautiful assortment of d< : fo3< THF f HFRf! ? ?? W?k after wnIi 6 M?| ?*to your bom* a |?J? aaJ avaati, aad all apeta froan tka wMa woi j All gaaaroaaly apicW lariaa?mwi picturaa a te yoaa a?J aaary aiaak -kit lk? coal la praclfc ll HI 111111 i i 111 m nn n ^If f feHHHMnR^>^DWI ' ntM^HnH ^mr ^R Hp H H H VH/ H t^E 8 <<A V ^H>' t?iiJl*l WcWwwvvWwwcwwwJvwKS >ria is a harmless Substitute for g Drops and Soothing Syrups, arms ami Children all ages of Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels promoting Cheerfulness. Rest, and out Opiates ^ ie signature of ~VV* I' Physician* everywhere recommend it > ???? -i - X I WOULD LIKE FOR YOU TO ^ BRING ME A BEAUTIFUL DOLL | LIKE THEY HAVE AT J GRIFFITH'S | INC. J j HEY SELL ' $ i's Wear Exclusively : SHE would like, we have large '* an real matured tlgak you will not i Tong. J . . i ;; * iveaters, Hats, Etc. alia and loya (or the children Y > ? . % 3?i?t *br the (KEE SCOUT UiS' ? fty-twe of thorn?it will il the local new* of poo* I the wartli-knowing high rM oatside. t with special foaturow? imI ?prtoou. Tho oaluo er of tho family is groat tally aothiag? :: i 'er Year - * & ., . THE CHEROKEE SCOUT. Champions | F1 <im "j |. lUfcl1 11 John S. Martin (upper photo) o has won the poultry raising chain- t pionship 21 year? in succession. t At the recent Philadelphia show he won 4 silver cups?10 firsts and seconds and 35 ribbons for 40 ? birds. a 'Herman Tulle (lower), an u American by birth, now a homesteader at Wembley, Peace River, Aibertn. ve crowned Wheat ami r Oats King of North America. Thi-? t is the fir-t time both honors bus a $ been won l> the same in?*n, t i MEW HIGHWAY I OPENS NORTH, ; SOUTH TRAFFIC \ VVJIimiueu IIVIH i'Mfit- 1/ ime to developing the ASH idea. Ho f) tet about it with determination. with tireless energy and undauted nitiative he I egan to call attention to iust what its completion meant in the jj ievelopmenl of this wonderful, heautfiul section of the United States and * Junudn. Leaving no stone unturned c ind with unusual lavishness of per- h oiinl funds, he made pioneer trips, r $ot in touch with other interested ,?arties, brought ends together and j inited them into a whole in the or- ?} ;ani/.ation of the Appalachian Scenic 5 Highway Association. By dint of j lard work, writing, advertising, map- ; ping and personal contact, he has sue- ? :edded to a point that it is now be-I] pond a reasonable certainty. Mr. ; Marvel may be properly and truth-j? fully referred to as the real genius 11 the undertaking, and to mention ;) ,hut highway is almost a synonym for ' :he name of "Marvel." Nothing . short of dogged determination could ] lave accomplished it. j If one will take down the map of the ? sections, state? and domnions through ! which the ASH winds its devious \ ways, nnd read up on the histories of ] ;he places it traverses, he will find < t most intei eating and entertaining,' for days and nights, and could, with-j' >ut fatigue, prolong it through weeks | and even months. Just one instance:;] Fifteen of the twenty-nine presidents'; >f the United States were furnished |< by four of the states through which i! Jie ASH runs?namely, Tennessee.:} Virginia, Pennsylvania and New York..? Some writer has justly said that ! the ASH is the "Backbone of Eastern ] America," and it is in more ways than ' >ne. The colonial history, as well as < early pioneer days of America, are ! interminably entwined with the ter- ; ritory traversed, not to mention the ? wonderful rivers, mountans, gorges, ! /alleys and battle fields; great uni- ] .ersities (white, Indian and Negro), ' is well as advance in art, science and modern inventions that have in the ! past two or three decades revolution- ' zed the whole world's activities along < avery line of human endeavor, and 1 effecting every phase of life. From the summit of Mt. Mitchell, ; LIBRARY HOURS Aftaraooaa Tutaday, Wtdnaaday, Thlireday and ; !