i Amidrewi Andre v. --nd girls who have' ^Ken School arc spending: ^E. holida; ' their parents: EdBjs Whit:'. t Wake Forest ColE<hvin of Mars Hill Col^Egt-; Mar: !; '-ne and Margaret ^^Kljher of'' 1 !'.? Colleye for W.. & ma! Adams and Fred B.-.vr\ et ersity; Bill Cover of ^Eigbam: : re Bradley of MercK Colic. " .fred Montoney of gE een< K"^ert H. Brown of : j^Kt Schoi-1 iicine of University 11.V. C.; I - Mash burn ? f Ashej^fce t"niv< .. and John Scronce of a: D. H. Tillitt leave '^JiursJay f. r Coino. Ten I Usee v. It: >' will spend ChristL wit: Tillitt's parents, I)r. G; Mrs. W. Rodgcrs. They n| be ir ntii the first of the iJoe Kir *h of Ashevilie who lniteri> ! in Andrews spent the Itefc-end t as the guest of J. \Y. | Davis. Mrs. h Morgan and Mrs. kude ' 1 left Andrews Wedfsday l g for a motor trip to lints i- center portion of the late. will he away for about o <ia> Mrs. Peake left the first of t wer' end Christmas in East i Bine;- vith friends and relatives. Supt. C Allen and wife and tie JG., Jr., and Jam;, e Mnri, Mr- Allen's sister, left last idav 1 ? gone until the first of e ye Pltey will alternately spend irist: . Holidays at Cnnfoid. N. . v./. . Allen's people and at itta. S. ' .. with Mr. Allen's people. low TO SPEND CHRISTMAS i i By Howard Hall.) Tr . ; an appreciation that is , fhi. favored nmong a very great Iinv people when Christmas begin- , n?-.tr us again. If there ever could , a time of appreciation and a spirit love and devotion paid to God and . our fellowmen, it should be near , r ? hristmas time, and especially ? o.i^hout our Christmas day. When we think of a day that is j pt in honor of the birth of our j ri-T. we realize that it is one of ( i greatest and one of the most trod that ever could be kept in the ( irld. Our reverence and respect , ould be paid to Christmas as one , the most sacred days on earth. There is a great deal of difference the way some people spend Christis than the way others do. For xample, take a young man who I aveil his earnings through the r<i toils of summer, and has sought j aln a livelihood for himself. ' bly <luring the Christmas days o earnings will be lost forever, h should we say this? We may sv or by saying, that the young man j s been influenced by evil young | m or older men who get all their ft hods together of presenting a "big ne" in view before the young man. ?:sequently he will not remember e money or the way he ought t.. end Christmas. Nine times out of n he pockets a bottle of intoxicating fior and goes to a big dance. "This 'be way to have n big time", says If there could ever be a time of i-yer and thanksgiving to the good >rd for His love for us, it ought to ' on this great day, Christmas. Even t this Christmas day was Christ | i-us born into the world as the little fant Savior. God loved us ns ^E>plc, boys and girls, men and wo-1 faulty Elimination BiowZdBaConreesed?Good Elimination H It Iwnrtnl to Good Health. H *TF you would be well, see to your j X elimination. Faulty kidney ac tfco permit* toxic material to re- I main in the blood and upaet the wtoole syttem. Then, one is apt to I | have a tired, languid feeling and, H sometimes, a toxic backache or headB ache, and often some irregularity of m accretions, ?uch as scanty or burnB tog passages. More and more people arc acclaiming the va'ue of Doan's H Fill*. a stimulant diuretic. In this D cooditkm-Flor more than forty jrears M poan'shavabeen wfanhigfavor the B country over. Aak your naighbort I |)OAN'S Dkrratio to thm Kldmtya Ca.,U%- CVta .OufMe, If. T. > Locals | .:-x~x~x~x-x^-x~x~x~x~x~x-:-y Prof, and Mrs. L. B. Nichols nr. little son. L. I*.. Jr.. left last Frida: morning lor Villa Rica, Ga.. whoi they will spend the holidays with MrNichols* people. Dr and Mrs. F. E. Adams Ralph Mood> ?: Murphy were v rin Andrews on last Sunday afternoon. 1 J. LI. Scssoms w;.l spend the holiday? wit! ' - ]':'.ront- Ahoskie. N. C. P. B. Feobe. and. C K. Tarkington left the first of the week by auto for Eliabeth City, N. C . and Camden County. N. v. : they will spend[ the holidays with their relatives and friends Mr. and Mr- G. B. N.;: ar> - .vina Thursday v. rnir-_r for a stay f ?eveiu! day* in Florida. Mr. Xabb formerly was on-.elnv : ??> I'v.viJn M: ? F.Jr.a Scronce who has been : . .bins. i Hender? on ville* N*. C., is 'pending her Christmas with her mother. Mrs. n Seroncc. Miss Mabel Fisher who has been teaching at M u:: Airy. N. t\. is spending her Christmas with her i a rents. Mr. and Mi*. W. 15. Fi-hor. Mr. and Mr- H. Christy will spend Christina.- n Rutherfordt-m. N. C., with Dr. and Mrs. Matt McBray!'r The many friends of Miss Ida Fish will regret I" learn that she is very ill at her home with pleurisy. Mr. and Mts. Clyde II. .larrctt and and daughter, will spend Christma with Mr. Jnrrett's parents at Dillboro, N. C men. Through loving us ho sent lesus Christ into the world to suffer and die that \vo might live and have everlasting life. "For God so loved ho woild, that he guve His only heratten Soil, that whoso.over helieveth n Ilii . should not orhh. ' ut have verlasting life." Then how should we spend Christiia ' Should we not try to pay our , sin .-r I., iiir < \I-iti... 1 Tl....... ire many v."- d things we can do in ivir.g gifts, in making sweet music, tweet music was heart! by the humble ht-pherds when our l>eau Savior was torn into the world at Bethlehem. How sweet and pure the songs we are roing to sing should be in praise to Hod for His love He has bad for us. There are thousands of boys, girls, men. and women who are in sin and who have not heard of Christ, and vho do not know how to spend Christmas. Then we that know, especially as young men should endeavor to keep ourselves in the right attitude cMore than the Pri In the year just drawn of Dodge Brothers M rially lowered. Yet during this period provements were inco year in Dodge Brothe were made in engineer The cars possess a gre ness, silence and ease, fortable, more beautiful Current prices?made ] constantly mounting ss an obvious measure of have never told the Brothers dependability But now, more than ev more value than the pri E. C. IV 101 Tennessee S Wo AJoo Soil Dopei Dodge B motor ..v- . 1 HE CHEROKEE SCOUT, Ml I before the father at home and before our Heavenly Father always. We I Mould '1 spend Ch* 1st mas t > the I and honor of our S >vi-r POSTELL >!:. C'.ate Stiles made a business tri] to Pi:okt-'*.v:> Saturday The little s of Mr. and Mrs J In Pockery is still very ill with pnou?tf mon'a. Mr. ami Mrs. Tonk Tone> visited Mrs. BV.i Swan- n Sunday. Rev. S. A. Stiles family nniv 1 from Gastonia la?: week. Mrs. Ollie Beaver and children visited her parent?. Mr. and Mrs John Ma- n. Sunday afternoon. Mr. S. V. Allen ma no a business t: Murphy Monday. Mrs. l.ovd Cr. wder from Upper Si- .1 Creek spent Saturday nitfht wit her :.v r.t-. Mr. and Mr- N ah Craig. j Mr Foley Allen returned from Gas-. tenia hw week. Mi. i late Stiles visited Mr. ami rr Mrs. Fir: Masor. on l"i p?" > al I Greek Sunday. Mr-. Jane Mason made a business u i|i mih .Meiuiay. Mr. >. V. Allen spent Sunday r.ight , with his daughter, Mrs. O. 1*. Taylor ^ and family at Suit. John Mason visited his daughter.1 Mrs. Jin; Swansea and family Sun -j-; DR. E. L. HOLT DENTIST x BRITTAIN AXLEV BLDC. Office Phone 1S4?Ret. Phone 106 MURPHY, N. C. 1 1 FOR SALE?Th. loiront