>lda, from 2:00 P. M. to 4:10 P. M. ; IH*|I Toaaday, Thuraday and Saturday Irom 7:00 P. M. to 9:00 P. 1L JOSEPHIN* BSIQHWAT. MURPHY, N. C. p cf Eastern America, where a for- ' iter's light shines like Venus at i rilight, the view is superb and inudes, it is said, poitions ??f five ates. According to the great oithern author, Harry Stillwell Ednrds: ''Mountain seems piled on ounlain. the peaks receding into disinces the eye cannot fathom, the hole constituting a land of alim-st ; palling grandeur and mystery, vcr it the poet rhapsodizes, the artt dreams and the novelist thrills, o matter what background or foreround be needed, it is to be found t're in these mountain? traversed by le ASH. Hut there are others than poet, rtiat, novelist, who come to these enes for thought. These are the iitfosophers, who deal in cause and Tect; who seek the wherefore and hence; and who speculate on the legibilities. To concede that onyling is wasted is to accuse the Croatr and to slander Nature. No true liilosopher is ever guilty of such rror. The perspective of. the un i light human is of hut a generation r two, and a handful of generations annot measure a mountain. "The great Appalachian range is le exposed vertebra of a land from hich physical causes have stripped tie soil for use elsewhere. Hut verteraes carry the vital forces in all ature. and that which to the fHreaching eye of the human atom on mountain top seems waste, is really he protecting sheath of wealth. As ar separated points, in quantities innitesimal compared with the reasonille possibilities, have been found ources of wealth in these mountains or the enrichment and development f the human race. Th s column rould not hold a bald list of the c-leDents, the ores, oil, gas, minerals and hemical compounds of the rocks, rees and verdure of what we know as he Blue Ridge. "The past of the Appalachians, or 3 we know them, the blue Ridge, is i fascinating study, but the past is inly of value as a basis for prophecy nd promise of the future. The great- j st asset of the South today is the Hue Ridge Mountains, and the study f them is of immeasurable imporance. Remove the Blue Ridge, were uch a thing possible, ar.d you remove ho source of southern rivers and, of qunl importance, souther springs 'hat ise from deep sources. In a word, j ou sweep away agriculture by leav- j ng it dependent on local Khowcis. j Vithout the Blue Ridge, coal, iron,1 il, natural gas, cement, coke, lime ] nd other factors of human develop- J nent would rise to fabulous values; n the South. "It was Pope who said that the iropei study of mankind is man, and le was right, if he intended the study o be exhaustive. Man is by common onsent a child of Nature. We picture dm as built up around a divine plan nainly from the elements of the soil I FIREWORK ? Christmas is nol fireworks to "Pop". 1 I Carolina and Georgia 1 t Rlairsville, Ga., on H y accommodation and at [ The North Caro say that you can not I fc them if you have the d Below i9 a parti t In lots of *20.(* y station. y Small Fire Crackers, B! I Box 2-in. Salutes, 8 cri [ Box 2-in. Salutes, 10 cr f Box 3-in. Salutes, 6 crs T Box 6-Jn. Salutes, 20 cr i- Fox 6-in. Salutes, 100 < t 6-Ball Colored Roman < in_n-n ?-> *? ?vwnii vuiuieu rvuman ? 16-Ball Colored Roman I 20-Ball Colored Roman l 25-Ball Colored Roman r 30-Ball Colored Roman \ 4-oz. Sky Rocket t 8-oz. Sky Rocket 1-lb. Sky Rocket ; Box Sparklers, 10 to be Box Sparklers, 10 to h Sun-of-a-Gun, No. 1, ec Sun-ox'-a-Gun, No. 2, ei Globe Torpedoes Bago Bombs, each .... Air Ship Paper Balloon, Repeating Pistols, each Repeating Pistol Amui And many other Come?send or Checks must accompan; DONT FORGE I 10 minutes run which reach him through hia food and Jrink, but probably not many go farther and see him as a grandson of the air abov<. him, yet such he really t. All the wealth held in the bowls :?f the mountains, even the mountains themselves, existed first in the atmoshere the processes of creation, >f physical evolution, go steadily on. Visible nature vanishes into thin air, swiftly or slowly as the case may be, and its elements come back for rc.ombinatins and rebirth of forms. The supreme factor in the South is the Blue Ridge, whose hands pluck the clouds and srather the harvest of the skies. And so it is the philosopher, delighting in the skill of the artist, the song of the poet, the dnama of the novelist, yet look* over and beyond theni all and sees the laboratory of Nature and Nature's God, the mighty mountains at their immemorial task. Waste? God has no jimk heap." "And in the brilliant noonday of the South'* great prosperity, he sees the inginte raindrops on the mountains gathering to rills, to branches, to creeks, to rivers, which, damned by human genius in the gorges, generates ? F resh? | FRUITS i What more suitable ornament X of our fresh, colorful fruits. It a ,, least will be enjoyed by all. i; ; h'or every pocketbook and evei 1| ment of fancy groceries on the ma Pickles, Etc., in the famous Gold Our Su| NUTS, C ? ORANGES BANAN/ i: Ar?Tl ; JUST PHONE YOUR WANTS 1 J. G. G FANCY Gl 5 FIREWORKS F1 I Christmas to the average boy or m Cnowing this we have put in a com] state line?only a few minutes run f ighway Number 10. from Ashevilh reasonable prices. Iina State Law prohibits their sale in buy them elsewhere. We have got t ough. al list and prices?ALL FRESH GOC 1 or over to one address we will pay I 2 to package tckers to box ackers to box, 10c?2 for lexers to box ackers to box, per box rackers to box, per box Dandles, each Candles, each Candle, each Candle, each Candle, each Candle, each >x, per box mc, larger .. ?... ich .. ich - 6 ft. long, each lition, box items too numerous to mention?ALL mail your orders. Cash, P. O. Mc y every order. T THE PLACE?JUST OVER THE from Murphy, N. C, about the mom 10, from Asheville to Atlanta, or a big time, NTAL FIREWORKS O S. D. AKIN, Muucer. F. D. No. 2, Murphy, N. < FRIDAY. DEC EM B He 17. 9 the mighty electric currenUt^SH the wheels of industry and myriad of homes at night, ful Indeed these m< this hydro-electric current, they 9 transferred to the South sixty-fat ya cent of cotton manufacturers tlmagh their ores, coal, oil, and it an empire. jj S this far-flung line of nio "'.ams? backbone of the country. Ut pursue the metaphor to the Every backbone has its >|?inal <ori that transmutes intelligence andtm^H lution into action through every of the body. Now, t.. these moua-'9 I tains has been jfiven. thr,..??A dreams of Roscoe A. Marvel, ^ [supported by farsighted builders from the Gulf of Mexico u ?? the St. Lawrence river and i 'su^u 88 the apfnal cord in the form i,f abrod 8 road of concrete stretching fro* tb fl foot-hills of Georgia into the f*. fl| away North, and linked v. ith eraj 2[ community of the South by otbr JH highways. Over this cord ij to Sat the votal forces of a nation, 'closer the sections of ti i republicflrij I building up in brotherhood thP Aan^H can people." BjH 8 J Lucious B ? NUTS I for the festive board than a supply &9 vill add a note of luxury And ths flKg ry taste, we huve the finest assort- flH rket. Canned Fruits, Vegetable^ |H Bar, Heinz, and other brands. pply of jgg ANDIES, . Ip , APPLES, ; || tS, ETC., ; || > Bast 1 fig Lfl O 124?WE'LL DO THE KEST H XOCERIES l IREWORKS I an unless he has some JS plete iine at the North |9 rom Murphy, N. C., or r9 ' to Atlanta for their ffl the State, but does not gjH hem and you can buy r? ids. fm Express Charges to your *9 ....$ .05 t-m 05 [m ..... .15 [m io fm l.oo \M v. b.uu t m 05 (S 10 tS 15 fS 20 Im 25 j a .. so Im r. .10 fa 25 tm 30 tfl 05 la 10 ? oi |S ......................y. . .. .01 js I.oo 9 .... .26 B 06 H FRESH STOCK. jfl >ncy Order, or Cashier SI I STATE LINE |9 i from Blair* v^Je, Gs., |1 OMPANY |J

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