Automatic ; Washer. Price * 12.00. WALTKK ) l'AI.MKK, Agent for Cherokee [ ,\ County, Tomotla. X. C. (4t-pd> | |B HONEY FOR SALE . |iN New Honey in the comb or trected, $2.00 gallon Six gallon lots or more $1.88 per galion. Produced exclusively from clor? ers. i Quality guaranteed. State whether comb or extract- I ed it wanted when ordering. The Busy Bee Apiary, (5-20t) Fletcher, N. C. I]ali/e ce Suggests ig to a close the price otor Cars was matel more important imrporated than in any rs history. Advances ing and body designs, ater degree of smoothTU ?? * mjr aic inuic comL possible, of course, by lies?are therefore not value. Prices, in fact, full story of Dodge and basic worth, er before, there is far ice suggests. 100RE t. Phone 37 ndabla Uaed Car a RQTH&RS CAR5 JRPHY, N c. Ormiston Caught | Vl ~ JP A *'. ! .? "..it. tv v o <; tectives ; .ive at'i'r- ** :: > K Orr. former " ' nvr.it. \ McF ei- '- i A T.? V- Cx- ..:< * by (>r .- y think i HE WONDERS OF CHEROKEE onto my friends and listen to me. nd l'ii toll v.hi the wonders uort i ? *. hero are no other eountie- in the! North State hat c<>mparo with ' Cherokee the Croat." ur mountains are covered with lofty pines. nd our homes are surrounded with ' beautiful vines, nt listen my friends it'- ;i vender to see, he beautiful county of Cherokee. iit svounlduq jo pur uji oo^jf.iotp i . i?y. nd ? ? course its the place for out ' door l'ov, eeause he ran run and jump and piny. othinp but joy can he find .it 1 s i F Ask a SOI The 60,c Southe welfare is b and that wl South benef Southern R getters for th man about has behind t and of the r twivsi liianuii Southern R; in the tradit They have t traditions. Sox RAI flH ^ j Vp ^itWB - ? ^Bk. 'PtPJfwr rot H H4 |k,? K -^9 w / _ l v J9 B MOTTTFR I F.r : ,- CVFri Castor Oil. Parcgori. Teething l re i . tc 't'.'.cvc I'.'.i.iiits in a Constipation Flatulcno Diarrhea Aids in the assimilation ot Food. pi Natural Sleep with. To avoid ir.tit.itI-v.- i'-oay- 'ook tor tin I'rovfit liirr. ti'-nv * pncl>n;g. I \va \. Aid the toutist may trawl tron *.? to sen. But he'll ltni n?? plnoe hotter ' n Cherokee. S Tlu holidays n?-w are drawing: near. And 1 hope you all will persevere. And make preparation in the riirht way. To ?i? joy the jolly Christmas day. > friends I'll hush, hut I hope you all sec. That we hn\e a reputation in Cherokee. Corner iJarrett, M. II. S.. Kinhth (trade. \ '*1 a JHH? /A? Simfhr rn thnv r.v m ffftef <l Oonus-i'iit/ini h in through trkirh (hi rmplourixtn<jiii/M in fr?i nttoms HHttj shore I hi' t- nejtts of nitnomira </ fA. iV efforts'. JTHERN RAI '00 men and women wor rn Railway System kno\ ound up with that of the latever benefits the South its them. ailway men and women i e Southern. Talk to a South juui ucuisporiauon requn lim the support of his fello\ nanagement. If he does r you desire, he will get it f< lilway emp?oyees are bred ions of the South and of tl he desire and ability to m? JTB3L1 Southern PACE THEEE si 1 3 > harmless Substitute {or llrops and Soothing Syrups, itoii ar..'. Children ail ages ol Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels onwtiug Cheerfulness Rest and >ut Opiates * ^ r Mgnalur* cf 'hvikians everywhere recommend it FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haailem oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital orf tn?. Three sixes. All druegieta. In?* eo the original (turns* Oouo Uioal. ?i ? 1 F fc. ^ \ LWAY man kers on the v that their Southern? ern and the ire business ern Railway ements. He v-employees lot have the ir you. and trained le Southern, lintain those ?PJNT )SYSTEM the South

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